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Shark Bite by Naomi Lucas (16)

Chapter Sixteen


“We have a problem,” Montihan murmured with his head bowed low over the console, his ears covered in a headset.

Netto shifted his stance to face their host. He waited for him to say more. Montihan’s face was grim with consternation. He knew that look, knew it well. It was a look of someone concentrating, hearing something that they don't want to hear yet at the same time trying to understand what it meant; how to respond.

Netto had spent the morning in and out of the water scouting and channeling the signals of the modules nearby and watching for any unusual activity in the waters below. Besides the occasional creature that swam by, the frenzy of yesterday had calmed down. The barrier held and continued to hold. As each moment passed, he was assured that it wouldn't go down again.

It bothered him that he didn't know how it went down to begin with but now they had a problem, according to Montihan. He wanted to hear what that problem was but waited for him to lower his headset.

Netto closed his eyes and listened for Rylie, who was below deck with her sister. They had chosen to clear out everything that had been ruined.

Netto listened to the girls. They spoke constantly and continuously with abundant affection, yet strained with the edge of competition. Based on his knowledge of siblings, the interaction between the two was normal. The relationship between Rylie and Janet was not dissimilar to the relationship between Cyborgs.

Cyborgs were all brothers and sisters after all. Their mothers and fathers were all the same.

Montihan lifted his headset and turned to face him.

“What's the problem?”

“The colony. The new one south of here spotted unusual creatures in the water. They’re aggressive. They’re under red alert and all of the ships have been urged to come back to land or to remove themselves from the area. They're attacking the barges offshore.”

Netto didn't wait for Montihan to finish before he initiated a connection to Zeph, relaying the news to his partner. It would only be a matter of minutes before the Croc joined them, based on the information.

“Is anyone hurt?” he asked.

Montihan bowed his head again and held one earpiece up, continuing to listen to whatever was relayed to him.

“They're not sure... This is my fault. After what happened yesterday...”

“It's not your fault. The module wasn't broken by you, wasn't yours to keep.”

“It doesn't matter. If what we did directly affects those around us, harmfully, it would be easy for them to point blame in our direction. I should've told the other farmers.” Montihan shook his head.

“It's the EPED's fault, not yours.”

Netto didn't understand why he was reassuring Montihan. His feelings toward the family conflicted with the job he was hired to do. He cared for Rylie, he wanted Rylie, her happiness had become important to him, and the safety of her family made her happy. The wellbeing of her family became his prerogative. He internally sighed.

Zeph hefted himself over the railing and joined them, leaving a trail of water behind.

“Well? Should we remain here and continue to monitor the barrier? Or should we investigate the colony?” Zeph grumbled. “I’m an unwilling participant either way.”

“We’ll do what we do best,” Netto answered.

“Hunt and kill monsters?” Zeph cackled. His eyes flashed green and Netto responded by flashing his eyes back.

Violence was second nature to a Cyborg.

“Yes. Take us south.”

Montihan swiveled in his chair and powered on the watership.


NETTO HEADED DOWN TO find Rylie kneeling on the floor in the kitchen, rummaging through the displaced items in the cabinets closest to the floor. He stepped up behind her and kneeled down, wrapping one of his arms around her midsection and pulling her into his chest. He buried his nose into the waves of her hair.

“How are you feeling?”

“Okay. I'm feeling okay.”

“Just okay?” he asked. She nodded under his chin.

“You keep asking,” she laughed softly. “And I'm still bruised but that was all before last night.” Her voice lowered, “I still feel you between my legs but it's not a bad feeling,” she turned to face him, twisting in his embrace. “It's a good feeling. I like it.”

Netto cupped her neck and leaned over her, taking her mouth in a hungry kiss. He ate up Rylie's moan and swept his tongue along hers.

He didn't want to let her go. He never wanted to let her go. He still couldn't believe that she wanted him and that she had given him the greatest gift of all... Her trust and her innocence.

His cock hardened and was fully erect within seconds. The strain of it against his pants was...unpleasant.

He wanted her again and knew he would want her forever, but would take what he could get if their time was only to last during his stay on Kepler. He didn't want to think of his mission ending and he forced those thoughts back into the recesses of his mind.

Netto released her unwillingly. Rylie moaned and leaned back, eyes hooded, and her lips well kissed.

“We’re headed to the colony.”

“We are? Why? Did something happen?”

She twisted further around until she was fully faced him.


His nostrils flared as he smelled the perfume of her arousal filled the space between them, and the twinge of fear that went with popping their quiet secluded bubble.

“Your dad received a radio signal. There are creatures off the coast attacking the ships out at sea. They have requested a lockdown and everybody to come back into port.”

“Do you think it has something to do with the barrier and what happened yesterday?”

“Yes but even if it didn't, it’s not in my coding to turn a blind eye. Regardless, I want to check it out. There is something drawing the creatures out. It could give us a lead, it could help us. We’re headed there now.”

She pursed her lips. His eyes snapped back to them. The image of them wrapped around his cock filled his vision. Netto wanted to pick her up and carry her into one of the empty rooms in the back and have his way with her again. His fingers twitched at his side, he restrained himself.

“It's probably for the best. If anyone can help, it would be two Cyborgs who know what they're dealing with.” She pasted a fake smile on her face.


He helped her to her feet and caught her arm as she stretched out her legs. Rylie had her hair bundled atop her head and he fingered the loose strands that escaped.

“How long do we have until we’re there?” she asked.

Netto channeled into the ship's systems and pulled out the set coordinates being used.

“Tomorrow, around noon, if we drive straight there through the night.”

It would be another all-nighter for him, he knew. Even if Zeph took the night shift, he would want to be aware of everything happening. He wasn’t happy that he was bringing Rylie and her family closer to danger, but there was no way he could go back to the homestead and leave the colony to its fate. He didn't want any more death; he didn't want to fail.

He was also uncertain if Zeph would leave if given half the chance. Staying away from Zeph’s spaceship was paramount until their mission was over. Netto couldn't risk it.

“You two look cute together.” Janet sounded behind him. He turned around and faced her.

“Thank you.”

Janet smiled and curtsied. “I'll give you guys some space. I'm sure there's a reason why the ship is moving below my feet.”

Netto didn't watch her leave.

He looked back at Rylie, unsure of what to say. He lost himself in her eyes and in the sound of her beating heart, and she stared back at him in a way that he couldn't read. He threaded his fingers through her hair, releasing her bun and allowing her long golden brown threads to fall around his hands.

“You're so beautiful,” he whispered.

“You're so full of it.”

He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers, wanting to drown in the taste of her. Wanting nothing more than to get lost in the endless ocean and sunshine of her soul.

“I'm full of a lot of things, but not lies. You make me feel full.”

Rylie let out a soft laugh against his lips and her hands came up to grip his biceps.

“I guess we have that in common, you make me feel full too. Except right now, I feel really empty right now.”

It was all the encouragement he needed. He picked her up and carried her over his shoulder. Netto hunched over to make sure she was safe from the ceiling and the walls. Rylie gasped and held onto the back of his shirt, bunching up the cloth away from his skin.

He brought her to his quarters, shut the door, and silently connected with Zeph to tell him he was busy. It was enough to ensure a modicum of privacy.

He set Rylie on the bed and leaned over her, pressing his knee into the mattress. It barely fit her, let alone him, but he was used to cramped spaces and even a small bed couldn't keep him from enjoying her body.

Netto pulled up her shirt and ran his nose from her navel to her breasts, bringing the cloth with him before tugging the material up her arms and over her head. She didn't wear a bra and the sight of her peaked breasts snapped his remaining control.

Netto groaned against her skin before lashing his tongue over one taut nipple.

She arched up with a moan, her hands gripping the back of his head and pushing his mouth closer to her. He closed his lips over her tit and sucked while his other hand came up to grope and play with her other breast; massaging and pinching her other nipple to the rhythm of his sucking. Netto lifted up to look at her.

“We’ll have to be quiet,” he said.


He enjoyed her curt answer before he dug his fingers into her waistband and pulled off her shorts, yanking her water shoes off with them. She was naked on the bed before him, and he captured the image in his head.

This time it wasn't a fantasy.

The smell of her sex filled his nose and Netto could taste the wet heat of it already on his lips. He wanted, needed it in his mouth and on his tongue.

He grabbed her panties from within her discarded shorts and buried his nose in them while his eyes remained on her flushed body. He swam in an ocean of her pheromones; he wanted it to be the only scent he ever smelled for the rest of his long life. His display made her shiver, pant, her tits lifted with each shallow breath.

He slammed his hand against the wall. It left an indentation. His teeth tore into her panties. A startled gasp filled his ears as he consumed the flimsy, delicious material.

Delicious. If he couldn’t sink his teeth into her, he could sink them into her clothes. Netto envisioned a future of Rylie’s panties being apart of his diet.

He was vaguely aware of her sitting up and gripping his midsection with an effort to try and shake him.

“I can't believe you did that!” she squeaked. “Can't believe you just ate my underwear. If I didn't know you were a Cyborg, I'd be seriously, seriously worried right now.” She shook her head making her hair tumble across her naked skin. “Oh my god, I am worried. Netto!”

Rylie lifted up on her knees but he moved over her and pushed her back into the bedding.

“Please tell me you can digest cloth!”

He pressed his chest against hers, caging her beneath him, and licked up the side of her jaw. His lips twisted into a smile, her shuddering struggles ignored, and he ran one sharp tooth over the tip of her ear.

“You should be worried. You should’ve been worried from the beginning. You should be worried now because I'm about to go for round two.”

Netto captured her mouth before she could reply and drank her in. He was thirsty Cyborg. Thirsty for more, sucking on her lips and roughing them up. His body jailed her, trapped her for his use, and what she would endure was his alone.

He moved down her body like a shark, pulling her head back to expose the curve of her neck, the bunk creaking under them. A fluttery laugh escaped her parted, reddened lips. She moved her hands up his chest, taking his shirt with them. Together they pulled it off.

“Your skin feels like velvet.” Rylie caressed the muscles of his pecs with her fingers. “It’s different.”

Netto leaned down and licked the long column of her neck, absorbing the flutter of her pulse over the blunt length of his tongue. “It’s yours.” He nipped her collarbone, holding back enough to not pierce her delicate skin.

“Only mine?” Rylie whimpered.

He caught her eyes and tightened the hold on her hair. “Yes. Only yours.”

Netto would remind her every day if he could. Her insecurity festered below the surface and if given the chance, he would purge it from her soul. When she graced him with another smile, he moved back down to explore her body. He didn't dare breathe, didn't dare to blink because he didn't want to miss one second of it.

So pliant. So receptive.

Netto kissed one of her nipples before he pulled it between his lips. He knew some women could achieve an orgasm from nipple stimulation alone, but he didn’t have the patience to try, her cunt waited for him.

He reeled up and let go of her hair, grabbing her waist and pulling it up and maneuvering her legs over his shoulders. The only thing he wanted was to penetrate her core with his tongue, fuck her with it, and lick her swollen channel clean of all of her essence. Rylie’s fingers gripped the bedding.

Netto supported her back with one arm while holding her in place in front of him. “Lock your feet behind my head,” he groaned, a hairsbreadth away from her clit.

“What’re you going to do?” Rylie tensed in his embrace. She was vulnerable in her precarious position. Netto watched her pussy clench as he breathed over it.

“Enjoy myself.”

He lowered his head and ran his tongue from her back to her clit. She squirmed in his grasp as he lapped at her sex. It was delicious and he was ravenous. Netto could have tongued her for hours and still not be satisfied. How had he gone his entire created life without having a pussy under his tongue? Her pussy? He couldn’t hold back his groan.

Rylie mewed and gasped, her legs kicked his back, and her thighs squeezed his head.

A starving man was wild, a starving Cyborg...

Netto speared his tongue inside her tight channel. It wasn’t the same as the night before when her fresh hymen had torn, but it was heady all the same. She had given him her precious innocence and he had taken it like a beast in a rut. He thrust his tongue in and out of her, taking her again.

“Netto, please,” she begged prettily. “Please...”

Her breasts bounced up from her half-vertical position, their tips making him ram his erection into her exposed back. He continued to fuck her with his tongue as he reached up and squeezed her tight nipples. Her pussy gushed and clenched as she squirmed and choked. Her head jerking back and forth, strewing about her hair. She clamped his head harder between her legs and rolled her hips.

Rylie, his tiny beauty, climaxed so beautifully in his mouth. Netto licked up her essence before he tenderly lowered her back down. He slid his hands over her slick flesh, and lightly groped her curves. She lay before him, out of breath, and yet so full of life, giving him all she had for his to keep.

He posed his cock at her tight, rippling entrance as the last waves of her orgasm jolted through her core.

“Ready?” he whispered, low and gruff. Her eyes widened slightly and she answered him with a wiggle of her hips. Netto bit down on his tongue, filling his mouth with a mixture of his blood and the taste of her pussy. He kept his eyes locked on hers as he slowly pushed into her.

He locked his jaw. She whimpered.

Rylie dug her fingers into his forearms as he broke ground, pressing in before pulling back. Netto continued to penetrate her with all the control he could muster in his long existence. He watched her face with each press forward.

“I’m okay,” she groaned out but he heard the discomfort in her voice. “Go faster.”

“No.” Netto clutched her hips, pushing her down so as not to hurt her, and to stop her from undulating. “We barely fit.” Sweat formed on his brow.

“But we fit.” Her nails pierced his skin. He sank further into her tight sheath. It took everything within him not to fully reclaim her body.

“You’re bleeding!” Rylie gasped, stopping him.

“I bit my tongue,” he barely mustered out, consumed with the grip her pussy had on his bulge. She struggled underneath him and he slid further in. They both exhaled a heavy breath.

Netto looked down at their bodies to see half his cock buried between her legs. He had stretched her to fit him and the glorious sight of seeing her succumb to his power had him squirting cum.

Rylie went rigid as he pushed the rest of the way in.

When he was seated deep, a band of pressure released his restraint.

Netto glanced up to see tiny droplets of tears on her eyelashes. He slowly leaned over her and kissed them away, and waited until her body gave in and the muscles of her stretched sheath yielded.

He groaned, feeling sweet, hot bliss, and wanting more, but he didn’t move, waiting for Rylie’s body to accustom to his girth. He continued to place kisses over the top of her head, barely, struggling to adjust to their height difference. His back ached from the effort.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. Almost,” she bit out. Netto held himself above her small frame.

“What do you want me to do? Tell me what to do,” he rasped over her ear.

Her sex clenched. “Move.”

He lifted up and caught her eyes as he slowly removed his cock before he pressed back into her. Netto kept a steady pace until her hips lifted up to meet his. His teeth scored his bottom lip.

Rylie took over and pumped herself below him, her eyes closing as her lips parted into a shallow breath, a soft moan escaping her. When she found her pleasure, and he felt the wrinkle of her g-spot, he surged into her. Where last night he had been subdued by quiet need, tonight he was overcome by desperation.

She opened herself up to him and rocked as he gave her the illusion of control. The corded muscles and metal structures vibrated throughout his frame and Netto gave himself up to it as she gave herself to him.

Rylie squirmed and sighed and he bit back the growls on the edge of his tongue. When she couldn’t keep up, her remaining strength abated, he took over again.

He pressed into her with measured strokes. The air hissed through his teeth. The bunk groaned and shook. Neither of them seemed to care that it might break. It was easier this time, her core already stretched to fit him, and with remnants of the serum from the day before still within her, her breath no longer hummed with pain.

Netto held back but found difficult and when the first spasm of her sex squeezed his cock, he joined her in release.

He finally understood why his brethren enjoyed sex so much as Rylie thrashed under him, riding out the waves as his seed poured into her again.

Sex was like a hunt, following a fresh trail of blood, finding your prey, and feasting on it while it succumbed to the predator. Netto moved over her and watched until her contractions abated.

A smile graced her lips, her face held a sheen of sweat, and he basked in its fresh glow.

Netto pulled out slowly and picked her up. He couldn’t kiss her properly lying down; he was too large, and he couldn’t contort to meet her lips with her legs hooked around him. He cupped her swollen sex with the edge of the bedding to keep his seed from making a mess.

The smell was already potent enough.

“Are you okay?”

She curled up in his arms as he ducked and maneuvered her to the small lavatory.

“More than okay.”

He cleaned her up, being gentle, and reapplied the salve from before. Rylie purred as he massaged the knots away and when he turned on the small shower, he stood back and helped her wash from the hallway. His immense size was becoming more and more of a burden for him.

“Am I good?” she asked him as tepid water and foamy soap slipped down her skin.

“Yes.” Netto lifted a wet strand of her hair.

“I meant in bed? Janet says people can be bad in bed and it takes practice. That a bad bed partner can be a real turn-off...a downer.”

“You’re the best,” he answered honestly.

Rylie snorted. “I don’t believe that for a second.”

It’s true. “You’re my first,” he muttered as he ran his hands over her glistening tanned body, he traced her tan lines with his fingers. My first.

Rylie had gone quiet as she watched him; he didn’t need to look at her eyes to know. Netto wanted to know her thoughts, wanted to know if she believed him.

“You were a virgin?” she asked at last, as the last of the soap went down the drain.


“But you seem so skilled...”

He handed her a towel.

“I’ve been around for a long time.”

Rylie stepped out and into the hallway with him. “I’m glad I was your first...if I had known... I wouldn’t have been so aggressive.”

“Is that so?”

He wanted to tease her but found it hard as he followed her back to the messy quarters like a puppy.

“Yes,” she laughed. Rylie threw the towel at him playfully. “Now get cleaned up. I need to fix all of this up or they’ll get suspicious. If my Da finds out both his daughters...”

Netto grinned, showing her his teeth before turning on his heel and following her orders. He was going to take advantage of the time they had. Tomorrow would be upon them soon, bringing reality back to plague them.




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