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The Charmer by Avery Flynn (11)

Chapter Eleven

This kind of control could be addicting. There was just something about watching Hudson forget to be Mr. Charming and instead let the real him—the demanding, determined him—come out that made her wet and aching. Instead of easing that ache with her own fingers as she sucked him deeper, she reached out and took his hands, bringing them to her head. His hard exhale as he threaded his fingers through her hair and guided her mouth on a torturous, slow journey up and down on him elicited a shiver deep in her core. Also, it left her hands free to wander, and they did—over his thick, muscular thighs and up to his hard ass so tense from holding back.

“Look at me,” he ordered.

She did, losing her sense of rhythm for a second at the sight. His eyes had gone dark and intense with the promise of what was to come, and she wanted it, she wanted it all. A hot wave of desire settled low in her belly, and she cupped his ass, pulling him closer until he filled her mouth completely and went farther until he hit the back of her throat. He let out a harsh groan that sent a delicious shiver down her spine. She stayed there, dancing on the edge of just enough and too much, loving every breathless second of it. And then she swallowed.

“Fuck, I can feel that throat of yours working me.” His fingers tightened in her hair as he arched his hips, going deeper. “That’s it.”

He eased back before continuing with a slow thrust forward that brought her lips down to the very base. Once. Twice. Three times. Then, he pulled out completely, stepping away from her and leaving her sucking in breaths and desperate for more. Judging by the fierce look on his face, she wasn’t alone. He had what remained of his clothes stripped off in a heartbeat. God, he was phenomenal. Long, strong legs. Broad shoulders. Defined abs. A dusting of light brown hair across his chest and a happy trail over his six-pack abs that led straight to the rock-hard length of him that she was standing and reaching for before she even realized it.

He evaded her touch with a step back. “Patience is definitely not one of your virtues.”

“Not even close.” Especially not now with evidence of her desire soaking the cotton center of her panties.

“Good.” He picked her up, tossed her over his shoulder so her top half hung upside down, and started marching to her bedroom. “Because I’m done flirting.”

Normally, this position would have pissed her off. However, because it gave her the perfect view of his ass and allowed her hands to roam freely across his sinewy back, she wasn’t complaining. No. She was exploring every inch of him she could touch, lick, and smack. Too soon, he put her down so her feet sank into the plush rug in front of her bed.

“Your turn,” he said as he sat down on her bed, a lone male island in the girly, ruffled powder blue sea of her bedroom.

“So, let me see if I got this lesson right.” Her fingers went to the sash helping to hold her dress closed, but instead of pulling it open, she toyed with the soft material. “The key is to go slow.” She tugged at the sash. “But not too slow.” The material slipped free, but a button kept the dress from opening completely. “To tease.” She drew her fingers up over her hip to the button. “But not to taunt.” She slipped the button free but held on to the material, allowing only a few inches of bare flesh to show. “To pull the anticipation tight.” She took two steps so she stood between his legs, loving the battle to stay in control playing out on his face. “Until something snaps.”

She let go, and her dress fell open. He’d never seen her this close to naked before. The other night she’d been still wearing her dress when he’d made her come. Not now. Tonight, she was exposed, vulnerable, unprotected by her usual roomy clothes. When he didn’t move, didn’t even say anything, the voices she’d managed to stay silent up until now started up, detailing all her faults and chipping away at her until she was reaching for the dress edges to wrap the material around her.

“Don’t you dare.” He covered her hands with his, keeping them by her sides. “You’re fucking beautiful.”

Something snapped all right. His control.

She was wearing canary yellow panties and a matching bra with a little white bow that nestled right between her tits. And she was showing it all to him. The high, round curves of her breasts. The triangle of freckles on the rise of her hip. The smooth line of her thighs leading straight to her panty-covered center. He hadn’t been so entranced by a woman in her underwear since Mary Katherine McMurray had stripped down to hers before they went night swimming at the beach during summer break from prep school. He’d been sixteen and a virgin then. Now, he was thirty with almost as many notches on his bedpost as people assumed. Still, he wasn’t sure if his dick realized the difference because he was about to fucking blow. Meanwhile, she was gnawing on her bottom lip and staring over his shoulder.

He let go of her hands and forced his own, palms flat, on the couch. “Let the dress drop.”

Her gaze skittered back to his face. Nerves. Bravado. Desire. “Bossy, aren’t you?”

“Don’t make me say it again.”

She didn’t. The dress fell to the floor. Her lips, wet from her tongue, were parted and she took in an unsteady breath, which emphasized the hard points of her nipples straining against her bra. He let his attention drop to the scrap of material covering her pussy, and there was no missing the dampness turning it a darker shade.

“Matches, you are so turned on right now.”

She stayed stubbornly quiet—not admitting to it and not asking for relief or for him to leave. Someone sure had that whole cut-off-your-nose-to-spite-your-face thing down. What she didn’t realize was that this wasn’t about showing her how to seduce Captain Clueless—Hudson had no fucks to give about that idiot’s turn-ons—this was about Felicia focusing on what turned her on. Going with the flow when you were giving pleasure was so much easier than figuring out what got you off, but she deserved more.

He traced his fingertips down her side, following her curves as they ebbed and flowed. “If you don’t know what you want that’s going to make you scream with pleasure and when you want it, you can’t ever give that kind of experience to anyone else.” He paused and looked up from her creamy flesh to her face, once again knocked sideways by how beautiful she was. “So, tell me, how turned on are you right now?”

“Very,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Good.” He hooked his fingers in the elastic band of her panties and pulled her closer until the creamy flesh of her stomach was only inches from his mouth. “What do you want?”

Her cheeks turned a deeper pink. “You know.”

“I need you to say it.”

When she remained silent, no doubt trying to find a loophole in his demand, he dipped his head lower and licked a long, slow line across skin right above her panties. She shivered against him and slid her fingers into his hair, pushing his head lower—or at least she tried to.

“Words.” He easily resisted her efforts to move him and kissed her hip. “There’s nothing more seductive.”

Her fingers in his hair tightened, and she tugged his head back. “I need you to lick me.”

“Here?” he asked and swiped his tongue from the center of her panties to her belly button.

She let out a little moan. “My clit.”

He pulled her panties down over her hips. “Just your clit?”

“No.” She shook her head, her gaze fuzzy. “All of it.”

“Just my tongue?” He shoved her panties the rest of the way down, baring her completely and giving him a first look at her swollen, glistening lips.

“Fingers, tongue, lips, whatever the hell you want to use, I just need to come.”

That was all he needed to hear. “Then do it.”

She hesitated for half a second before releasing his hair and pushing hard against his shoulder so he fell back on the bed. The gleam was back in her eyes—the one she’d had before she sucked his cock deep in her hot mouth—but she didn’t say anything. Instead, she crawled up his body, kissing and licking her way northward until she straddled his head. Again, her hands went to his head, threading through his hair, holding him in place.

“I want this,” she said, her voice husky with need, and lowered her slick folds to his mouth and rocked against him. It was the hottest thing a woman had ever done to him.

Wet and soft, he couldn’t get enough of her. Using just enough pressure to push her to the edge but not drive her over, he slicked his tongue up one side, slow and easy, before circling her clit and making his way down the other side at a steady, unhurried pace. He watched as she tossed back her head, lost in the chase for her orgasm, and began rotating her hips, pressing herself against his mouth with more urgency. Being between her legs, tasting, teasing, and taking her higher, it was the only place in the world he wanted to be because watching her let go like this was fucking amazing. He clamped his hands on her rounded hips, urging her to press against him as he laved his tongue over her. When he sucked her clit into his mouth, her back bowed, and she went rigid on top of him.

“Holy shit, do that again,” she begged.

He did, raising his head to change the angle for better contact. Her thighs trembled on either side of his head as she tightened her grip on his hair.

“Right there,” she cried out with primal desperation as she yanked on his hair. “Hudson!”

She came against his lips in a sweet rush with enough force that her fingers in his hair just might have left him with a couple of bald patches but was totally worth it. Taking a few more leisurely licks, he watched as she eased down from her high, loving the flush in her cheeks and the wicked gleam still sparkling in her blue eyes.

“If you don’t have a condom, I’m going to be so pissed,” she said, rolling off him and laying on her back in the bed, looking every bit like a well-satisfied woman who still wanted more.

Without a word, he got off the bed, grabbed his jeans from the floor, fished out his wallet from the back pocket, took out a condom, and rolled it on with world-record speed. Then, he leaned over the bed, hooked an arm underneath her knees and yanked her to the edge. Too far past the point to make a flirty lesson out of this, he almost lost it there as his balls tucked up tight against him. He released her legs, arranging them so they were spread as wide as possible. In tune with where he was going with this, she lifted her hips, giving him a teasing little wink that didn’t do a damn thing to calm the storm brewing in him.

He grabbed hold of her hips, lifting them so only her shoulders and feet touched the bed. The move brought her wet opening in line with the swollen tip of his cock. “I’m not going to be able to go slow and sweet.”

“Who said that’s how I wanted it?” she asked in a throaty purr. “Give me everything you’ve got.”

Against the laws of physics, her declaration made his dick even harder, and he slid home between her legs in one long thrust that sucked all the breath out of his lungs and took away his sight. All he could do was feel her around him, holding him fast.

“Damn, you’re tight,” he managed to get out as he withdrew to the tip before pushing forward again, harder.

She met his thrusts, her hands gripping the comforter as an anchor, offering up a litany of demands and pleas all along the line of “more,” “now,” and “oh God.” He pushed another few inches in. God, she felt good wrapped around his dick. Fuck that. Good didn’t begin to cover it.

Yes,” she moaned.

He jerked her toward him at the same time as he slammed his hips forward, burying himself balls deep in her hot, wet pussy. She clenched around him, squeezing him tight. Christ. He wasn’t going to make it much longer. It was too much. She was too much.

You like me filling you up,” he said, looking down at where their bodies joined, watching his dick disappearing inside her as she met each and every one of his thrusts.

“God, yes,” she cried.

He pumped into her again and again, the vibrations building at the base of his spine. “You want more of this cock?”

She turned her face to the side as she moved her hips in a figure eight, so intent on rubbing her juicy clit against him that her words came out muffled. Oh no. She wasn’t getting away with that now. Not after she’d finally got that dirty mouth of hers to tell him exactly what she wanted, what would make her feel good and take her as high as she wanted.

“You’ve gotta say it, Matches.” He started to pull out of her, inching out his cock as she gripped him as if trying to keep him in place. Tell me or this goes away.”

Empty threat? Meet Hudson.

Fuck me,” she said, panting. Make me come all over that big dick.”

Thank fucking God.

He plunged into her—forcefully, relentlessly—as she met his every move and groaned in protest each time he withdrew. The electric vibrations zipping through him gathered in his balls. He was close, and she was coming with him if he had to spell the names of his favorite painters backward to continue long enough to get her there. He slid one hand that had been on her hip around to the small of her back to help her stay up and then brought his other hand to her slick folds, strumming her clit. Again and again, he pushed into her until his balls tightened and he knew his time was up. He squeezed her clit between his finger and thumb just as he buried himself as deep inside her as he could. She cried out, her pussy clamping down on his dick as she came. That was all it took. Hudson went over the edge with her, straight into oblivion that seemed to last for days.

Darkness tugged at the edges of his vision, but he couldn’t give in—not even if, judging by her eyelids being at half mast, Felicia was feeling the same. Gently, he lowered her to the bed. She scooted over, giving him plenty of room after he got rid of the used condom in the trash can by her nightstand. By the time he got under the covers and pulled her close, she was already breathing deep. Yeah. He knew how that went. So instead of fighting it, he drew her tight to his chest and followed her lead.

Felicia woke up in increments. Her room was dark. Something solid against her back. Soft brushes of air warmed her neck. A solid weight around her waist. It took a few seconds for her normally agile brain to connect the dots. Hudson. In her bed. Naked.

Every moment came rushing back to her. The way she’d rode his mouth, her hands buried in his hair. How he’d looked at her with pure lust as he’d filled her up. The mind-melting orgasm that had nearly broken her in two. This should be awkward. It wasn’t, and that made her scooch away from him, it was only an inch—enough room to break the skin-to-skin contact of her back plastered against his front—but it was almost enough.

“You snore,” he said, his voice all rumbly and sleep roughened.

Indignation shot through her, and she jerked up into a sitting position, clutching the sheet to her less-than-impressive chest. “I do not.”

“No.” He grinned, his hooded gaze going to where she’d covered herself. “But it’s fun seeing you get defensive about it.”

Her nipples went hard under the weight of his gaze. Damn it. She did not need to be reacting to him like this. It was annoying. “Is that lesson number four? Post-coital embarrassment? Is that what I should do to Tyler after we fuck?”

Something that looked a lot like anger skittered across his face before Hudson smoothed his expression out into practiced nonchalance. The professor was back in place. “That wouldn’t be my recommendation.”

For some reason, that ticked her off more than the fact that she couldn’t stop sneaking peeks at the wide, muscular expanse of his chest or the ripple of his ab muscles as he sat up. Not that she should care that he’d slipped back into character. What was it to her? He was a means to an end for her just as much as she was for him. The reminder had her sucking in a shaky breath as she fought to contain her temper and her body’s reaction to the man in her bed. Fighting wasn’t going to get either of them closer to their goals—and that’s all that mattered.

Remember your list, Felicia.

“Sorry. I wake up grumpy,” she said, going for a cool-and-collected scientist in action vibe. “Let’s start over with a debrief. Any notes?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Notes?”

“Areas I can improve on for Tyler.” Now that wasn’t awkward or anything considering she was naked and in bed with Hudson.

She wasn’t a virgin by any means, but sleeping with one man in an effort to land another was vastly uncharted territory for her. That way be dragons. And orgasms. Shut up, horny Felicia. A nervous giggle bubbled up and escaped her tightly clenched lips.

“For Tyler,” he said, each word coming out with an edgy slowness. His jaw tightened. It was almost imperceptible, but she caught it.

“Yes, my technique,” she continued as Team What-The-Fuck-Are-You-Doing buzzed in her stomach, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself from pushing him farther away. “The slow burn. The whole, flirting and teasing but not taunting thing.”

He let out a dry bark of a laugh. “I think you have it down pat.” He rolled out of the bed and grabbed his jeans from the floor. “You can’t go wrong with any of the moves I taught you.”

“You’re that good?” As if she didn’t know and if the sore muscles in her thighs wouldn’t be telling her all day long.

He turned around, his jeans still unbuttoned, his chest bare, and a wicked smile on his face. Her mouth went dry as fast as other parts of her got wet.

“Matches, we both know I am.”

Some of the tension leaked out of her, and she chuckled. This man. He was something else. “Your ego needs its own zip code.”

He shrugged. “Never said it didn’t.”

“So, what’s next?” she asked, fighting the screaming demands of her body to jump him here and now. “Am I ready for a date?”

“Is that what you want?” he asked, his tone neutral.

Her stomach flipped and then flopped before landing like an anvil in her abdomen. “Isn’t that why last night happened?”

He paused, staring at her like he could see all the secrets she had, including that time in ninth grade when she’d tried to kiss Tyler and ended up making out with his collarbone. Long story. Long, embarrassing story of an awkward short girl and her first beer.

“I’ll see what I can work out,” he said. “You need to walk before you run.”

Ignoring the inexplicable nugget of disappointment poking her chest, she grabbed ahold of the reason why all this was happening. Because she wasn’t ready? Because he was still trying to help her land another man? They both had skin in the game. “And when I do, everyone will be happy—your brother, too. I don’t know what I can do to help there, but I’m a quick learner.”

There went that panty-melting, if practiced, smolder of his. “That you are.”

Hudson snapped his jeans closed and then leaned across and brushed his lips across her forehead. The brief touch was as frustrating as it was a relief. Really. It was a relief. She didn’t want more. Lesson time was over.

Without another word, he strolled out of her bedroom, and a minute later she heard her front door click shut followed by a plaintive meow from Honeypot. Meanwhile, she couldn’t look away from the blue dress lying on the floor next to her bed as she realized that Hudson had—again—left her with no clue what was going to happen next and what exactly he meant by learning to walk.




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