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The Man In The Mirror: A Billionaire Romance by Georgia Le Carre (45)

Chapter 46


The next day I was invited to dinner with Charlotte and Zackary. I looked at the childish writing on the formal card and smiled.

They were waiting by the front door when I arrived home the next day, and I wondered what the reception was for, but at the welcoming smile on Charlotte’s face I felt my insides warm with love for her. Zackary had his hands in hers, and for a moment I felt a slight pang of unwarranted jealousy toward my son.

Then the feeling was gone. They were the two angels in my life.

I got out of the car and Charlotte sent Zackary forward. I watched as the little man approached. “I would like to extend an invitation to join me and Charlotte for dinner,” he said, and for a moment I thought that my heart would burst. No longer was he cowering away or reluctant to even look me in the eye. I didn’t even correct the me and Charlotte mistake he made.

Lowering myself so we could be at eye level with each other, I looked into his eyes, and smiled gently.

“I’d love to have dinner with Charlotte and you.”

His grin was infectious.

I straightened and looked at Charlotte. Mr. Boothsworth stood a short distance away from her, but I didn’t pay him any mind. I stared intently at her, wanting my gaze to convey my gratitude for the way she was turning the light back on in the various aspects of my life.

I strolled down to the main dining room with Zackary and Charlotte, and soon we were seated at the grand table. Not once had I eaten at the table before this.

I noted my meal for the first time in as long as I could remember.

Charlotte sat beside me, and more times than I could count my gaze would slide to her … roving over her face. I drowned in the blue pools of her eyes. The night was perfect, punctuated by laughs, and the twinkle in her eyes as she expertly handled my son. I could have lived that dinner again and again for the rest of my life. The most wonderful Groundhog’s Day scenario.

She was a joy, through and through, and the moment Zackary agreed to run the errand of asking for our dessert, I lifted my hand from her lap and began to trace little circles up and down her arms.

“I’m enjoying my time with Zackary,” I said to her. “But I need to be inside you. All day at work I couldn’t think straight. I won’t be able to manage myself for much longer.”

She turned pink as she tried hard to brush off my hand. She looked nervously around to be sure that we didn’t have an audience. “You need to give your full concentration to Zackary right now,” she said to me. “It’s rare that you have time to spend with him in this way. Since you both finally have a chance to develop a bond …”

At the sound of voices beyond, she turned to see who was approaching, and I took advantage of her distraction. The moment she turned back I captured her lips in mine.

Her moan was instant. And the shot of pleasure to my groin was unmistakable. I shifted uncomfortably at the stiffening of my cock. My hand slid into her skirt just before the sound of heavy footsteps approached. I pulled away from her and couldn’t help smiling at her. There were stars in her eyes and just like me she couldn’t look away.

Until Mr. Boothsworth cleared his throat.

I turned at the interruption.

There was a strange expression on his face. “Madam is here,” he announced, just before my wife appeared at the entrance to the dining room. She was dressed unusually casually in a pair of jeans and a green top, but she killed the effect by loading up on jewelry.

For the longest time she stared at the both of us and I boldly held her gaze. I was annoyed to say the least. I had told her to finish her rehab course. There was no need to return, but of course, she had to immediately disregard any sane advice.

Charlotte instantly began to rise from her chair, but I shot out an arm and placed it on hers. She sat back down.

Jillian stared at my hold on Charlotte’s arm with an incredulous gaze. She didn’t say a word, and only turned when Zackary and Mrs. Blackmore came into the room with the dessert. He was as careful with the little cake as he was with everything else, but when he realized his mother was there he immediately stood to attention. The smile was wiped from his face and he stared up at his mother as if he was uncertain whether he should go to her.

“Madam.” Mrs. Blackmore bowed in greeting.

Jillian turned her gaze to Zackary.

“Mummy,” he eventually called out.

“Come to me,” she ordered in a shrill voice.

Mrs. Blackmore relieved the plate from the boy and he ran to his mother and hugged her legs, but it was an unnatural gesture. She turned to look at Charlotte, her mouth tightening again. “Why are you not wearing your glasses?”

“I don’t wear them all the time,” Charlotte replied.

Slowly, Jillian roved her gaze around the room, and then finally settled it on me. “What’s going on?” she asked. “What are you doing here?”

My response was simple. “This is my house.” And it held the answers to all her questions.

I saw the realization dawn in her eyes, and almost smiled with satisfaction. Finally, she knew what it felt like to watch the other person bring their lover to the house. She patted Zackary's head, and turning around walked away without another word.