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The O Coach by Tara Wylde (23)

Chapter Twenty-Five


The heavy steel doors close with a soft whooshing sound. Garret presses the number of our floor into the control panel before turning to me. His hands come up, wrapping around my shoulders and pinning me back against the wall. His mouth covers mine in a kiss that manages to curl my toes and drench my panties.

Hot damn! Garret knows how to kiss!

Seriously, people who can kiss like Garret should be required to wear some sort of warning sign. Something like: Warning, One Kiss and You’ll be ruined for All Other Guys, or maybe If Lips Come Within One Inch of Yours, Spontaneous Combustion Will Occur.

I doubt they’d have prevented me from finding myself in this exact position, but at least I would have been prepared.

Garret draws my lower lip between his. All my brain cells short-circuit and the strength drains from my knees.

I reach up, holding tight to his shoulders as he slides one hand down my torso, causing my body to hum. His hand’s downward trajectory halts when his fingers curl around the middle of my thigh. He lifts it, wrapping it around his narrow hips, and grinds the proof of his arousal against my aching pussy.

“I can’t wait to come inside of you,” he growls against my lips.

“Same here,” I gasp as he rolls his hips in a shallow thrusting motion. Even with our clothes between us, it’s enough to trigger a small explosion of sensation that causes my pussy to spasm. I cling to him, holding on for dear life, and struggle to come to terms with what just happened.

I’m not an expert, but I’m pretty sure I just had my very first orgasm. In an elevator! While fully clothed! And if that’s not what that liquid explosion was, then I don’t care. It’s enough for me to understand why so many people are so quick to make their relationships sexual.


Garret has no intention of letting me have a few minutes to come to terms with my new experience. I’m not even sure he realized what just happened. His lips explore the side of my neck. He nips and licks the sensitive skin. I clutch at him and struggle to remember how to breathe.

If I’m reacting this strongly to him right here, in a freaking elevator, there’s no way I’m going to survive what he’s planning to do to me next.

Behind Garret the elevator door swishes open, revealing the door of his penthouse apartment. Harlan, his leash dragging on the ground, trots out of the elevator and sits by the door, acting as if he makes the journey to the very top of the Dovetail building every day of his life.

Garret stops kissing me long enough to rifle through the pockets of his jeans, which can’t be easy given how much pressure his swollen cock is putting on the zippered front, and finally locates his door key.

He palms the key before bending and scooping me up, not in the romantic way like he did on our walk, but in a fireman’s lift, with my stomach draped across his broad shoulder.

He carries me across the hall and into his apartment, kicking the door shut behind him. He reaches up with his free hand, giving my ass a sharp spank that causes my pussy to spasm, nearly setting off a second orgasm.

My teeth sink into my lower lip, and I struggle to come to terms with the sensations rioting through my body. I’ve never liked the idea of recreational spanking, never thought it sounded like much of a turn on, but based on the way I just responded, there’s a strong possibility I’ll develop a fetish, provided that Garret is the one doing the spanking.

Who would have guessed that he was the guy to teach me so many new things about myself and what my body craves?

Keeping an arm locked behind my knees to anchor me to his shoulder, Garret inserts the key into the lock and shoves the door open. Harlan scoots through the opening before us, eager to explore this brand-new place.

Garret’s pace is more leisurely. He strolls a few steps into a massive living room and kicks the door closed before letting me slip from his shoulder. He makes sure I feel every inch of his hard, powerfully built body before my toes touch the floor.

His hands curve around my hips, tugging me close as he lowers his head, covering my mouth in a kiss that curls my toes. Moaning against his lips, I lift my hands, cupping his face.

We’re both gasping for air by the time he breaks the kiss. He lowers and rests his brow on the top of my forehead.

“Well,” he says after a few seconds. “Welcome to my place.”