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Unleashed by Emily Jane Trent (6)


Gisele seemed to hesitate, as if considering how much she should say. “Alek?” She smiled. “He’s my brother.”

Micah furrowed his brow. “But your last name isn’t Danilov, it’s Shelton.” He looked at her intently. “And if you’re Russian, I don’t see it.”

Gisele got up and went over to the window, taking her time to answer. She wrapped her arms around her waist, agonizing over something. She was a strong woman, but at the moment she appeared vulnerable. Micah wondered what her history was, and how she’d ended up here.

Her long hair waved down her back, brushing against her red dress. Micah’s blood simmered at the sight of her narrow waist, the curve of her hips, and her long legs. He imagined peeling off the sexy dress to run his palms over her bare skin.

Gisele turned to face him. “Alek is the only brother I know.” In the depths of her eyes, emotion welled but she kept it under control. “My mother Catarina died when I was very young, before I got a chance to know her. My father Andrew Shelton cared for me as best he could, but then…he died in prison.”

Micah went over to her and held her hands. He didn’t ask about why her father had been in prison, figuring that had to be a sensitive subject. Instead he said, “When your father died, wouldn’t you normally have gone to live with a relative?”

“Ideally, yes.” Gisele looked away. “My father had made some good allies; he wanted to make sure I was cared for. So when he died, I was taken in by the Danilovs. I was only six years old at the time, so this is the only life I really know.”

Micah touched her cheek.

“Yuri Danilov raised me as his own daughter. I grew up in Chicago. But when I came of age, I was sent here to work with Alek.”

“I see.”

Gisele sighed and pulled away to pace across the carpet. “I guess you could say that Alek is my guardian, or has been. So I put up with his controlling ways.”

“He does seem overprotective.”

“He has his reasons,” Gisele said. “I know this seems like an odd environment, and I admit that it is. But I’ve been pampered, so I shouldn’t really complain.”

Micah raised a brow. “But you have some complaint, don’t you?”

“I’ve just…seen a lot. I’ve been involved in…many things,” Gisele said.

“What is this place all about? Who are the Danilovs exactly?”

Gisele gave him a tight smile. “You haven’t figured it out?” She hesitated for a beat before enlightening him. “The Russian mob—a faction of it, anyway.”

Many questions ran through Micah’s mind. Most of them would likely remain unanswered for now. The scene intrigued him, but also, a tinge of concern wove up his spine. Gisele seemed safe enough, but he still didn’t like the idea of her connected to the mob. He’d had a few brushes with them, and knew what they were capable of.

Micah frowned. “I’m not making the connection,” he said. “How did your father gain the favor of the Russian mob, so much so that they took you in as their own?”

“Can we talk about something else?” When Gisele snapped at him, Micah knew the discussion was over.

“Instead of talking, how about showing me around?” Micah said. “We have the west wing at our disposal, and all I’ve seen is this room.”

Gisele gave him a reserved smile. “That I can do.” She walked gracefully across the carpet toward the door, but spun around to face him before he could open it for her.

“And I’m still furious with Alek, anyway. He shouldn’t have agreed to your demand, making me part of the evening’s winnings,” Gisele huffed. “I’m not his to give.”

Micah put his hand on her waist. “I’m glad to hear that.” One thing was clear: Gisele had been raised with Alek, but the two clashed. He’d seen signs of it in the game room, and her ire over how he’d treated her confirmed it.

“Shall we?” Micah said, holding the door open for her.

The west wing was intended to accommodate guests in grand style. It was as large as a private hotel, separated from the larger complex, yet connected by elevators and walkways. The layout made access to the west wing convenient if a guest was welcome there. “The east wing is where the residences are—housing, that is, for Alek and for me.”

Micah could only imagine how decked out that side of the complex must be. “You must do a lot of entertaining,” he said.

Gisele walked down the marble hallway, just a step ahead of him. “Alek does quite often.”

“I can see that his guests are treated well.”

“Yes, they have everything they need.” Gisele entered the music room, her heels clicking on the hardwood floor. “We have an extensive collection. Whatever type of music you enjoy, I can find it for you.”

Micah walked around the room. A baby grand piano was in a corner of the room, its ebony finish gleaming under the recessed lights. He ran his fingertips across the ivory keys, then went over to the sound system. It was an impressive setup by any standards. The room was furnished with overstuffed chairs and love seats for the listener’s comfort.

“Nice,” Micah said.

Next was a wine cellar that was well stocked. It took only a cursory glance to know the racks contained very expensive bottles. “An open bar, I see?”

Gisele nodded. “Any guest in these quarters is an important person. If they enjoy wine, they are free to select any bottle of their choice.”

Micah enjoyed wealth as much as the next guy, but he was beginning to feel uncomfortable with the degree of opulence here. It wasn’t the affluence that bothered him, as much as how it had been paid for.

The Russian mafia was known for everything from diamond smuggling to cyber crime and credit card fraud. Illegal gambling and money laundering went with the territory. Unlike the Italian mafia, the Russian brigades operated, more or less, independent of each other. They had an appetite for violence, and had no qualms about murder.

When Gisele mentioned that she’d seen a lot, Micah hadn’t needed to query her about that. He was sure that she could tell some disturbing stories. Since the casinos in Vegas were now corporately owned, the Italian mafia had moved most of their operations to the East Coast. The Russians focused on gambling activities outside the fray. High-stakes poker was the crux of their business.

Micah knew more about the mob than he cared to, as they also had their hand in underground fighting. When he’d bought into Danilov’s high-stakes game, he wasn’t surprised to see the Russian running things. But he hadn’t expected to see Gisele there, nor had he predicted that she was connected to the mob.

The latter was bad news. Micah intended to get to know her much better, and the mob might be a problem. Not that he couldn’t handle it, but it was certainly an unwelcome annoyance. He was used to playing poker, collecting his winnings, and being on his way. This time it wasn’t going to be that easy.

Gisele guided him down a spiral staircase to another hall. At the end of it was an ample dining room, offering five-star cuisine, he was sure. She turned to him. “Are you hungry?”

Micah stood close, looking into her eyes, having lost interest in the tour. “When am I not hungry?”

The flush of her cheeks was rewarding. Micah did have an effect on her, as much as she tried to brush it off. That was the part he couldn’t figure out. Gisele was used to, even comfortable around the mob. Her life consisted of a lifestyle that skirted legality, if not outright defied it. Yet she’d walked away from him, because he was a risk taker. He didn’t get it.

The dining room had a high wood-beamed ceiling with bronze and frosted-glass chandeliers. The deep red walls were framed in wood, and the ornately patterned carpet was so thickly padded it was like walking over a cloud.

Guitar music played in the background, the lights were low, and tantalizing aromas wafted through the room. “Expecting a guest?” Micah said.

“I’m sure Alek alerted the kitchen to prepare a late meal for us.”

“That’s very considerate.”

Gisele gave him a look. “No need to be snide. He may be a pain sometimes, but Alek is my brother. He actually cares whether I eat or not.”

Micah let that comment go. A waiter appeared and pulled out Gisele’s chair for her. She settled into the velvet-covered cushion, and Micah sat across from her. The round table, covered in white linen, was set with silver and crystal. Gisele looked even lovelier in the glow of candlelight, making it difficult for Micah to keep his eyes off her.

The waiter provided a one-page menu, and Micah didn’t take long to decide. Gisele ordered the salmon. “The filet mignon,” Micah said. The waiter nodded and gave him time to peruse the wine list while he went to place the orders.

Micah selected a bottle from Domaine de la Romanée-Conti. The Burgundy would pair well with the meals, and he expected it to be as delicious as it was expensive. Although there were no prices listed. It seemed guests didn’t pay, and Micah’s winnings for the evening included all the amenities.

Gisele appeared relaxed in the environment. “I assume you’ve dined here with guests before?”

“Of course.” She put her hands in her lap. “I think you’ll find the food exquisite.”

The waiter returned with the wine, opened the bottle at the table, and poured a taste for Micah. The vibrant wine had a rich berry flavor, and slid over his tongue like silk. “Excellent,” he said, motioning for the waiter to fill their glasses.

It was late in the evening, and Micah was starved. He’d had a light meal before the poker game, but that now seemed long ago. His stomach rumbled.

Gisele swirled her wine and took a sip. “You’ve hadn’t told me much about you.” She looked over at him with interest. “I thought you were a fighter. You’re into the high-stakes gambling too?”

“It’s a hobby.”

Gisele’s eyes widened. “That’s one expensive hobby.”

Micah shrugged. “It depends on how you look at it. Winning can be very profitable.”

“Yes, but you can’t win all the time.”

Micah looked across the table, hungry for more than mere food. Gisele was the most desirable woman he’d met in a while. There was something about her. He couldn’t describe it, but he knew it when he saw it. She had what he wanted.

“I win often enough,” Micah said.

“I’m sure you do.” Gisele lifted the glass to her lips, making Micah think of what he’d like her to do with those lips. “How long were you in Hollywood?”

“A few months…long enough to meet you.”

Gisele ignored that. “Where did you grow up?”

“I was born and raised in New York,” Micah said. “And since I know you’re going to ask, I came from a large family. My father Vico was a wine importer, and when he retired my older brother Jacob took over Rinaldi Imports.”

“How many brothers do you have?”

“I have three older brothers: Gianni, Jacob, and Stephano. I’m the youngest brother. Then I have a sister, Daniela, who is a year younger than I am.”

“If your family is on the East Coast, what are you doing out here?”

“What I’m usually doing…fighting.” Micah gave her a winning smile. “Or…winning at gambling.”

“Nothing wrong with your ego, is there?” Gisele said. “So why come to Vegas now? I haven’t heard about any amateur boxing match coming up.”

It struck Micah that she was keeping track. Could it be that boxing interested her because of him? He’d like to think that. It was more likely she attended events with other guests her brother entertained. “I’m not fighting amateur at the moment.”

Gisele hesitated, then said, “Underground?”

“Yes, in one way or another, I’ve been in the underground circuit from the start.” Micah drained his glass. “The amateur stuff is just to fill in.”

“You don’t want to be the champion?”

“If you mean do I want to win…yes.” The waiter reappeared and refilled their wine glasses. “But I don’t know if the amateur spotlight is for me. I’m in it for the fight, not stardom.”

Gisele shook her head. “You’re different than any man I’ve met.”

“Is that a good thing?”

“I haven’t decided.”

Micah was used to winning a woman over, quicker than this. Gisele was being coy, and he wasn’t clear about her reasons. He couldn’t envision that she didn’t find him attractive. Well, the night wasn’t over yet.

The meals were served, and Micah’s attention went to food. He was starved and the steak was tender enough to cut with a butter knife. It didn’t take long to scarf the steak, potatoes, and grilled asparagus. He looked up to see that Gisele was only about a third of the way through her salmon.

“Aren’t you hungry?” Micah said.

Gisele laughed. “I’m not a fighter looking to feed all that hard-won muscle,” she said. “I’m a woman, so excuse me if I don’t inhale my food.”

Micah looked across the table, taken with her loveliness. “You’re definitely a woman.”

When she blushed, Micah reached out to take her hand. “You’re a very beautiful woman.”

Gisele’s gaze briefly locked with his. Then she glanced down and withdrew her hand. When she pushed her plate aside, the waiter flitted by to clear away the dishes. “Dessert?” she said. “Shall we ask to see the tray?”

Micah wasn’t fully satisfied, but that had more to do with Gisele than the dining experience. “I’ll pass.” It had been late when the poker game ended, so midnight had long since come and gone. But from Micah’s perspective, the evening meant until dawn. And he intended to make the most of it.

“Didn’t you mention there was a theater downstairs?”

“Yes, with a wide selection of films,” Gisele said. “Interested?”

The double entendre wasn’t lost on Micah. “Very interested.” She couldn’t have missed his meaning.

Micah came around the table and helped Gisele out of her chair. Standing so close, he was intoxicated by her perfume mingled with her feminine scent. He hoped the theater was really dark, as that would be his chance to take things further. The prospect of having her alone, without waiters, guards, or unwelcome mobsters, excited him.

In the elevator, Micah put his arm around Gisele and she didn’t resist. Her chest gently moved with her breathing, and having no will to resist, he bent to bury his nose in her hair. “Micah,” she whispered, leaning into him.

Then the elevator door opened, breaking the spell. Gisele slipped away from him, and he followed her to the theater. Wall sconces provided dim lighting. The room had paneled walls and a recessed ceiling, painted to look like a star-filled sky. There was enough seating for a group of twenty. Gisele took his hand and led him to a leather loveseat in the front row.

Micah sat down and put his arms around her. His pants were uncomfortably tight, and the feel of her sent heat shooting through his veins. He brushed his lips against hers, but Gisele stiffened. “There’s no one here,” he said. “We’re alone.”

The melancholy look in her eyes threw Micah off. “What’s the matter?”

“You don’t get it, do you?”

“What should I get?”

Gisele put her hands on his shoulders. “The mob keeps an eye on its guests,” she said.

Micah thought about that for a second. “Hidden cameras?”

When she nodded, Micah swore. “That’s a dirty trick,” he said. “I won the evening with you. I didn’t intend to share it with prying eyes.” He gave her a piercing look. “When were you going to tell me?”

“I didn’t see any reason to,” Gisele said. “So…only if I had to.”

Micah let out a sigh of exasperation. “Damn it, Gisele.” He stood up and paced the carpet. “The whole place is wired?”

“Not the residences.”

“So your suite isn’t under surveillance?”

“It better not be.”

“Let’s go there,” Micah said, reaching for her hand.

Gisele shook her head. “That’s impossible. The guards won’t let you pass.”

Micah stared at her. After everything, it came to this: a cat-and-mouse game with Danilov. He wasn’t even really her brother, but he sure kept a close eye on her. It was infuriating. “I’ve been deceived.”

“No, you asked to spend the evening with me, and that’s what you’re doing.”

“I didn’t hear your brother say: ‘I’ll be watching you the entire time.’ Because if he had, I’d have made a different offer.”

“It wouldn’t have mattered,” Gisele said. “No player enters the complex and leaves with me. You think you’re the first to ask? Not hardly. I’m a temptation. I’m meant to be. But the guards are part of the deal.”

Micah shook his head.

“You think I like it?” Gisele said.

Micah glared at her. “Don’t you?”

“I need protection. If you knew…about my life…you’d see that,” Gisele said. “But no, I don’t like it.”

After thinking that over, Micah said, “You were alone in Hollywood. I didn’t see any guards there.”

Gisele nodded. “You’re right. I have my own life too. And I won’t stand for Alek having me followed everywhere I go, as much as he’d like to.” She sighed. “I’m sorry. Welcome to my life.”

For a moment, Micah considered ignoring propriety. His exhibitionist streak urged him to put on a show for the cameras. Fighting in the ring wasn’t a lot different from being on stage, and he was used to cameras. But he knew Gisele wouldn’t want her brother watching her during an intimate scene.

“I won’t be deterred that easily,” Micah said. “So tonight we watch a movie, and at sunrise, the guards escort me out.” He leaned down and took her hands to pull her up, into his arms.

Nuzzling close enough to breathe in her scent, Micah whispered in her ear, “Slip me your phone number. I’m going to take you out…on a real date.”

Gisele smiled, then stepped back. She reached into a pouch at the end of the loveseat and retrieved a list of movies. She handed it to him. “Okay, what will it be?”

“A double feature, I suppose. I still have several hours left to enjoy your company.”

Gisele pushed an intercom button and rattled off two movie titles. Micah didn’t really care what they saw, as long as he could sit by Gisele in the dark. Although not being able to touch her like he wanted to was going to be torture.





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