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Undetected (Treasure Hunter Security Book 8) by Anna Hackett (7)

Chapter Seven

Alastair took his time checking the security screens in the Dashwood security room.

“The cameras are working well, Agent Burke,” one of the security team said. “All the areas of the main lobby are covered within an inch of their lives.” The man smiled. “Ms. Ward has done a brilliant job. Way better than the system we had before.”

Alastair nodded. That was why he’d hired her. “Thanks, Chris.”

He strode out of the office and headed for the lobby. Stepping out into the center of the space, he visually checked the camera locations, the main display, and ran through where he’d have agents stationed on the night. The opening gala was only one day away.

“Hey.” Thom fell into step with him. “Feeling all right?”

“If anyone asks me that question again…”

“Okay, okay. Darcy got the trackers from her contact. She’s ready to put them on the diamonds and test them.”

Alastair nodded.

Darcy. He’d checked on her several times during the night, watching as she’d slept in his bed. He couldn’t fully describe how much he’d liked seeing her dark hair spread out on his pillow.

Fuck. Even now, his body responded. Seeing her in his shirt had been torture. The taste of her was still in his mouth. The woman sure could kiss.

“Alastair? Alastair?”

He blinked and saw Thom looking at him. “Yeah?”

“I was telling you that I got your tuxedo.”

“Fine.” He scowled. He didn’t care about his tux—he cared about taking Silk Road down, keeping Darcy safe, and working out how to keep his hands off her.

Feminine laughter echoed through the space and made every cell in his body come to life. His gaze zeroed in on Darcy. She was joking around with some young geek from the Dashwood security team. She looked fully recovered from her exposure to the chlorine gas.

“Thanks, Thom,” Thom muttered sarcastically. “I appreciate your help.”

Alastair looked back at his partner. “Shopping doesn’t get you commendations, Singh.”

The younger man held up a hand. “My boyfriend loves my shopping skills, mainly because I do his shopping for him. I outdid myself with your tuxedo, even if I do say so myself. I’ll send you the invoice.” The man rubbed his hands together with glee.

“Your love of fashion is…disconcerting,” Alastair said.

“And your workaholic tendencies are disconcerting.” Thom turned his head, looking at Darcy. “Although, I’m all for you finding some other…personal hobbies.” Thom smiled. “How was it having a roommate last night?”

With another scowl for his annoying partner, Alastair strode across the lobby toward Darcy.

“Hi,” he said.

She straightened. “Hi, yourself.”

“Thom said the trackers arrived.”

She smiled, excitement radiating off her. She snatched up a small plastic case. “Animal came through.”

She spun, her hip bumping Alastair’s. Her touch felt like he’d been hit by lightning. He shoved his hands in his pockets to keep from touching her.

He wanted to touch her, more than anything, but he couldn’t afford to be distracted right now. Not on the eve of implementing their plan. And as he’d already established, Darcy Ward was one big distraction.

She grabbed her tablet. “We putting these babies on the diamonds now?”

He nodded.

Dec appeared. “Darcy. Burke.”

“Hi, big bro.” Darcy gave her brother a quick hug. “You’ve been going through the plan for the THS team for tomorrow?”

He nodded. “Cal and I have it worked out.” His gaze bored into Darcy. “I told him, and Mom and Dad what happened yesterday. They’re worried.”

“You told on me?” Darcy said.

“We all want you safe,” Dec said. “I want you staying with me.”

“I’m fine,” she told him. “This is almost over, Dec.”

“I want to keep an eye on you.”

Burke moved closer, standing right behind Darcy. “I’m doing that.”

That just made Dec’s scowl deepen.

“When’s the rest of the team getting here?” Darcy asked.

“I know you’re changing the subject,” Dec said. “This afternoon.”

“Who’s coming?”

“All of them.”

Alastair raised his brows. “All of the Treasure Hunter Security team?”

“They all wanted in. They heard about the attacks on Darcy, and they’ve all had run-ins with Silk Road.” Dec grimaced. “The wives and significant others are coming, too.” He let out a sigh. “And Mom and Dad.”

Darcy groaned. “We’re supposed to be keeping a low profile at the gala.”

“They can blend.”

Darcy snorted. “Coop can, because he’s a former spy. And Morgan can, because she’s just badass. Hale and Cal, maybe. But Logan?”

Dec winced. “Sydney will be with him. She can tame him for a night.”

“You’re sure?” Burke asked.

“I’m sure.” The man’s face was serious. “We all want to be here for this.”

And all the THS members were good. Burke wasn’t going to turn down any help. He nodded. “We’re heading down to the vault to place the trackers on the diamonds.”

Dec looked back at his sister. “Please come and stay in my suite.”

“And be the third wheel to you and Layne? I don’t need to hear you doing the nasty with your wife. No, thanks.” Darcy reached out and touched her brother’s arm. “I’m safe.”

“I hate the idea of you alone in a hotel room.”

“Um…” She glanced at Alastair.

“She’s staying with me,” he said.

Dec went still. His gaze locked with Alastair’s. “Think you and I need to have a chat.”

“We can do that.”

“What? No.” Darcy stomped a foot. “I’m an adult woman, so you macho idiots are not having a chat.” She swiveled. “I’m heading to the vault to work on the diamonds.”

She stormed off, and Alastair caught up with her at the stairs. He decided it was best not to talk on the way down to the vault and simply let her walk off her pique.

He nodded to the guards as they entered the vault. At the table, he opened the diamond case.

Darcy smiled. “Looking at these never gets old.”

The diamonds lay nestled safely in the case, gleaming under the lights.

“You like diamonds, Darcy?” He could picture her with a strand of them around her neck. And nothing else.

She smiled. “Every woman likes diamonds, Agent Burke. And if she tells you differently, she’s lying.” She studied the diamonds. “I’ve been doing more research on the gems, especially the Black Orlov.”

“Trying to prove the curse?”

She turned to him. “I confirmed the death of the diamond dealer. A Mr. J.W. Paris. Shortly after he sold the Black Orlov, he jumped off a Manhattan skyscraper.”

“My file says he had business problems.”

Darcy leaned against the table. “Fifteen years after Mr. Paris died, the diamond belonged to a Russian princess, Princess Leonila Viktorovna-Bariatinsky. She also jumped to her death. Soon after, another Russian princess, Princess Nadia Vygin-Orlov, the wife of a Russian jeweler became the proud owner of the diamond.”

“And its next ‘victim.’”

Darcy nodded. “She jumped off a building in Rome.”

“And since then, the diamond was re-cut in order to break the curse.” He looked at the dark gem.

“What if it is some sort of ancient technology?” Darcy said. “Maybe a weapon.”

He raised a brow.

“I tried to trace the earliest legends. It appears to have come from a shrine in Pondicherry, India. The uncut diamond was set in a statue—the Eye of Brahma, the Hindu creator god.”

“Doesn’t make it a weapon.”

Her face lit up. “I discovered a few interesting things about Brahma. So first, he was the creator of all the gods, animals, men and women. But some legends say that he was worried about over population by immortals. He wanted balance, so he helped create Death, who in some legends was, of course, a woman.”

“So the creator god was also known to cause death.” Just like the diamond that bore his name.

“He was also the creator of the brahmastra,” Darcy continued.

“Which was?” Alastair prompted.

“In Hinduism, astra were formidable weapons infused with supernatural power. THS ran across an astra in Antarctica recently, one that Silk Road was desperate to get their hands on. The vajra.”

Alastair straightened and muttered a curse. His gaze fell on the black diamond. He’d read a report on Dec and Ronin Cooper’s adventures in Antarctica.

Darcy nodded. “Team 52 confiscated it.”

“And the brahmastra?” Alastair asked.

“There are lots of stories and legends. Some describe rods, spear tips, and glittering arrows. Others say it was a fiery weapon of destruction. Some stories just say it caused death to whoever was its target, or that it could destroy an entire army. Some legends describe powerful variants like the brahmashirsha astra and brahmanda astra. Weapons capable of destroying the world.”


She nodded. “Maybe this diamond is nothing but a unique gem.” She winked. “Or maybe it really is cursed.”

“Let’s just make sure Silk Road doesn’t ever get it,” he said.

She set down the small case and opened it. Alastair frowned. He didn’t see anything inside it.

“Where are—?”

Darcy held up a set of tweezers and reached into the case. When she lifted her hand, he saw a tiny, transparent circle on the end of the tweezers. It looked like a contact lens, but much smaller.

She turned and reverently put her other hand on the Regent, lifting it carefully from the case.

“Hold this for me.” She handed the diamond to him.

Alastair clutched the blue diamond in his hand, holding it still as she attached the tracker. The diamond was cool against his skin. It was hard to believe it had once been touched by kings and queens.

She stepped back. “Done.”

He peered closely. There was no sign of the tracker. “Incredible.”

“I knew Animal could do it.”

“I might need to recruit him.”

She snorted. “Good luck with that.”

Carefully, Alastair set the diamond back in the case.

“One down, two to go,” she said.

Working together, they got the other two trackers attached.

Darcy stroked a finger over the Black Orlov. “So you really don’t think it’s cursed?”

“I don’t believe in curses.”

She grinned. “Of course, the sensible Agent Burke wouldn’t believe in a curse. Do you think it has…abilities?”

“Probably not. But I’d prefer you quit touching it, so we don’t test out that theory.”

With a nod, Darcy pulled up her tablet. “Now for the moment of truth. Time to see if the trackers actually work.”

* * *

Darcy tapped on her tablet, trying to ignore Alastair’s yummy cologne.

He was still holding the Orlov necklace draped over his palm. There was something strangely sinister about the gem, but it was definitely beautiful, as well.

She wondered if it had really driven several people to take their own lives and leap to their deaths.

“Okay, here we go,” she said.

Her program came to life, the screen flickered, and a map showing the Dashwood layout appeared. Three glowing dots sat close together—the Regent, the Sancy, and the Black Orlov.

“Carry the necklace over there.” She pointed across the room.

Alastair walked away. The dot on the screen moved.

She grinned. “It’s working. Try heading out of the vault.”

He stepped outside and she heard him talking with the guards. She followed the dot as it moved across the screen. Alastair reappeared.

“It looks good,” she said.

All of a sudden, Alastair stiffened, then stared at the vault wall. He looked lost in thought.


No response.

Her pulse kicked, a chill shivering through her. “Alastair?”

He blinked.

“Alastair?” She gripped his arm.

He did another slow blink and looked at her. “You’re happy with the tracker?”

“You just stopped and stared at the wall. You okay?”

His brow furrowed. “I did?”

She nodded.

“Just lost in thought, I guess.” He set the Orlov back in the case and lifted the Sancy. He moved around the room, and the tracker worked like a charm. The same for the Regent.

She kept a sharp eye on Alastair, but he seemed fine. She shook her head. She was spooking herself with her own myths.

Alastair smiled at her. “You are brilliant.”

Her belly flip-flopped. Oh, boy, that smile. She pretended to buff her nails on her shirt. “Of course, I am, Agent Burke.” She turned her tablet off. “Now, I have a very important errand to run if I’m going to be prepared for tomorrow.”

His brows drew together. “What? Is there more equipment you need?”

“Yes. I need a dress for the gala.”

He stilled. “You want to go shopping?”

“I always want to go shopping.”

“You’ll take an escort.”

Darcy cocked a hip. “Try that again.”

“This is another of those situations where it’s an order, Darcy.” She opened her mouth, but he held up a hand. “No arguments.”

“I was going to say ‘sure.’”

He eyed her suspiciously. “Take Thom. He’s the only agent I know who won’t complain about watching you shop.”

She smiled. “Thank you, Agent Burke.”

His eyes flashed and he leaned closer. “Isn’t it time you just call me Alastair?”

Her pulse tripped, and for a second, she thought he was going to kiss her. Or she was going to grab that shirt of his and wrinkle the hell out of him when she kissed him. “Alastair.”

He stepped back. “I’ll have Thom meet you at the front entrance.”

Darcy watched him stalk away, and unrepentantly stared at his fine ass as he did. She blew out a breath. The man was under her skin, and the funny thing was, she wasn’t all that upset about it, anymore.

About twenty minutes later, Darcy found herself pulling away from the Dashwood, with the ever-cheerful Agent Thomas Singh behind the wheel.

“Where to?” he asked

“The best shopping in DC, my friend. I need a dress.”

His smile brightened. “Budget?”

She smiled. “I need a rocking dress. No budget.”

Thom’s smile got bigger. “I know just the place.”

He took her to the Collection at Chevy Chase. The street was lined with high-end boutiques.

They moved in and out of the shops, spending several minutes in each one. Darcy knew just what she wanted, but she hadn’t seen it, yet. She tried on a few things, but nothing was quite right. Thom was an excellent shopping partner and proved he had a good eye.

But she still hadn’t seen it yet.

Then, she stepped into one more store, smiling at the well-dressed woman behind the counter. Her gaze fell on a dress displayed on a mannequin toward the back of the boutique.

Darcy sucked in a breath. That was it. “I’d like to try that one, please.”

The saleswoman smiled. “It’ll be perfect with your coloring.”

Inside the dressing room, she zipped herself in, settling the neckline in place. Oh, man. She stepped out of the small cubicle.

Thom was on his phone, but when his head lifted and he spotted her, his jaw dropped open. “Holy shit.” He ended his call.

“I think you just hung up on someone.” Darcy spun, the mermaid bottom swishing around her legs. “You like?”

He blinked. “You’ll bring him to his knees.”

Darcy ran her hands down the sleek satin. “My dress selection has nothing to do with Special Agent Alastair Burke.”

“Uh-huh. Sure.” Thom winked. “You look like a million bucks, Darcy.”

She looked at the price tag and winced, but then she looked at herself in the mirror again. She decided it was so worth it. So what if she had to eat toast for a few months when she got back to Denver.

Then she remembered that the gala wasn’t just a party where she got to wear a fabulous dress. Damn, for a second, she’d forgotten about Silk Road.


She looked at Thom. “What if things go wrong tomorrow?” She thought of Alastair or her brothers getting hurt. “What if—?”

“Hey.” Thom touched her arm. “We’re ready. We’re prepared. We’re going to get them. With you and THS onboard, we’ve got a hell of a team. And Alastair and I will make sure you don’t get hurt.”

Her heart clenched. She didn’t want smiling Thom hurt, either. And she really, really didn’t want the bossy, intelligent man who had burrowed impossibly deep under her skin getting hurt, either.