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Enslaved by the Sea Lord (Lords of Atlantis Book 3) by Starla Night (19)

Chapter Nineteen

Aya pulled up short. Soren’s shout had edged with panic. “Never?”

“You stay here.”

Here? In the empty castle, all alone? She crossed her arms. “I need to see the engineering schematics.”

“It is too dangerous.”

Aya didn’t disagree. Traveling outside the city in the middle of a brewing war was dangerous, and she never wanted to see that terrifying warrior Elan ever again. But what could she do in this empty castle all alone?

“We crossed the open ocean,” she said.

“And nearly died how many times?”

“Oh, Aya won’t make my mistakes.” Elyssa swam behind them. She had apparently given up on catching Lotar. “I thought I ought to have the same ‘shelter’ power as Lucy. I didn’t realize there were different queen powers.”


“I will not repeat that mistake,” Aya vowed. “Since I currently have no powers whatsoever.”

Soren growled. “Forget it.”

He was so illogical.

But it was also heartwarming.

Soren was trying to protect her. She was the hard-hearted VP. On the surface, nobody worried about her well-being. She wanted to curl up in his arms and stroke his chin. Thank him for caring. Press a kiss to his inflexible lips and tease him into relaxing that hard stance into a more delicious form.

But she couldn’t ignore their need. “I can translate ancient symbols on the ruin.”

“There are no ancient symbols. They were all destroyed.”

Balim checked his stroke and returned to Aya. “Symbols? What kind of symbols?”

“Ancient Phoenician.”

“Which is?”

She pointed at the map tucked under Iyen’s arm. “Like on there.”

Iyen lifted the map.

She pointed at the markings on the three-dimensional terrain. “There are markings for the castle, Life Tree, and fields. I’m guessing there was only one castle when this map was created.”

Balim traced them with his fingers. “Yes, that is correct. How do you know these markings?”

“I studied Phoenician in school. And when the mer race emerged a few months ago — well, longer now — I was not the only one to notice the similarities between Phoenician and the few fragments of your writing system. It makes sense. The Phoenician were a sea-going people about the right time period for when Atlantis was destroyed. They carried their writing system all over the Mediterranean, which is where the legend of Atlantis originated.”

Soren grunted. His respect for her sounded even prouder. “Few warriors learn these symbols. Kadir studied. Elders know them.”

“Adviser Creo made this map,” Gailen offered helpfully. “Back before he turned evil.”

She traced the familiar symbols. “This ‘X’ and backward curved ‘P’ means ‘House.’ This flag with a tiny ‘O’ beside it is ‘Tree’ and these four symbols that look like different forms of ‘Y’ and another tiny ‘O’ means ‘Temple.’ A ‘tree temple’ is the Life Tree. These flat plains over here have the marking of ‘Z’ - triangle - ‘W’ stands for ‘Field’. I’m guessing these are the borders of your land.”

“Were.” Soren thumped the map symbols. “We gave up the sherds field. Too isolated and attractive for raiders.”

They looked at her with awe. Soren, with pride.

So she proved her worth. And rather than looking at her like a freak or monster, these warriors were impressed.

Finally, she had found something she could do. Something useful. Something she could control.

“I can read the symbols like this on the engineering schematics at the ruin.”

Soren disagreed. “You cannot.”

Oh, come on. She crossed her arms over her chest. “Give me one reason.”

“If we get attacked you cannot swim to safety.”

“That’s why I have two guards.”

Faier and Ciran both swelled with conviction.

Soren sobered. “They would give their lives for you. Do not ask them so recklessly. You should at least make your fins and control your power.”

It was frustrating. But Soren had a point.

He was trying to reason with her rather than just getting hurt and demanding she obey, as he had done at the beginning. He was changing for her.

Not enough. But it was a step.

One she couldn’t fault him with.

Balim rubbed his fingers over the symbols the same as she had done. “I will watch for these symbols and transcribe them for you to review.”

“Seeing them in context is the best.” But she wasn’t going to push it any more. She gestured at Soren with irritation. “So you want me to sit around and tend a garden while you figure out how to raise an ancient ruin and fend off a monster?”

He started to answer.

“Of course not! Silly Aya.” Elyssa kicked to her side. “You have to make your fins. Come to the Life Tree with me. We’ll practice.”

Her fins were another frustration. She still didn’t know which muscle to flex. All of them? None?

Ciran and Faier discussed who would go with Iyen to plan patrols and who would stay to guard her. Elyssa headed to the tunnel and waited.

Soren turned on her. His dark gaze captured her wandering thoughts until there was only him.

“This could be our last meeting. Will you not choose me for your husband now?”

Her heart throbbed hard in her chest.

No one was promised tomorrow.

She lost her senses in Soren’s dark hair. His intimate gaze. The firm line of his mouth. They all called to her.

And that was dangerous.

She would face the danger if only he would give the pieces of himself she needed to trust.

Aya lifted her chin. “When you care enough to mean that, I’ll consider it.”

“I mean it.”

He was so powerful, so magnificent, and so gorgeous. Her heart throbbed again. She wanted to say yes. She would have him.

But she wouldn’t have him. She would never have him. Like the ancient languages major. When they were together, the bed never felt so empty.

She might be filled with Soren’s love now. But if she gave her heart to him this way, they would end up the same. Neither satisfied. Both still hungry for something the other person would never, could never give.

He was tempting enough she almost chose the life of heartbreaking emptiness.

Instead, she reached out and placed her palm on his chest. “Would an honorable warrior say that?”

He jolted like her question contained electricity. His gaze flew over her face, her body. A war seemed to be waged inside. He grabbed her hand.

She started to apologize.

His other hand locked around her neck and dragged her to his powerful kiss.