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Second Chance Hero (Bad Boys Redemption Book 1) by Kimberly Readnour (6)



Five Years Ago

The sun’s glare against the Hepper Fitness Center’s windows makes it damn impossible to determine if Lacey’s inside working out. Of course, I don’t think it’s possible to see clearly at any given time. I’m just impatient. She should be done and ready to walk through the exit at any minute. That is if I have her schedule right.

I push the stalking feelings aside and lean against a small maple tree thirty feet away from the door. There isn’t much coverage, and I feel like an idiot, standing here as the traffic whizzes by. But I must time this meeting right.

Three weeks have passed since Lacey turned me down. Or even spoke to me for that matter. Believe me, it hasn’t been from my lack of trying. She completely ignores my texts. A guy’s ego can only take so much, but I’m determined to make her see how serious I am about taking her on a date. I wanted to approach her sooner, but finding the time has been a bigger challenge than I anticipated. Between her schedule and mine, a gap finally opened. Who knows? The timing may be better anyway. Hopefully, she’ll be worn down after her workout and not so feisty.

I’ve put a lot of thought into our first date. I want a quaint, romantic atmosphere so we can talk and get to know each other. Sounds a little hokey when I think it in my head, but I want to impress her without appearing like I’m trying too hard. And I’ve visualized the perfect place.

I just need her compliance.

Lacey comes walking out with her traitorous friend Jocelyn. I love Jocelyn. She tells me everything I need to know about Lacey’s schedule or any other pertinent questions I have. I should find some way to thank her.

My focus shifts to Lacey and her carefree smile that showcases those asymmetrical, sinful lips. She’s fucking perfect. Well, except for her choice in baseball teams. That Mets baseball cap she’s sporting has to go. I’m hoping to be signed by the Phillies this upcoming draft, and for some stupid reason, I want her to support that team. My team. Damn if she doesn’t look cute, though. I pop a stick of gum into my mouth and wait for my cue.

Lacey says goodbye to her friend, and my entire body stiffens at the delicious sight in front of me. She goes from cute to sexy-hot in zero to sixty. Her tight yoga pants hug her round ass cheeks, and I swallow down a groan. Jesus, I can’t wait to cup her ass while she grinds against each deep thrust I’m willing to give. I need to halt those thoughts. It’s going to be awhile before we get to that stage—Lacey’s certainly not a cleat chaser—but I’m willing to wait. Because I know we will get to that point.

When Jocelyn steps away, Lacey faces forward, and I find myself drifting naturally toward her. So much for the casual approach I’d worked in my head.

Lacey rears her head back as if I startled her. Auburn spirals fall to the side of her face, and my first reaction is to reach across and swipe the errant strands back in place. I refrain and clear my throat instead.

“Hey,” I say.

She shoots her friend a glare before returning those agitation-filled eyes to me. Yeah, I definitely need to pick up something for Jocelyn.

“Heading to the gym?” The skepticism rings loud and clear as she takes in my jeans and T-shirt.

My attire alone screams no, but the lack of a gym bag leaves no doubt as to why I’m here. I should’ve put more thought into this encounter.

“No, I came to see you.”

My confession draws another frown. What the hell? Most girls would turn to goo by that admission. But then again, Lacey Stark is not like most girls. Thank God.

“Why are you harassing me?” She swings her tote over her shoulder and resumes walking.

I sneak a peek at her toned legs and perfect ass before answering. “You won’t return my text.”

“I thought you’d get the hint.”

“And I thought you’d realize I won’t give up.”

She’s a step ahead of me, but I don’t mind the view. Not at all.

“Sorry, Zach. I’m not into casual hookups.”

“I’m aware, but I’m not looking for a casual hookup. I want to take you on a date. Go out with me.”

“Are you even capable of dating? I’ve checked. Nobody has ever known you to take a girl out.”

She’s done some checking?

I’ll admit her acidic tone stings, but she’s interested in me whether she realizes it or not. A person doesn’t inquire about someone if they’re not interested. I step beside her, keeping in time with her pace.

“I’m capable of dating. I just never met anyone interesting enough to ask out,” I admit and then lower my voice. “Until now.”

She halts and turns to face me. Taking full advantage of the opportunity, I reach across and place the errant, curly strand beneath her baseball cap. Her slight shudder beneath my hand causes my gaze to dip to her plump, lower lip. My mouth moistens, and I want nothing more than to have those lips on mine. I’m fully aware of my heart beating erratically in my chest as I pull my hand away, but I don’t understand the reason. I force my eyes to look back up and stare into those emerald greens that have reduced me down to a candy-ass stalker wannabe.

“I honestly want to take you on a real date. Please, give me a chance,” I murmur.

“Hey, Zach, the team’s looking great this year,” a guy says, stopping beside Lacey and me. I’m not sure who he is because my focus never strays from Lacey.

“Thanks, bro, I like our chances.” And take the hint and go away. I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m not being interrupted. She’s a breath away from giving me what I want.

“Uh, well … good luck this year,” he says, stumbling over his words. Understanding must dawn on him because he trips over his feet, trying to get away.

I cock an eyebrow, still waiting for an answer.

“Why are you so interested? I mean, why me?”

She’s trying to be strong, but her voice wavers. I’m wearing her down. The trace of defeat in her eyes fuels my desire.

“Because” is all I offer. I don’t want to admit she drives me fucking wild. That she’s all I think about when I’m not concentrating on baseball. Hell, I’m standing so close to her I want to reach out and take her lips in mine. End this back-and-forth dance she insists upon.

“Because why?” she murmurs.

Her eyes beg for answers, so I swallow my pride.

“You make me see past my primal desires. You make me want to get to know you. The real you.” I don’t move as I let her digest my words. The way her chest heaves up and down, there’s no doubt in my mind she’s feeling this—whatever this is—between us, too.

“Go out with me,” I say, my voice demanding.

She inhales and releases a shaky breath. “Okay.”

* * *

Three bottles of wine line the shellacked wooden surface of the tasting bar. I know my choice, but I’m waiting for Lacey to decide her favorite. Even though my goal is to prove my worthiness to date, tonight’s all about Lacey.

“Mmm, I think this one is the best.” She replaces the glass on the slick surface and gapes up at me.

“Good choice.” A smile stretches across my face. Jesus, Zach. Get it together. I’m grinning like a little schoolgirl crushing on the lead singer of a popular rock band, and all she did was pick the same variety of wine. What the hell is wrong with me? I shift my focus to the server.

“We’ll take a bottle of the Happy Valley Red with two glasses.” Lacey gives me a sideways glance but doesn’t say anything. “And add a package of crackers with Colby and Pepper Jack cheese.”

After I pay the server, Lacey picks up the plate of crackers and cheese while I grab the wine and glasses. We cut a path through the timber-framed tasting room and exit to the outside patio, the cool breeze greeting us as we search of a table. Soft jazz plays through the outdoor speakers, and I can’t help but feel smug. Whether she’s impressed or not, I sure am.

Finding a table isn’t hard since we’re the only ones brave enough to endure the elements. I just hope once the sun sets it doesn’t get too cool. We settle into some patio chairs, her sitting beside me, to take full advantage of the sun’s descent. This setting is exactly what I’d hoped to experience—quaintness along with a beautiful vineyard backdrop. What more could I want?

“Did you always want to pitch?” Lacey asks as I pour the wine.

She dives into the conversation effortlessly as if we’ve known each other our entire lives. The car ride here has been filled with meaningful conversation—the first time in forever with a female. Considering how reluctant she was to go out with me, our rapport has been easygoing, natural.

“I actually wanted to be a quarterback.” I take a sip, wondering why I admitted that. I’ve never told anyone about my childhood dream. My family never even knew that bit of information.


“I’ll have you know you’re looking at Greenview’s Pee Wee Quarterback Champ.”

“What even is that?” She scrunches her nose and proceeds to place a slice of cheese on the cracker.

Her questionable tone makes me laugh. “A bogus title our coach made up. He printed certificates for every football position. Coach had us come in his office, which was the concession stand at the park, and warned against telling other teammates about our title because he was giving papers to everyone. He said mine was the only legit one. Of course, I told everyone. And even though everyone received the same speech, I knew my title was the only one to count.”

Her shoulders shake as she about chokes on her cracker. “That’s terrible,” she manages to say in between coughs. She grabs her glass of wine, and I watch her plant those lips on the rim as she takes a sip.

“Nah. It built our confidence.”

“Is he the one to blame for your cockiness?”

I pull my gaze from her lips, and the impish gleam to her stare makes me grin. “I’m cocky because I’m good at what I do.” Her eyes darken, and I want to shout a big “hell, yeah.” That’s right, sweetheart. You keep imagining how good I am.

“So”—she clears her throat—“you traded one set of cleats for another?”

Damn, this girl gets it.

“Yep, eventually. When I first played baseball, I originally started in right field. Tommy Long was the star pitcher and also the coach’s son. But I liked pitching. When I was home with Dad, I’d practice different pitches: fastballs, change-ups. You know, the easier ones you start out with. But no matter how good I was or how often my dad argued with the coach, there wasn’t a chance in hell of me starting. That ass insisted my arm best served the team in right field. Looking back, I think he saw me as a threat.” I shake my head and place my hand on her back, right above her jacket. Running my thumb across her smooth skin on the base of her neck ever so slowly, I add, “But poor ole Tommy…”

“What happened to poor Tommy?” she whispers, gazing deep into my eyes.

“Freaky accident between a bike and a speed bump. Needless to say, the speed bump won with him flipping over the handlebars. He ended up with a compound fracture officially ending his little league pitching career. His dad had no choice but to start me. Once I started, I never looked back.”

Her body quivers as her lips part. It takes all the control I have not to devour that plump, lower lip. Fuck, I need to keep the conversation going. Otherwise, I’m going to cave. I force myself to look away and pour another glass of wine with my free hand. My other hand stays planted on her back. Maybe I’m skating with danger, but I love touching this girl.

“What made you choose sports media relations?” I ask.

“My love for baseball. You can say it’s part of my blood, but since I’m a girl, I can’t very well play professional ball.” She reaches across to pick her glass up and takes a sip. “My grandfather had a promising baseball career. Unfortunately, he was injured and forced to hang up his glove. Mom may have been an only child, but she had five children.”

She cocks her head and lowers her voice. “All girls.”

“Wow, that’s a lot of estrogen.”

“Shut up!”

I laugh when she jabs my leg. She doesn’t pack much of a punch, but her hand remains on my thigh causing tingles to shoot straight to my cock.

“It was … challenging. Anyway, Grandpa may not have been in full form, but he still loved the game. So, he did the next best thing. He chose the girl most interested in baseball and practiced with her. I happen to be the lucky one.” Her genuine smile throws me for a moment. It takes a second to regain my senses.

“What position did he play?”


Well, fuck me. I don’t dare ask about the type of injury. At this point, I don’t want to know, not with this lingering shoulder pain. My mind needs to be on track, and I won’t succumb to suspicion and doubt.

“Did you come from a large family?” she asks as if sensing my need for a subject change.

“No. I have an older brother.” I stop there not really wanting to delve much further. Her question is easy enough but certainly not the direction I want this evening to go.

“So, no estrogen besides your mom in the house?” Lacey raises an eyebrow as if daring me to speak against the female population.

A strenuous laugh escapes, but I can feel my expression slacken. I should’ve known she would inquire further. Lacey’s too intuitive. But my sister isn’t a subject I ever talk about.

“No, not anymore. I had a sister, Zoe. She was a year younger.”

“Had?” she asks softly.

“Yeah.” I puff out a breath. Thinking about Zoe is still hard even after all this time. “When I was ten, we were coming home from a family reunion and got into a car accident. She…she didn’t make it.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” Her fingers squeeze my thigh ever so slightly. The reassuring touch temporarily distracts me and calms the threatening anxiety swelling inside.

“It was a long time ago.” I don’t divulge anymore information. She doesn’t need to know how much alcohol my dad consumed that day nor the fact the entire family had stopped functioning after that accident. Despite the drinking, up until that point, Dad was great. Afterward, it was as if he morphed into an entirely different person. No more backyard ball practices. No more attending games. No more anything. I push the ill feelings toward my father aside and concentrate on the girl beside me.

“Oh, look.” She points to the last light of the sun. “This is the most beautiful time of the day.”

I wouldn’t know. I’m too busy looking at the other natural wonder. Lacey.

She leans in next to me, and I wrap my arm around her tighter as strips of burnt oranges and yellows dip behind the vineyard.


“I’m okay.”

Her shivers state otherwise, but as if on cue, a staff member comes out and lights a patio heater stationed in the far corner. Since we’re the only ones here, I’m not surprised when he wheels the contraption behind us. Instant warmth spreads against our backs, along with relief. I’m not ready to leave the seclusion of Lacey’s company.

“It’s been a perfect spring so far,” the elderly gentleman says.

“Yes, it has.” And it keeps getting better.

“You kids attend Penn State?”

“We sure do. Graduate this year, in fact.”

“1954 alumni myself. Best of luck to you. Enjoy.”

We’re back to ourselves, and our evening is enjoyable right until the time the other staff members join us and places the empty chairs against the wall. I glance at my phone, surprised by the hour. Eight fifty-five p.m. Five minutes before the winery closes. It’s way too early to end the evening, but going to a crowded bar doesn’t sound the least bit appealing. I’m rather enjoying our seclusion and don’t want to share her. No doubt, there will be a second date, but she’s mine tonight. And I’d like to keep it that way.

We drive back through the residential area that led to the winery, and the metallic gleam from the slides catch my eye. A plan quickly formulates as I point to the park.

“You up for the swings?”

A smile tugs at her lips. “You may have been pee wee quarterback champ, but I was the queen of the swings.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah. Nobody could arc as high as me.”

“Did the peasant boys grovel at your feet?” I’m half-teasing, but the thought of guys vying for her attention tightens my stomach.

The sarcastic laugh that resonates from her relaxes the sudden urge to claim her.

“Hardly, that would be my sister Nicole. She’s the prissy one. I was too much of a tomboy.”

“I bet you looked cute in overalls.” I pull into a parking spot and kill the engine. “I already know you’re sexy as fuck in a baseball cap.”

The iridescent lighting from the street lamp cast enough glow to see the blush sweep across her cheeks. My gaze drops to her mouth for, like, the hundredth time this evening. Jesus, I want to know what she tastes like.

“Race you,” she says, then turns, and jumps out of the car.

Oh, game on.

I hop out and chase after her. Lacey has a slight lead, but the advantage belongs to me. I’m in the best shape of my life. There’s no chance in hell she’ll outrun me. Mere seconds later, I close the gap between us.

She yelps as I grab her waist and pull her against my chest. My intentions were to spin her around and place her behind me so I’d be in the lead, but as soon as my fingers wrap around her hips and her bottom presses against me, I can’t stop my motions. I pivot her body to face me instead and suck in a breath. Her flushed face mixed with her grinning and panting between laughs entrances me. She’s fucking beautiful.

Her laughter trails off as she takes in my serious expression. The next moments occur so fast I’m not sure what happens. I don’t know if it’s her hands that begin massaging my pecs, my fingers digging deeper into the softness of her hips, or the way her tongue darts out to lick that luscious lip I’ve been craving, but whatever the reasons, our mouths collide in a fiery passion. I can’t get enough of this girl. Her lips part, and I thrust my tongue forward, staking a claim on her lips, teeth, and mouth. That sweet mouth that tastes of my new favorite wine.

Lacey’s hands trail to my head and grab a fistful of hair as my fingers work their way up under her jacket, landing just below the curvature of her breast. Jesus, why does this feel so right? I suck in her lower lip and bite down with the slightest pressure as my thumb skates across her pebbled nipple. The semi I’ve been sporting for most of the evening hardens to full mast when the sexiest moan vibrates against my mouth. I inch my free hand lower to her round ass and pull her even closer. I want her to feel how hard she makes me.

Lacey breaks our kiss, angling her head just enough to expose the soft, pale flesh of her neck. I may whimper as I plant my lips in the crook of her neck, nipping and sucking a trail to her collarbone while squeezing and tugging her nipple through the multiple layers of clothing. She grinds her pelvis against mine, making my dick strain further against my jeans, so tightly it’s almost painful. Shit, I’ve never wanted anyone so badly in my life. I need to stop before we end up having sex. I like this girl and really want to treat her right. Fucking her in public on the first date doesn’t constitute as treating her right.

I force myself to stop and back away. Pure lust radiates from our bodies, fueling the battle between my desire and conscience. The rise and fall of her chest along with her sexy-as-hell wanton expression wreaks havoc with my self-control. But I abstain. For once, I’m playing by the book because this time I actually care.

“Sorry, I got carried away,” she says between pants, still eying me with a heated expression.

“I think we both got carried away.” The realization of what we shared doesn’t go unnoticed. That kiss was fucking hot. The hottest I’ve ever had. I continue to hold her stare as I add, “We’re so doing that again. And soon.”