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The Mystery of Love by Cate Dean (3)


“Absolutely not.” Nick glared down at the too-pretty nuisance and crossed his arms, ignoring the twinge in his shoulder. “Security will investigate the thefts.”

“So, you’re already looking into this? I heard otherwise.”

Nick sighed. “That isn’t the truth. I told the women who reported the thefts that we would take care of it, and not to stick their nose in.” He looked pointedly at Lexi.

“They asked for my help.” Lexi put her hands on her hips, which directed his gaze straight to her tempting curves. Nick cursed under his breath, and forced his attention back to what she was saying. “I have a list, and their statements.”

She handed him a neatly printed list. He wouldn’t tell her he was impressed by the careful, thorough inventory, and the concise summary of what had most likely been overly emotional statements.

“Whoever’s doing this picked the perfect time,” he said, setting the paper on the desk behind him. “The rain will wash away most of the evidence.”

She started pacing. “What about fingerprints? DNA left at the scene? And before you say it, I know there will be an abundance of contributors. But you might be able to narrow it down, match up the prints to current campers.”

He crossed his arms. “Which would mean fingerprinting every one of those campers. How do you think they’d take that news?”

“I don’t know—they’re all writers, so they might want to do it. For research.”

He bit back a smile. This woman had brought him to the edge of laughter more times than anyone since that fateful night. “Would you?”

“Of course. I’ve already been fingerprinted, and did a mock processing at my local police station. I happen to have quite a bit of practical experience.”

He was intrigued now. “Oh? And what would that be?”

With a huff, she stopped in front of him, holding up her fingers as she listed. “Ride alongs with the police, following cases from the first interview to the arrest. I even sat in on several trials.” She lifted her chin. “Should I go on?”

“No need.” He wasn’t about to let on that he was impressed by her research. Or that he knew who she was, now that the name had clicked. He didn’t read her books, but Joe had, and had always pushed them on Nick, saying they were well researched. “You’re still not investigating.”

“Fine.” She turned on one heel and stomped to the door.

“And not on your own, either.”

When she paused, her shoulders slumping, he knew that had been her next plan. “Can I consult?”

“Why?” Nick tortured himself and moved closer to her. She smelled like rain and wildflowers. “Why won’t you let this go, let security deal with it?”

“Because I’m blocked,” she whispered. She glanced over her shoulder, and he almost reeled from the fear in her blue eyes. “I’ve been blocked for weeks. I was hoping—never mind.”

“Tell me, Lexi.”

Sighing, she turned to face him, looking so vulnerable he wanted to take her in his arms, soothe away whatever scared her. He needed to stay far away from this woman. If she affected him like this after just their second meeting, she was danger on two shapely legs.

“I need a distraction. I hoped that coming here—changing my routine—would help. Being surrounded by a camp full of lovesick writers was not what I had in mind.”

He smiled. “I can see how that would put a crimp in your plan. Fending off potential suitors probably wasn’t the distraction you wanted.”

She returned his smile. God help him, he wanted to kiss her. Only his recent history stopped him; he refused to burden any woman with that.



Her smile widened. “I guess I should repeat my question. Can I at least give you my take on the thefts? No investigating on my own, I promise.” She raised her right hand, and smiled at him.

He shook his head, holding back the laughter that threatened to burst free. No one had made him laugh, or even want to, since—

Stop. You came here to stop dwelling.

“Fine,” he said. “Write me a list.”

Her smile widened, and he felt more of the wall around his heart crack. “I’m good with lists. I’ll go get started. Oh, and Standish?” She paused, her hand on the doorknob. “Thanks, for giving me a distraction.”

“No problem.”

She stepped outside, and he moved to catch the door before it closed, so he could watch her walk across the camp. Damn her—she had found a way in, past the defenses he’d spent months building.

He came here to be left alone by the people who knew what had happened to him. He did not come to this middle of nowhere to be tempted by a blue-eyed witch, who could talk crime and investigation like a cop.

The worst part was she didn’t even realize she was seducing him with her knowledge. And her smile, and the way her snug jeans hugged every inch—

“Damn it,” he muttered, and slammed the door.

Why the hell did he say yes to her?