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The Boot Knocker's Baby (The Boot Knockers Ranch Montana Book 2) by Em Petrova (8)


Chapter Eight


Shayne braced his hand on the doorjamb and kicked the mud—and probably worse—off his boots before entering the lodge. After working long hours into the evening, he and another Boot Knocker had managed to finish the exterior of one cabin. The wood siding was in place and the roof completed. The plan was to bash out the exteriors, get the cabins weather-tight, and then complete the interiors once the heaviest snow fell.

Satisfied he wouldn’t be defiling the lodge floors more than any other cowboy, he pushed inside.

The blast of party horns and cheers rocked him backward. He stopped dead and stared at the group gathered in front of him. From the long, thick wooden beams hung a banner.

A pink It’s a Girl banner.

He shook his head. He hadn’t been drinking, so this couldn’t be a hallucination. But—

“For he’s a jolly good daddy! For he’s a jolly good daddeeeee!” The song went on, with several cowboys off-key and the words warbling over each other as someone got out of sync.

When they came to the conclusion, he nudged his hat back. The lack of shadow from his hat brim didn’t take away the pink banner or the clusters of balloons dotting the room.

“What is this?” he asked.

“Baby shower! We just heard the good news, buddy.” Bastian came forward to clap him on the shoulder.

“How the hell’d you find out?”

“Elena told Rock, who talked to Nolan.”

“Nolan’s the most close-lipped motherfucker on the ranch. He’d be the last one to talk.”

“That’s because Carter was with him.”

Shayne looked around the group until he spotted Carter, grinning at him from under his battered brown hat.

“Congratulations, dude. Who knew you’d ever be a father?” Wyoming held out a fist for Shayne to bump with his knuckles, and he did, distractedly letting his knuckles slide off his buddy’s.

The group parted to reveal a table stacked with presents. Each as pink as the last, all shades ranging from dark to pale. There was even a huge stuffed bear slumped in front of the pile, his black eyes peeking from too much pink fuzz.

“Holy shit.” Shayne didn’t know what to say. Or do. “You guys threw me a baby shower?”

Another loud version of For He’s a Jolly Good Daddy echoed through the room. Someone broke out the beer and propelled Shayne toward a seat of honor at the head of the group.

Wyoming shoved a plate of food in front of his face and the guys started doting on him like he was a pregnant woman. One actually rushed forward with a chair to prop his ankles on.

“What the hell’s gotten into you guys?” Shayne almost dumped his plate all over his lap.

“We’re so happy to hear the news and Bastian got it into his head to throw you a party.”

He caught some movement by the kitchens and recognized that freckled face before the woman turned away.

“Elena!” He planted his feet on the floor and thrust his plate at Wyoming. In a few strides, he caught the office manager by the elbow before she could make a break for it.

“How the hell’d you find out about my daughter?”

She had the grace to flush a deep shade of red. Any other time, it would have satisfied Shayne to see her discomposure, but he was too annoyed. Lil sidled up to the pair of them, seeming to emerge from nowhere.

“Give her a break, man. Your woman came up to the office to ask if there’s a place to lodge her friend, who’s bringing your daughter.”

He looked between Lil and Elena. A rolling sound drew his head around and he saw Carter tapping a fresh keg in celebration. The Boot Knockers clustered around with red Solo cups at the ready.

“Get back to your party, Shayne.” Lil gave him a small push in the direction. “You’ve got to open all your gifts before the guys have to get back to their women. Time’s money.” She tapped her wristwatch and gave him a no-nonsense nod.

“Jesus.” He shook his head again and headed back. The guys propped his feet back up on the chair and passed him the first gift bag. He parted the tissue paper to find a lot of ruffled fabric and pink ribbons. He withdrew the item on the hanger and all the guys went, “Awww.”

He stared at the baby dress. Would it even fit Belle? How did they know shit like sizes?

“The receipt’s in the bag,” Wyoming said in a high-pitched female voice that cracked and deepened to his normal tone. And Shayne couldn’t hold back another second—he barked out a laugh.

After that, he opened half a dozen more clothes, a huge box of diapers and a bunch of stuffed animals. When he held up a baby book for everyone to see, with little cherubs in the corners, the party really got rolling.

All the pink paper and ribbons were tossed aside to make room for the keg and a poker table was set up. He stood to take his plate to the trash. Someone tapped his shoulder and he turned.

“Jolie.” He stuttered over the word. “How much did you see?”

“Just the last part of you opening gifts.” She pointed down at his boots. Pink tissue paper was caught on his heel and he’d been dragging it across the floor.

“Oh God.” He groaned and kicked the tissue off. “Did you know what they were up to?”

“No, I only came here looking for you.”

He tossed the plate in the trashcan and faced her fully. “They’re crazy fuckers.”

She grinned. “But sweet.”

“I’m not convinced they were well-meaning or just trying to prank me.”

“Your face when you pulled out that snowsuit.” She laughed until tears leaked from the corners of her eyes.

“Will it even fit her?” He chuckled along with her, pulling her against his chest. The door opened and closed across the room, and he saw all the ladies were joining the party.

“I think it will fit.”

“Well, I’m informed there are gift receipts in the event you have to return anything.”

She laughed harder. “I can see why you love these guys, this place. It’s like a big family.”

He sobered and searched her eyes. They still watered with amusement. She’d hit on one of the most important reasons he wouldn’t want to leave the ranch. He loved being a Boot Knocker. But could he do that and be a father? Did he want Belle growing up knowing what he did for a living? Even though he considered it helping women, how could he ever explain how he was with lots of other women and not her mother?

He raised a hand to brush the hair off Jolie’s cheekbone. She tipped her head into his touch, and his heart warmed. A lot. Letting her go would kill him. He was so in love with her.

“Let’s have a beer.”

Her smile widened. “Okay.”

* * * * *

Jolie was thankful Shayne was on the ranch working. When Emiline arrived with Belle, she didn’t want the awkwardness of introducing him to her friend, dealing with Emiline’s overexcitement and the emotional moment of him seeing Belle for the first time.

She was so jittery that her hands were shaking. She twisted them together and then ran them through her hair. They should be here any minute. She went to the door of the cabin and looked out.

Shayne’s vest warmed her but she still hugged herself as she went out into the cold. Overnight, they’d gotten more than a dusting of snow. The landscape was white, broken only by the occasional tall stalk of grass left over from fall. And the mountains in the distance… they took her breath away.

It was easy to see why Shayne was so drawn to their beauty, their mystery.

Paw prints dotted the snow as she drew closer to the barn. One set probably belonged to Katrina. Would Shayne ever discover her owner’s whereabouts? Somehow it seemed like another loose end to tie up before she left the ranch.

The idea of leaving stabbed her deep. In a few minutes, she’d have her baby in her arms and Shayne working nearby. It was easy to pretend she was living here with him, that they were a family.

The parking area had a few cars but none of them were Emiline’s Jeep. She hoped she hadn’t encountered any bad road conditions on her drive, especially with Belle on board.

From the corner of her eye, she spotted a couple disappearing into the barn. Fully dressed—for now. But it wouldn’t be long before they found the spot secluded enough to get busy. A low giggle had her head swinging to the side. Settled with her back against the wall, and a Boot Knocker’s hand down her pants, was the young woman from the weenie relay.

Jolie couldn’t help but look closer. In a very short time, she had gone from shy to a sex vixen, her thigh clamped around the cowboy’s hip as she ground her pussy into his fingers.

Jolie’s own sex squeezed in arousal. She’d been so preoccupied with her problems and with seeing Shayne again that she hadn’t exactly noticed everything that happened around here. But she was sure Emiline would.

A faint rumble of an engine drew her to a stop. She stared at the head of the road leading to the ranch. Sure enough, her friend’s orange Jeep came into view.

Excitement lifted Jolie’s heart. She couldn’t wait to get Belle in her arms, to see if she’d grown or changed at all in the few days she’d been absent.

She took off running. Emiline drew to a stop and threw her a happy wave as Jolie came around the vehicle. She could see the car seat in the rear and a little yellow bundle of blankets.

She whipped the door open and fell upon her daughter. Joyful squeals came from Belle, and she waved her arms for her mother to pick her up. With practiced hands, Jolie released her child from the seat and tucked her against her chest. Hugging, breathing in her baby smell as she smiled at Emiline.

“Nice that I get a greeting too,” her friend joked.

“I’m sorry.” She slammed the door and walked to the driver’s side to embrace Emiline. “Thank you for bringing her up.”

“Thanks for inviting me.” She looked at her surroundings. Just then a pair of Boot Knockers crossed the yard in long, loping strides, their hats tipped low.

“Holy…” Emiline let out a low whistle. “Is that what I’m going to be looking at while I’m here?”

Jolie nodded. Then she held Belle out to study her face. Now that she’d been with Shayne again, it was easy to pick out the parts of the baby that came from him.


She kissed her on her plump cheeks and hugged her tight. “Oh, I missed you.”

“She musta said momma a thousand times on the way here. I think she understood we were coming to see you.” Emiline got into the back seat and pulled out a diaper bag, which Jolie hitched over her shoulder. Then she grabbed a navy duffle, which she slung over her own shoulder.

“Take me to the hot men.”

Jolie giggled. “You know you don’t have a booking. I managed to get you a room, but it’s on the backside of the lodge away from the cabins where The Boot Knockers stay.”

“I don’t have any intention of being in my room.” Emiline’s green eyes danced as she grinned at Jolie. “You got this? I’m going to do some exploring, starting by following those boot tracks.” She pointed to the set that the cowboys who’d walked by had left behind.

With a laugh and a wave, Jolie said, “Go on. I’ll find you.”

“Don’t come looking!” she called over her shoulder.

Jolie shook her head and kissed Belle again. “She’s crazy, isn’t she? Come on. I can tell you have a wet diaper.”

All the way back to the cabin, she talked to Belle and the baby babbled back. She knew a handful of words. One surprised her, and it was a naughty word she’d surely learned off Emiline while driving up.

The cabin was warm and she peeled the blanket and layers off Belle and laid her on the sofa to change her diaper. Belle was so happy to be free that she had to chase her to put a diaper on her again.

And that was how Shayne found them.

The door slammed, and she stopped mid-step as Belle toddled around the coffee table.

Shayne’s eyes were wide as he stared at his daughter.

“Those dresses won’t fit her.” His voice sounded as if he’d swallowed a horseshoe.

She made a grab for Belle. “You’d be surprised. I think they’re fine.” When she had the toddler cradled on her hip, she slowly approached Shayne. His face mottled red, his throat worked.

She couldn’t take her eyes off him.

“Damn,” Belle said.

Shayne’s brows shot up.

“New word. It must have come from Emiline.”

“Ah.” He was standing a foot away from his child but he didn’t reach out for her. A hundred butterflies hatched in Jolie’s stomach. What if he was unhappy to see his daughter even after he’d demanded it?

Then I’ll pack us up and leave.

“This is Belle.”

He stared at the baby. She stared back as if sensing something big was happening.

“She has your mouth,” he said at last.

“And your eyes.”

“Yes. Oh God. Jolie…” His gaze darted to hers. “Can I hold her?”

A half-sob of relief escaped Jolie as she nodded emphatically and held out the child. He awkwardly tried to position his hands on her and then tried again, grabbing her around the middle and pulling her toward him. Jolie’s throat closed off. Seeing them together… Why had she ever thought to keep this a secret from him? All that time lost, time when he could have enjoyed Belle and she would have enjoyed her daddy.

He brushed his lips over Belle’s fine baby hair and pinched his eyes shut. When he opened them, they shone with tears and happiness.

He hooked out an arm and caught Jolie around the waist. He dropped his forehead to hers and issued a harsh breath. “Thank you, Jolie. It means so much to me.”

She didn’t know if he meant her bearing his child or bringing her here to meet him. Either way, she was touched beyond words. She nodded and closed her eyes too as he brought her closer into their first family hug.

* * * * *

She was so damn small. Her toes could easily be snapped off or her fingers bitten by a ranch dog. There were so many dangers on the ranch. How had it ever crossed his mind that Jolie and Belle might stay here with him? That he could work the ranch while having the woman he loved and his daughter with him?

Belle ripped his hat off his head and directed the brim toward her mouth. Jolie took it away with a laugh. They had the baby seated between them on the couch, and she had some of the new toys from the baby shower.

“She seems to only be interested in your hat.” Jolie gave him a hesitant look. She was unsure of his responses, and he hoped to hell what was showing on his face wasn’t the confusion reflected in his heart. He felt like a goddamn mess, sitting here with his child.

“This is surreal,” he said.

She nodded. Belle grabbed a pacifier her mother had given her, chomped her few teeth on it and then spit it out.

“I think she’s hungry. Should we take her to the lodge to eat?”

“No, I’ll have something brought up.” He didn’t want to leave the cabin. He wanted to stay right here staring at the both of them until he could figure out how the fuck to make things right for them all.

Jolie deserved so much, a good man who was stable and could support her through her career. Belle would need a lot. Hell, the gifts from the baby shower must have added up to a hefty sum. In the baby magazine, he’d read an article on car seats, and their prices had staggered him. He could buy a calf at auction for the price of one of the better seats.

The extra income from Texas was looking better and better. Except he’d already decided not to go. Hadn’t he?

He pulled out his cell and texted an order to the cook. Jolie spoke quietly to Belle and opened one of the cardboard books from the shower. Belle stabbed a picture of a hippopotamus with a chubby finger wet with spit.

“Hippo,” Jolie said.


For some reason his daughter’s response sounded indifferent to Shayne’s ears and he laughed. Jolie looked up at him with a smile painted across her pretty face.

“She sounds so uncaring.”

Jolie laughed. “She does that a lot. Sounds like she couldn’t care less and I’m wasting her time.”

“What do you suppose she thinks about me?” He wished he could pull back the words as soon as he’d spoken them.

Jolie sat up straighter and met his gaze. “She probably has no idea what’s going on. But the fact that she let you hold her without screaming is a good sign.”

They stared at each other. Now what? Did he tell her his feelings for her had never gone away, only grown since she’d been here with him? That he didn’t know what the hell to do because his instincts were to tuck her and Belle up in a cabin and make them happy for the rest of their days?

He looked away, and she let out a low sigh. She was disappointed in him, he knew it. How could she not be?

They sat with Belle for a while longer, and soon the knock on the cabin door got him to his feet. He expected one of the kitchen help to come bearing the tray, but it was Elena.

She glanced behind him at the sweet familial scene and then waved at him to come outside with her. He did, closing the door quietly. But not before he’d seen the most beautiful picture of Jolie hovering over their daughter, pointing out more pictures in the book.

He swallowed hard and faced Elena. “What is it?”

“I’m sorry to interrupt your reunion. But there’s something you need to see.” She put the tray into his hands and lifted the serving dish with the dome to pull out a newspaper. She held it up for him to read.

The headline punched the air from his lungs. Canadian hiker found dead by hunter.

Without reading more, he knew that it was the dog’s owner. “Does it mention the dog?”

“No, but there’s a name of a funeral home where the family will be holding a memorial tomorrow.”

“Damn. I knew it couldn’t be good news.” If the hiker was connected to the dog. But what else could it be?

Elena nodded. “I’m sorry, Shayne. But getting with the family and letting them know about Katrina is a good end to a bad situation.”

“You’re right.” Suddenly, he didn’t want to let the dog go. She’d started off a chain of events in his life that were leading him to some unknown end. Without the dog, would he know which path to choose?

He was being silly. It was only a dog.

“I’ll do what’s right. Thanks for letting me know, Elena.”

“Sure. Now go on back inside before the food gets cold.”

He gave her the best smile he could when he was feeling so jumbled inside and went into the cabin. Jolie had Belle on the floor, her chubby legs splayed and a stuffed animal in front of her. They both looked up when he entered.

“Everything okay?” Jolie knew him, could read him. There was no hiding that he was upset.

He set down the tray on the coffee table and rubbed a hand over his jaw. “I think we’ve found Katrina’s owner.” He lifted the paper and handed it to her. She read over the article quickly, her eyes darting down the page.

“I haven’t read it yet.”

She nodded and lowered it. Tears stood out in her eyes. “Sounds like this man was a native Canadian and French speaker. He was older and decided, against his doctor’s wishes, to forego his cancer treatments and let nature take its course. Seems like his family made peace with him before he left, knowing they’d probably never see him again.

A lump lodged in Shayne’s throat. At least he had family who’d cared. He would have a proper burial.

Jolie looped her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. He rocked her against him and held on. Life was short—wasn’t that what the Canadian man had been showing him?

“The service is tomorrow. I’ll tell them about Katrina.”

She stared into his eyes. “I’ll go with you.”

He nodded and brushed his lips over her temple. She was so sweet-smelling, so soft. The baby cooed softly to the toy bear and for the moment, Shayne didn’t want to be anyplace else.

Definitely not Texas.

“You’d better feed her before she eats the bear. I’ve gotta see to something. Will you be okay for a few minutes?”

Jolie chewed her lower lip but nodded. She was unsure of him, afraid he’d run. To show her he wouldn’t, he scooped up Belle and kissed her soundly on the cheek. “Be good for your momma while I’m gone.”

He walked out of the cabin with the stares of the people who meant the most to him in the world on his back. He went straight to the office and dialed up Hugh and Riggs and told them he was declining their offer. He’d stay in Montana.




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