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The Boss & The Intern: A Single Dad Next Door Romance by Tia Wylder (23)


Definitely use that one. It’s one of my favorite pictures of us,” Daniel mused, looking over Tiffany’s shoulder. She smiled up at him, rolling her eyes.

“You’ve said that about every picture. How many pictures do you want in the slideshow? We want to keep the reception short, after all,” she murmured, leaning back in the computer chair. He hummed to himself, rubbing her shoulders in a soothing manner. She groaned graciously, closing her eyes and pressing into his touch.

“You two keep that up, and the thing is gonna get all off track! I can’t believe you waited until the day of the wedding to make the slideshow,” Melody griped, stepping forward and burning the picture she had taken some months prior to the DVD. “Move,” she bossed brusquely, and Tiffany leveled her with a playful glare before rising out of the chair and letting the other woman take over. “Go be lovebirds elsewhere. I’ll get this wrapped up before the reception,” Melody called, tapping the keyboard as she made photo and video selections. The two soon-to-be newlyweds exchanged a grin, and though they didn’t say as much, Daniel knew they were both grateful to get an escape from that accursed slideshow. They slipped out of Daniel’s study, slipping downstairs where Troy and Amanda were playing on their tablets.

“Troy, where’s your mom?” Daniel inquired curiously, and his nephew looked up at him with an exasperated expression.

“Uncle Daniel, I swear, she’s been driving me crazy with this wedding stuff. You’d think it was her own wedding,” he groused. Daniel snorted, and Amanda gave her cousin a slight shove.

“You just don’t understand what it’s like for a lady to get married. It’s supposed to be like, a fairy tale,” the young girl announced, only for her older cousin to roll his eyes in irritation.

“Fairy tales aren’t real, Amanda,” he muttered, only to receive a whap upside the head.

“Only because you don’t believe enough, Troy! Now shut up and help me finish these banners,” Mandy grinned playfully at her cousin when he grumbled and worked on their marker doodles again.

“In your cousin’s defense, men generally aren’t as receptive to romance as the fairer sex,” Tiffany mused aloud. Troy huffed, and Daniel looked at her with an exaggerated hurt expression.

“You’re right. Troy hasn’t even noticed the girl at school who has a crush on him,” Amanda sighed. The young boy’s eyes widened, and he scrutinized his cousin for a long moment. Before Tiffany could get immersed in the drama, Daniel ushered her away. She moved grudgingly, obviously eager to hear about what was going on in the world of her favorite children.

“Come on. We need to find Danielle. She’s supposed to be putting the finishing touches on the wedding arch, right?” Daniel murmured, a sensation of dread washing over him. He had been reluctant to leave Danielle and the children in charge of decor in place of a professional, but Tiffany had been insistent. She had been sure it would add a homier touch to the entire event, which was relatively small considering the many people who would have attended if they had been invited. It was Daniel’s insistence that they keep it a small affair, but he was worried that his sister’s tastes would run a bit tackier than Tiffany imagined for her special day. The two meandered down the back hill behind the house, and Daniel’s eyes widened comically upon seeing the arch. As he might have expected, it was decorated with the gaudiest floral arrangements he could have ever imagined.

“Oh my god,” Tiffany muttered, and Daniel rubbed her back soothingly, not wanting her to break down so soon before the wedding. “It’s beautiful!” Tiffany screamed, rushing down to embrace Danielle.

“Hey, hey, easy does it. You know I still worry about you,” Danielle murmured, catching her soon-to-be sister-in-law in her arms. Tiffany giggled, giving Danielle a little peck on the cheek.

“I know, I know, but, wow! I didn’t expect it to turn out so well, especially with Daniel insisting that you have such bad taste,” Tiffany grinned, nudging her fiancé in the ribs. Danielle leveled a glare at her brother, and he raised his hands to placate her.

“Maybe I’m the one with bad taste,” he muttered to appease them.

“You did not just say that on your wedding day,” Melody came blandly from behind him. He jolted, turning to face her with a critical expression.

“I finished the slideshow. Shouldn’t people be arriving soon? You two need to get dressed. Danielle and I will go ahead and load up the decorations and meet you at the venue.” She glanced towards Danielle, smiling slyly. “I like the arch, Danni. It totally screams Tiffany, more than even your brother.”

Danielle huffed, leering at Melody. “You’re just upset that she can actually make him scream.” Daniel stiffened, but Melody simply rolled her eyes, stepping forward to take Danielle by the arm. “H-hey,” Dannielle began, only to be cut short by her ex-sister-in-law.

“Come on, moody. We need to get the place ready for these crazy kids. And besides, I’ve developed more refined tastes since your brother,” Melody hummed, giving Danielle an appraising look. Danielle squeaked, and looked to Daniel for assistance. The man simply shrugged his shoulders, leading Tiffany back towards the house while the women bickered in the background.

“So, what’s the plan? You get your dress, sneak off to the venue while me and the kids get ready?” Daniel inquired in a hum. Tiffany nodded, leaning in to press a kiss to the corner of his lips before drawing away.

“I actually need you to stay in the den with the kids. I’ll sneak out the back and give you a call when it’s safe for you to leave,” she murmured. She hesitated a moment, reaching up to caress his cheek. “Sometimes it’s hard to believe that this is really happening, after all we’ve been through. I wonder if I’ve actually died and gone to heaven,” she murmured. Troy glanced up from his place on the floor, making a face.

“No, Aunt Melody is here, and she’s like… demonic. I don’t think she’d be allowed in heaven,” he muttered, and Amanda screeched indignantly before slapping his shoulder.

“Momma isn’t demonic. She’s just… eccentric!” The young girl argued. Tiffany gave Daniel a parting kiss before slipping upstairs to grab her dress. Daniel watched the children bicker back and forth, even as they harmoniously worked together on the decor. It was not dissimilar to the way the entire family dynamic worked together. Organized chaos in a way, he supposed.

He sat on the couch, listening as the back door opened and closed to indicate that Tiffany had snuck away. Taking that as his cue, he rose to his feet, grabbing each of the children by the hand and leading them upstairs. He led Troy to the bathroom, Amanda to her room just opposite the hall, and stepped back to consider them.

“Be careful getting dressed now. Fairy tale or not, Miss Tiffany is really looking forward to a nice family event,” he announced. Troy grumbled, but nodded his head before retreating into the bathroom.

“Of course, daddy,” Amanda announced cheerfully, closing herself in her room. Satisfied, Daniel slipped away to his own bedroom to grab his specially tailored tuxedo. He knew Tiffany would be getting ready at the venue and he would not be allowed to see her until the ceremony. As far as his own attire, however, he supposed it was just as well that he dressed before leaving. They were becoming increasingly pressed, so anything to cut down on the preparations could only be a good thing.

The three emerged from their respective rooms around the same time, and Daniel had to admit that his little family cleaned up rather nicely. With the kids in tow, he slinked downstairs and out the front door. Getting in the car, he examined his reflection in the rearview mirror for a long moment. He only hoped he looked as nicely as he was sure Tiffany dreamed of. He had no time to worry about that now. Next stop, the wedding venue. Then, on to the rest of their lives.

When he arrived outside the venue, the parking lot was already nearly full. He sighed as he realized that Tiffany must have tacked some names on the guest list when he hadn’t been looking. As much as he’d wanted it to be a small affair, he couldn’t find it within him to begrudge his future wife. The kids scrambled out of the backseat, rushing towards the back lawn where the arch was likely being set up. He trailed behind, walking up in time to see Melody and Danielle bickering over the placement of the arch.

“As the maid of honor, I feel like my opinion is the most crucial,” Danielle snipped. Melody quirked her lips in a wry smile, shifting the arch what must have been less than half an inch.

"As the best woman, I feel like you are dead wrong, and you should listen to me," the slender woman announced. Danielle reddened in irritation, glancing to Daniel with a petulant expression.

“I thought when you two divorced, I wouldn’t have to deal with her anymore,” she griped. Melody chuckled, leaning against the arch.

“Aww, well you just need to stop looking so cute when you’re flustered,” Melody teased. Danielle reddened even further, stomping off to leave Melody with the arch.

“Do you really have to get her so riled up? Since things got screwed up with Troy’s dad, you know she’s so sensitive,” Daniel gently chastised his ex-wife. She smiled, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Well, I wasn’t lying when I said it was cute,” Melody confessed with a sly grin. Daniel looked vaguely taken aback, scrutinizing his ex-wife through narrowed eyes. “What can I say, Danny boy I’m all about keeping it in the family,” Melody announced, winking at her ex-husband before slipping away to finish the decor. He watched her go, a faint warmth blossoming in his chest. Though it was strange for his ex-wife to be showing an interest in his sister, he was relieved to see her back to her old ways. She had been so unhappy for so long…

It wasn’t the time to think of that, however. He shuffled away to get ready for the upcoming wedding, watching as guests began to fill the seats. Troy led each person to their seat, acting as politely as a young boy was able. Daniel was proud of the young man, knowing he had an even rougher time since his parents had broken things off.

Time passed, and Daniel was ushered into place at the end of the aisle. Melody stood off to his side, dressed in a black dress that was a bit too provocative considering the occasion. He couldn’t have expected less. The wedding march played, and Amanda marched down the aisle, looking the most adorable he had ever seen her in her pastel pink flower girl dress. She threw silk flower petals along the aisle, and his eyes were drawn away from her as a collective gasp erupted from the crowd. Vaguely worried that something had gone wrong, he looked in the direction he knew Tiffany would be coming from… only to have his mouth fall agape as well. He could see why the crowd had gasped, it was all he could do to catch breath himself. Tiffany shone like a diamond in the white, mermaid cut wedding gown. Her veil obscured her face, but his heart pounded in his chest as she marched down the aisle. Danielle was doubling as maid of honor, as well as giving Tiffany away, so the two marched arm in arm down the aisle.

"Beautiful," he heard Melody gasp, and he had to fight a smile, suspecting that it wasn't Tiffany that his ex-wife was wrapped up in. While he had to admit his sister looked nice, he had no idea how anyone could have eyes for someone besides his beautiful fiancée. Tiffany and Danielle cleared the final distance to the altar, and Danielle hesitated a moment, considering Melody with a blush before she realized she needed to get in position. A laugh resonated through the crowd, and Daniel could hear Tiffany's joyful laughter as well. She stepped up before him, and the minister spoke the basic wedding vows. He knew he should be listening closely, but he was too distracted staring at the beautiful figure of his wife.

Though this was his second wedding, it still felt exciting and new. As much as he loved the figure of his fiancée in her wedding dress, he also couldn’t wait until they were at their vacation destination and her wedding dress lay in a pile on the floor. He shook off this thought as he realized he was supposed to be repeated after the minister. He chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Come again?” He inquired with a weakened voice.

“Oh boy,” Melody groaned, and another laugh permeated the crowd. The minister looked less amused, but repeated himself through the vows that Daniel had chosen. Once Daniel was done, Tiffany recited her vows perfectly, as if she had rehearsed them dozens of times. He realized belatedly that she likely had.

“Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, until death do you part?” The minister announced solemnly. Daniel reddened, feeling the eyes of the entire crowd upon him. However, Tiffany reached out to take his hand and it was as if the rest of the world fell away.

“I do,” he vowed with a gleam in his eyes. The words were repeated for Tiffany, and her voice was watery when she spoke.

“I do, too. I mean… yeah! I do! I totally do!” She blurted, and Daniel couldn’t fight the smile that crept up his face as he saw the blush rising on her shoulders. The minister rolled his eyes at their antics, and Daniel was certain he heard Melody mutter something about the stick up his ass. He snorted, lifting Tiffany’s veil away from her face. Tears streamed down her flushed face, but he was certain it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his entire life.

“Then… with the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride,” the minister wrapped up the ceremony in a monotone voice.

“Don’t mind if I do,” Daniel quipped, drawing Tiffany into his arms and pressing their lips together in a searing kiss. The crowd cheered, their clapping and shouts uproarious as Daniel only deepened the embrace he held with his new wife. She giggled against his lips, drawing away and pressing her lips to his ear.

“Save it for the honeymoon, stud,” she whispered. He rumbled a laugh, drawing her back into his arms. He felt as if he would burst out of his suit, and it pained him to have to wait to share his wedding night with his new bride. However, they still needed to attend the reception and entertained the guests. Allowing Tiffany to lead him towards the reception area, he mused he had waited so long already. A few hours more couldn’t hurt.

Not when it was but a few hours until eternity.