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His Surprise Baby by Valentine, Layla, Sparks, Ana (19)

Chapter 19


Heidi groaned. She wasn’t prepared for the Herculean task that was rolling out of bed. She struggled and floundered, feeling altogether like a beached whale.

And then her eyes snapped open. She’d almost forgotten what day it was.

Suddenly, there was an urgency to her fumbling, and she struggled into a sitting position, leaning back briefly against the pillows with exhaustion.

“Get up,” she said aloud. “You need to get up.”

That was easier said than done at eight months pregnant. At her most recent check-up a few days ago, she’d asked the doctor if it was normal, this sheer size. He’d cocked an eyebrow and remarked that it was a little unusual, but only that it indicated that the baby was going to be quite large.

“Is your…was, ah…the person who impregnated you…was he particularly tall?” Grant had asked.

Yes, she’d thought sullenly, he was gigantic.

Grant wasn’t particularly progressive for a young person, and appeared to have a hard time reconciling the fact that Heidi was having her baby without a partner being involved. She liked him all the same, and it was obvious that he was making an effort to keep her comfortable, but nevertheless, it did at times cross the line into grating on her nerves.

Especially when he would say in passing how useful it would be to know more about the father, to be able to do a blood sample or a gene-sequencing. She had given up hope that he would drop the daddy subject, and there was no point in switching doctors this late in the game. That would be a bigger risk than her mild annoyance with his attitude.

He couldn’t possibly fathom how badly she wanted to involve Bradley. Every time he brought it up, he inadvertently pricked her spirit and let happiness bleed out. But she couldn’t, wouldn’t play fantasy dream house. Her child needed a mother grounded in the here and now, not one who got caught up dreaming of a different life.

Thus, it was to that end that she was going to court today, albeit reluctantly.

A few months back, when her mother had first acquired her a team of lawyers, Heidi had vehemently maintained that she had worked for Bradley as an independent contractor, not an employee of Image-ine. Regardless, when they’d told her that it was in her best interest to settle out of court, Heidi had listened to their points.

“You don’t want your child to be born under the cloud of a lawsuit,” one had offered.

“Your mother,” another added, “mentioned there were some money troubles, and that you wanted to pay her back for our services, so—”

“We think that, for your mental health and financial solubility, it’s in your best interest to settle,” the first explained.

Heidi had been skeptical. No, more than skeptical. She’d been mad, and anxious, and confused, and totally lost. She’d understood that the legal team wanted what was best for both of their interests, but she was still out to sea on this one. Was it better to deal with a drawn out lawsuit, and potentially win back her pride (and some cash), or should she slink off quietly, and rid her life of this problem?

She’d refused to fall victim to hubris, to the belief that, somehow, one woman telling the truth could change the almost inevitable outcome of Bradley’s triumph, were it to come to a full-fledged lawsuit. The system wasn’t designed for her to win; she didn’t have the money or the fame.

Ultimately, she’d agreed to the settlement. It had taken her dignity down a few notches, to essentially admit a wrongdoing that she hadn’t, well, done. But her lawyers had advised it, and she’d had to concede that they knew best.

At last, she arose from bed, stretched her arms, and took a minute to rub coconut oil over her swollen belly. Next, she waddled to her closet, which had become a daily battleground. It was a pity, actually; she used to take such comfort in running her hands across the soft silks and linens, watching the colors dance around one another.

Sure, she’d gone out and bought maternity wear—it wasn’t as if she were walking around naked—but it was hard to convince herself to look cute when she felt like crap. Either her feet hurt, or her boobs ached, or her back was sore…whatever it was, it meant putting on a nice outfit had begun to feel as futile as fitting back into her old clothes.

She’d bought a special outfit for today, though. Her mom had advised that Heidi underscore her beatific pregnancy to gain compassion from the jury. And Heidi had to admit, as much as the pregnancy had made her feel physically uncomfortable, it also seemed to transform her into an angelic-looking being.

Her auburn hair, which had always been shiny, had started to bounce and gleam. Her skin radiated warmth with its newfound peachy undertones. Her face had become a little fuller, and it suited her well. In short, she looked the image of youthful health—even if she didn’t always feel it.

With that in mind, she donned the cap-sleeved maxi dress in white linen that flowed over her stomach and pooled in waves around her feet. She had gone a bit literal with the Biblical imagery, but she was past caring. She braided the front sections of her hair and tied them back around her head to create a crown effect. Twirling in the mirror, she looked like an angel about to ascend.

Heidi stopped and put her hand on her stomach.

“Wish me luck,” she said to the child inside her.

She floated down the stairs, and found her parents waiting anxiously in the kitchen. Tom was making pancakes with strawberries while Dina did a final read-through of some legal documents.

“Wowza, my daughter’s a vision,” her dad crowed. Wiping his hands off on his apron, he moved towards her, arms outstretched.

“Come on, Dad,” she said with a laugh, “I’m wearing all white. We both know you’re too clumsy to hug me without staining anything.”

He opened his mouth as if to disagree, when Dina interjected.

“How about I hug her, and say it’s from the both of us?”

Tom relented, and Dina wrapped her daughter in her arms.

“It’s gonna be fine, sweetie,” she whispered into Heidi’s ear while rubbing her back. “Just fine.”

Heidi nodded, putting on a strong front. She pulled out of the hug.

“Pancake time?” she asked hopefully.

They sat down around the kitchen table and dug in. Heidi ate three servings, maple syrup and all; pregnancy was hungry work. At last, she wiped her mouth with a napkin, and turned to look at the microwave clock.

“I think it’s time to go,” she said quietly.

Wordlessly and in perfect unison, her parents stood. Tom grabbed the dishes and placed them in the sink, while Dina snatched the car keys from the living room.

Only minutes later, they were piled into the family SUV, which had been around since Heidi was in high school. She felt a bit like a child now, the way she automatically sat in the back while the ‘grown-ups’ were in front.

Even as I’m on my way to court to settle with my ex-lover, the father of my child, she thought with wonder, I still feel like a kid.

The universe was funny like that.

Soon—too soon—they had pulled up to the courthouse. She looked out her window and saw her lawyers waiting on the steps. One gave a nervous little wave.

“Do you see any paparazzi?” she asked her parents, craning her neck.

“No, dear, why would there be paparazzi?” her mother replied.

She shook her head. Her parents’ nonexistent grasp on celebrity culture was impossible to surmount. Reluctantly, she opened the door and exited the vehicle, making her way up the steps to greet her legal team.

“Hey guys,” she said vaguely, too stressed to come up with a more sophisticated greeting.

They all anxiously chattered around her like a flock of birds, assuring her many times that there was nothing to be worried about. She reassured them half a dozen times that she was feeling okay, that she didn’t regret this decision. Nobody said you had to be honest with your lawyers.

Together with her parents and the legal team, Heidi strode into the court house. This wasn’t a New York courthouse; for all that Orlando had developed, its institutional buildings remained unimpressive. The paint was peeling, and the ceiling had cracks. It felt like more like a dingy city college than a place of law.

Was this where she was to have her final encounter with Bradley? On stained carpet, under bad lighting? How could such a (fleetingly) glorious relationship end with so little beauty or importance?

Heidi scanned the rooms, looking for number 107. It was at the end of the hallway, next to some rusty water fountains. She grimaced and pushed open the doors, her less-than-glamorous entourage in tow.

In the middle of the room was Gary, looking like he was out for blood.

“Fuck you,” she muttered under her breath. Part of her hoped he would hear it.

Her former boss was flanked on both sides by a group of mean-looking attorneys—neat, vicious images in perfectly tailored suits and impeccable crew cuts. She knew the type: ex-frat boys. All of them wore flashy cufflinks and slightly too-short ties. Her party, in contrast, looked mild-mannered, middle-aged and friendly. Not exactly the right team with which to oppose a pack of wolves.

But that didn’t mean they were any good at their job. After all, Gary’s team were the sort who had sailed through college and law school on cocaine and veiled bribes to teachers. More often than not, they were all flash, no substance.

Or so she hoped.

She felt a pair of hands on her shoulders, and turned to see her mother, smiling optimistically.

“It’s almost over,” Dina whispered. “You’ve been so strong, honey.” She hugged her daughter and added, “And ignore those dicks in the weirdly tight pants.”

Heidi laughed openly, and the wolf pack turned to stare her down with narrowed eyes. She didn’t care; her mom was right. It was almost over. And that was a sad thought, but her life couldn’t keep going on as it was.

The judge, a woman in who looked to be her early sixties, banged the gavel.

“Are both parties ready to begin?”

“Yes, your honor,” replied Heidi.

“Yup,” Gary said.

Even in court, he had the arrogant air of entitlement about him. He talked like a guy who already had a win in the bag.

The judge eyed them. “Very well.”

She paused, reviewing a sheaf of notes on her podium.

“I’ll outline the intended proceedings of the court. Each party will have the opportunity to present their case. Parties are herewith to be identified as Ms. Morris, the defendant, and Mr. Hummel, the plaintiff. After the presentation, I will meet with Ms. Morris and Mr. Hummel individually. We will attempt to reach a settlement by the end of the business day, defined as five p.m. Eastern Standard Time. The settlement must be acceptable by both parties. Are there any questions?”

Heidi and Gary shook their heads.

“Very good, then we may—”

In the middle of her sentence, she stopped abruptly. Everyone in the courtroom tilted their heads and furrowed their brows. Was that—? Yes. The distinct sound of running footsteps, a muffled shout.

The judge turned sharply to a nearby security guard.

“Ralph,” she said calmly, “can you please go investigate?”

The man nodded and began bumbling towards the exit. Just then, the door swung open, and in its frame stood a breathless Bradley Fox.

For only a moment, he locked eyes with Heidi. She gripped her stomach, and thinking she might faint, sat down on the bench behind her. A tall desk loomed in front of her, throwing shade on her belly and obscuring it from sight.

Could it be? she thought wildly. Is he really here, in the flesh?

But she knew this wasn’t a dream—it was reality. And so far, it looked like it might be a good one.

“Bradley,” she said in an even voice, “what are you doing here?”

“Yes,” interrupted the judge, obviously displeased at the lack of decorum in her court. “What are you doing here, Mr. Fox?”

Bradley was about to open his mouth when she continued.

“Never mind. Don’t tell me. Just exit my courtroom quietly, and I won’t have you arrested for disruption of the peace.”

He’d arrived with a flurry of security on his tail, probably trying to stop him from running through a federal building like a mad man. One brave soul attempted to hand-cuff him, then, taking another look at Bradley’s towering frame, thought better of it. Bradley remained firmly planted.

“Bailiff,” the judge began, voice dripping with annoyance. “Mr. Fox doesn’t appear to be moving anywhere. Please show him out.”

The bailiff, as intimidated as the rest of the guards, moved cautiously towards Bradley. Bradley held up one large hand, indicating that he had better stop. The bailiff halted and swiveled his head to shoot a pleading look at the judge, as if to say, ‘Please don’t make me fight the best athlete in the country.’

“I have new evidence, your honor,” Bradley said with a polite restraint. He tried to look her full in the face, but couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off Heidi. “It’s relevant to the impending settlement.”

The judge sighed. “Mr. Fox, I’m kindly asking you to—”

“No,” Bradley interrupted. “Not until I say my piece.”

She threw up her hands. “Fine. Say what you will, but make it quick.”

Bradley took a breath, and walked to the front of the room so that he could address her and both parties. Heidi felt her heart going a mile a minute, and was glad she’d taken a seat.

“I’d like to take the court back to a few months ago,” he said. “I was wondering how Heidi—Ms. Morris—was doing. I felt badly about how I had left things between us, and I wanted to make it right.”

He averted his eyes in shame. Heidi’s heart leapt higher into her throat.

“So, against the advice of my lawyers, I began trying to contact her. No such luck. I tried social media, the telephone company, her old apartment, everything. I exhausted one resource after another. I began to wonder if she had simply dropped off the face of the Earth, and barely resisted the urge to hire a private eye. Don’t wanna look too crazy,” he added with a wink.

“But then, then I started to wonder. This all felt…wrong. I was reevaluating the circumstances, and decided that it might be prudent to investigate the catalyst for these proceedings. In other words, I went back to the tape.”

He didn’t need to explain what he meant by the tape. Everyone in the room was well-acquainted with the precipitating incident. Heidi guessed that about half of them had been forced to watch it to prep for the case, and the other half…well, the other half had probably watched it for fun.

“Upon watching it for the first time, I noticed something odd. The girl in the video didn’t seem aware that there was a camera. Never once did she look in the direction of the filming device either to turn it on or to make sure that it was still taping. This gave me what I can only call a hunch, so I followed up on it.

“I went to my bedroom, where the tape was filmed, and using pictures of the camera angles from the film, I figured out which wall it would’ve been mounted on. It was my bookshelf, which is bursting with stacks of graphic novels, mostly. The perfect place to hide a small recording device.

“I began to take each book out, one by one, until I was two-thirds of the way down the shelf. I pulled out one large hardcover, and thought it looked unfamiliar. I opened it, and found that it was hollowed out, and that there was a camera in the middle. A hole had been drilled in the spine through which the camera could record.”

He reached into his back pocket, pulled out a tiny camera, and held it up for the room to see. Everyone held their breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Bradley placed the device on the judge’s stand.

“I’d like to enter this into evidence. I found this camera, in my room, hidden inside of a book. The camera, as I soon discovered, had wireless capabilities. It also remembered Wi-Fi networks it had previously been on, and there was only one network besides my own that it had utilized. The network was entitled ‘PartyHouzz134.’”

Heidi heard a sucking in of breath from somewhere in the room, and looked in the direction of Gary’s legal team. Bradley continued, unperturbed.

“That’s the personal Wi-Fi hotspot in my agent Todd’s office.”

The entire court room gasped, Heidi included.

“Meaning,” Bradley continued, “that the camera must belong to Todd.”

He paused again, letting the drama radiate throughout the room. People on Gary’s legal team began whispering frantically to one another.

“Well,” the judge said. “What are you implying?”

“Nothing. Yet. First, I thought that it was impossible. Todd? One of my oldest associates, who’s known me since I was in college? Couldn’t be. But I knew in my heart that I had to follow up on the lead. I called a friend of a friend at Image-ine. I explained to them what I’d discovered, and they were willing to help.”

Heidi surmised that he must be referring to Meredith. Though that also meant, by extension, that he considered Heidi a friend. Really? This man who—only months ago—had said he never wanted to see her again?

“My insider recalled an old piece of office news, something she hadn’t thought was particularly relevant. Apparently, Gary had helped Todd quietly manage a scandal of his own a few years back, free of charge, with the understanding that it was a tit-for-tat deal, to be redeemed at a later date. In other words, Todd owed Gary a favor. And that’s when I put it together.

“Todd set me up. That’s why the camera was there; that’s why the woman in the video didn’t try to blackmail me for it. Because Todd orchestrated the whole thing. He was supposed to make good on his and Gary’s deal. Todd would instigate a huge scandal for the wealthiest football player in the state, and Image-ine, under Gary’s lead, would swoop in to ‘help’ me. In the process, he stood to make millions, and bolster the reputation of his firm.”

Everything hung in the balance. Bradley slowly approached the judge’s bench, and pointed at the camera.

“I’d like to show you the final piece of evidence, if I may.”

The judge nodded, as entranced as the rest of them.

“Please open the camera menu and scroll to settings. Click ‘share media’, and then the first ‘outbox’ item you see there.”

The judge followed his instructions, moving slowly and carefully, unfamiliar with the technology.

“Could you please read what it says?”

The judge nodded, and replied, “It just says, ‘You’re welcome. We got him.'”

“And who is that addressed to?”

“Some random number—448-903-7383.”

While she was speaking, Bradley had taken his phone out of his suit coat, and dialed the numbers that she read aloud. Just as she finished, a cellphone rang from somewhere in the room. It rang several more times, until Bradley strode directly up to Gary, and while maintaining full eye contact with the man, reached into Gary’s pocket and took out the ringing phone.

A modern-day smoking gun.

The room was silent. Bradley stepped back from Gary and turned to Heidi. Her mouth fell open as they held each other’s gazes. He had saved her. After all this time, just when she’d thought she was alone in this world, as good as doomed—he had returned, and given her new hope.

The judge spoke at last.

“In light,” she said, “of this new evidence…”

Her words hung in the air, as everyone waited for the verbal rollercoaster to go over the edge.

“In light of this,” she continued, “I announce that the case is being thrown out.” The room erupted in cries. “Case dismissed.”

“This is fucking bullshit!” screamed Gary, growing red in the face.

His army of frat lawyers nodded furiously, but did nothing. Turns out they, as Heidi had suspected, were useless.

From her seat, Heidi lazily called to the other end of the room, “Thanks for everything, Gary. And give your ex-wife my regards.” She shot him a huge grin.

He began to shout incoherently, while Todd approached Bradley, apparently in the hopes of some reconciliation.

Bradley narrowed his eyes, and Todd backed away, knowing this was a fight he couldn’t win. Todd moved to one side of the courtroom and punched the wall.

“All right,” the judge roared, seeing Todd’s rage. “We’re done here. Guards, please escort the plaintiffs and their team out. If they give you any trouble, feel free to use handcuffs.”

“Fuck you,” Gary yelled.

“I’ll see you back here in 30 days, Mr. Hummel,” she shot back. “For contempt of court.”

The retinue of Gary, Todd, and their lawyers were roughly led out by the slew of guards, who seemed more than happy to manhandle them. Not to mention, all of them had recognized Bradley, and their eyes had gone saucer-like with hero-worship. Bad idea to cross America’s real-life superhero. The judge followed the unhappy fray out of the room.

Still dazed, Heidi thanked her lawyers for their support and said they were free to go. She turned back to her parents, who were waiting in the public pews.

“I love you guys,” she said softly.

“We’re so happy for you, honey,” her dad replied. Her mom nodded and smiled.

Heidi indicated Bradley with her chin, and her mom, always the one to pick up on social cues, got the hint.

“Er, Tom,” she said. “I think we best clear out of the room.”

“But our little girl just won—”

“Tom,” she repeated, gesturing unsubtly in Bradley’s direction. Tom’s lips formed a surprised ‘O.’

“Yup, yeah, let’s get out of here,” he said clumsily.

With more smiles, her parents hugged her goodbye and left the room, both of them giving Bradley a once-over as they passed by. Even though he’d essentially just saved her life, her parents were still protective.

Bradley hadn’t budged in the last few minutes; he’d remained with his eyes locked on her the whole time.

At last, they were alone. Bradley was the first to break the silence.

“Heidi,” he breathed.

She struggled up from her seat and watched as his eyes widened in shock.

“You’re, you’re…” He stumbled over the words.


Heidi walked towards him, her white dress floating behind her, looking for all the world like a Greek goddess. Bradley looked her up and down, eyes wide, and lips struggling to form a question.

“Is it…” He paused and gulped.

“Yes,” she said with a nod. “It’s yours. Sorry, I mean he is yours.”

She saw a tear leave Bradley’s eye and trace down his cheek. Tentatively, she walked closer to him, until they were only a few feet apart, her stomach accentuating the little space between them.

“Are those happy tears?” she asked nervously.

He laughed.

“Are you kidding? Of course they are,” he said. “Heidi I…I couldn’t be any happier.”

Emotions flooded through her, as she thought with relief that this was exactly what she had wanted—this recognition, this mutual joy.

“I thought about contacting you,” she said hurriedly. “Only I didn’t want to make the lawsuit any tougher; my lawyers were already telling me not to—well, and I thought you didn’t want to see me, and—”

“No, Heidi,” he interjected gruffly. “This is my fault, and my fault alone. I should never have believed them.”

He hesitated and closed the remaining distance between them, until his abs were lightly touching the sheer fabric across her round belly.

He continued, “All I want—maybe all I’ve really wanted, ever—is you. Just you. And your forgiveness. And, wow, our baby.”

“Oh, God,” she sobbed, “I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you, too,” he whispered, and pulled her into an embrace that was more than just an embrace—it was a reconciliation, a show of true love.

Heidi wanted to stay in his arms forever, thinking, This is where I belong.

But she had to pull back suddenly, because a resounding pang had just shot through her stomach. She doubled over, wincing.

Anxious, Bradley asked, “What is it? What’s wrong?”

Heidi let out two quick pants, and then looked at the ground. There was a pool of water between her legs.

“Bradley,” she gasped. “I think I’m in labor.”




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