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Assassin's Bride (SciFi Alien Romance) (Celestial Mates Book 9) by C.J. Scarlett (3)

Chapter 3

Kindred Spirits

~ Venice ~

“Where are we going?” Venice asked.

“To my quarters. I have a private cleansing unit. Though I don’t normally approve of humans in my personal space, I will make an exception for you,” replied the Golugua.

“If you don’t like humans, why are you here?”

“My father felt I needed experience on a battleship and my mother feels I am too self-absorbed. They insist I will benefit from performing community service.”

“Wow, you’re not even getting paid for this gig?”

Tossing Venice a lopsided smile, she led her down another narrow corridor. “No Golugua is paid for performing their duty.”

“Are the males paid?”

“You ask a lot of questions for such a small being.”

“I’m going to take that as a yes.”

“Of course no one pays drones for their service. They would have to develop a whole department full of counters to keep their pay organized, and task someone with handling disputes. Not even Talon would sign up for such a tedious job. Also, who would bother with that when any drone can simply gather gemstone and trade them for credits? My family has millions of credits and little use for them.” Stopping for a brief moment, Donella sighed. “Our home world has not yet built shops, as we have been concentrating our efforts on creating shelter for our citizens and infrastructure necessary to support our growing population.”

“Let me guess. This is more of a shopping trip than a duty assignment for you.”

Smothering a smile, she quipped, “You are clever, small human.”

“How many Golugua are on board this vessel?”

“Just me and one low ranking male from the house of Armon.”

“You sound a little preoccupied with status.”

“I’m really not. It’s just that Armon’s nephew annoys me. He talks constantly about absolutely nothing. Since I am not permitted to remove his head, I chose to avoid him.”

Ignoring the comment about making people who annoy her headless, Venice changed the conversation. “What qualities to you like in a potential mate?”

The Golugua’s voice kicked up an octave. “I like males who are wild and battle weary. Ones who are in need of a dedicated female to soothe their wounded spirit.”

“That sounds pretty good to me.”

“You tease?”

“Nope. Nothing is sexier than a really large, rough looking warrior. Someone who can look out for me and doesn’t care what others think.”

Donella smiled. “Yes to all that. We are of like minds.”

Stepping through a doorway, Venice continued, “I wouldn’t kick a warrior out of bed over a couple of strategically placed battle scars either.”

“Agreed. Go and cleanse. I will bring you real food.”

“Thanks. You turned out to be really nice.”

Rubbing her shoulder with one hand, Donella replied awkwardly. “I’m not used to people liking me for me. Usually they are polite only because my family is prominent.”

“Then, it’s their loss, cause you’re fantastic.”

Turning towards the shower, Venice heard her new friend trouncing out of the room. Watching her move about all fours while being so well spoken was confusing.

The shower turned out to be more like a mister, but it definitely got the job done. Being squeaky clean had been a rare luxury. Throwing her soiled clothing in a reclamation slot made her feel like she was moving from her old life into a new one.

Venice didn’t think of herself as a greedy person. She had no intention of trying to land a rich alien husband so she could sit back and enjoy the good life. Just being able to work, earn a living, and survive would be enough. Finding an accommodating husband would be part of the deal, there was no getting around that. However, she was really open minded about men. Finding true love was so far out of the realm of possibility, she didn’t dare hope to find prince charming. Just a decent accepting male looking to be a father would suit her just fine.

Sitting on a square metal coffee table, she finger-combed her short spikey black hair. She liked the wild windblown look. Digging through the bag of supplies, she was disappointed to find no scarves or swaths of material she could use to cover her head. Smoothing her hands down her form fitting uniform, she realized it showed every curve in a little too much detail. The garment was apparently chosen for its durability and ability to stretch to accommodate several sizes.

The door slid open and Donella flew back in. She had a clear box of food with a lid on it and a dark folded garment on top.

“I brought you a covering. You can’t walk the ship in your unders.”

Looking down it dawned on her that this was probably what they wore under their clothing of choice. That would explain the name. Standing she reached for the garment, finding it soft and warm.

“Thank you.”

“I found one with a head covering, much like what you were wearing before.”

“I like to go unnoticed.”

“Human queens do not go unnoticed among the drones. You must expect to be approached for mating.”

“I’d prefer to wait until I reach your home world.”

Landing on her feet and one hand, Donella folded her wings behind her and panted lightly as she held out the box of food.

“You will have a larger selection of drones to choose from on our home world, so that is a wise decision.”

Venice motioned toward the box of food. “I certainly hope you plan to eat some of this with me.”

Tilting her head slightly, she intoned formally, “The Golugua are sentinels. We stand guard so others might eat in safety.”

Motioning her over, Venice slid off the table and sat the box down. “I don’t need protection and you aren’t looking to be a protector, remember?”

The creature huffed out an exasperated breath. “It is the way with our people.”

“Why don’t you take the evening off? Who’s going to know? There’s just the two of us here.”

Donella dropped dramatically down on the other side of the table with a huff. Venice separated out a little less than half the food and placed it on the open lid. Sliding the larger share to Donella, she smiled. “Thanks for inviting me to your room. Would you like me to tell you the story while we eat?”

“Would it be possible to tell it after? I wish to record the story to share with others of my kind.”

“Aww, that’s really sweet. I’ll go the extra mile to make it entertaining.”

Smiling, her new friend shook her head. “You are very different to most of the other human queens.”

“Do you mind if I ask why the males call us all queens?”

Snorting a laugh, the Golugua explained. “After searching your language archives for possible matches to the term Shacana the drones determined queen was the closet match.”

“The translator is translating the word as female in my language, not queen.”

“To be a female among drones is to be honored and respected above all things. Our drones did not feel the word female communicated the proper level of reverence.”

Venice toyed with her food, trying to figure out how to ask the question that had been bearing on her mind. “That commander didn’t address you as queen.”

“I should say not. The Golugua are not compatible breeders for drones.”

Venice’s eyes flew to her surly host. “You’re not insectoid?”

“No. The Golugua were enslaved by the Maruvian queens many thousands of years ago. We breed one female to one male. Much like your own ancestors, only female Golugua produce young. Our children come into the ‘verse by live birth, rather than spawning like Maruvian drones.”

“Wow, we’ve got a lot in common.”

The sentinel’s eyes grew round. “You see us as similar?”

“Of course. We procreate in the same manner, have similar family structures, like hot warriors and enjoy speaking with each other.”

Donella waved a clawed hand through the air. “You are weak and I am strong. We are not similar in that regard.”

Grinning, Venice cautioned playfully, “Don’t underestimate humans. We may be small and not very good at fighting but we make up for it in other ways.”

Picking up a piece of food with her claw, Donella nibbled it daintily. “I can’t imagine how. Human are usually very annoying. They cower, refuse to speak, and sometimes become emotional for no reason.”

“Yeah, well, we’ve been through a lot in our lives. Being homeless, scavenging for food, and being in a strange environment probably has them freaked out.”

“Yet you are well.”

Shrugging, Venice swallowed a bite of food before responding. “I’ve always been homeless, lived off scraps and moved from one area to another, so that kind of thing doesn’t bother me so much. I’m probably more adaptable than most people.”

“You grew up all alone, without a family?”

Nodding, Venice sighed. “Back on Earth I was on my own from an early age. I quickly learned that keeping to myself and staying out of sight was the best way to survive. Spending time observing and analyzing new surroundings was helpful in learning who the bullies on the block were, where potential jobs were, and how the town operated. Some small towns could be pretty corrupt and they didn’t always take to outsiders. It’s made me more likely to trust someone I meet on the street than government officials.”

“This must be why you did not wish to be processed.”

“I’m not a bad person and I don’t plan on trying to avoid taking a Maruvian husband. I just need to ease myself into the situation slowly, so I feel comfortable.”

“I’m sure that was necessary on Earth. But you are now with drones. They were taught to defer to their females from birth. I’m sure you have heard their motto.”

Nodding, Venice mumbled. “Queens command, drones obey. It seems kind of weird and unnatural to me.”

The Golugua wheezed out a laugh. “Even among my kind, the males defer to us. I believe this is why I like gruff warriors. They are naturally more demanding and less humble.”

“I agree. In fact, it makes me think you will prefer an alternative ending my fairytale.”

Shoving their empty containers in a reclamation slot, they settled down face-to-face on the floor for story time. Venice loved to weave a good yarn. Pulling her hood up and wrapping the cloak tight around her body, she spoke in a deep scratchy voice.

“Gather round, kiddies, and hear the tale of Little Red Riding Hood.”

“This is going to be very entertaining. I can tell by your voice.”

Venice giggled as she watched Donella cue an internal scanner with her handheld device. “We are ready.”

“Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young queen intent upon finding her mate. Unfortunately, she only had one day off a week and her mother always had her take food to her ailing grandmother on that day. Red did as she was told, but never stopped dreaming of fining a handsome mate.”

Donella’s huge claw was tapping lightly on the floor, leading Venice to think that maybe she really was excited about hearing stories. Kicking up the drama in her voice, she continued.

“On the day of her twentieth birthday, she left the security of the village, and braved the dangers of the forest to care for her sickly grandmother once more. Only this time she caught the eye of one of the large frightening creatures that makes their home in the deep dark forest. Though they are half man and half wolf, once every lunar when the moon is shining bright, they take on their wolf form and stalk the forest for the meat that will enable him to survive another cycle.”

Donella’s eyes were huge and she was hanging on every word. “The night of the full moon coincided with Red’s last trip into the forest. The wolf-man knew nothing of the innocent young queen about to cross his path. He knew only that tonight was the night of the full moon. He could feel his transition beginning to take effect and right before he fell into his bestial form, he spied the most charming sight his eyes had ever beheld. A young queen was skipping down the path, bending down to gather flowers along the way. The hood of her long red cloak had slid back over her head to reveal lovely smooth skin and long silky dark hair. Her lips were red, and she moved with a fluid grace that stole his heart.”

Donella leaned closer. “Tell me more. Does he eat her or does he breed her?”

“Unfortunately, the transition pulled him down onto all fours as he howled his fury to the night sky. The beautiful queen hurried away from the bestial sound without even seeing him. After the pain of his transition eased, the wolf staggered onto the path, intent on finding her. He stuck his snout to the ground, rooting through the grass and debris, hoping to catch her scent. Feeling more beast than man, he followed the alluring aroma. After a bit, he realized there was only one house along the path and it belonged to an old woman. Knowing that must be her destination, he tore through the forest. The wolf-man ran on two legs with a speed no human could possibly match. His sharp claws dug into bark of trees as he spurred himself forward at breakneck speed.”

Donella was wringing her hands in her lap, clearly enthralled.

“Arriving there first, he bolted through the door, snatched the old woman from her bed, and locked her in a nearby closet. Climbing into bed, he took her place and breathlessly waited for the young queen to arrive. Worried that she would recognize him before she came too close for him to grab, he dimmed the light and pulled a scarf over his head. Hearing the front door open, his heart beat wildly in his chest. He could hear the queen humming a sweet melody. When the door creaked open, she came close to the bed with her basket of goodies.”

Donella interrupted. “Breed her, he’s definitely going to breed her.”

Grinning, Venice got back to telling her own version of the story. “In addition to being beautiful, the young queen was also smart. Standing back a bit from the bed, she spoke.

“‘Grandmother, are you well?’

“Trying to mimic the voice of an older queen, he answered calmly. ‘I am well, my dear. Come sit by me.’

“Coming a step closer, the queen commented. ‘Grandmother, what a deep voice you have.’

“Quickly adjusting his pitch, the wolf replied. ‘All the better to greet you with my dear.’

“Taking a step closer, the young queen tried to get a better look. ‘My goodness, grandmother, what big eyes you have.’

“‘All the better to see you with, my dear. Come a little closer.’

“Catching a shadow of the wolf’s huge paws in the fading light, the queen stepped closer still. ‘My goodness what big hands you have.’

“Leaping from the bed, the huge wolf towered over her, revealing his true form. ‘All the better to grab you with, my queen.’

“Turning on her heel, the young queen tried to run away, but it was too late. The wolf grabbed her, slung her roughly over his massive shoulder and ran from the house. Holding onto her basket with one hand, he pounded him on the back with the other. Her angry voice turned into a pleading one as she realized he was taking her far from the path and the safety of her people. The fearsome creature bolted over fallen logs and through streams, taking her far from all that she’d known.

“He stopped at the mouth of a cave, and caught his breath for a brief moment before crawling into the dark, damp space. The little queen was still draped over his shoulder and now struck silent with terror. Her beautiful red cloak was frayed at the ends from being caught on branches and briars. She realized at some point that they had come out in the huge expanse of an underground cavern. Other wolves were roaming around, growling at each other and some were fighting. Finally, they entered a dimly lit space and Red found herself being thrown down onto a pile of furs. Looking up into the dark eyes of the wolf, she watched him transform back into a handsome wolf-man.”

“What happens next?”

“What do you think happens?”

“He either eats her or breeds her.”

“I created the ending especially for you, because you like dangerous males.”

“I approve of the modified ending. It will give me new and interesting things to think about. Are there really wolf-males on your world?”

Shaking her head, Venice stood. “I’m afraid not. It’s just something we imagine. I should be leaving, so you can sleep.”

Stretching her arms and wings, Donella yawned, showing two full rows of sharp teeth. “Stay. You can slumber here. I will sleep on my sleeping platform. Tomorrow we will seek out a place for you rest.”

“I hate to be a bother.”

“This room will be empty, therefore it’s no bother. Sleep well, storyteller.”

“You too, my friend.”

Donella ambled off to the other room, and Venice watched the door slide closed before snuggling up on a large flat piece of furniture that must have been their version of a settee. It wasn’t exactly comfortable, but it was ten times better than the cold metal floor. She fell asleep with images of wolves and men running through her mind.


Tossing and turning, Venice tried to wake herself up. Unfortunately, she found herself enveloped in a thick fog. Vines pushed through the soft grass, grabbing at her feet. Jerking free, she stumbled along, grabbing at trees for support. Her perspective in the dream suddenly shifted, enabling her to watch from above. Her nails grew, sinking into the tree bark as she flung herself forward. A chill slithered up her spine as she saw the huge animalistic claw marks her hands left behind.

Abruptly, something shifted again in her dreamscape. Instead of running from something dangerous, she became the something dangerous. Several forms moved in the distance, each in different directions. Taking a deep breath, she found only one smelled right. Tearing off after the being, she felt her body growing in strength. Her legs became powerful enough to catapult her forward as she took gigantic leaps. Some long-dormant need flared to life as she caught a stark musky scent on the wind. The delicious masculine fragrance grew more potent. The simmering need turned into a burning desire, lighting a fire between her legs. A primitive mating lust swamped her as she pursued her mate.

Her eyes flew open and she bolted upright. She pushed off the firm surface, grabbed her bag and headed for the door. She found herself walking down the corridor, tugging her cloak tightly around her slight form. Barely sighting anyone, she found herself speed up slightly. Her heart was still pounding in her chest and leftover lust from the dream haunted her every step. Unexpectedly, she picked up some speed that could only be described as a brisk power walk. Feeling some dark force at her back, she found herself jogging, and then, for no reason she could discern, she was moving through the ship at an all-out run. Unsure what she was running from, she flew towards the only other place on the ship that felt at all familiar.

Sliding to a stop inside the now empty bay the women had shared earlier, she climbed up to the cat walk. Standing there, out of breath and staring at the still open door, her mind filled with worry. The doors always slid shut behind a person. Why was this one still open? Trying to force herself to calm, Venice knew she’d let herself get carried away with her made-to-order fairytale for her new friend. Calm the hell down and pull yourself together, girl.

That’s when the doorway filled with a dark shadow. At first she could see only the dark outline of a head and shoulders. It was jostling slightly. A cold chill slithered up her spine as she realized whoever it was, he was walking straight into the bay. Venice wanted to step back into the shadows, but nothing could pry her terrified hands from the cold metal safety bar. She watched as the shadow grew into a muscular male form. It stopped just outside her visual range. She could see a set of black military boots, like the crew wore.

Relief surged through her body as she realized it was a real person and not a figment of her overactive imagination. He stepped forward into the soft glow of the lighting, making her gasp. The creature staring up at her was a man in form only. His green skin was marred by scars and his eyes were luminous black, like the other drones. His pose was authoritative. This was definitely a man who was in charge of some shit. His short thick antennas were searching around, probably for an explanation as to why she was out of place aboard his neat, organized battleship.

As if by magic, her hands spring free. She tugged her cloak tighter around her small form and melted backwards into a dimly lit corner. She could still barely see the shadow reflected across a good third of the loading bay. He stood there for a few minutes and when she didn’t initiate conversation, he stepped back into the corridor. The silence was broken by his deep, husky voice. “Door override disengage now. Door lock until human female vocal command received.”

He was locking her in for safety, telling the door to only open for a human female’s voice command. The tone of his voice did strange things to her body, making her nipples draw into tight points and her clit tingle. Slapping her girl parts, she whispered to herself. “Bad, bad girl. Cut it the hell out.”

Slipping back out, Venice double checked to make sure the bay was empty. Something interesting caught her eye. It was a round air vent. It was huge, wider in diameter than she was tall. Rather than a grid, there were thick bars spread about a foot apart. Jumping up, she grasped the bottom indentation in the metal wall. Feeling a slight lip, she guessed this was how the drones accessed the vent. Naturally the ones with wings could fly up, but the wingless one must climb. The spaces between the hand holds seemed gigantic, but she made it.

Squeezing through the bars, she found the interior to be a round metal conduit that branched out in two different directions. Her breathing slowed as she realized this was a relatively safe place for her stay out of everyone’s way. Donella was nice, but sleeping around others had always made her panicky. Venice doubted her new friend would think anything of her taking off. Curling up, she dozed off in the dry, dark hole in the wall.




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