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The Persistent Groom (Texas Titan Romances) by Jennifer Youngblood (11)

Chapter 11

A slow, insidious fury boiled through Riley’s blood as he tightened his hold on the steering wheel. For the past couple of days, he’d been watching Silver’s home, knowing she’d come back. Yesterday, he watched as Silver and Ace met with the contractor. Then Riley followed them to the zoo and eventually back to Ace’s neighborhood. Unfortunately, he was forced to part ways with them there due to the security at the gated community. But just as he suspected, Silver and Ace were back here today. They’d brought packing boxes with them. Fear churned in his gut. Surely Silver wasn’t planning on moving in with Riley. Even she wouldn’t be bold enough to do that. He balled his fist. Silver, Ace, and Gracie looked like one big, happy family. It made him nauseated when he watched Ace open the door for Silver, then help Gracie out of the car and carry her inside. Gracie had rested her head on Ace’s shoulder, snuggling against him like he was her father.

Bile rose in Riley’s throat as tears gathered in his eyes. How could Silver do this to them? To him? She knew how much Riley needed her. Sure, he’d strayed from time to time, but those other women meant nothing to him. They were merely a way to relieve the stress he felt. Stress Silver caused them as a couple when she refused to have an abortion.

Riley remembered how happy he was when he first realized Silver was pregnant. And then came the devastating news that she was carrying a Down syndrome baby. He’d begged her to get rid of the baby so they could try again with a fresh slate. Riley knew the stress this would put on their marriage—how their lives would forever be tainted. But Silver wouldn’t even entertain the idea. She pushed forward with the pregnancy, and then things started falling apart, just as Riley predicted. From the moment Gracie was born, Silver was mesmerized by her, like she was some secret gift from heaven, rather than what she really was—a big problem. Riley started feeling like a second-class citizen in his own home as all of Silver’s attention was focused on Gracie. Over time, Riley warmed up to Gracie, but he’d never forgive Silver for putting them in this situation.

Then Silver did the unthinkable and turned her back on Riley completely, asking for a divorce. He’d granted it, feeling sure he could win her back. Silver was the love of his life, his everything. A tear rolled down his cheek. Without her, there was nothing but emptiness.

It sliced him to pieces to see her with Ace Sanchez. That summer after high school when he left town and Silver and Ace got together, it was the ultimate betrayal. Riley couldn’t believe his best friend would have the audacity to go behind his back and date his ex-girlfriend. But then Silver wised up and picked him. And now when Riley and Silver were at their lowest point, Ace had swept back in and was confusing things.

But that would soon be rectified. Events were being set in motion, which would change everything. Ace would finally get what was coming to him, and Silver would come crawling back. Oh, Riley would make her beg a little for good measure, but would then take her back.

Fresh anger spiked through him. How dare she to reduce him to skulking around like a stalker, trying to find out what she was doing? He was Riley Coulter. Things like this weren’t supposed to happen to him. He was the one divine providence had smiled on since birth. He deserved Silver, which is why he’d win her back in the end.

He leaned back against the seat and closed his eyes. He could almost catch a whiff of her light perfume, feel her feather lips against his, run his hands through her smooth, silky hair. She was intoxicating … the most fascinating woman he’d ever known. His first and last love. Like Romeo and Juliet, the two of them were destined to be together. His longing for her was nearly overwhelming.

Soon, he promised himself. We’ll be together soon. When Ace is crushed and out the picture everything will be set right.

* * *

Silver felt like a caged panther as she paced back and forth across the small foyer of her home. She held out her phone and looked at it for what felt like the hundredth time. Then she clutched it, folding her arms over her chest. Where were they? And why wasn’t Riley answering his phone? Her stomach knotted. Had something happened to them? Riley was supposed to have dropped Gracie off an hour and a half ago, but Silver hadn’t heard a word, and she’d been calling him repeatedly. She’d even called Dinah to see if she knew where they were, but it went straight to voicemail.

Her phone rang. Hope rose in her breast as she looked at it and then sighed. It was Ace. “Hello.”

“Hey, are y’all okay? I expected you to be back by now.”

What he wasn’t saying was that he was worried about her meeting Riley. Even though they’d only spoken about it briefly, Ace had picked up on her anxiety and how she was living in constant dread of what Riley or Dinah might do. “Riley still hasn’t dropped Gracie off.”

“What? Has he done this before?”

The concern in Ace’s voice caused tears to spring to her eyes. “No, he’s usually on time. But I can count on one hand the number of times he’s even taken Gracie on his designated weekends.” She was sure he only took her this time for spite since Ace was in the picture.

“I knew I should’ve gone with you,” Ace muttered.

Riley had picked Gracie up on Friday afternoon and was supposed to bring her back on Sunday evening. Silver decided it would be better for them to meet at her house, on neutral ground, to keep things friendly. She wanted to do as little as possible to incite Riley. All had gone well on Friday. Riley was distant, but polite. Gracie, of course, was bubbling with excitement to get to spend some time with her dad.

“I’m coming there now,” Ace said.

Silver tried to think. “Should I call the police? It’s been an hour and a half, and still no sign of them.” Was Riley toying with her, playing some sick game to get back at her for staying with Ace? Or had something happened to them?

“Have you called Dinah?”

“Yes, but it went straight to voicemail.”

“How about Riley’s dad? Did you call him?”

“No, I didn’t think about that.” Bruce Coulter had never been a part of her life with Riley, only existing on the periphery. “But it’s a good idea. I’ll do that next.”

“If you can’t get in touch with him, or if he doesn’t know anything, I’d wait another thirty minutes and then call the police.”


“Silver, are you there?”

“Yeah, I’m here.” She couldn’t believe this was happening! She ran through the alternatives. Maybe she should drive over to Riley’s condo, see if they were there. And then stop by Dinah’s house. A prayer rose in her chest. Please let them be okay. Please bless and protect Gracie.

“I’ll be there as soon as I can,” Ace said, ending the call.

Silver called Bruce.

“Hello,” he said crisply in a no-nonsense tone.

The words gushed out. “Bruce this is Silver. Riley had Gracie this weekend and was supposed to drop her off an hour and a half ago. I haven’t heard from them, and I’m afraid something might’ve happened.”

Long pause.

“Um, Bruce? Are you there?”

“Yeah, Riley and Gracie were just here. They left a few minutes ago. Hold on a minute …”

Silver heard talking in the background, caught blips of Dinah’s voice. Relief surged through her that they were just there and okay. This was followed by a hot anger. Had Riley and Dinah been avoiding her calls?

“Dinah says they’re headed to you now.”

“Thank you,” she breathed. “I was so worried when I couldn’t get in touch with Riley or Dinah.”

“You’ve been trying to call? That’s strange. They’ve been right here the entire time. I’m sorry you were worried. Maybe there was a mix-up about the time.”

She didn’t pretend for one second she believed that, but instead said, “Thanks for your help, Bruce.” Steam boiled over her making her head feel like it would explode. Just as she suspected, Riley and Dinah were toying with her. Bruce, however, sounded genuine. He was a womanizer and married to his work, but at least he wasn’t spiteful and conniving like Dinah. Even though Bruce didn’t show much interest in family matters, she got the feeling he didn’t have any ill feelings towards her.

When the doorbell rang, she flung open the door. Gracie rushed into her arms. She hugged her tight, inhaling the fruity scent of her shampoo. She was so grateful Gracie was okay. A minute later, Gracie pulled away and held up a doll for Silver’s inspection. “Look, Mommy, what Nana got me.”

“Pretty,” Silver said automatically, looking past Gracie to Riley. She squared her shoulders, needing to clear the air, but not wanting to do it in front of Gracie. “Gracie, why don’t you go pick out a few extra toys to take with us?”

“To Ace’s house,” Gracie said eagerly.

“Yes.” Silver saw Riley’s features tighten at the mention of Ace’s name. But he’d just have to deal with it. She was getting tired of tiptoeing around him.

“Okay,” Gracie said, skipping away.

Silver folded her arms, leveling a glare. “You were two hours late. I thought something terrible had happened.”

He waved a hand. “You must’ve gotten the time mixed up. I was supposed to have her here at eight. So you see … I’m actually early.”

She wanted to rip the smug look off his fleshy face. How could she have even remotely been attracted to him? “You knew I was meeting you here and you intentionally kept me waiting, not answering my calls.”

A sneer twisted over his features. “What’s wrong, Silver? Crying because you had to spend a few extra minutes away from your new boyfriend?”

She wanted to scream. “This has nothing to do with Ace. This is about Gracie. If you can’t be responsible enough to get her here within a reasonable time, then I can’t trust you to take her.” She shook her head in disgust.

His face flushed an ugly red as he stepped forward and got into her face. “Don’t you dare tell me what I can or cannot do with my own daughter,” he yelled.

The hair on the back of Silver’s neck rose, and she felt a tremor of fear when she saw the ruthless look in Riley’s eyes. Was he coming unhinged? She stepped back, holding up her hands. “Lower your voice, so you don’t scare Gracie.” It took all the effort she could summon to remain calm. She glanced toward the door, which Riley had closed when they came in.

He grabbed hold of her wrists and shook her, causing her phone to fall on the floor. “You did this to us!”

“Riley, stop it,” she hissed. “You’re hurting me.”

A grating laugh rumbled from his throat. “Hurt you? You hurt me!” His eyes narrowed. “When I think of you with Ace, it turns my stomach.”

“Ace and I aren’t together that way,” she argued, fear coating her throat.

“Liar,” he snarled. “I saw you together here with that jackleg contractor who wouldn’t know his tail from a hole in the ground … and then at the zoo.”

Her heart dropped. “You’ve been following me?”

“I was keeping tabs on Gracie.” He eyed her with disdain before letting loose a string of curse words.

Riley had a nasty temper, but she’d never seen him this out of control. Would he hit her? Or do something to Gracie? A cold terror iced over her. She had to try and reason with him. “Riley, stop acting this way. Gracie’s in the other room. Are you trying to scare her?” Her voice trembled. “Please, stop this.”

Riley’s lower lip grew loose, as his eyes took on a wounded look. “Why are you doing this? You love me,” he growled, his features tightening. “I know you do. This thing you’ve got going with Ace, it’s all to hurt me, right?” His eyes grew pleading. “I told you I was sorry about the affair.”

Affairs, her mind inserted, but instinctively, she knew it was better to remain silent.

“I want us to make a go of it, be a real family.”

She had to keep from outright laughing at his face. They’d never been a real family. Riley had resented Gracie the minute she was born. How could any father in his right mind resent his own daughter? “Riley, you’re hurting me,” she reminded him, but he only tightened his hold.

She was about to thrust her knee into his groin when the door burst open, and there stood Ace.

Thank heavens, was Silver’s first thought.

A savage expression crossed Ace’s features, his black eyes flashing like steel blades. “What’re you doing?” he thundered.

Riley dropped her wrists like they were poker hot, turning his vehemence on Ace. Silver tenderly rubbed her wrists. Never had she been so glad to see anyone in her life.

Ace scoped her face. “Are you all right?”

“Yes,” she said weakly.

“Silver’s none of your concern,” Riley muttered.

A couple of inches taller than Riley and solid muscle, Ace was a formidable adversary. And when he stepped up to Riley and looked him in the eye, Silver could feel Riley’s fear. Ace’s hand tightened into a fist. “You need to leave,” he ordered, through clenched teeth.

“Only when I’m good and ready,” Riley fired back, but his voice had lost much of its bravado. Then Silver saw him straighten his shoulders and knew he wouldn’t go down easy. “Stay away from my family.”

“Silver’s no longer your wife,” Ace flung back. “You need to stay away from her.”

Riley shoved Ace, but Ace barely moved, holding his ground. Surprise flickered over Riley’s face, and he drew back his fist to take a swing when Gracie stepped into the room. She halted in her tracks, her eyes rounding. “Mommy?” she squeaked, darting to Silver’s side. “Daddy, Ace … are you mad?”

Riley stepped back. “It’s okay, sweetie.” He looked at Silver, shaking his head. “This was your first and last warning.”

“You have no right to threaten Silver,” Ace said. “Step outside, and we’ll settle this like men.”

Riley only shook his head and laughed, stepping backward toward the door. He pointed at Silver. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Silver’s stomach knotted, alarm trickling over her. “What’re you talking about?”

A malevolent smile flitted over Riley’s lips. “You’ll see, darling.” He winked. “All in good time.” With that, he was gone.

Silver’s knees buckled. “Mommy,” she heard Gracie cry before Ace caught her. She fell against his chest. Then straightened, trying to get her bearings.

Ace looked concerned. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” she said, unable to stay the tremble in her voice.

“I ought to go after him and beat the living daylights out of him,” Ace said, eyeing the door.

“No, it’s good that you didn’t.” She motioned with her eyes. “For her sake,” she finished quietly.

He nodded, his lips forming a taut line.

She looked into Ace’s eyes, gratitude gushing over her. “I’m so glad you got here when you did.”

“I should’ve listened to my instinct and come with you earlier.”

Ace had tried, but she asked him not to. She could only nod.

“Do you want to call the police?” Ace asked, his jaw hard.

“No,” she said instantly.

“It might be good to have a record of this,” he insisted.

“And bring down Dinah’s wrath on my head? I don’t think so.”

“You can’t keep running from this, Silver.”

Her head shot up. “I’m handling this the best way I know how.” She lifted her eyes to his, not backing down an inch. “And you need to respect that.”

His jaw started working like he was going to argue, but finally he nodded. “Okay, we’ll do it your way.” He took hold of her arm. “Let’s go home.”

The implication of what Ace was saying—them going home … together—flashed through her mind. She probably should’ve corrected him, but at the moment, she wanted nothing more than to get out of here and go somewhere where Riley couldn’t touch them. “Sounds good to me. Let’s go.”