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Missing Mate (O'Neil Pack Series) by Roxanne Witherell (24)

Chapter 26


It took a few hours to get to the warehouse. The pup stayed in one spot on the floorboard, sleeping the last half of the trip. He parks as close to the warehouse door as he can. The occasional junkie or hooker coming in doesn’t go noticed, but a howling wolf may draw attention.

Damien got out, and quickly went around to the other side of the truck. The pup ran to the other side and hid by the pedals. Damn mutt, doesn’t know who is he playing games with. Without opening the door, he pretended to walk back around the truck. When the pup returned to the passenger side to hide, he opened the door, and snatched the pup by the scruff of his neck.

“Hush!” Damien hissed when the pup started whining again.

When he didn’t stop, Damien clasped his hand over his muzzle to keep him quiet. He adjusted the pup so he could get the keys from his pocket. Evidently Kyle is playing with the subjects rather than keeping an eye on things or he would have seen Damien pull up.

Walking through the door he could hear muffled cries. Damn it, he told Kyle not to mess with the damn bobcat until he got back. This is why he didn’t bother to call. He needed to see what goes on when he isn’t here.

“Oh Kyle I’m home.” He called out down the row cells.

He could hear Kyle cursing as he zipped up his pants. Sobs continues even after Kyle steps out of her cell.

“Didn’t I tell you not to touch my toy?” Damien asked when he was in front of Kyle.

“I see you found a new kid. Boss will be pleased.” Kyle changed the subject. 

“He will be, but I’m not.” Damien growled.

“Look the bitch started it. I had to show her that I will adjust her attitude.” Kylie explained poorly.

“You better hope she is well enough to babysit.” Damien spat out, and continued towards the cell Kyle had just came from.

“Here, kitty, kitty.” Damien taunted as he drew closer. “I got you a present.”

She was curled up in the corner barely clothed. Blood is dripping from her nose, and her lip is split. Bruises scattered her face, and legs. They’ll have to keep her another week or two until she heals. If he skips an injection then she’ll heal faster. She’ll have more fight in her, but once she has healed herself the injections can start again. He has already shown Kyle how not to leave any visible marks for this exact reason. He should demonstrate again, this time on Kyle himself.

Damien opened the cell door next to the women, and tossed the pup in. He yelped when he hit the mat then ran to the corner. When the pup laid in the corner on the mat, Damien locked the cell. 

“Get yourself cleaned up.” He ordered her before walking off. “And keep him quiet.” 

“You,” he pointed at Kyle. “Get her a damn towel or something. Don’t fucking touch her, again.”

Kyle nodded, and hurried off. Shaking his head, Damien turned to head to the loft office. Why do they always stick him with the morons? Soon, it will be his turn to step up the ladder, and he can get out of this dump. Instead of hoe shows, he can be looking at some class ass. He thought of long legs in stockings, with perfectly round breast to go with them. The type of bodies only money can buy. Yeah, he’ll jump on that train.

Keeping the door open so he can keep an eye on things, Damien pulled out his cell phone to call his boss. This isn’t the conversation he wants to have. Why does it seem like every time he has to call in, it’s always with bad news? Damien hopes the news of the pup will keep him from punishment on not retrieving any samples.

“Why have you not checked in before now?” His boss’ gruff voice spoke.

“I’m sorry sir, I was in the middle of travels, and didn’t have the best of signal.” Before Damien could go on any further the pup began to howl loud.

“What the hell is that racket?”

“Sorry, sir.” He apologized stepping to the door to see what the fuss is all about. “I’ll call you back in a moment sir.”

“If this is the way you run things Damien. I assure you, you will be replaced.” The line went dead before another word was spoken.

“Damn it!” He hit the top of the desk in frustration. If shit doesn’t start going his way, he will be here another three years.

“Seriously, Kyle?” Damien stormed down the steps. “You can’t keep them quiet for ten damn minutes!”

Kyle is in front of the cell with the pup, but he isn’t doing any good at hushing up the damn mutt. He will show them what it takes to fear one into silence. He grabbed the long probing stick with the silver tip. Once he introduces him to his little friend, the pup won’t be able to howl anymore. Coming closer to the cell with the pup, Damien had the female bobcat’s attention.

“Silence will come soon enough.” He chuckled as he walked past her.

“What are you going to do to him?” She asked running up to the bars.

“Well, I thought it would be obvious. I’m going to shut him the hell up.” He smirked, pulling the cell keys from his pocket.

“Don’t hurt him!” She pleaded. “He’s just a boy.”

“He’s a boy that’s gonna learn to shut up.” He opened the cell and stepped inside.

“Wait, please!” She begged. “I’ll do anything, please.” She came closer to the bars where he stood, and reached out for him.

“I won’t fight you. You can do anything you want to me.” She offered. “Bring the pup to me. I will keep him quiet.”

Giving in mainly for the sake of not injuring the pup, he bent down grabbing the pup by the scruff. He handed Kyle the probe to put back up while he put the pup in with the bobcat.

“Back your ass up to the wall.” He ordered her before unlocking the cell door.

Once she did as she was told he opened the door and dropped the pup on the inside of the door. He quickly shut, and locked the door back.

“Now this time you keep him quiet or the punishment will be dealt to both of you.” Damien went back to the loft office to make his call. 

“About time you called me back.” The phone was answered on the first ring. “I see you got things settled around there. I was starting to have doubts about you, Damien.”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, sir.” Damien started.

“Don’t get in the habit of it.” He said firmly. “Now tell me what’s going on.” He demanded.

“The whole time I was up there I didn’t see Ryan. There wasn’t any movement, and I didn’t see any of the other men either. They’re either dead or long gone.”

“Did they leave anything behind?”

“It didn’t look like they took anything with them. Their clothes are still there, boxes left in the study. Unopened spoiled food left in the fridge. If they left, they left in a hurry.”

“What about the samples?”

“There wasn’t any packaged. I scoured the mountain, but I didn’t find any viable samples.”

“You’ll have to go back. This time check on O’Neil’s mountain. Ryan reported seeing some there. That’s where the last batch was coming from. Get back up there. I’ll send someone to take your place.”

“Sir, that may not be a wise idea.” Damien began. “I picked up something special for you. Something you haven’t had in a while.”

“Just fucking say it. What is it?”

“I started to look on the next mountain for samples to bring back, but a wolf pup walked right up to me. I know we haven’t had a young shifter in a while. Hell, maybe never one this young.”

“Are you saying you stole a pup?” He asked in disbelief.

“Yeah, he was only with humans. I believe that was the easiest snatch, yet.” Damien quit when he heard roaring laughter on the other end of the line.

“Tell me. Is it an O’Neil pup?” He controlled his laughter.

“I’m not sure.” Damien thought it was a strange question. “I didn’t exactly stick around to ask what pack they were with.”

“Don’t you get smart with me boy.” He bit out. “If you got him on the O’Neil mountain then chances are the pup’s an O’Neil.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Do they know you have the pup?” He asked.

“I doubt it. The human with him called me Alexander. Case of mistaken identity. He’ll take the fall for it.”

“It would have been sweeter for them to know their pup was coming to me.” He sighed. “Oh well. I’ll send the crew for a pick up when they get back. May take a few hours, they’re retrieving another shipment.”  

“Got it.” Damien replied, and hung up the phone.