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The Conquest (Kelderan Runic Warriors Book 1) by Jessie Donovan (21)

Chapter Twenty-One

For the short ride between the ECA’s ship and the one currently in Thorin’s command, Kason itched to take Taryn to the back of the small space and kiss her.

With more people knowing she was his destined bride, he needed to claim her publicly. And soon.

However, with only Kason, Taryn, and Vala inside the shuttle that Kalahn had used previously, Kason had to help copilot the vessel.

And the Barren was doing a fine job. While he needed to adjust a few things every once in a while, with a little coaching, she would be as skilled as any male.

He nearly blinked at that thought. Taryn was definitely rubbing off on him. Kelderan law still forbade females from becoming pilots. Maybe after the colonization agreement was reached, Kason could talk with his older brother about changing a few things. If not for all of Keldera, then at least those who became part of the colony.

Of course, once they landed on Jasvar, Kason could help craft new rules. It would be his job to help enforce them.

Taryn’s voice filled his ear. “What are you thinking about?”

He smiled at his female. “The future.”

“That’s pretty vague.”

“Let’s just say that you are rubbing off on me. I’m starting to think of how some females could have traditionally male jobs in the colony.”

Taryn beamed at him, and his heart thumped harder. She would always be beautiful to him, but with excitement in her eyes and flushed cheeks, she was gorgeous.

She leaned forward. “And here I thought I would have to seduce you.”

He looked to the Barren, but she pretended not to hear them. “Then maybe I’ll have to hold out a little longer and see what you have in store for me.”

She tapped her chin. “Let me think…no. You already said you wanted to change a few things. I’ll save my skills for later.”

After kissing her lips gently, he murmured, “I look forward to it.”

As they smiled at one another, it was on the tip of his tongue to spill his feelings. 

However, before he could go through with it, the console beeped with an incoming communication. He kissed Taryn once more before facing forward and hitting Receive. 

When Thorin’s face appeared on the screen, he spoke in Kelderan. “I see you made it out alive.”

“Of course. Update me on the status of Ilren.”

“The traitor is in custody, as are the thirty other males who helped pilot the small fighter ship,” Thorin answered.

“And how did they come to occupy the ship?” Kason asked.

Thorin’s eyes flicked to Vala and back. “Are you sure you wish to discuss this now?”


“One of the original crew alerted Ilren to the mission and put in a transfer order for him and many of his followers. We’re tracking down the officer who did this, although he remains elusive.”

For a split second, Kason wondered how he could leave Keldera with traitors in the midst. But as he stared at Thorin and remembered Jerrick’s words from earlier, about the remaining crew being loyal to Kason, he was confident they could help protect his home. “We can discuss this more in depth later. Does anyone on Keldera know of the situation? I’m concerned the wrong people could hear the charges and try to cover it up.”

Thorin shook his head. “I haven’t shared anything yet. I’m waiting until we’re within secure communications range of Keldera before I send a report to headquarters and the king,” Thorin answered. “Once you’re aboard, we can discuss who to include on this case.”

“Good. I’ll take a look at everything in more detail once we’re aboard.” Kason paused before adding, “And I want you to remain in charge, even after I step foot back on the ship.”

“Why?” Thorin’s gaze moved to Taryn and back. “I know how to keep a secret.”

“No, it’s time to be truthful with the crew. I’m going to make an announcement soon after boarding, and you’ve proven yourself with capturing Ilren and the others as well as helping to secure our freedom. I can think of no one better to take my place.”

“As you wish, your highness.”

“Then prepare for our arrival and the announcement. We should be there shortly.”

The screen went blank. He turned to Taryn and switched to CEL. “I hope it’s okay that I told Thorin I would announce our relationship once we reach the main ship. I know I didn’t ask your permission first.”

“Kason, stop being so formal. While there’s no way I’ll ever let you make all the decisions for me nor would you allow me to do the same for you, I expect for us to have each other’s backs. Speaking up for me sometimes is okay.” She placed a hand on his cheek. “After all, I not only trust you, but I love you.”

Kason covered Taryn’s hand with his own. “Truly? I don’t want you to feel pressured because of what the captain revealed.”

She frowned. “If I have to tie you up and threaten you with my daggers to convince you, I will, Prince.”

He grinned. “Maybe I do want that.”

With a growl, Taryn stood and asked Vala, “Can you handle the controls for a few minutes?” 

“Of course,” she answered without taking her eyes off the main viewer screen.

“Good.” Taryn took his hand and tugged him to his feet. Once they reached the rear of the shuttle, she moved her arms to behind his neck and leaned against him.

Her breasts pressing against his chest sent a rush of heat throughout his body. If not for Vala, he would pin Taryn to the wall and convince her to let him take her.

Taryn searched his eyes. “I mean it, Kason. I do love you. From your protectiveness to your skill to even your brain, all of it has done much more than impress me—it’s convinced me that you are a worthy partner in life. Ruling a colony isn’t easy, and few men would understand the demands. However, from your experience as both a prince and general, I think you do. And more than that, you’ll probably force me to take a break when needed and to enjoy the little moments that make life special.”

He placed his hands on her hips. “It almost sounds as if you want my skill as a warrior more than anything else.”

She rubbed her lower body, and he resisted hissing. “Your skill is impressive in many ways, but I want all of you, Kason. Faults and all. Don’t ever be afraid to show them to me because each one makes you more dear.”

At the vulnerability in Taryn’s eyes, Kason believed her. “Even though you know how I feel, I’m going to say it—I love you, Taryn Demara. You’ve done more than turn my world upside down with your way of thinking. You’re intelligent, stubborn, determined, and occasionally funny. All of that, combined with how easy it is to talk with you, makes you my perfect match and the one female I’d give up everything to be with.”


“No, it’s true. While starting over on Jasvar will be tough, I can handle anything with you at my side. The only question is whether you’ll accept me there or not.”

Taryn blinked her eyelids a few times. He hoped she wouldn’t start crying.

Then she whispered, “Of course I will, you stubborn prince. I’m never letting you go.”

With a growl, Kason took Taryn’s lips.


As Kason’s tongue slipped into her mouth, Taryn leaned her whole body against him. Hearing he cared for her from the empath captain had been one thing, but him spilling his feelings and saying he’d give up everything to be with her was quite another.

Pulling him close, she met each stroke of his tongue. If not for Vala, Taryn would’ve jumped up and wrapped her legs around Kason’s waist.

Vala. Remembering the woman, Taryn broke the kiss. “We have company.”

He nibbled her bottom lip before whispering, “She will look the other way.”

She lightly scraped her nails against his neck. “I mind. Besides, what if Thorin tries to reach us again? Do you really want the crew in the command center to see you and me half naked?”

“No one sees you naked but me.”

“And me, I hope.”

He lightly smacked her butt. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

She grinned. “But it’s so much fun.” Kason frowned and she sighed. “Okay, okay. But I think I’m spending the night in your quarters.”

“That is something I agree with wholeheartedly. I’m glad I didn’t have to order you to do it.”

“Yes, because that works so well.”

“Then I command you to never spend the night in my bed.”

She stuck out her tongue. “One day, I’m going to spite you just because I can.”

“And I look forward to it, zyla.

She softened at his endearment. “Can I also use zyla? Or is there a male form of it?”

“You can call me zylar. It means the same thing, but sounds more masculine.”

“Almost like a fierce warlord who can breathe fire and move objects with his mind. ‘I am Zylar, behold my power!’”

Kason shook his head. “Life will never be boring with you, zyla.

“Damn straight.” She gave him a quick kiss. “But we should probably return to our seats. We’ll arrive at any moment.”

“At any moment, what?”

“At any moment, zylar,” she drawled.

He nodded. “Good. That makes me happy.”

“Just make sure it doesn’t go to your head, Prince. Otherwise, I may resort to calling you Mr. Fluffypoo.”

He frowned. “But I don’t have that much hair, and I’m always clean.”

Taryn snorted. “I think the name is lost in translation. Too bad, as most native CEL speakers would’ve told me, it’s the last thing they want to be called.”

“Once you reach the same level of Kelderan as I have of CEL, then we can talk.”

“I suppose.” She took his hand and squeezed. “The ship is drawing closer. We should sit down, and you can tell me what to expect from this public claiming you spoke of.”

They reached their seats and Kason removed his hand to buckle himself in. While it was foolish, Taryn missed his touch.

Nova was going to tease her relentlessly about being a lovesick fool once she was back on Jasvar. 

As if reading her mind, Kason took her hand again once they were both secure. “It’s a simple ceremony where I proclaim you as my one and only bride, and you do the same about me.”

Taryn smiled. “So I call you my bride, too?”

He grunted. “No, I am your lord.”

“Really? I’m supposed to call you my lord? Isn’t there another term I can use?”

He stroked the back of her hand. “Not at the moment, but I’m sure you’ll think of one eventually. The custom will probably remain on Keldera, but it may shift over time for the Jasvarian colony.”

“Then it motivates me to think of a better title before the colony is established. I could go with ‘my husband’ or ‘my spouse.’”

“Whatever you call me, I’ll answer. Except for Mr. Fluffypoo. That is not noble enough for a warrior.”

Taryn laughed, but before she could reply, Vala’s voice filled the shuttle. “Ship ahead.”

Kason kissed her hand before releasing it. He said something in Kelderan and Vala nodded.

As the pair guided the shuttle into the main cargo bay, Taryn’s stomach flipped. She was about to become essentially married to a Kelderan warrior prince. While she wasn’t nervous about spending her life with Kason, she was a little worried about the future and how both the Kelderans and Jasvarians would treat their relationship.

Still, staring at her handsome warrior, Taryn knew she could handle whatever people threw her way. After more than thirty years wondering if she’d ever find a mate, let alone love, she wasn’t about to give up the precious gift because of a few sideways glances.


Kason guided the small craft into the cargo bay. Judging by the large crowd of people waiting on the far side of the large space, Thorin had called all of the nonessential personnel to hear his proclamation.

The primal part of him was pleased. Soon all the males would know to keep their distance.

Once the shuttle touched down and all the engines were disengaged, Kason undid the buckles of his seat and stood. As soon as Taryn was at his side, he took her hand.

However, before disembarking, he looked to Vala and said, “You did well. I hope you’ll continue your studies and contemplate joining the colony.”

Vala bowed her head. “Thank you, your highness. I will think about it.”

He switched to CEL. “Is my warrior leader ready?”

“Of course. I can’t wait to get this over with and head to Keldera. I’m anxious to meet your father and brother.”

Taryn was far more excited than he. His father, the king, might approve of him now, but it’d been more years than he could count since he’d talked to his brother, Keltor.

Still, with his human at his side, he’d face anything.

Guiding her out of the shuttle, he scanned the crowd. Thorin was the first one to step forward and greet them. He even spoke in CEL for Taryn’s benefit. “Welcome back.” Thorin waved a hand at one of the crew near a console. The male tapped a few strokes, and Thorin continued, “Everything is ready.”

Kason released Taryn’s hand and pulled her against him. A few murmurs arose, but the second he raised a fist, the room quieted. He spoke the words in Kelderan he never thought he’d say. “Taryn Demara is my bride, and she has chosen me. Do you recognize my claim?”

A roar of affirmations went up. He looked down at Taryn. She stood tall and said the phrase he’d made her memorize in Kelderan. “Kason tro el Vallen is my lord, and he has chosen me. Do you recognize my claim?”

While her accent was strange and stilted, the crowd yelled their assent.

Kason took his cue. “Then per the laws governing Keldera, I willingly give up my commission and acknowledge Thorin Jarrell as my successor. He will take over control of this ship.”

He motioned toward Thorin and the male spoke up. “I respectfully accept command. And my first order as general is for you and your bride to return to your quarters and rest up. We’re going to push hard to return to Keldera as soon as possible. You’re going to need your strength, especially since training will continue as usual, for both the males and females.” A few murmurs rolled through the crowd, but Thorin ignored them. “If not for Princess Kalahn, Vala Yarlen, or Jerrick and his warriors, we could’ve been at war with the Earth Colony Alliance. Cooperation may be our future, especially for any who wish to join the colony. Everyone is dismissed.”

As the crowd dispersed, Thorin turned toward Kason and switched to CEL. “I hope both of you will still help with training. But take a day to celebrate.”

No sooner had Taryn said, “Thank you,” than Thorin turned and exited the cargo bay. His female looked up at him. “I’m almost starting to like him.”

Kason had a feeling Thorin wished to join the colony and maybe find his own bride among the Jasvarians, who wouldn’t care about his father’s heritage. But talking of Thorin’s future was the last thing Kason wanted to do in the present. He hauled Taryn up against his body and whispered, “Right now, you should only think of me. I am your lord.”

The corner of her mouth ticked up. “More like, ‘Oh, lord, what did I get myself into?’ as they said in old Earth times.”

He frowned. “You think you are funny, but I don’t always understand.”

Taryn shook her head before raising her chin. “For now, my lord, I think you need to kiss me and make me forget about everything but your touch.”

Nuzzling her cheek, he answered, “Anything to please my bride.”

Taryn moved to kiss him, but he stepped to the side and scooped her up. She barely had time to blink before he added, “Not here. The second I kiss you I won’t be able to stop. And I meant it earlier when I said I don’t want anyone else to see your naked body.”

“But me.”

“Yes, stubborn woman, no one but you and me.”

Taryn tilted her head. “Then you’d better start running, zylar, because I’m going to kiss you in two minutes no matter where we are.”

He growled before running. Taryn had thrown down a challenge that he fully intended to win.




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