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Undertow: Big D!ck Escort Service by Willow Summers (9)


What do you suppose they’re up to?” Ethan asked as he waited impatiently in the kitchen with the other guys. “It’s been a while.”

“I don’t know, but I’m slightly concerned.” Colton leaned against a counter. “When Janie and Madison start getting secretive, it usually involves a bad idea and a huge mess.”

“You’ve got that right,” Dave mumbled.

“So the contact form was uber-professional, then?” Noah asked.

“Yeah. Like it was from a stranger.” Ethan could still hardly believe it. He’d given up hope after watching his phone nonstop for the last few days, waiting for communication that never came. “But she’s here. And her text was cute. So…”

He shrugged. He had no explanation for what was happening. For why she’d waited so long to get in touch. Surely she wouldn’t have come over to Colton’s if she was just interested in him in a “professional” capacity? Her actions didn’t line up, but no way was he about to push. When Dick had forwarded her request, that weird feeling deep in his middle had come back, only stronger this time. It had been accompanied by butterflies, of all things. He didn’t remember the last time he’d felt those.

He was back to floating down the stream, and he couldn’t wait to see where it led.

“She probably had second thoughts because of the price.” Dave glanced at the counter behind him. “You guys have gone crazy with pricing.”

“Jealous?” Noah grinned.

“Yes, actually. Hey, let’s move to somewhere with seats. I’m tired of standing.”

Ethan nodded and grabbed his beer, leading the way out of the kitchen. As he turned the corner to head to the back living room, he caught movement and pulled up short.

The three women started and their eyes rounded. Madison yelled, “Hah!” and struck out her hand while staggering away.

“Yup. There’s those self-defense classes hard at work,” Janie said, watching Madison. “She should ask for her money back.”

Ethan’s gaze was stuck on Kaylee. Part of her hair glistened with water and was barely flattened on her head, and the rest exploded out of a high ponytail, falling in a fuzzy mess. Black barely smudged the top of one eye, and a slight shimmer said there was a patch of makeup left on her cheek. Baggy, loose sweats, showing more than a few stains, hung from her trim body, only hinting at the shape of her breasts and hips. The glow of exercise infused her cheeks, and light shimmered in her beautiful blue eyes.

The way she looked, natural and messy, like she’d just come in from a run on Saturday morning after waking up in his arms, took his breath away. In that moment, looking like she did, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

She was way too good for him. Which he would definitely not tell her. He didn’t want to ruin his chances.

Hopefully Janie wouldn’t paint it

“Hey,” he said in a strangely high voice, like a complete goober.

“Oh wow. Look how tense he is,” Madison whispered to Janie. “When has Ethan ever been tense?”

Janie tilted her head to the side, giving him her Art Stare. Crap. She’d definitely paint it.

“I’m not tense,” Ethan said, rolling his shoulders. “Or deaf.”

“Just dumb.” Colton walked up behind Ethan and clapped a hand on his shoulder. “How’s it going, Kaylee? Nice to see you again.”

“What are we doing?” Janie looked beyond Ethan. “Are we moving locations?”

“Your man is fragile.” Colton passed Ethan and edged around Kaylee. “He is tired of standing.”

“Hi, Kaylee.” Dave edged around them next. “Even a hero’s feet get tired some of the time.”

“No, they don’t,” Noah said, following. “Superman never needs to sit.”

“Clark Kent sat all the time, and he was still Superman regardless of the glasses that supposedly disguised his identity,” Dave responded.

“He sat because constantly standing while in an office would’ve looked weird.”

Ethan continued to stand there, staring. He couldn’t seem to move his feet. Or look away. This woman had made him her prisoner.

He liked it. It would make for great role play in sex.

She smiled at him. “I figured…the more help I could get, the better…” Her voice trailed away and her face flushed. “I’d just finished working out when I got your text. I probably should’ve changed. Or showered.”

Ethan closed the distance between them, desperately wanting to grab her and kiss her senseless. Instead, he stopped beside her and put out his arm for her to take. Women dug that kind of thing. “Not at all. If you were worried about beauty, I’d say that you’ve never looked lovelier. But since you’re not, I’ll say that you look fierce, and that’s super awesome.”

She laughed, a carefree, delightful sound. “Super awesome. That was my goal.”

“Nailed it.”

“Look, I insist on paying you for your time tomorrow.” She allowed him to escort her to the living room. “That way, you can’t give me another horrible surprise.”

He chuckled as they entered the living room at the back of the house, decked out with leather furniture and a large TV, currently dark, lining the wall. Music played softly from the speakers positioned around the room. “Pay me after you get your VP title.”

“No, really

“Do you want something to drink?” Colton asked, sitting on the couch. He stuck his hand up and caught Madison’s butt as she started to lower herself next to him, keeping her standing, albeit awkwardly.

“What the hell—” Madison wiggled, trying to get around the obstacle.

“Just some water is fine,” Kaylee said, breaking away from Ethan and sitting in the recliner.

So she wanted to play it that way, did she? Keeping it professional. He could work with that for now. At least she was here. She was talking to him.

He grabbed Noah’s feet, which were spread out across the love seat—the closest piece of furniture to the recliner—and flung them off so he could sit down.

“A watery beer, perhaps?” Janie asked, now staring at Kaylee with a tilted head. “Colton has Bud Light.”

Kaylee smiled with tight eyes. “If you insist. But just one.”

“Madison, look after your guest.” Janie snapped her fingers.

“Exactly, Maddie.” Colton bent his arm and then straightened it abruptly, launching Madison forward. “Look after your guest.”

“Oh man.” Madison looked back at Colton in disbelief. The effect was somewhat undermined by her chuckling. “You are picking up the wrong habits from Janie, do you know that?” Shaking her head, she left the room.

“That’s not going to work out well for you, Lionel.” Janie tsked and shook her head, still staring at Kaylee. “She’ll make your life hell. I should know.”

“Darling, Ethan is the creepy one, not you. Stop staring.” Dave patted Janie’s knee.

If only Ethan could run with his creepy title and keep staring at Kaylee as well. He’d be all for that. He didn’t want to tear his eyes away.

“Kaylee,” Janie said, ignoring Dave. “How would you feel about posing nude?”

Kaylee’s eyes widened. “Wh-what?”

“All right, love. Reel it in.” Dave wrapped an arm around Janie’s shoulders and squeezed her close. “She’s new to all this crazy. Reel it in.”

“No, wait…” Janie blinked and looked down at her knees. “Not nude. Something…else.” She bit her lip.

“Here you go.” Madison landed back in with a beer and a bottle of water. “So, Kaylee, what’s your plan for the dinner tomorrow?”

Ethan crossed an ankle over his knee. “What should I wear? Suit? Tux?”

“Tux? Really?” Noah rolled his eyes.

“Wear the red Hawaiian shirt and the turquoise pants,” Madison said, settling down next to Colton. “You’ll definitely stand out.”

“We’re not going for standing out—we’re going for fitting in.” Kaylee unscrewed the cap of the water bottle. “Also, that outfit sounds…”

“Hideous, I know.” Janie nodded. “But he makes it work somehow. It boggles my mind.”

Kaylee turned her head, giving Ethan her focus. “A suit like the other night would be great. Other than that, just be you.”

“When should I pick you up?” he asked.

“Oh, I can meet you there.”

“I do not advise that strategy.” Madison leaned forward, the aura of command taking over. When she slipped into business mode, everyone in the room took notice, Ethan included. “You need to show up together. That’s just common sense. But who should drive?”

“He should,” Dave said. “If your bosses aren’t in the habit of promoting chicks, they are probably old-fashioned. That means they’ll expect the man to drive.”

“True.” Janie was still staring. Kaylee frowned at her. “But in reality, who’s going to be standing around the parking lot, watching how people arrive? As long as you show up together, I think it’s a non-issue.”

“It’s settled. I’ll drive. When should I pick you up?” Ethan said.

“We can always take the car service,” Kaylee said.

“What time does the dinner start?” Colton asked.

“Seven.” She shifted her focus away from Ethan. “On the other side of town.”

“Pick her up at six thirty, Ethan.” Colton finished his drink and set it down on the end table.

“Good thinking, baby. I like it.” Madison grinned and snuggled back into him. “Kaylee, you should look loose and easy.”

“Everyone likes girls who are loose and easy, right, Colton?” Janie asked. “You sure do.”

“Har har, ass.” Madison rolled her eyes. “But I mean, go for a natural look instead of so uptight. You know, a flowy dress, your hair down, and maybe soft colors for makeup. I think that’ll work better with Ethan by your side, and the powers that be will see that you’re not always severe. You want to look powerful, but you want to save the intimidation tactics for when you need to get your way with the boys. Fragile egos are a real bitch to tiptoe around, but if you want upward mobility, it’s necessary.”

“What is it you do?” Kaylee asked, awe in her eyes.

“I’m in charge of imports for— It doesn’t matter. I don’t like my job. I make decisions that aren’t always the best for consumers. But it’s a global company, large, and upward mobility isn’t easy because they like to hire out. I’ve fought for what I have. I know what you’re going through.”

Kaylee blew out a breath, cracked open her beer, and took a long, slow sip. Her gaze flicked toward Ethan, who realized he was staring at her as fixedly as Janie had been. He ripped his eyes away from her beautiful face. A bit of creep factor worked for him, sure, but there were limits.

“Okay, well.” She rose and gingerly set the beer down on the glass coffee table. The water she kept. “I better get going. I desperately need a shower.”

Ethan stood with her, wanting to keep her there, and not knowing how. “No problem. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at six thirty.” Uncertainty crossed her expression. He raised his hands. “You’ll be safe, I promise.”

Her brow furrow deepened and her smile seemed forced. “Anyway. Thanks again, everyone, for helping. I’m up against steep odds.”

“We’re better together,” Colton said.

Surprise flitted through Ethan. Colton only thought that way about the people in their tight crew. So for him so say that to Kaylee, whom they barely knew, was crazy. But when Ethan looked around at the rest of the group, no one seemed to share his shock.

“Okay. Bye. See you tomorrow, Ethan.” Kaylee was walking away before Ethan could react.

He hurried after her. “Hold on, I’ll take you home.”

“No!” She reached the door and paused for a moment. “I mean, it’s fine. Really. I’m good. I’ll just run home really quickly.”

“Swee—” He cut off the term of endearment. She was still trying to keep this professional. He had to respect that until she thawed; otherwise she might never thaw. “It’s late. You don’t know who could be wandering around out there. It’s no trouble, really.”

“Seriously, it’s—” She flinched away when he touched the top of her back. “I’ll run. Honestly, I’m good. See ya tomorrow.”

She was running toward the sidewalk before Ethan could answer.

He thought about going after her, but she was moving so fast, she’d be at her house before he could reach her in the car. And Lord knew he wasn’t going to catch her without the car. That girl had some fuel in her jetpack.

“Shit,” he muttered to himself, walking back into the house and shaking his head.

Of all the women who could have reached in and grabbed his heart, why did it have to be the one who only gave him the time of day when she was drunk? Because one thing was clear—the heat she’d shown Ethan the other night must have been alcohol-fueled. There could be no other explanation. Thank God he hadn’t buckled and let her lead him to her room. She never would have forgiven herself—or him—the next morning.

Everyone fell silent as he wandered back into the living room.

“Talking about me?” Ethan asked, sinking into the chair Kaylee had just vacated.

“Yes,” Madison said. “I think you need to be normal Ethan tomorrow. You need to go back to not taking anything seriously. When people don’t quite know how to take you, they usually err on the side of giving you whatever you want. And we want Kaylee to get that position, learn a bunch, and then leave to help Colton make his playground a huge success.”

“Way to show your cards, dude,” Janie said.

“Ah.” Ethan smiled, trying to ignore the tug he still felt to go after Kaylee. “You want her in the crew for selfish reasons.”

“What crew?” Janie asked.

The bonds that held them together were silent and invisible, which meant Janie and Madison had been integrated into the crew without realizing they were, in fact, a part of it.

“You’re into that chick, yo. It’s obvious. You’re into her hard.” Dave laughed. His head fell back on the couch and he closed his eyes. “You’re acting like this is the first crush you’ve ever had.”

“Remember Flower?” Noah asked with a smile.

“Oh yeah, Flower.” Dave opened his eyes and leaned his head up to look at Ethan. “You are acting exactly like you did with Flower. Weird and wound up and freaked out. She was your first lay, right?”

Flower? That was someone’s name?” Janie asked.

“She was nowhere near my first lay. But first…real girlfriend, I guess you could say,” Ethan said. He hadn’t felt as strongly for a woman since.

“That means first love,” Madison said. Janie nodded.

Tingles spread across his skin and a small worm of fear worked through him.

They were right. Flower had been his first love, and he hadn’t felt strongly for another woman…until right now. This woman had hit him like a tsunami, and all he could do was hold on for the ride of his life and hope it didn’t end.

“Just be you, Ethan.” Madison nodded in assurance. “She won’t be able to resist you.”