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The Wolf's Temptation (Alpha Wolves of Myre Falls Book 2) by Anastasia Chase (9)

Chapter Nine

Raven felt a sudden rush of inadequacy. Anger soon followed as she gathered herself. Turning back toward Conan, she glared at him. “Was this really just about the job?”

“You made it that way. We can talk in the cave later. Go get what you came here for. You’re not here for me. But, Raven…”


He licked his lips. “You’re delicious.”

She didn't want his words to make her feel better. She didn't want his words to put a smile on her face. She didn't want to admit that she thought what they were doing meant far more to her than it did to him. She didn't want to admit that being an Enforcer made her an exceptional wolf, but it made her a lonely woman. Sighing to herself, Raven promised herself that she wouldn't let Conan distract her anymore.

Pushing the curtains to the side, she stepped into the hallway. There was a line of women standing against the wall. They were all beautiful in their own way. Conan’s words played in her mind, over and over again…you’d ride my tongue.

Ride his tongue she did. Well, it was more like he took her pussy for the ride of her life.

Beg me for more…

There wasn’t any disputing that. She wanted every inch of him pounding into whatever hole he wanted.

When I refuse, you’d be mad…

Furious. She smiled to herself.

They all get mad because they can’t have all of me. I can sex a woman six ways to Sunday…

Six ways with his mouth and hands alone. Toss his cock into the mix and Raven was sure that she'd be one of those hopeless women she hated. The ones who followed their mates around the pack, simply waiting for them to put a pup inside them...To breed…To create a family, a home. Suddenly, they didn't seem so hopeless or pathetic. She was beginning to understand.

“So, how was it?” a woman asked Raven as she walked by.

“Well worth it.” She smiled. Raven decided to take the opportunity to do her job. “Is Conan supposed to do that with every woman here?”

“Oh, no.” She blushed. “That’s only for certain members. You know, the platinum-tiered ones.”

“I didn’t realize my um, membership, allotted me that particular privilege. How many other members get that done? Are you here every night?”

“You must be brand new.” She smiled. Her red hair was pinned up into a messy bun. Her soft brown eyes amplified her freckles. With a bright smile, she looked like she should be on a farm milking cows rather than waiting in line for Conan to do whatever it was he did for these women.

“Yeah, is it really that obvious?” Raven faked an innocent smile, playing shy and rubbing the back of her neck with uncertainty.

“Too obvious, but at least you got the best membership.” She nodded. “The majority of us only have the companionship fee for him.”

“What about when he smokes? I’m Raven, by the way.” She smiled.

“Mary.” The redhead smiled. “Conan doesn’t smoke while he’s here. I see him at the other spots smoke a cigarette here and there but nothing out of the ordinary.”

“That was intense. I think I’m ready to go home now.” Raven sighed.

“Yeah, you should be.” She giggled. “Have you used the service before?”

“No, what’s that?”

“Whenever a member is in a position like you are, exhausted, you can request a car and escort home,” she told her.

Raven wondered. “What happens if you don’t use the service?”

“Well, I’ve heard that some women have just up and disappeared. They never made it home. There isn’t a trace of them anywhere.” Mary shrugged.

“Oh my goodness. Have the police been called? Someone’s got to be looking for them!” Raven whispered with feigned worry.

“I’m sure it’s just rumors. Probably to help boost the take-home service. It’s only an extra few dollars tacked on. I mean...can you imagine the publicity and news coverage if several women just up and vanished after leaving this club. This place would be empty.” She laughed.

The blood of wolves dripped down the gold and white walls of Oblivion as Raven, in her Enforcer outfit, moved through the club taking them all out, one by one. This entire operation would be scrapped, buried, and burned. There wouldn’t be a trace of Alan or his pack. Snapping out of her imagination, Raven nodded. “Yeah, you’re probably right about that.”

“That hulking beast of a man by the door.” She motioned toward Devon. “He can get you set up with a ride. Or usually, there’s this blonde guy, curly hair, very weird vibe…usually slinking around here somewhere.”

The woman looked around as if she were searching for him.

“You’re looking for Ivan?” another woman interrupted their conversation. “He’s actually in the Red Room with his, um, harem.”

“Oh, that’s going to be a great show.” Mary’s face lit up. “Even better than the one Conan just put on. No offense.”

“None taken.” Raven raised her hands.

“Are you going to go now or hang around?” Mary asked.

There was something sweet in the woman’s voice. It could be she realized Raven had better access to certain club amenities, but she seemed genuine. It had been a long time since Raven felt any kind of kinship with another woman. Her upbringing didn’t allow her to make friends easily. It was a disadvantage to her job. However, for this particular assignment, Raven decided it would be best to throw a piece of her training away to submerge herself in The Barstow’s culture. It was the only way to get the answers she so desperately needed. 

Following the women, she paused in front of the Red Room. There were deep crimson, satin, curtains dripping down from the tall ceilings. A huge round bed seemed to hover above the floor as it rotated slowly. There were two double-wide, wrought iron gates separating the room from onlookers. Raven positioned herself near the edge of the gate, keeping herself out of Ivan's sight.

Three women moved around each other while Ivan lay back with his fingers laced behind his head. Raven could barely stomach the scene having seen just how easily he could be frightened, and still, she couldn’t turn away. Everyone around her was heavily into what they were doing. The kissing, the touching, the groping. It was like watching a ballet of lovemaking. Goosebumps traveled up and down Raven's skin. She couldn't help but be turned on watching the women pleasure themselves. Eventually, when they took an interest in Ivan, she lost her will to watch.

Just as she was backing away, the firm chest of someone behind her stopped her. She was practically pinned against the wall. With the group of people watching the orgy, none of them were paying attention to the scene unfolding right next to them.

Conan’s touch was firm as he bent down to whisper into Raven’s ear, “Did you find what you were looking for?”

Breathing heavy, she felt his hand move her chiffon fabric out of his way. Searching for her center from behind, Raven swallowed and moved away from him. Her ego was still bruised. “You put me on display merely moments ago and you're asking me about work?”

“Well, that’s what you said you wanted. You wanted to just do your job? Was I wrong?”

“No,” she answered quietly.

“What else do you need?”

Raven was stunned by that question. “What do you mean? For the job? I need to follow you for the rest of the night. I know how the women are leaving here, but I need to be sure it isn’t you.”

“How are they leaving? How are they disappearing?” he asked her.

She turned around to face him. Conan spread her legs with his hand and slipped his fingers inside her walls. She inhaled deeply as she continued to speak, trying to keep her focus on the job. “You’re trying to distract me again. Why?”

“You’re delicious,” he replied with a mischievous tone in his voice. “I simply want to enjoy you, for us to enjoy each other without all of this. I told you what I wanted and I think you were right in believing you’re the one who can give it to me.”

Without another word, Conan pressed his mouth against hers. Their tongues swirled, intertwining, wrapping and lapping over one another. Fully engulfed in their passionate embrace, Raven allowed herself to cum on his fingers. When they stopped, she gazed into his eyes and knew something was different. 

“Did you smoke?” she asked him quietly.

“Just a little pull. Please, Raven, come with me,” he whispered with angst and yearning. “I swear, I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not.” She shook her head, running her hand down his face. “I can see it in your eyes. Let me help you.”

“I’m good, but if you’re going to be this way then just forget about it.” He pulled away from her abruptly.

“Conan, wait!” She grabbed him but he yanked away from her grasp. When she looked at the scene, it was different. Someone was missing. Tapping Mary, she asked her, “Where did the guy go?”

“Ivan?” She shrugged. “Who cares? Have you seen these three? They don’t need a cock between them.”

Raven stared up and down the hallway. Conan was gone and Ivan…she hadn’t any idea where to even begin searching for him. Conan had distracted her long enough for Ivan to slip away. She began to wonder if it was intentional or if it was because he’d smoked and wanted to protect his dealer. The questions spiraling in Raven’s mind were making her dizzy. The sweet scent of vanilla and cinnamon was no longer sweet as it began to overwhelm her. Her trust, her edge as an Enforcer, it was fading and all because someone was able to make her climax.

Raven despised the feeling of being unprepared. It was new to her. Her emotions were interfering with her logic and her job. She needed to get some air, to clear her head. 

Oblivion felt like a maze as she wandered up and down the halls searching for Michy or a door to get out. Every door she touched opened into either an empty room or some display of debauchery. She understood why a club like this would thrive. She understood why so many people, wolf and human alike, were heavily invested in its success. But there was something going on here and she was being pulled into a world she was scared she’d never get out of.

By the time she reached Devon, Michy was standing by his side. They were talking to people as they came in and out of the entrance. Smiles spread across both of their faces once they spotted Raven heading toward them.

“If you knew what I was thinking and what I was feeling, you wouldn’t be smiling.” She scowled at them. “Where’s Conan?”

“Haven’t seen him since your um…display.” Michy chuckled.

Devon leaned down whispering something to her before nibbling on her ear. She let out a squeal and slapped him playfully on his chest.

“What about Ivan? He’s seemed to disappear as well,” Raven barked at them.

Devon straightened his posture, keeping his hand firmly planted on Michy’s ass. “My job is to screen those who come in and out of this club. I usually run into Conan at the end of the night, but he gets a bit winded after his performances. Typically, takes a smoke break.”

“Knowing what those damn things do to one stops him?” Raven hissed, scurrying out the door.

She heard Michy calling after her but she didn’t stop. She didn’t stop until she was back on the street and walking around to the other side of the building, where she could find Conan. His scent was still potent in her nostrils. He was close. Stopping for a moment, she silenced her mind to listen to the night. The faint gasps of someone taking their last breath struck her like a stray bullet.

Raven took off running. She didn’t know where she was going, only that she needed to get to the sound…the victim. There were too many nooks and crannies of alleyways for her to scour. At least in the forest, there were clear-cut lines of sight. The only thing she had to navigate around were trees. Buildings, people, wind, it was all getting in the way.

She paused, closing her eyes, listening to the night air. There was some shuffling in the distance, but the girl’s whispers were gone. Raven lost count of how many blocks she’d run through. By the time she circled back toward Oblivion, she could hear Devon in a nearby alleyway. Turning the corner, the sight before her wasn’t jarring as an Enforcer, but as a club goer, she’d be horrified.

“What the hell happened? Where’s Conan? I heard him!” Raven growled as she neared Devon’s bloody hands. He was moving a ravaged corpse into a body bag, while Michy cloaked herself in a plastic poncho to hose down the sidewalk.

“I already told you I meet up with him after the club closes,” Devon said frankly.

“That’s not going to fly anymore. On behalf of the Council, judgment is passed!” Raven stated, “When I see Conan, and trust me I will find him, he will be dealt with accordingly!”

“NO!” Michy cried out, but Devon held her back.

“That’s not the most just way to carry out a sentence like that,” Alan said, walking up to them. “I understand it. I heard the cries, too. But, perhaps, you should give Conan a moment to explain himself. Everyone deserves the right to explain themselves before your impetuous nature as an Enforcer takes over. Please allow him that much. Perchance there’s something you’re missing. If you kill him, there’s a possibility you could be wrong and the real problem will still be on the loose.”

“Fine,” Raven agreed, nodding her head. “I won’t kill him until I’m satisfied in knowing that I’ve gotten the right person for this. You have my word on behalf of the Council.”