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The Marine (Seductive Sands Book 3) by Sammi Franks (13)



Isla was insatiable. And relentless. Determined to have her way, we fucked like bunnies on and off all night. When I complained I had no more energy, she raced from the room and returned with a glass of something white and foaming at the top.

“What the hell is that?” I asked with a groan.

“It’s a protein shake. Good for lots of energy.” She shoved it in my face. “Drink it.”

“No, see, I need actual protein. I need meat I can sink my teeth into.” I took the glass from her hand, sniffed it, and set it on the nightstand. Then I grabbed her ass cheeks in each hand and squeezed. “If you want me to have the ability to go again.”

Tapping her chin, I could see her growing agitated. “Only you would interrupt sex for a snack break.” She shook her head. “And this after you’ve warned me I only get tonight.” She pushed away from me and flopped on the bed a few inches away. “You know, we could rest and then pick back up where we left off tomorrow night.”

“No.” My brow rose. “One night, Isla. I mean it.”

“I’ll meet you on your boat after a long day of wedding planning.” She giggled. “We’re in the final stretch, thank God. Then Victoria can distract Max and we can spend more time together.”

“That’s a hard no.” I rolled my eyes.

“Which part? The boat?” Isla sighed. “Fine, I’ll get us a hotel room. No one will know. And when you complain about being hungry, we’ll order room service.”

“Please stop talking before you ruin everything.” I sighed. As it was, I had no idea how I was going to stick to my one night rule. It had always worked well for me. I’d stopped wanting ties long ago, but the periodic closeness was nice. I’d have it now and then. One night. Then we were done. Often, I’d simply sail away to ensure it. Only this time, I was out of money and options. And when it came to Isla, I was about out of resolve too.

“I can’t help it. I can feel you pulling away,” she mumbled. “That’s normally my thing.”

“It can still be your thing. You pull away instead. Bam. Problem solved,” I joked.

Isla crept closer to me on the bed. She was naked, covered in pink splotches from my love bites.

“Do these hurt?” I asked, suddenly concerned.

She shook her head. “No. They feel lovely, like this little Post-it notes reminding me of our passionate night.”

My brow furrowed. “You will cover them up though, right? I mean, you won’t exactly leave them on display.”

Isla grinned then licked her lips before speaking. “I suppose I could, but I really enjoy torturing my brothers.”

I sat up, my heart pounding. “Princess, it won’t exactly take a hop, skip, and a jump for Max to figure out where they came from. Then I’m dead.”

Her eyes narrowed. “You’re trying to tell me you’re scared of my brothers?”

“Not physically. He would never fight me and I think we both know I could kick his ass if I wanted to.” I ran a hand through my hair. “The thing is, Max can hurt me other ways. Financially, for example. Then what?”

“I’m not ready to let you go yet, Logan.” She rolled onto her back and stretched out her body.

The minute I saw her like that, laid out like a feast, I wanted to devour her. I could feel the blood rushing to my cock, and I was instantly ready again, which was saying something. The way she was talking to me, I should’ve been ready to cut and run, literally, back to the marina.

“I’m sorry to hear that, princess,” I mumbled. “Not everything is up to you.”

She smirked. “Yeah, but lots of times it is. And I bet there are ways to convince you.” She rolled onto her hands and knees. Lord, did I want to be behind her, slamming into her. The look on her face told me she knew it too.

I inhaled deeply and shook my head. “Not this time.”

“We only did it six times,” she argued. “You’re only halfway to fulfilling your promise.”

I frowned and then replayed the conversation in my head. “I didn’t promise. I said I’d do my best.”

“Well, do better. Do me again.” She crawled over to me and pushed me back onto the bed before straddling me. “Come on, Logan.” She murmured my name in my ear and I groaned.

Fuck. She had me half figured out in one night. There was nothing I liked more than hearing my name on her lips, except maybe seeing my cock in her mouth.

Isla grabbed a condom, rolled it onto me, positioned my erection at her already wet entrance then slammed down hard. I was in no condition to object. In my mind, however, I began to make empty promises. This is it. Last time. You’ll jog home after this. I mean it. You’ll go straight back to the marina and shower her off before getting some sleep. Got it?

Soon she was whimpering and I recognized her writhing and panting to mean she was already orgasming again. Once she finished riding it out, I slid out of her, repositioned her nearly limp body, and took her from behind for the third time that night. I couldn’t get enough of her this way. I loved slamming into her ass. I loved holding onto her subtle curves. I loved the way I could knot my fingers in her hair and she’d only buck harder against me. I could not fall for this chick. I couldn’t.

When I’d finished for the seventh time, I kissed her on the cheek and pulled some blankets over her. Isla was as exhausted as I was, but she could sleep. I had to leave. I’d found my boxer briefs balled up on the floor and was about to follow the trail of clothes to reclaim the rest of my outfit, but she stopped me.

“Stay,” she whispered.

“I gotta go. You know I do. It’s nearly dawn.” I kissed her again, hoping to appease her.

She sighed. “Fine. Go. Don’t keep your word. I won’t keep mine either.”

I froze. “What does that mean?”

“Maybe I won’t cover all these glorious little love bites you left on me.” Her brow arched dangerously.

“Isla…” There was more than a hint of warning in my voice.

“Listen.” She sat up and let the blanket fall around her. “I could be persuaded to change my mind. I could cover up if…we came to an agreement.”

My spirits sank. She wasn’t going to let me love her from afar. She was going to push me until I hated her. “What agreement, princess?” I glared at her.

“Well, you spend a weekend with me in a hotel. Simple. We get those other five orgasms out of the way, and you’re free and clear.” She shrugged.

“How the hell would we manage that?” I grumbled. Mostly, I was wondering how I could get out of it, where I could find the money to move on, because Westport and its seductive sands had been ruined for me.

“You sail to the marina up the coast. You know the one. We were nearly there earlier. And then I’ll drive there, pick you up, and make the hotel arrangements.” Isla grinned. “The bar won’t open for a couple more weeks. You’re free on weekends until it is. I have no idea how you can possibly get out of this.”

I stood silent and stoic for a moment as I tried to reason it out, find a fault in her plan, ferret out some loophole. There were none. I sighed loudly and she grinned, knowing she’d won.

“See you at eight, Friday night,” she announced. Already I’d begun to back out of the room. Isla called after me. “Don’t forget to lock up on your way out.”