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The Billionaire From DC: A Steamy BWWM Billionaire Romance (United States Of Billionaires Book 15) by Cherry Kay (4)


Riley couldn’t stop smiling. It had been a long time since he had felt this way—since his younger days when the world of real estate was new and exciting, when the thrill of seeing how far he could push the envelope was what he woke up for. But this feeling more than rivaled that feeling; it surpassed it drastically.


He walked through his front door and down the long hall to his bedroom. The curtains had been closed, and the hallway was lit by the dim lights above. He pushed open the door and continued in, his smile soft and his eyes heavy after a pleasantly exhausting day. He couldn’t recall ever feeling this way, now that he thought about it—not once.


Rachel made him feel at home. She was like an anchor, bringing him out of his own head and back down to earth. She was like an old friend, someone he had known for many years but just hadn’t seen in a while. He couldn’t put his finger on it; all he knew was that he wanted and needed more of her.


Just the thought of her naked body made him grow hard—that hourglass shape, her gorgeous face with those big, warm eyes and small smile. He wanted to wrap his hands around her waist right now, bring her close and feel her skin against his. He shook his head with a small laugh. This woman had him all sorts of wrapped up without her even knowing.


He wondered then if the feeling was mutual, if Rachel was really into him, or if she was just in it for the money. His smile faltered and his heart sank as the realization hit him. He frowned and tried to shake the thought away, but while he didn’t like to think that was the case, unfortunately Riley’s entire run with other women had involved them all just wanting his money. He didn’t want to let history ruin his future, but he also didn’t want to forget those lessons.


He sank down on the bed in his briefs. His mind was tired from the long day, and he didn’t want to ruin it with negative thoughts. He sighed and let it go; he wasn’t going to worry about that. He would simply proceed with caution and see where this led. If she changed, he would know, but he couldn’t dismiss the joy she had brought him, and he wasn’t going to deny himself that.


Riley crawled into the bed, bringing the dark comforter over his body. He felt himself relax as the warmth spread over him and his body slowly sank into the bed as fatigue washed over him. He smiled softly to himself, as he thought of Rachel and drifted into a deep sleep.



Rachel awoke the next morning, her eyes slowly fluttering open from the long night of rest. She yawned as she stretched and looked around the room. Frankie was curled up beside her, and the sunlight filtered in through her curtains. She reached over and grabbed her phone from the bed stand, turned it on, and saw that it was 9:45 am. That was sleeping in for her, and it felt so good not to have been woken up by a screaming alarm clock.


She smiled to herself as the memories from the night before began to play in her mind—Riley’s perfect face, the rooftop view, and the sights of the city. It had been a perfect Saturday. And now she was heading to brunch with this amazing man? Rachel shook her head and let out a little squeal of excitement; this didn’t even feel real.


She swung her legs over the bed and stood up. Frankie made a soft groan at her, and she laughed at his protest to officially waking up.


“I know, but we can’t lie in bed all day,” she told him as she reached down and put her face close to his, giving the soft Spaniel a kiss on his head.


Rachel headed to the shower and began to get ready for the lazy Sunday they had planned. After taking a warm shower and applying hair products, moisturizers, and perfume, she walked over to her closet and began to get dressed. She wanted to look good for Riley. She gave a sexy smirk at herself in the mirror as she looked at her frame in her favorite, dark navy blue jeans. They clung to her curves in all the right places. To complement the jeans, she chose a turquoise beaded dress top and slipped it on. Her cleavage looked damn good in her best bra, and she smiled at her reflection.


She spent the rest of the time applying her makeup, taking her time brushing on the eye shadow, perfecting her mascara, and ever so carefully outlining her lush lips and using her favorite ruby red. Rachel gave herself a final smoldering look, and a grin crept across her face.


“Mmmm, I can’t wait to see the expression on his face,” she told Frankie, who only wagged his tail in response.


She heard a buzz from the intercom. Her heart leaped  in excitement, and she raced out of her bedroom, grabbed her coat, and headed out the front door. As she exited the elevator, she saw Riley waiting in the front lobby, his hands in motion as he spoke with the gentlemen who worked the front desk. Rachel felt herself grow warm at the sight of him, and that dream-like feeling washed over her again.


She couldn’t believe this man was here to take her on a date, but hell, she could get used to it. She was mesmerized by those lips curving in a movie star smile, that thick, well-styled hair matched by a thick, masculine beard, his hazel eyes that watched the world with intelligence, curiosity, and an effortless ability to take charge. The man walked in and he owned the room, and right now Rachel felt like he ruled her every inhibition.


He caught her eyes, and his smile only broadened. His intense eyes softened as she strode toward them, her black heels clicking loudly on the white tile. He reached down, gave her a quick greeting kiss on the cheek, and wrapped his big arms around her in a hug, his hands sliding down further than most would for just a friendly hug. Rachel smiled as she felt those big hands on her.


“Ready for brunch?” he asked as they headed out the door to the black car that waited for them.


Rachel looked at him and her hand sneaked  over to gently take his. He squeezed and held it tighter.


She thought about those fingertips all over her body. She nodded at him, and in a velvet voice replied, “Starving.”


The drive was about twenty-five minutes, but Riley assured her it was worth the wait. Luckily he had reserved a private table, because the place was packed with locals and tourists who were out to have delicious French fare and bottomless drinks. They were seated, drinks were brought, and Riley ordered again; she hadn’t been disappointed last night and trusted his taste. They chatted until the food was delivered, then they gushed over the crepes and sausage. Riley rubbed a foot gently on her leg, and she returned the gesture. They couldn’t stop touching and enticing one another, the heat tangible as they indulged.


The mood was suddenly struck with a sharp, bitter feeling as a woman approached the table. She was taller than Rachel, her frame sharp and thin, and her long, blonde hair fell in thick waves. Rachel thought she could have been a model—her dark brown eyes were round and wide, her cheeks and chin sharp, but her lips big and lush. The two of them were startled by the woman’s sudden appearance, and when Rachel looked over to Riley for a sign that he knew the woman, she discovered he did, but not in a good way. His face appeared angry and upset.


“Riley, I thought you still wanted to see me,” The woman practically spat, her eyes flashing between the two of them.


“Melissa, you need to leave.” Riley spoke quietly; his voice was soft, but Rachel could feel the ice freeze her veins at the tone.


Melissa’s fiery rage thawed through it though, and she fired back with a venomous strike.


“You think you can lead me on, fuck me at your place, and then just stroll out of my life? You think it’s ok to just toy with people like that, Riley?”


Her voice was growing louder and people were turning to look; a few even took out their phones and began to record. Rachel was frozen in terror. She felt her stomach knot as the woman looked to her, eyes burning as she shrieked.


“Oh, get out while you can, honey. He’s just using you, trust me.”


Riley lifted his jacket and softly spoke into it. Rachel glanced with bewilderment at the action, but her attention returned to the woman when she picked up Riley’s glass and threw it at the wall. Customers screamed in surprise as glass went flying.


Riley shot up, but before he could touch the woman, three men in black suits rushed in. They grabbed the woman, who immediately began screaming and thrashing.


“What are you doing?! You have no right! Who are you?! You can’t just drag people around! What are you doing?!” She was hauled off in a hurry. Rachel’s eyes bulged in shock as the situation had quickly escalated and then vanished before her eyes.


Riley was standing, his face flushed in anger and his fingers shaking in upset. But he took a deep breath and sat back down across from Rachel. He looked at her with wide eyes, the whites of which told her the woman had clearly shaken him.


“Rachel… I’m so sorry.” He spoke softly, the sincerity there as he tried to control his breathing.


Rachel sat in silence for a minute. Everything had happened so quickly, she was still working to process everything. Who was that woman? How did she know Riley and why was she after him? She looked at the man across the table from her and suddenly wondered who he really was?


“Riley, what the hell just happened?” she whispered back, leaning forward as her eyes darted around the room nervously, almost half expecting to see the woman running from security.


Riley’s eyes flashed around as well, adrenaline pumping through his veins as his heart thudded in his chest.


“That was Melissa. A few months back, I met her at a fundraising event. At the time, she seemed normal, like a businesswoman who was eager to grow her work in DC. We hit it off, and after a few drinks, she came home with me. I liked her, and she seemed to like me, so we went on a few dates. But date after date, I kept seeing this ugly side of her, greedy and cold. When she kicked at a homeless man, I called it.” Riley reached down and took a sip of his mimosa to try and calm his nerves.


“But then she got really aggressive. The more I told her no, the more she showed up at the gates of my house, or my work, or followed me to events. Eventually I had to get the DC police involved, as she was actively stalking me. I took out a restraining order against her and hired private security to follow me around.”


Rachel looked at him with her mouth open, her eyes wide in shock. It had only been two days, and already she felt like she was in the throes of past relationship baggage. She couldn’t believe a woman Riley had dumped had just invaded their brunch and made a scene; things like this didn’t happen to Rachel, ever.


He went on, “Now that she knows we’re together, she may try targeting you. Rachel, please listen to me—you have to be careful, and you will need to let my security work with you. Melissa has a dark past. I did some digging, and it turns out she has been violent. I am so.\, so sorry to get you wrapped up in this. We hadn’t seen her in weeks, and I thought she may have given up. I would never have put you in harm’s way like this had I known.”


Riley reached across the table and gently took her hand. His eyes pleaded with her, and Rachel took a deep breath and blew it out slowly.


“Ok, it’s just, this is a lot, Riley. I need a bit to digest it and just… wrap my head around it.”


He nodded. “I understand. Please, I don’t want to scare you off with a crazy ex. What can I do to make you feel more comfortable?”


Rachel swallowed and looked around. The other patrons had calmed and no one was watching. She looked back at him and gave a small smile.


“Why don’t we continue on our date? I want to keep talking to you, and we’ll figure out the rest tonight after dinner. Sound good?”


He nodded again and released her hand as he leaned back and let out a sigh of relief.


“Ok, sounds like a good plan.” He gave her a small, sad smile.


She could see the worry and anxiousness all over his face; this woman had scared him. She knew Riley could be ruthless, and he had held back his rage, but it startled her that someone could shake him up so bad. It was clear he worried for their safety, and Rachel knew this wasn’t a joking matter.


They finished their brunch. The mood was tense, but Rachel felt herself slowly relaxing as the afternoon carried on. They drove back into downtown and decided to explore the Smithsonian together, at Rachel’s request. She was an art nerd, and Riley was excited to show her around the portrait museum where paintings of contemporary and classic musicians, leaders, writers, presidents, and sports players hung.


Rachel relished every painting, drawing, sketch, and statue. She took it in as she did with most art, only now it was accented by Riley’s touch. As she looked up at a portrait, she felt those big hands rest on her shoulders and gently rub. She relaxed into his touch, and her eyes softened, the experience made that much more gratifying.


As they continued on, Rachel became engrossed in tactile exploration—she slid a slender, petite hand against his lower arm, her fingertips traced the curve of his barreled chest, her hand shifted slowly down his back to rest right above his juicy, perfect ass. They slowly made their way from piece to piece, their hands always interlaced or touching; the thought of untangling was cold and unpleasant.


They carried on like this for hours, intertwined as they studied the human form and gazed upon the faces and products of those who formed the identity of the nation. Riley pressed the front of his body against her back, and she felt like she was leaning back against a warm solid wall. She felt his cock on her lower back.


Her clit pulsed at the thought of it, and she suddenly flushed with warmth. Riley pulled her close, and she thought for a moment; she decided she was going to take charge of this. She turned around and looked up at him, the heat practically rolling off her as she looked at him with bright eyes and bit her lip seductively.


“I think I’ve had all the art I can handle for one Sunday afternoon. How would you feel about going back to one of our places?”


Riley’s lips slowly spread in a smile, and she felt him harden ever so slightly under her. He gave a nod and bit his own lip. He looked toward the exit and held her hand as they made their way through the crowd back toward his car.


Her heels echoed as they giggled and laughed their way to the car, unable to keep their hands off one another. With playful squeezes and pinches, they kept the contact as their desire burned for one another. Rachel needed him, and she needed him now.


As they drove back, the windows steamed. Rachel straddled his waist and kissed him passionately, leaving red lipstick prints as she explored his lips, neck, and collar. His hands reached around and squeezed her ass, while his hips rolled underneath her as she rode him. She wanted so badly to rip off his clothes and fuck him right there. Her panties were soaked for him, and she didn’t think she had ever been so turned on for a man.


The car rolled through his gates and up to his mansion as the sun had just begun to set. He quickly opened the door and got out. Then with a quick motion, he reached in and grabbed her. Rachel yelled and laughed in excitement as she was lifted effortlessly from the car and hauled through the door. Riley dug his face into her breasts as he carried her quickly down the hall, and her laugh echoed in the empty house.


He kicked open the master bedroom door; the giant bed was made and waiting. He gently tossed her onto the mattress and ripped off his own shirt. Rachel sat up and pulled off her top, then unclipped her bra to expose her breasts. He stared at her with a hungry sneer and prowled forward. Their lips met, and they both felt the electricity of desire course through their bodies. Their blood warmed and rushed, senses flared, and their skin felt every touch and brush of pleasure.


Rachel reached a hand behind his ear and wrapped it around the base of his skull, her fingers digging into soft hair as she pulled him closer. He pressed his broad, hot pecs against her breasts, and she hissed as her nipples felt his flesh. He reached down and tore off her pants and panties, Rachel giving a kick to release herself from the fabric. She reached up and quickly undid his belt buckle, tugged at the zipper, and dropped his pants. His warm, hard dick was waiting for her.


With a swift motion she reached around and grabbed his ass, the muscles thick and big. She pulled his shaft closer and delicately wrapped her lips around it. He moaned and hissed as his eyes rolled back in sexual ecstasy. She let out her own moan, the vibration sending a delectable sensation through his member. He reached down and grabbed a fistful of hair, his hand steadily guiding her as she took him nice and deep. She slid her lips down the seam of his sac and sucked each softly, the instinctual sounds that escaped his lips guiding her.


With a smooth motion, he reached down and guided her onto her back. He gave her a wink as he worked his way down her neck, breasts, tummy, and groin. His beard tickled her thighs, and she gave a light laugh as he tenderly kissed her other lips, the warmth of his breath sending a wonderful sensation throughout her whole body. His tongue gingerly tasted her cherry, her quick breath telling him he had hit the right spot. He slowly swirled his tongue around her clit, lingering, stroking her folds and letting her take in every brush of sexual gratification.


He stayed there for a few moments, building the pressure as she slowly began to rock her hips. The motion quickened and so did his tongue, his big hands holding her steady against his mouth. She felt her breath quicken, and she looked down at him. Their eyes met, and she pulled her lip back as she bit the lower.


“I need you inside me. Now!” she demanded, and he quickly obliged.


To her surprise, he grabbed her as he laid back and guided her hips over his cock. She moaned as she slid down onto his throbbing dick. He felt so good inside her, and she began to thrust slowly as she carefully searched for the spot. She felt him hit it, sending a wave of pure bliss through her middle. In excitement she began to rock harder and harder, her breasts bouncing as her hands ran through her hair.


She looked down and felt herself skirt the edge of the orgasm. Her gaze skittered over Riley’s handsome face. His hands were knit behind his head as he watched in delight while she rode his cock. His athletic figure was so tempting; she reached down and ran her fingertips over his pecs and abs until she came to the V of his groin. Their eyes met and she felt the pressure come to a head. With a final thrust, she felt herself explode in wave after wave of orgasm. She screamed. She didn’t hold back or silence herself; she let it all out as she was overtaken by the sexual satisfaction.


She paused as she felt herself begin to relax, the warmth spreading throughout her body. She was breathing heavy but knew he was just as ready. She slid off and turned around. His hungry gaze locking onto her ass, he grabbed her hips with those strong hands and quickly pushed himself deep inside her once again. He growled in excitement, whispering to her as his thrusts became quick and hard. Her middle still throbbing with the post orgasm sensation, she let out her own hisses of pleasure.


With a fierce thrust, he let out a gasp as he felt himself release inside her; the sensation of her soft, warm, wet pussy was too much to hold back. His thrusts slowed as his cock pulsed in pleasure, each spasm as a relief from the pressure.


With a sigh, he collapsed on the bed beside her. His breath was heavy as he reached up and kissed her on the forehead. They both remained silent for a few moments as they caught their breath. The warmth and aftermath of the sex lingered, and they felt the sense of pure, relaxation begin to settle in. After a few moments, Riley turned to her with a small smile and gestured toward the kitchen.


“Favorite after sex snack?”





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