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Under Her by Samantha Towle (34)

I’ve had the best few weeks of my life.

I wake up beside Morgan. We have breakfast together and then come to work. We have sex in my office. We don’t fuck in Morgan’s because she still feels weird about the Sierra thing, and she doesn’t want Sierra to find out about us. Chrissy knows. But she can be trusted.

Then, after work, we go home together to either my place or hers. Eat dinner. Sometimes, we watch Breaking Bad. Mostly, we have sex. Then, we fall asleep together. And do it all over again the next day.

And it’s awesome.

I didn’t know it was possible to spend this much time with someone and not get bored. Let alone feel like it’s not enough.

It’s like nothing will ever be enough with her. I’ll always want more.

She’s become the center of my universe. If you think about it, it should be pretty fucking scary that I feel so strongly about her in such a short space of time, but I can’t find it in me to care.

Because being in love with Morgan is the best feeling in the whole fucking world.

And, okay, maybe I haven’t told her exactly how I feel about her.

As in she doesn’t know that I’m in love with her.

I’m working up to it. I just need to find the right moment. Telling someone that you love them isn’t something you can blurt out.

Especially when I don’t know if she feels the same.

I mean, I’m almost sure that she feels the same as I do. I think I see it in her eyes when she looks at me and feel it in her body when we make love.

But it hasn’t been confirmed to me.

And, yeppers, I’ve reached the make-love stage. Of course, I still fuck her because I’m me. But I make love to her, too. And it’s amazing.

Life is amazing.

We’ve been making plans. Nothing major, just things we want to do together. And I’m meeting her friends this weekend. We’re going out to dinner with her best friend, Joely, and her husband, Todd.

I do remember Joely, but I didn’t really know her that well back in college. Apparently, her husband went to Northwestern as well. Morgan told me that was where they met. At a college party, I think she said.

I’m just looking forward to meeting the important people in her life. Last night, she even mentioned us going to visit her parents for a weekend.

Sounds like a big step, right? But, honestly, it doesn’t feel like it. And it’s not like she hasn’t met my parents.

Everything with Morgan feels natural and right. I’m disgustingly and nauseatingly in love with her.

Thy name is Wilder, and I am pussy-whipped.

And I’ve never been happier.

But it’s always the times when you’re at your happiest that things go to shit.

Because, when things go up, they always have to come down.

My desk phone rings, and I pick it up.

“Wilder, it’s Mom.”

“Hey, how are you doing? How’s the cruise?”

Surprisingly, to me and everyone else here—because, even though they retired, they were still here all the goddamn time—my mom and dad booked a last-minute cruise to the Caribbean. They set sail a week ago.

I’ve been getting regular text updates from them, but this is the first phone call.

“Fine. Look, that’s not what I’m calling about. Have you seen the business news today?”

“No. Why?”

“Because Coveted Lingerie just announced a new line. A plus-sized line.”

“What? You mean…”



Coveted Lingerie is our biggest competition.

I sit forward and bring up a search engine on my computer. I type in Coveted Lingerie, and sure enough, in the news section, there is their announcement of a luxury line of plus-sized bras at affordable costs.

“I just…how the hell?”

“That’s what your dad and I want to know. I thought Morgan said that Ananda was the cheapest supplier around.”

“She did. They are.”

“Then, Coveted Lingerie would have to be making the bras at a loss, and I can’t see that happening, Wilder.”

No, she’s right. They wouldn’t.

“Maybe they found another supplier. One that Morgan didn’t know about. Or they struck a deal with one of their current suppliers.”

“Possibly. But, however they did it, they beat us to the punch.”

“Fuck. We should have announced sooner.”

I wanted to announce, but Morgan said we should wait until production was underway.


She’s going to be devastated. This was her deal. Her idea.

“I need to call Morgan,” I tell Mom. “Let her know what’s happening.”

“And call Niran while you’re at it. See if he can push production forward. We might be able to salvage this if we can get our line out before Coveted releases theirs. It’s not ideal, but it’s all we’ve got left.”

“You’re right. I’ll get on it straightaway. I’ll call you back when I know more.”

I hang up with Mom and dial straight through to Morgan’s office.

Sierra answers, “Hi, Wilder. She’s in a meeting with HR at the moment. I can get her to call you when she’s done if you’d like.”

“How long has she been in the meeting?”

“Oh, thirty minutes or so.”

I could get her to interrupt, but something stops me. “Okay. Just get her to call me the second she’s out.”

“Will do.”

I hang up and tap my fingers on the desk.

I really do need to talk to Morgan, but honestly, the thought of telling her makes me want to puke. I know how gutted she’s going to be.

Totally different circumstance because this isn’t Morgan’s fault, but I remember when I screwed up the Renshaw deal. I felt like shit for ages afterward.

Maybe I could call Niran myself and see how things stand with moving production forward. I could get him to a workable date that would bring us ahead of Coveted’s release. It wouldn’t fix things, but at least it would cushion the blow for her.

It’s morning here, so it’s late in Thailand, but I need to speak with him. I pick up my phone and dial the cell number I have for Niran.

He answers on the fourth ring.

“Niran, it’s Wilder Cross. I’m sorry to call so late.”

“It’s fine! No problem at all. It is good to hear from you. I wanted to speak to you, say how sorry I was to hear that your company no longer required your order—”

“I’m sorry, what?”

“Your order of silk. Morgan called me, oh, a few days ago to cancel. She said that you had found a cheaper supplier and would be purchasing from them. I was very disappointed to find that out because I thought we could do great business together, but I couldn’t go any lower on the price.”

“She canceled the order? Morgan did?”

“Yes. I have it in writing, too. She emailed it to me after we talked on the telephone.”

I can’t breathe. I’m having a heart attack. Or a panic attack. Or both.


“Wilder? Are you still there?”

“Yes, I’m still here. So, let me get this straight.” I rub my fingers against the pressure building in my forehead. “You’re telling me that Morgan—my Morgan, Morgan Stickford—called you up a few days ago and canceled our order of silk. And that she confirmed it in writing on the same day.”

“Yes. Was she not supposed to do that?”

No, Niran. She fucking wasn’t.

“No, she wasn’t,” I tell him. “So, we need to reinstate the order, Niran.”

And then I’m going to strangle Morgan after I find out what the fuck she was thinking.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Wilder. I sold the silk to another company. They contacted me not long after Morgan canceled the order. A few hours maybe. It was luck really.”

I swallow back the bile rising in my throat. “What’s the name of the company you sold the silk to?”

“Coveted Lingerie.”