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The Devils Daughter (The Devils Soldiers mc Book 1) by Cilla Lee (13)

Chapter Fourteen




When they came home from the doctor two weeks ago Maggie had a handful of pamphlets about cholesterol and eating healthy, apparently Razors cholesterol count was off the chart and being a little bit over weight didn't help. That day she came home and was like a mad woman throwing everything away that she though was unhealthy, that was an epic battle of wills that day I can still see Razor yelling at her


“Don't you do it, don't you dare Maggie there my favourite”


“Razor there full of sugar and they've got to go you’re a grown man for goodness sakes” she'd already thrown out biscuits, sweets, crisps half the stuff from the fridge and freezer the pantry was basically empty


“Don't fuckin' do it Maggie there my favourite”


“Razor Jesus there full of sugar there going”


“NO THERE FUCKIN' NOT” Razor yelled, Before Maggie had a chance, Razor grabbed the box out of her hand and held it above his head straight in the air. Maggie was jumping up and down pulling on his arm, I was pissing myself laughing sitting at the kitchen table watching them when Maggie climbs up Razor. She literally climbs up him like a tree and before I know it there on the ground wrestling for a box of fruit loops, it was the best thing I'd ever seen. In the end Razor had them up his shirt running for the door and was gone, Maggie yelling at him from the front porch as he rode off with his booty tucked under his shirt. Now he keeps his fruit loops at the clubhouse for safe keeping. (big bad biker and his fruit loops)


“Fine just this once Razor but if she finds out you owe me”


“Deal” he says with a big smile I shake my head at him




By the time I get back to the house Maggie has decorated the front with lights candy canes and another Christmas tree. We never got a chance to put the Santa and reindeer up, Razor sent the new Prospects Jaxson and Jordan out to do it so we didn't end up killing ourselves. They were cute and twins so it was a bit hard to tell them apart, Maggie and I kept getting their names mixed up all afternoon.




By the end of the day I was shattered Maggie had the house looking and smelling like Christmas and I was looking forward to it, my first ever Christmas. My dad never celebrated anything, I never once had a gift, I never even had anything new I always bought my clothes from charity shops. the only thing that I ever bought brand new was under ware and bra's, but this year I had money saved and I was going to make the most of it. But tonight, was the pre-Christmas party at the clubhouse.




“You have a good night baby” Colt asks as he strips down to his boxers and I instantly feel wet, my body humming for him to do things to me. He'd spent the past two nights sleeping over, Razor grumbling and telling us under no circumstances where we to have sex in his house and let me tell you it was dam hard to sleep next to this man without acutely wanting to jump on him and fuck his brains out.


“I had so much fun but my feet are aching”


“I'm glad” he says as he lays down and pulls me to him his warm breath running across my neck making my nipples ache for him to rub and my nether region was on fire to be touched.


“You lookin' forward to Christmas tomorrow” I nod my head as his breath tickles my skin his large arms wrapped around me


“Did you have a good night” I ask and he chuckles


“Yeah baby it was fun watchin' you enjoy yourself” he pulls me to him my back to his front and he kisses my neck


“I really had fun”


“God baby you smell amazing”


“Do I” I say giggling as he nuzzles my neck


“Yeah” I grind my hips up and down on his crochet and he hisses


“Fuck baby you keep doin' that and I'm ganna turn you over and fuck you” I grind my ass on him again and he reaches for my breast and rubs my nipples making me moan.


“Baby you gotta stop”


“I don't want to”


“Razor will cut my dick off, if I fuck you in his house” I smile but feel frustrated, he leans in and kisses my neck again “I really wanna fuck you baby but not here ok” he says rubbing my sensitive nipple making me moan again. I nod my head agreeing now is not the time “Good go to sleep baby” he pulls me to him and I listen to the beat of his heart as my eyes slowly close to nothingness.




As I open my eyes I look to the side of me and see Colt's gone the past few nights have been torture having him in bed with me but I can honestly say I really do like it. The smell of breakfast cooking down stairs makes me get up, it's my first Christmas since my dad died and I feel excited. Maggie had taken me shopping and showed me how Christmas was prepared for the boys at the clubhouse, she was so enthusiastic about that her excitement buying everything she could get her hands on it was hard not to love her enthusiasm for the holiday plus the fact it was the first Christmas that I've ever had. My dad would make me get up cook him breakfast than he drank all day watching TV while I was in my room staying out of his way.  I pull my robe on and head downstairs, I have no idea how she's even up this early with the drinking she did last night at the clubhouse the pre-Christmas party showing me what the Old Ladies and girlfriends where really made of even some of the strippers from Pink Slip had come, some of the waitresses from Devils Den, Chelsea was here as well, all the club whores to with Pixie giving me the evil eye all night, but Maggie dam Maggie showed just how much of a partier she could be. I swear she drank a hole bottle of tequila by herself more beers than I could count and she had so many more shots of anything and everything I thought at one stage she would have to be taken to the hospital to get her stomach pumped.  We danced we drank we just had a blast. It was so much fun a real family get together and I loved it every minute of it. When I get to the kitchen Colt was sitting at the table talking to Maggie


“Morning baby Merry Christmas” he gets up and gives me a big hug lifting me off the ground and spinning me in his arms


“Morning to you to Colt and Merry Christmas”


“Merry Christmas Maggie” and I give her a big hug “how are you feeling”


“On top of the world sweetheart”


“No hangover”


“Why would I have a hangover?”


“Umm because you drank like half the bar last night”


“Oh, that's nothing”


“Nothing dam Maggie you put all us young guys to shame last night” Colt says smiling


“Fuckin' women could always drink” Razor says walking in kissing Maggie on the cheek than me and shaking Colt’s hand why do you think I don't let her come to the parties I'd be spendin' a fortune to keep the placed stocked


“Oh, Razor hush” she says smiling at him


“Don't hush me only women I've ever seen drink a bottle of tequila in one sitting and still pass a sobriety test when she was pulled over by the cops one night”


“Shut up Razor don't give these two any ideas now who's hungry” she says turning back to dish up breakfast, we all sit and have breakfast talking about last night’s party and when where done Maggie and I do the dishes and we all head into the living room to open gifts




“Oh, Niya you shouldn't have it's beautiful” Maggie says smiling


I'd gotten her a gold bracelet with intricate carvings all filigree with three diamonds in it one for me her and Razor and a silk scarf, perfume new slippers and a new recipe book healthy living of course, I got Razor new wallet with Devils Soldiers insignia engraved on it and a new helmet cologne couple of shirts and a new pair of ray-ban aviator glasses


“Thank you darlin' I love it all” he said giving me a kiss, I handed Colt a couple of boxes the usual man gifts as Maggie called them socks, clothes, cologne I got him a new face mask for when he rides and a new iPod knowing Stryker stood on his, a couple of weeks ago


“Baby this is too much” I just kissed him knowing the best one was still to come


“And this is from Colt and me” I hand Maggie an envelope


“Oh, Niya Colt this is too much”


“What is it?” Razor says taking the envelope


“It's none refundable and you’re going to use it”


“This must have cost a fortune”


“Maggie, you and Razor have given me a family a life and I... we want you to have it” it was an all-inclusive weekend away at a Lovers Spa and Retreat in the mountains just what Razor needed he was looking so warn out lately and I could see it was taking a toll on them and Colt said he'd passed through the town last year and had read pamphlets on it so we got it for them.


“Oh, thank you both” and she gets up and hugs us both and so did Razor


“Ok our turn she said” and passes me a small box, I stare at it.... I'm so nervous my hearts beating


“What's wrong honey?”


“I... I... I've n... eve. ever had a Christmas gift before” Colt’s grip tightens on my waist and Maggie grabs my hand and squeezes


“Open it baby” he whispers my palms sweating, I slowly undo the paper not wanting to rip the beautiful gold and silver paper


“Just rip it open” Maggie says


“I don't want to rip the paper it’s so pretty”


“Honey I have a whole roll of it”


“Oh” I feel a bit silly


“Just rip it” she says again and I smile and tear into the paper with the excitement of a kid at Christmas, everyone laughing me included


“Oh my god Maggie you got me an iPad”


“From Razor and me honey you can download music, books anything you want”


“Oh, I love it thank you” I also got shoes clothes perfumes make up and a new phone


“I feel so spoiled, I don't deserve all of this”


“Honey you’re our daughter now and if we want to spoil you than we will isn't that right Razor”


“Fuckin' right babe” Razor said with a big smile, I burst into tears feeling over whelmed and loved


“Oh, honey come here” she grabbed me and hugged me until I stopped when I stopped blubbering all over Maggie I stand up and sit next to Colt again reach into my pocket and pull out a box


“Merry Christmas Colt” I hand it to him just before he opens it Maggie and Razor get up coffee, tea we both shake our heads no and they walk to the kitchen leaving us alone


“Baby what's this you already got me something”


“They were just man gifts this is your real one”


“Man gifts”


“Yeah Maggie said it's the standard you get things you need and then you get a special gift from the heart”


“Oh, I always wondered why I always got socks and underwear every yeah from my mom and then soaps and deodorants for years”


“I think you mom was telling you something Colt”


“What that I stank?”


“Maybe” I laugh “Open it Colt” he takes the box off me and opens the box


“No fuckin' way babe”


“Do you like it”


“I heard you and Stryker talking about them the other week and I've been looking for one since”


“Baby this is too much I know how much these cost”


“Colt it's a Christmas gift and you’re taking it it's from the heart dam it” I yelled the last part


“What the fucks going on why the yelling?” Razor says coming back in


“Fuck boss...... did you know what she got me”


“Why the fuck would I know that?” and he turns the box around so Razor can see in side


“Right it's a watch what of it”


“What of it...what of it boss it's an OMEGA Speed Master Racing Automatic Chronograph Black Dial”




“Boss this is a twelve-hundred-dollar watch that's what”


“Fuckin,' twelve-hundred dollars for that! fuck off”


“Ok now your pissing me off, if you don't want it Colt I'll keep it”


“Baby he grabs me and hugs me I love it it’s just too expensive”


“Colt your worth it it's my money I earned it and if I want to spend that much on you than that's what I'm going to spend” he smiles at me and kisses my nose


“Put it on me baby” I take it out of the box and help him put the watch on than he kisses me again taking my breath away


“Your turn baby”


“What you've already given me a new handbag and purse Colt I don't need anything else” even though I love my new Michael Kors bag and purse, I've never been a brand person but Diamond had a pink Michael Kors handbag at the club and I instantly fell in love


“The gift of love, remember”




“Close your eyes baby” when I do he grabs my hand and places a small box in the palm of my hand


“Colt” I say to scared to look at it


“Open baby and look” I slowly open my eyes and there's a small black velvet box sitting in my hand I slowly lift the lid and gasp


“Colt it's beautiful”


“Do you like it”


“Oh, I love it”


“Read the inscription” I turn it over


Niya and Colt forever


“Oh, Colt its beautiful thank you”


“Open it baby” I slowly pull on the locket and I gasp when I look inside it’s a picture of him and me a couple of weeks ago, Stryker was trying out his new camera on his phone and he took it of us


“Thank you so much”


“Turn around baby let me put it on” I turn and lift the strands of hair that have fallen out of my messy bun and then turn back to him


“You look so beautiful Niya” I smile and kiss him again. After all the gifts were done we all cleaned up and Razor and Colt watched TV while Maggie's started pre-paring for dinner at the clubhouse tonight her and Razor where going over to start cooking the six Turkeys and all the trimmings no wonder the kitchen at the clubhouse was so big. I was in my room trying to decide what outfit to wear to meet Colt’s family today I hadn't actually met them yet but I felt like I already knew them I wondered would they like me or would they hate me, god what if they did hate me. I start hyperventilate and grab the dresser shit I can't breathe


“Baby you red.......fuck baby what's wrong” Colt says coming into my room panicking when he sees me. I'm waving my hands in front of my face to calm myself or to try and catch a breath


“I... I... I... I... c... c... c... an... an. an. t... t... t...  br... br... bre...brea.... breath”


“Put your head down between your legs baby and try and breath slowly” I lean down and do as he, says, I can feel my breathing normalising


“Shit baby what happened?” a few deeper breaths and I could speak again


“I'm nervous Colt what if........what if your family don't like me”


“Baby there ganna love you”


“How do you know”


“Because I love you” he kisses my forehead “Now get dressed” I wore my new jeans with my new long-sleeved shirt with capped sleeves and black boots side braid in my hair and kept my makeup light used my new perfume and simple silver studs to match my locket “Fuck baby you look good” Colt says as I walk into the kitchen where the two of them are sitting


“Oh, honey you look so beautiful” Maggie says making me smile, but I still feel so nervous


“Thank you both of you” Razor walks in than and smiles


“Dam girl you look gorgeous”


“Oh, Razor that's the first sentence I've ever heard you say without the word fuck in it”


“Very fuckin' funny” he says and we burst into laughter


“Ok you two go and we'll see you both at the clubhouse later”


“Okie dokie see you than” I kiss them both and head out the door with Colt. Riding his bike was a little more stimulating even though it was cold out it was nice snuggling up to Colt, I had on my coat that covered me to my knees and gloves and scarf but even though it was cold I was feeling very flush. By the time we got to Colt’s mothers house I was over stimulated and blushing with the vibration of his bike stimulating places that have never been stimulated before.


“You ok baby you look flushed” I bite my lip but just nod


“I'm good” I say as he smiles at me


“Come on” I notice another couple of bikes in the driveway


“Who's here?” I nod towards the bikes not recognising them


“Tiny and Stryker always spend Christmas with us”


“Oh, shit Rochelle's not here is she”


“I fuckin' hope not mom hates that bitch” I smile and laugh


“What's funny?”


“I think I like your mom already”


“Come on baby” he takes my hand and leads me to the front stairs


“OH MY GOD” I hear yelled, then a middle age woman standing in the doorway with her arms out and gives us both a hug together


“Hay mom Merry Christmas” he says giving her a hug and kiss


“Oh, honey Merry Christmas and this must be Niya oh sweetie you’re so pretty look at you come in come in”





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