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The Trouble with Billionaires (Southern Billionaires Book 1) by Michelle Pennington (18)


The tension in Nate’s neck was slowly creeping up to become a headache. He needed to stop and take something before it got worse and affected his ability to think, but he didn’t want to stop reading through the report that had arrived a short time earlier. He was gambling his whole future on the success of this one massive deal. It had to be done right. He was selfish enough to wish he could let his people take care of the details, but this wouldn’t just affect him. Thousands of people depended on the income from his businesses, and if he made a mistake, they would suffer more than he would.

The head of his legal team was reading the same report and kept making grunts that didn’t instill any optimism in a favorable outcome. With no end in sight to his work for the day, it frustrated him to see Charlotte on the beach below in her aqua blue swimsuit standing in the surf with the sun on her hair. Taylor splashed around like a landed fish as he tried out his new snorkel mask. It looked like he was having the time of his life, but Nate worried Charlotte would be upset that he was leaving them alone so long. If only he could tell her that he was doing this for her, for a chance to be with her. Unfortunately, everything had to be kept top secret until it was done. If the media got wind of it, there would be a lot of false and potentially damaging rumors circulated.

The door opened behind him and Sam’s voice filled the room.

“I got a call from The National Society for the Preservation of Small Town America. Nate, they’ve accepted our application for the grant, but they have a whole laundry list of reservations, and exclusions, and red tape for us to sort through.”

Nate leaned back and rubbed the back of his neck. “Of course they do. Even after I more than doubled their yearly funding.”

“They don’t know you’re the donor.”

“I know.” Nate sighed and stood up. “I suppose I’ll need to sort through that next and see if there’s anything we can negotiate with them.”

“Yes. Unless you let the whole thing go and be satisfied with whatever they’re willing to do for downtown Chester.”

“You know me better than that.”

“Yes, sir, I do. But perhaps this time, considering your other…er…interests, you could be content with less than you originally aimed for.”

Nate’s eyes flashed, but he had to at least consider this possibility. “I’ll let you know after I see what they’re willing to do.” He moved restlessly back to his desk. “It will have to wait for now.”

Normally, Nate lost track of time when he worked. He was conscious of every minute today because he resented each one of them. Just after noon, he looked up when he heard a timid knock on the door.

“Come in,” he said, at once.

Charlotte came inside, looking hesitant but determined.

Relaxing the instant he saw her, Nate stood and walked toward her. He put his hand softly on her shoulder. “Are you terribly mad at me for neglecting you all morning?”

“Not mad, no. But lonely.”

He hated to hear her answer, but he was glad she was honest. “I’m so sorry. Unfortunately, I’ve had several important projects blow up at once and it’s all-hands-on-deck. If I’m going to be free for the party tonight, I’m going to have to push through it, but it’s driving me insane.”

“I wasn’t trying to make you feel bad. Seriously, don’t worry about Taylor and me.” She smiled at him, but it looked a little forced. “We’re having a great time being lazy and enjoying the taste of luxury. I just came to see about your lunch because Mrs. Henderson said none of you have been down to eat.”

Touched beyond words, his hand gripped her arm. So many women he’d dated would have been throwing a hissy fit by now, angry that he wasn’t giving them his full attention. But here was this woman, who was at once so hesitant to date him, and yet so quick to think about his needs. “Thank you. We got caught up in our work. Will you ask her to send some sandwiches up?”

Charlotte smiled and put her hand over his, and squeezed back. “I’ll do better than that. I’m going to make you my famous turkey sandwiches. Give me thirty minutes or so.”

“Thirty minutes for sandwiches?” he asked, teasing her.

“These are special sandwiches,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows before hurrying from the room.

It actually took her forty minutes to bring lunch, and he was distracted for all of them, anticipating her return. But when she finally did come, he was floored by the lunch she brought. Stacked high on a tray were hot grilled sandwiches. Taylor followed her with two bags of chips, and Mrs. Henderson came in with a pitcher of iced tea and iced coffee.

“Lunch is served, gentlemen.”

Nate grinned as Sam and the whole legal team dropped what they were doing and came forward. Soon they were back at their desks, and Nate stepped forward to get a sandwich. As he picked one up, one of the lawyers groaned. Literally groaned.

“What is this? It’s amazing.”

“It’s got grilled onions and peppers, and what—are these jalapenos?” Sam was peering at the guts of his sandwich, carefully inspecting it with awe in his expression.

“Yep. And cheddar and provolone cheese,” Charlotte added with a pleased smile. “Try it,” she encouraged Nate.

He took a bite and nearly melted in bliss. “Wow,” he said thickly.

She bounced up on her toes. “Remember last night when you implied to Marco that I can’t cook?”

“I did not.”

“You did. And just because you’ve only seen me cook ramen noodles. Well, I’m not a chef, but there are a few things I’m really good at. Making sandwiches is one of them.”

Nate took another big bite and glanced at the tray to see how many were left. One wasn’t going to be enough. “Okay. Promise me you’re going to let me try your other sandwiches sometime too.”

“We’ll see,” she teased. “All right. We’ll leave you to it.”

She grabbed Taylor’s hand out of one of the bags of chips and towed him behind her as he crunched on the few he’d managed to grab.

Sam came up beside Nate, thoughtfully eating his sandwich. “I’ve always thought you were a very smart man.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing. Just, you picked a great girl. And not just because this is a very good sandwich. I hope you don’t screw it all up.”

He turned away again, and Nate thought about throwing something at the man.

Nate only saw Charlotte once more that afternoon when she and Mrs. Henderson came back to collect the dirty dishes. He thanked her again, but since he was on an important call, he wasn’t able to do any more than stare after her as she left. But when six o’clock crept around and there were only loose ends to tie off for the day, he left it to his team and ran up to shower. Charlotte had entranced him the night before with her feminine dress, loose curls, and heavenly scent. She’d been enthusiastic about every dish Marco put before her, earning a fan forever, and spent the evening relaxed and talkative. If only tonight could go as well.

He’d worn a suit last night, but he would wear a tux this time. He gave more attention to his grooming than usual, and put on his favorite cologne. He felt like an awkward teenager going to prom, but when he looked in the mirror, carefully adjusting his cuff-links so the engraved monogram was the right way up, he saw the man he’d grown into. Tonight, he was going to make Charlotte forget all the nonsense that was keeping them apart.

He strode out of his room, down the long hall, and descended the stairs with a light, carefree step, but it was all an act. So much was riding on tonight, even if he was the only one at the party who realized it. Charlotte might be miserable and decide she wanted nothing to do with his life, especially if Alexa caused a scene. More and more he was seeing Alexa in a different light.

Their last few phone conversations had mostly been about organizing the party tonight, but now her “darlings” and frequent calls seemed so blatant. He’d seen what Alexa could do when she was jealous, and the thought of her hurting Charlotte made his shoulders tense with worry. Perhaps after tonight, Alexa would see that he was serious about Charlotte and bow out gracefully.

Charlotte was already below, standing next to Mrs. Henderson, their heads bent over a phone. He froze when he saw her, staring at the perfection before him. Her black dress skimmed her body from her shoulders to her knees and her hair was pulled up in a gleaming pile of curls that exposed the back of her neck.

“You don’t play fair, you know,” he finally said. “Do you always have to be so beautiful?”

Charlotte turned toward him, her eyes sweeping over him. He watched her expression curiously, and thought he could see warmth there before she straightened her back and gave a very self-possessed smile.

“Oh whatever,” she said. “You’ve seen me in sweats and an old t-shirt. And greasy hair.”

“I haven’t forgotten.”

Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed, so he didn’t pursue it further. Then the first guests arrived and the test began.

Considering Charlotte’s prejudices against money, he expected her to be uncomfortable or reserved, but as he watched her interact with his guests with perfect poise and friendliness, he realized there was a whole side to her he’d never seen back in Chester. She was confident, witty, and completely at ease. Her smile drew people in, and they stayed when she showed a sincere interest in them. They responded to her with enthusiasm, and Nate had never been more floored in his life. These people were politicians, social elites, and powerful businessmen, but she spoke to them as easily as she had Millie at the soda shop or the moms at t-ball. Hope rose within him like a kite on a stiff ocean breeze.

Then Alexa arrived with a pouty male model at her side and a spangled sheer gown glued to her enhanced figure. She strode over to him with a proprietorial air. “Darling, you looking amazing.”

“As do you,” Nate answered, keeping his voice bland. “You remember Charlotte.”

Alexa turned from him, her smile wide. But Nate wasn’t fooled.

“Of course I do.” She made a big show of gripping Charlotte’s hand. “You must be quite overwhelmed with all this. And meeting all these people. Well, don’t worry. You can hide behind me whenever it gets to be too much.”

“Well bless your heart. Aren’t you sweet?” Charlotte said cheerfully, adopting the language and accent of his home town. Nate had to fight to keep from grinning. He wondered if Alexa understood what that meant in southern speak.

“And look at your dress!” Alexa fired back. “It looks amazing on you. Of course, I never bother with ready to wear.”

Charlotte’s expression tightened. Nate couldn’t stand to see her insulted, and stepped in before Charlotte could answer. “Or manners either, it seems.” Then he led Charlotte away, looking around the room for better company. Alexa had better enjoy herself. He didn’t want to cause a scene now, but he’d make it clear she was no longer welcome in his home—or his life—as soon as he had a chance to speak to her in private.

It was clear for the rest of the evening that Charlotte’s mood had changed. She continued to smile and talk with the people he introduced her to, but the light had gone out of her eyes. And then, she disappeared completely. When at last the guests were all gone, he went in search of her and found her against the railing of the pool deck, looking out at the moonlight shining on the dark gulf waters.

“I’m so glad that’s over,” he said.

She didn’t so much as look his way to show she’d heard him.

“I’m sorry Alexa was such a witch.”

Charlotte laughed then, but there was a choke in the middle of it. “I don’t care. She wasn’t commenting on my dress. Not really. She was referring to my social status.” Then Charlotte turned to Nate. “And that’s fine. I couldn’t care less what she thinks of me.”

Nate reached out and smoothed back the hair that the gulf breeze was blowing into her face. “Then why are you so upset?”

“Because I have a headache coming on.”

“Uh huh.”

“And because, one night, one party I can handle. But Nate, I would hate to have to deal with that all the time.”

Here it was, the results of the test. And it wasn’t looking good.

“Charlotte, I don’t do this all the time. In fact, it’s been months since I saw most of these people. And I don’t have to do this at all. It’s a lifestyle I’d be more than happy to step away from.”

“Maybe for a while, but not for always. You may have grown up in a small town, but you belong here in a way I never could.”

“That’s nonsense. You were amazing. And me? I’m happy cruising my home town in a nice truck, going to t-ball practice and drinking sweet tea at Millie’s with the good ‘ol boys.”

There was a moment of silence, and then Charlotte asked, “Do you ever wish you could just give it all away?”

Nate sighed and turned to look over the enormous mansion he owned. It was a dark silhouette against the night sky except where it was lit by security and landscape lights. The bottom floor was still lit up as the hired staff cleaned up after the party. Charlotte had made it feel more like a home for the first time. “Lately, yes. I’ve always felt like I was missing something, and never considered that maybe I had too much of the wrong things, and not enough of what matters.” There was a sharp pang in his chest as he considered his next words. “And I think I would give it all away if it weren’t for all the people whose lives depend on me. That’s not something I take lightly.”

After a moment of heavy silence, Charlotte said, “I’m flying home in the morning,”

“I know. I’ll be back in town as soon as I can.”

Her voice was soft, hesitant, as she said, “Part of me wishes I didn’t have to leave.”

Surprised, Nate raised his eyebrows. “I’m glad.”

“And part of me wishes I’d never come.”

A pang of hurt shot through him, sharp and deep. “I’ve been waiting for this, even though I hoped it wouldn’t come.”

She looked up at him then, and smiled sadly. “I’m not telling you no, Nate. I’m just saying I need some time. I can’t let my emotions sweep me into a mistake again, especially when it would hurt Taylor too.”

She turned to walk away, but Nate caught her hand. “Charlotte, wait.” When she allowed her eyes to drift back up to his, he said, “Look, I know my lifestyle isn’t what you want, but I’m working on that. There’s so much more to a relationship than money and social status—the things that make you want to walk away from me. But I’m still just a man. And I’d do anything for you.”

“What are you saying, Nate?”

“If you didn’t have to worry about anything but what you wanted, what would you do?”

The night was still as she stared at Nate, except for the distant murmur of waves washing to shore. And then she reached for him and he pulled her close. Her hands went behind his neck, urging him to lean down. He bent and her sweet scent and the glory of her intoxicating kisses swept over him, opening the floodgates of his feelings, his passion, his whole soul. But then he realized her cheeks were wet and this was goodbye.

But before he could protest, a voice cut through the swirling mists. “Well, aren’t you two cozy?”




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