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Waiting for a Rogue Like You (Rogues of Redmere) by Samantha Holt (23)

Chapter Twenty-Three

“He cried like a baby,” Red told Drake with a grin.

“I always knew John was not as tough as he liked to pretend.” Drake leaned back in the chair and let the warmth from the fire ease into his aching bones. His side still twinged every now and then, but it was healing. He just needed to regain his strength, and quickly. With the wedding tomorrow, he would be expected to...uh...perform.

And he’d be damned if he was leaving Julianna unsatisfied on their wedding night. Not after far too long waiting for the banns to be read. And far, far too long being unable to take her to bed.

“He probably won’t hang,” Red warned. “He’s already tried to bribe his way out of prison.”

Drake lifted a shoulder. His need for blood had waned. Julianna was safe and well and that was all that mattered at this point. “I think we already knew he would.”

“Of course, our wealth combined is far greater,” Nate pointed out. “We could make his life miserable if we wanted to.”

Drake shook his head. “I should imagine life in prison is miserable enough.”

Red took a sip of ale and eyed Drake. “You are a better man than I. If someone tried to kidnap Hannah, I’d have killed him easily.”

“I nearly did,” pointed out Drake. “But I’ve seen enough blood to last several lifetimes. I’m certain he’ll suffer enough in prison.” Not to mention he was grateful Julianna had not seen him beat a man to death.

Knight gave a grunt. “Shame my father won’t see the inside of a prison cell.”

“He claimed he had no idea what John intended to do,” Red pointed out.

Knight gave Red a dour look. “My father is not stupid.”

Nate leaned back in his chair and grinned. “You know, you kept being the heir to a title rather secret. Should we address you as ‘my lord?’”

“I will inherit nothing but the name. It means nothing.” Knight shot a warning look at Nate. “Nothing.”

Nate held up his hands. “I heard you. Nothing.”

Julianna had explained that their father had run the estate into debt and was living off borrowed money. The money had been the source of Knight’s argument with his father though Julianna still did not know the full extent of what had happened between them, save that Knight had left one day after her father had declared he had disowned his son. Drake knew better than to push Knight for answers, but he could not help but be curious. If anyone was less like a viscount, it was Knight.

“What of the vicar?” Drake asked. “You had plans for him, did you not, Red?”

“Indeed.” Red’s lips quirked. “He has gone to spread the word of God in a hot, unforgiving country.”

Drake chuckled.

“And John’s man shall see the inside of a prison too. Likely on the wrecks. All in all, we did a fine job of serving justice for a group of smugglers,” Red continued.

“You may wish to talk a little quieter.” Louisa leaned over their table to clear the empty mugs. “There is a rumor there have been customs men frequenting the local inns in disguise.” She put the mugs on her tray and eyed Drake. “You’re looking well. All ready for the wedding?”

“Never better.” He peered around the busy taproom. “Did you give Julianna the night off?”

“Do you think me that cruel a mistress? She is under strict orders to rest and stay away from you. Cannot have her seeing you before the big day. Of course, I imagine she’ll need her rest.” Louisa gave him a wink.

“I expect to see you in your finest gown tomorrow.” Drake caught Knight’s expression darkening as he grinned flirtatiously at the innkeeper. “Though you always look beautiful no matter what you wear.”

Louisa rolled her eyes and didn’t seem to notice Knight’s hand curling tight around his mug of ale. “Save your flirting for your wife, Drake.” She spun on her heel and headed back toward the kitchen.

Nate caught Drake’s eye and swung a look at Knight with a knowing grin. “As of tomorrow, you shall be the last unmarried one, Knight.”

“And that’s the way it shall stay,” Knight grunted.

“Are you certain?” Nate made a show of studying the room. “There are many pretty women to be found here. I’m sure one of them would make a good wife.”

“Well, I would make a terrible husband.”

Drake tutted. “Nonsense. There must be at least one woman around here who would have you. Louisa perhaps? She’s attractive. Great b—”

Knight stood swiftly and grabbed him by his collar. Drake held up his hands as the man glowered down at him, his breaths hot on his face.

“Need I remind you, you are marrying my sister tomorrow. How do you think she would feel if she heard you talking of Louisa’s...breasts?” He whispered the last part.

“Beer. I was going to say beer!”

Knight loosened his grip and eased back into his chair, but not before shooting a stony glare Drake’s way. Drake straightened his cravat. “All I meant was that you’d have an endless supply of great beer. My days of looking at other women are over, I swear.”

“Plus, Julianna would have his head if he did,” added Red.

Drake lifted his mug of ale. “I can drink to that. Farewell and good riddance to my days as a bachelor.”

The other men lifted their ales in response and took a long drink.

“You are not going to make her live on your ship forever are you?” asked Knight, his brow furrowed.

“Of course not. She is a lady after all. But I’ve yet to find an appropriate house. This village is too damned small, and I can hardly put her up in a fisherman’s cottage.”

“You should come and live with us at Whitechapel,” Red suggested. “Hannah would welcome the company.”

Drake chuckled at the idea of living in a stately home. He might have once had a decent estate, but it had been a long time since he’d lived anywhere luxurious. Perhaps once he was older, he would buy back his land and home, but for now, he was content in Penshallow and he knew Julianna would not want to leave.

Drake shook his head. “I think we shall just have to hunt a little harder. Julianna wishes to be near the inn.”

“You should make her quit,” Knight grumbled. “No sister of mine should be working in an inn.”

“Careful, I think Louisa heard you.” Nate nudged Knight’s arm.

Knight snapped his gaze around, but Louisa was nowhere to be seen. All of them chuckled apart from Knight whose glower deepened.

“Have you met your sister lately?” Drake asked. “I do not think I could make her do anything she did not wish to do, and nor do I intend to. Julianna has a mind of her own and that’s the way I like it.”

Nate nodded. “I have one of those. It’s much easier just to smile and go along with it. Patience is insisting she wants to help out with our next mission.”

Red nodded. “Hannah is the same.” He paused and frowned. “Not quite sure how we ended up with such damned stubborn wives. Though she will not be going on any missions anytime soon or doing any more travelling to London for a while. For once, I’m going to have to put my foot down.”

“Ha, I’d like to see that.”

Red shot a look at his brother. “Hannah might actually agree for a change. You see...she’s expecting.”

Knight scowled. “Expecting what?”

Drake shook his head. “A baby of course. Congratulations, Red. You’ll make a damned good father.”

“Of course, I shall have to think carefully about my role in future missions now I’m going to be a father.” A grin spread across Red’s face, the sort that Drake rarely saw from Red. “I’m going to be a father,” he murmured, a look of wonder coming across his face. “It’s hard to believe.”

Nate leaned back in his chair and grinned. “Who’d have thought two years ago that any of us would be married or having children? Things have changed. And for the better, I like to think.”

“I haven’t changed. And I have no intention of changing.” Knight motioned to one of the barmaids for another drink.

Drake snorted. “We’ll see.”

Knight glared at him. “Trust me, Drake. I have little intention of changing. I like my life just as it is.”

Drake could not help notice Knight’s gaze latching onto something. Or more likely someone. Peering over his shoulder, Drake spotted the object of Knight’s attention. He shared a look with Nate. If Knight kept mooning after Louisa, things might change once more, sooner than any of them anticipated.