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Wintertime Heat: A Christmas Single Dad Romance by Blair, Emelia (6)

Chapter 6

He pulls back, immediately with grin on his face, something which I wasn’t expecting.

“What’s so funny?”

He shakes his head, “You. You never cease to surprise me.”

I bristle, “I am not here for your amusement, Mr. Tanner.”

“Call me Steven,” He looks at me.

I bare my teeth, “No.”

He blinks, and then bursts into laughter.

Bewildered by his behaviour and on edge, I was never more grateful to see Aaron show up in the doorway, “Dad! Let’s go!”

“Aaron, your apron,” I remind him, my voice a little shaky. I brush past his father and as Aaron lifts his arms up in the air, I untie the apron and take it off him. I put a hand on his shoulder, keeping him between his father and myself. Steven is now looking at me, a different light in his eyes.

“Well, Mr. Tanner. I hope you have a good day.” Not.

He must have sensed my train of thought, because his lips curve, “Same to you, Miss Abby.”

The way he added the title of ‘Miss’ in front of my name, made me want to hit him. I don’t know why. As he walks out, he looks over his shoulder to give me a long look, before I tear my gaze away and stare stubbornly at my desk.

I hear a deep chuckle, and then his fading footsteps.

Groaning loudly in the empty classroom, I quickly clean up, and then rest my head against the cold windowpane.

What was this man doing? What did he even want from me?

It didn’t feel like flirting. More like he just enjoyed making fun of me.

“Did I just miss him again?”

Hearing Scarlett’s voice, I keep my eyes closed, “Please don’t tell me you came here to catch a glimpse of him?”

“He’s hot. Of course, I want to see him. What’s wrong with you?”

I open my mouth to tell her something but decide against it. I didn’t even know what was going on. What am I supposed to tell her?

“Nothing. Just a very long day.”

I push myself away from the window, and glance at the watch, “Mr. Davis must be waiting for me. Can you wait here a second, while I go deal with him?”

“I could come with you,” She offers.

I was about to say no, and then I stop and grin, “Why not?”

I wanted to see how my extra chill best friend and the uptight Collin would react to each other.

Scarlett trailed after me to Collin’s office, and I knock, before looking in.

He was leaning against his desk, looking frazzled, his sleeves rolled up to his elbow, those dark glasses of his tipped on the edge of his nose, as he studied the document in his hand. When I call out his name, he rakes a frustrated hand through his dark hair, messing it up even more.

“Sorry, Miss Johnson. Come in.”

Scarlett follows me in, and I introduce her, “This is my friend, Scarlett. She was just passing by. I hope you don’t mind.”

Collin raises his eyes to look at her and his mouth fell open.

I grin.

That was usually the reaction a lot of guys had with Scarlett.

I turn around to say something, when my jaw fell open.

She was blushing!

What the hell was going on?

Scarlett didn’t blush. I don’t think ‘blush’ was even a word in her vocabulary.

I was completely side-lined as Scarlett stepped forward, that red tint on her unpainted face, “Hello.”

“Hi,” Collin breathes, unable to take his eyes off her.

I roll my eyes.

“Mr. Davis, the papers?”

“Oh. Oh, yes.” Collin blinks and starts looking for them on his desk.

“So, should I be calling you Mr. Davis?” Scarlett asks, taking a step forward, getting her game back on.

Collin actually turned red in the face, his glasses sliding off his nose as he moves about hastily, “Y-You can call me, Collin.”

“I plan on it,” Scarlett murmurs.

Pinching her, I grab the papers that Collin held out, and hastily sign them. Not even giving the two of them a chance to talk, I wave at Collin and drag Scarlett out of there.

What are you doing?” I hiss at her. “That’s my boss!”

“Abby, I think I’m in love.” My best friend says, dreamily.

“You’re in what? You just met him!” I frown at her, having never seen her like this before.

Scarlett lets me push her into the car seat, before saying, “I know. He’s not even my type. He’s such a nerd. But,” There was a gleam in her eyes, “I want him. And not just in bed. I want him.

“You haven’t even said two words to him!” I stare at her.

Scarlett blinks, and then turns to me, her eyes narrowing, “And you’re going to change that, aren’t you?”

I shake my head, “I’ll think about it.”

However, I cast a worried look in her direction. I have never seen her behave so ga-ga over a man. It is usually the other way around.

Fortunately, this little incident made me forget about my own particular incident with Steven Tanner. However, that was only till we got home.

As soon as we entered the apartment, the door buzzer rang, and I went to check who it was. I blink at the delivery guy whose shirt bore the logo of one of the most expensive bakeries in Boston.

“Are you lost?” I stare at him.

The man held out a huge basket in his hands, and he read from a slip in his hand, “Abby Johnson?”

“Yeah.” I say, warily.

“These are for you.” He hands me the basket, before touching his cap, and turning around.

Still standing in the doorway, I open the note that was stuck on the basket, and my heart skips a beat at the words.

“What is it?” Scarlett calls out from the kitchen.

I crumple the card in my hand, stuffing it into the pockets of my jeans, before saying, “Somebody sent us muffins.”

Scarlett appears in the doorway of the small foyer, looking a little taken aback, “Somebody just randomly sent us muffins?”

She peeks in and makes a disappointed sound, “These are blueberry muffins. They’re your favourite, not mine.”

Taking a step back, she gives me an odd look, “Somebody sent you blueberry muffins. And -“she checks the logo on the basket, “-from one of those top tier bakeries that we saw on TV the other day.”

She takes a step closer and her eyes narrow when I take one back. I didn’t know what she was up to till she made a grab for me, making me jump in surprise.

However, she had seen the note in my pocket and now it was in her hands.

"’Aaron told me you like blueberry muffins. Steven.’”

Scarlett gave me a look, “Steven Tanner sent you muffins!?”

I felt a little awkward and unsure, “I didn’t ask him to.”

“Of course, you didn’t,” Scarlett just studies me. “The man sent you muffins from one of the most famous bakeries in Boston. What’s going on between the two of you?”

“Nothing,” I protest. “I don’t even like him. He’s a jerk!”

“Really?” A sly smile forms on Scarlett’s lips. Backing, away, she plops her perfect little ass on the couch and pats on the seat beside her, “Come tell Aunty Scarlett all about it.”

I sigh.

This was definitely not going to go over well.