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Unforgivable Lover (Warriors of Lemuria Book 5) by Rosalie Redd (13)


ikki skimmed her fingers over the sunstones lining the corridor walls. Their warmth filtered into her skin, easing some of the tension flowing through her veins, but not enough, no, not nearly enough.

Gaetan is bonded to me. A mixture of trepidation and excitement skittered over her shoulders. Her gaze drew to Gaetan, her mate.

Shoulders stiff, jaw tense, he proceeded along the corridor, his pace quick despite the limp in his gait. The rhythmic ping of his cane echoed off the walls. Unbidden, memories of his kiss, so demanding and possessive, raced through her mind.

Everything had happened so fast. One moment they were in a conversation, the next he’d pinned her against the door, his large body holding her in place. She’d wanted him to kiss her with a fevered intensity, and he’d done exactly that, giving her more than she’d bargained for.

Gaetan halted.

Nikki plowed into him, her front molding to his backside. Her hands landed on his shoulders, and he tensed beneath her fingertips. He gripped her thigh, steadying her. Through the thin material, the warmth of his hand burned, igniting a shiver of desire that travelled all the way to her core.

“I didn’t mean to startle you.” He turned to face her, gliding his hand up her thigh to rest at her hip, the movement sensual, possessive. Lines formed around his concerned eyes. “You okay?”

His careful attention to her wellbeing touched her, more than she cared to admit. “I’m fine.”

“Good.” He withdrew his hand from her hip and ran his palm over his face. “I have to tell you about Ginnia before we arrive.”

The hair along Nikki’s nape rose. “What is it?”

“My sister,” Gaetan shook his head, “she’s in our strong room, the dungeon, for treason.”

Nikki inhaled. “What did she do?”

“She released a prisoner, a traitor…Mauree, the one you saw kill Noeh.” Gaetan clamped his mouth shut, his lips drawing into a thin line. Pain and torment reflected in his eyes.

Nikki’s chest ached, and she placed her hand on his arm. “That was Mauree’s doing, not Ginnia’s or yours.”

He flinched, his muscles tensing beneath her fingers. “Come, we are almost there.” With determined strides, he continued down the corridor, his cane tapping in counterpoint to his steps.

This is what Bet had alluded to during their conversation. Gaetan blamed himself for the loss of his friends. Nikki wanted to wipe away his guilt and pain, but she didn’t know how. A headache pounded at her temple, and she had to run to catch up.

Gaetan peered at her over his shoulder. “There’s something else you need to know about my sister. Although she’s an adult, her mind isn’t…” His jaw tightened. “There was an accident when she was a child. Please understand she may not take to you right away or may say odd things. She has visions and is a seer, of sorts.”

A swell of empathy filled Nikki’s chest. There was more to the story, she could tell, but he didn’t seem willing to share, not yet, anyway. She placed her hand on Gaetan’s shoulder, stopping him. “My brother, Toby, had Down Syndrome. He was the same way, forever young at heart, but he’s no longer around. I loved him dearly.” Hot tears welled in her eyes.

Gaetan clasped her hands, his warmth seeping into her, easing some of the anguish. “Then we have something in common.”

Her heart ached for them both. “I look forward to meeting her.”

His mouth curled into an adorable smile, accentuating his handsome features. He gripped her hand, squeezing gently. “She’s just around the corner. Let’s go.”

Nikki nodded and let him lead her down the corridor. In this part of the Keep, there wasn’t much traffic, and they didn’t encounter a soul. As they rounded a bend, light emitted from a small room, casting the hallway in a soft glow. Bars covered the entrance, and a large padlock secured the latch.

Gaetan cleared his throat. “Ginnia, I’ve come for a visit.”

The rustling of sheets and soft padded footsteps echoed down the corridor. A tall female wrapped her fingers around the bars and pressed her forehead to the rods. Strands of her brown hair protruded between the iron as if eager to escape.

Gaetan smiled. “Ginnia, this is Nicole, my—”

“Mate.” Ginnia’s pale blue eyes, a perfect match to Gaetan’s, locked onto Nikki.

Confusion fluttered in Nikki’s mind. “How did you—”

The innocent-looking female smiled, her eyes twinkling with mirth. “I just know.”

Nikki held her breath.

“It’s okay. You’re good for Gaetan, I can tell. I like you already.” Ginnia giggled. “Ooh, want to play a game? You like games and puzzles, don’t you?”

Nikki furrowed her brow and glanced at Gaetan. “What…”

Gaetan’s handsome smile grew, yet the lines around his eyes remained, lending him a haunted appearance. “Like I mentioned, Ginnia is our seer.”

Nikki studied Gaetan for a moment then approached his sister and held out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Ginnia.”

Ginnia gripped her palm, drawing Nikki’s hand through the bars.

Nikki gasped. “What are you doing?” She tugged, trying to free herself, but the tall female’s grip was too strong.

Gaetan stepped forward. “Ginnia, release her!”

Ginnia grabbed Nikki’s wrist and forced open her palm. The seer traced her finger over the mark in Nikki’s hand. The blemish, pink and raw, burned from the seer’s touch. Nikki jerked her arm and, this time, Ginnia released her.

Gaetan wrapped his arms around Nikki and drew her away from his sister. His welcome touch eased the anxiety running through her.

“It’s you! It’s you!” Ginnia jumped up and down, her hair bouncing to and fro. “You’re the one!”

Gaetan squeezed Nikki’s arm, released her, and approached his sister.

“What do you mean, Angel?” Gaetan’s low, soothing voice rumbled in his chest.

Ginnia smiled, her innocence reflecting in her wide-eyed gaze. “She’s the final piece needed for the catalyst.”

Catalyst? Nikki’s stomach hardened. Fear crept deep inside, draping around every cell in her body. “Me? I’m no one special.”

Ginnia blinked. “Of course you are. You and Gaetan, together, will save us all.”

Nikki glanced at Gaetan, a sense of foreboding cresting over her shoulders.

“That sounds pretty ominous. Can you tell us more?” Gaetan brushed a few strands of stray hair behind Ginnia’s ear.

The seer tilted her head. “About what?”

Gaetan exhaled and kissed his sister on the forehead. “Angel, that’s enough for now. I want you to know that I love you, no matter what. Okay?”

Ginnia’s expectant gaze roamed over Gaetan. “Did you bring me one? Did you? Did you?”

Gaetan’s eyes narrowed. “Bring…what?”

The enthusiasm in the air deflated in an instant. Ginnia’s brows furrowed. “You forgot my favorite treat.”

Gaetan’s shoulders slumped. He yanked the small pouch from his pocket once again. His fingers trembled as he withdrew a small, round pill. With a quick pop, he shoved the medicine into his mouth and swallowed. Dry, without water, no less. A shiver wracked his shoulders and relief flickered over his features.

He’s addicted. Nikki’s vision pinpointed, white spots forming before her eyes. She placed her hand against the stone wall, but the cool surface did nothing to ease her anxiety. He’d taken a pill a few minutes ago and now he’d taken another. The shakes…the shiver…the look of immediate relief on his face were all signs of addiction. …and he’s my mate. Dread slid down her back like ice.

A forced smile bloomed on Gaetan’s face. “Nicole and I are on our way to the Grand Hall right now. We’ll bring you back the largest blueberry muffin in the entire Keep. How about that?”

Ginnia’s excitement returned with childlike fervor. She clapped her hands. “Yeah! Yeah!”

The guilt in Gaetan’s pale blue eyes burned its way into Nikki, tugging on the threads that bound her heart, searching for a way to unravel the protective barrier. Although she hadn’t known him long, she’d already begun to care for him, but she couldn’t afford to let him inside and allow herself to love him.

With his addiction problem, he was too much like her father. He could never love her. The pills would always be more important to him than her. Yet, he was her mate and bound to her. A scream bottled up in her throat. It took all her will power not to let it out.