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The Blind Date by Alice Ward (43)



I gasped as Caleb’s cock went so deep he hit a spot that I didn’t even think possible, that had to be the very deepest part of me.

I gripped his shoulders and drove my hips down, grinding my pubic bone against his. I must’ve been insane to deny myself this for so long.

He changed his angle within me, pulling a string of low moans from my mouth. I sounded like a porn star, but it only made me laugh and meet his thrust again. I was still so pumped full of adrenaline, I felt like I was going to burst. Every nerve in my body was on fire, lit up like the suburbs at Christmas. And it seemed like I was in complete tune with Caleb as I rode him, my internal muscles beginning to tighten.

I hadn’t intended to crawl into Caleb’s lap and screw him in the damn parking lot, but the way he looked at me… Like he was looking at me now, all intense, blue eyes full of a warmth that only entered them when he looked at me.

He spoke my name, and the velvet of his low voice touched the deepest parts of me, making me go wetter around him, to which he groaned.

I rode him, hard, my pleasure amplified by having lasted so long with an experienced professional, who I had bloodied. I was power. Unstoppable, brimming with sexual energy.

I didn’t need to contain myself with Caleb. I’d known that deep down. It had been my insecurities coming out — he didn’t see himself as better. I’d never heard him lie or even exaggerate. If Caleb said something, he meant it, and suddenly, all of the energy I’d used trying to resist him seemed incredibly stupid. But that was me, always making things more complicated than they had to be.

His mouth found my taut nipple, and my mind centered on him only, his skin under my fingertips, the muscles in his arms I clenched as he bit down on my nipple, pulling pain and pleasure at the same time. I resolved to stop bottling things so much, to let them out and go after what I wanted. And right now, that was the blinding wave of pleasure rapidly approaching, twining my insides within its swirls to follow its command.

Caleb let out a groan and I felt him begin to throb within me. Twisting my hips, I barely resisted the urge to kiss him, but I found a new angle, pressing the tip of him into my G-spot. My climax hit like a brick wall, my entire core locking around him. I gasped, but the air was hot and I didn’t need it anyway. A white haze settled over my vision, and a loud cry was ripped from me.

The orgasm lasted impossibly long, keeping me aloft in mind-numbing pleasure. When I did start to return, Caleb let out a roar and as I stared into his eyes, watched him find his release within me. All I could think was, completion.

I slumped against Caleb, breathing hard, a sweating mess. We stayed like that for several moments, our chests pressing together. His heart beat hard against my breasts, and I found it comforting.

But eventually, the reality of the situation sank in as a cramp screamed into my leg. Laughing, I clambered off his lap and plopped myself back in the passenger seat.

“I think this is yours,” he said, handing me my sports top before removing and tying off the condom.

“Thanks,” I laughed, “I have something of yours here too.”

He took the shirt I handed him, looking hot as sin as I regretfully watched him cover himself back up. Although Caleb was endlessly confident and a gorgeous specimen of a man, he wasn’t cocky, which was surprising given his sculpted, godlike physique. I could stare at him for ages and never be bored.

“I guess I should take you home now?”

My stomach dropped at that, and I said nothing for several moments. “Um…”

He frowned. “What is it?”

“It’s just, I…”

Caleb waited for my response. He had this infuriating ability to just sit there and let me soak in my awkwardness until I eventually blurted whatever it was I didn’t want to say. It was uncanny, and I needed to develop some sort of resistance to it.

“I need a separation from my everyday life and the fighting world, so I don’t want to go there right now. My home is where I can get away from it all. There are no expectations, no requirements, no one I’ve got to impress. I think I’ll go in the gym for a little while, come down from the fight.”

To my absolute surprise, Caleb nodded. “I understand.” He paused for a moment, thinking. “Would you like to come to my place?”

I stared at him. “Your place?”

“My place. You can shower, change, I’ll order some food, then I can have my driver take you home.”

I could use a shower. Showing up at home smelling of sex would invite a line of questioning that I wasn’t particularly looking forward to. Most of all, I would like to have a glimpse into the private world of Caleb, a peek at what he surrounded himself with. When my stomach let out a loud growl, that was the decision maker.

He laughed. “That settles it. I’m taking you to my place. I need to feed my Cherry Bomb, who just exploded all over me. Maybe see if I can light her fuse again.”

I felt my face heat, and we both grinned at how corny he’d just sounded. “Yes, please,” I said, settling down in my seat. “Your place sounds like a place I want to be.”

“Alright then. Let me run in and get my papers.”

He was back a few minutes, a briefcase in hand. He tossed it in the back, then took hold of my seatbelt and pulled it across me, snapping it in place and running his hand up my abdomen, making my muscles clench, my core wake and want him again already.

I relaxed against the seat as Caleb expertly drove us toward his place. Letting someone else be in control was about as foreign a thing as I could imagine. But it felt good to be taken care of for a moment, a few hours. Then I’d go home and take up my responsibilities again, renewed and refreshed.

East of the city, we pulled up to a tall, elegantly lit building, a balance of shining metal and reflective glass. Caleb parked and left his car running and got out, going around to the back to grab my bag. I frowned, confused, until a man in a green and gold vest came and put his hand on the driver’s door, clearly waiting for me to exit before he got in.

It was a valet. Caleb had a freaking valet at his home.

“Evening, Mike.” Caleb exchanged greetings with the man then opened my door with a grin and I stumbled out, suddenly self-conscious of my gym clothes and the fact that by now I probably looked like I got jumped in an alley. But he just put his arm around my shoulder and led me right past the well-dressed doorman.

It felt good to have his arm around me, protecting me from curious eyes. I wasn’t the type of girl who needed someone to watch over her, had too many people to look after for that. I’d forgotten how nice it was to have someone take the brunt of the burden every now and then.

We crossed an immaculate lobby with black and white tiles that were so shiny I could see my reflection. I wondered if I’d been wearing a skirt if I’d have given everyone a free show.

The elevator we entered was polished to such a high shine that I could literally do my makeup in the walls of it, which I would need if I wanted to hide the two black eyes that were rapidly forming. I looked away, knowing it would get worse by morning.

We rode up in a content silence. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt so content. On the top floor, we exited to a red-carpeted hall that led to a single mahogany door.

Caleb removed his arm from my shoulders and strode forward, pulling his keys from his pocket and sliding one into the lock. He opened the door with a flourish and stepped aside for me to enter first.

“You have the whole floor to yourself?” The words came out as a whisper. I shuffled past him into a cavernous marble foyer, suddenly feeling quite nervous.

An entire wall of the living area was floor-to-ceiling windows, impossibly clean and modern minimalistic, looking over the East End with a view of Louisville’s nighttime skyline.

“Wow,” I whispered, walking forward. “You can probably see clear over to Indiana in the daylight.”

“I like to be able to see the city.” His voice was serious, and when I turned to him, his gaze was fixed on the view, but had an edge to it, as if he was looking for something he hadn’t spied yet. Like an eagle hunting in an expansive field.

Holding in a shiver, I turned to the kitchen on my right, an open concept with all stainless-steel appliances and a fully stocked bar.

Caleb headed for the fridge, offering me a glass of water from the digital refrigerator. “If you want to take a shower or soak in the tub, I’ll call in an order for something. You have any preferences?” He gave me that questioning raised eyebrow look that I was coming to know meant he wanted to please me, and this time instead of letting it rub me the wrong way, my knees got a little weak. Silly.

When I opened my mouth and nothing came out, he stepped over to me, tilted my chin up so I was looking into his eyes. “You aren’t used to someone doing even the most basic things for you, are you?”

Stupidly, my eyes began to burn, and I blinked several times before I met his gaze and shook my head, whispering, “That’s okay.”

“No, I’m thinking where I’m concerned, it’s not, Cherry. I’m also thinking steak and maybe some simple roast potatoes. Sound good?”

Steak? We never had steak, stretching the grocery money as far as it would go didn’t include expensive cuts of meat. “Steak sounds great.”

“Good. How do you want it?” His lips so close to mine drew my attention.

“The steak?”

He laughed then pointed over his shoulder. “I’ll get your steak done medium. I’d like you to enjoy every luxury in the house. Please use my master bath. Straight down the hall.”

“Gotcha, thanks.” I picked up my bag and headed toward the shower, eager to clean myself up and have a moment to think.

I slowed as I went through his bedroom, the scent of him punching me low in the gut. The king-sized for sure high-end mattress was draped with a silky-looking comforter, and my mind shot to being tucked between the sheets with Caleb.

I stopped at his dresser, which held a single photo in a frame. A pretty woman smiled at the camera, her hair a shade lighter than Caleb’s. This must be the sister. My heart twisted to know she had vanished. She looked fun and charismatic, and like her going would have taken a chunk out of anyone who knew her.

Sighing, I stepped into the bathroom and gasped, then rolled my eyes. I should have known that the bathroom would be just as stunning as the rest of the house. The décor was a mix of dark wood and white tile, with blue accent pieces. It was stylish, complete with a stunning shower in one corner and jacuzzi tub embedded in the floor in the opposite side.

I stared for a solid minute, in shock. If we had a bathroom like this at my house, not only would our water bill be astronomical, but the facilities would literally never be free. It would be a constant fight for the tub and there would probably be no survivors.

But before I could relax in that luxuriousness, I needed to wash the day’s filth from my body. I quickly stripped and shuffled to the shower, setting it to the hottest spray it could manage. Post-strenuous activity stiffness was already setting in, and in the mirror, I could see bruises appearing where I had taken blows. I certainly was going to feel it tomorrow, like I’d been in a car wreck, but for the moment I was still high on my victory. And Caleb, truth be told.

I stepped under the intense spray and groaned like I did in the car, straddling Caleb. My muscles loosened under the heat and I looked over at the bottles perched on a glass shelf. Organic shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face wash, and even a moisturizer were all present, and I eagerly helped myself.

The whole bathroom took on the heavenly scent of Caleb, crisp and clean with a hint of musk. It was like I was being enveloped by his essence as I thoroughly cleaned myself. I was tempted to just stay in the shower forever, inhaling his scent, but my stomach rumbled, reminding me that I could sniff the man this scent belonged to over a steak he was buying me. So I shut off the water and carefully extricated myself, drying off and stepping gingerly into my change of clothes.

The moment I opened the door and stepped out, I was hit with the tantalizing odor of an amazing meal. My stomach growled in earnest, and I padded out to the kitchen to see him plating the meal for us.

“Perfect timing,” he said, looking up at me. His expression flicked to one of concern. “It’s been a couple of hours, you have to be feeling it by now. Do you want some Tylenol?”

Oh right. My face had taken a direct hit. I had forgotten that I must look pretty busted, and although both the bath and shower had relaxed me, neither of them had done much to help my visage.

“Yes, please. The shower helped but I do admit I’m sore.”

“I’m sorry if I made it worse.” When I just looked at him questioningly, he said, “In the car.”

“Oh.” He slid my plate over the kitchen island, and I perched on one of the stools. “That was all my fault, and I wouldn’t take it back. In fact…”

He hesitated as he handed over silverware, his eyes going hot.

“I could go for seconds.” I dug in happily as he grinned, and we fell on our food, sustaining ourselves for what we both knew was coming.

I was struck suddenly by how different it was to eat a meal here, rather than the scarred table I usually shared with five other people. It was relaxing… but also a little lonely.

Was Caleb lonely?

The thought stopped me midchew, and I looked up from my plate to see that he was regarding me with a serious expression. “What?” I asked self-consciously.

“Nothing,” he said, although I could tell that it was definitely something. “Just thinking.”

“What about?” When his gaze just went to the view behind me, I couldn’t stop the words from tumbling out. “The woman in the picture on your dresser, that’s your sister?”

He said nothing for several minutes, and then only nodded, his eyes still on the darkness outside, lit by cold, sparkling light.

“That’s why you like to be able to see the city. You’re still looking.”

His eyes shot back to mine. “I’ll never stop looking for Lillie.” It came out as nearly a growl.

I tried to imagine how I would feel if one of my sisters or brothers went missing without a trace. It would be terrifying — a terror that would go on and on, never-ending.

My heart broke right then for the man sitting in front of me as I watched his jaw tighten. The mystery of him was becoming clearer, and the more it did, the deeper he appeared to be. I wanted to know what was going on in his mind right now, but if he didn’t want to divulge, I wasn’t going to push him. He had already been so generous with opening up his home and understanding my need for space between the fight and my daily life. He really was amazingly thoughtful.

As he looked back at me, a deadness replaced the passion that had been simmering in his eyes just moments ago. And I understood exactly what his twin sister’s disappearance had done to him.

I blinked, and his entire countenance was cold as he set down his fork. I did the same.

He fixed me with one of those impenetrable looks. “I’ll call up my driver, have him get you home.”

The need for him I’d been feeling just moments ago fled, replaced by a stab of pain. I tried not to be hurt. I had, after all, been the one to jump him in the car. Besides, I did need to go home, decompress, and sort everything out. But I also found myself not wanting to go home at all.

“I’m sorry, if mentioning her is too painful, I’ll—”

“No.” He caught my gaze as he took our empty plates and put them in the dishwasher. “You don’t have to apologize. I’m the one who should be doing that.” The look on his face was now carefully blank as he phoned his driver.

He’d closed up, iced over in a matter of seconds. I was disappointed, and a lot intrigued. For now though, I needed to give him some space.

“Make sure you get some rest.” His now dark eyes followed me as I said goodnight when his driver called up that he was waiting in front of the building. “No gym until Monday.”

Monday. That seemed a lifetime away. I missed him as soon as I stepped into the elevator.