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BAIT by Mia Carson (15)


I stepped into my hotel room and flopped into a chair, putting my feet on the bed with a sigh. I’d come to Dallas to try to get a handle on why AML—Advanced Machine Learning—was burning through their capital at a far faster rate than predicted. There was no doubt the small team working on the project was brilliant, but they weren’t good at handling money and seemed to think my pockets had unlimited depth. They’d moved into a much larger, much nicer facility, and they’d hired several more people.

We’d had some frank discussions this afternoon. I didn’t mind them moving into a larger space since they were all but sitting on each on top of other in their previous offices, and while I didn’t expect them to work in squalor, the location they’d selected was over the top. I was also less than pleased that the additional staff they’d hired didn’t seem to have clearly defined responsibilities. In short, they were acting like a company that had already made it, not one living on my benevolence.

I was meeting with them again the next day and expected a clear and concise explanation of what they were going to do moving forward and how they were going to rein in their runaway expenses, if they wanted additional funding from me. I owned forty percent of AML, and I held their lives in my hand. I left them with the thought of what would happen if I dumped my holdings in an attempt to recover my investment. I had no immediate plan to do so, but they needed a wakeup call, and I was giving it to them.

They weren’t pleased with me. I could see the fear in their eyes, but I didn’t care. If they wanted my continued investment, I gave them two options: get their house in order themselves or I would put someone in place that would do it for them. I’d attended the business school of hard knocks and knew what it took to get a business off the ground. I shouldn’t have been able to do what I did, starting PhoneBabel from nothing like I had, but at the time I was too ignorant to know better. The one lesson I’d learned better than any other was you didn’t piss money away on frivolous items, like luxury offices and unnecessary staff. Not on my dime.

I breathed out another sigh. They weren’t stupid, and I was pretty sure they’d gotten my message. Tomorrow I’d find out if they had what it took to run their business the way it needed to be run or if I was going to have to hire a team to run it for them.

I pulled out my phone and dialed. It was eight in Charlotte and I wanted to talk to Bailey before he went to bed.

“Gregg residence,” Bláithín said.

“Hello, Bláithín. I called to tell Bailey good night.” I called him every night when I was out of town, without exception.

“He’s right here,” she said.

“Dad!” Bailey’s voice sounded a heartbeat later.

“How’re you doing, pal?”

“Great. Bláithín and I played Monopoly tonight.”

“Who won?”

“Nobody, yet, but I think I’m winning. I own all four railroads.”

I smiled. Bailey loved the railroads, and because he had to be the banker, he was practicing his math without even knowing it.

“Go easy on her, okay? She’s still new to the game.”

“I know.”

Bailey and I talked for a few minutes more about school, homework, and other inconsequential topics. “Okay, buddy. I need to go, okay? I’ll be home tomorrow.”

“Will you be here when I get home from school?”

I did a few mental calculations. “No, probably not, but I should be home for dinner.”

“Okay. I’ll see you when you get home. Love you, Dad.”

“Love you too. See you tomorrow.”

We hung up and I smiled at the phone. I opened the text app. Finished for the night. Can you talk? I pressed send and tossed the phone onto the table to wait for Carolyn’s reply.

I’d asked her to come with me, but she’d declined. I could understand her reasoning, but I still wished she’d been able to make it. I didn’t know if Bláithín had plans for this weekend, but if she did, she was going to have to make some time for me to see Carolyn. During the week, when I was home, she had her evenings free as long as she respected my midnight curfew. She could give up a Friday or Saturday night for me and Carolyn to do something if she had every weeknight free.

I was toeing my shoes off when my phone rang. I glanced at the number and smiled. “Hey.”

“Hey yourself.”

“You busy?”

“Doing a load of laundry, but I think I can squeeze you in.”

“How was your day?” I asked.

“Same as always. Did you lay the law down?”

“I think they got the message.”

We talked about our days for a few minutes, idle chit-chat that meant nothing but that filled me with serenity.

“Wish you were here.”

She sighed. “I wish I was there too. But you know, work.” She paused for a moment. “I was thinking about you today.”

“I’m flattered.”

“Want to know what I was thinking about?”

“What?” I asked, playing along.

“First, what are you wearing?”

“Same thing I always wear. Why?”

“Want to know what I’m wearing?”

A smile teased my lips. “I do now.”

“You remember that blue negligée I bought for you?”

“Are you really?”

“Hang on.” There was a long moment of silence. “I am now.”

“Now I really wish you were here.”

“The bed is so cold without you here.” I gripped the phone more tightly, wondering what she was going to say next. “I’m lying back, waiting for you.”

She paused, and as the silence lengthened, I realized she was waiting for me to say something. I’d never done anything like this before. I could hear her softly breathing and I swallowed hard. “I step into the room,” I said, feeling a little uncomfortable but willing to play the game if she wanted to.

“I smile,” she continued. “Your body is gleaming, fresh from the shower. You’re wearing nothing but a towel. I lick my lips. I want you. I want you so badly.”

As the pause lengthened, I realized it was my turn. “You’re so sexy, lying in the bed. The way you look at me makes my heart pound,” I said, picking up the narrative.

“I can see your big, hard, cock under the towel.”

“I watch as you caress your breast with a finger, your sexy smile making me ache for you.” My lips quirked, and I shook my head. I was getting a hard-on.

“You join me on the bed, leaving your towel behind. My mouth waters with the thought of tasting you. I pull you into the kiss, my hand wrapping around your cock.” She paused, but before I could say anything, she continued. “Tell me how it feels.”

I flushed. I felt stupid, but her voice had lowered into a sexy purr. I didn’t know if she was faking it or if she was really turning herself on. I pushed down my reservations.

“I moan into the kiss as you stroke me. It feels so fucking good. I reach between your legs, my fingers teasing you

“Yes,” she gasped.

Fuck it! I decided to go all in. “I move from your lips and take your breast into my mouth. I tease the nipple with my tongue and it hardens. I smile. I love giving you pleasure, hearing your moans and making you squirm. I

“I pump your cock harder, your kisses making me hot. Can you feel me stroking your big, fat cock?” she sighed.

“I moan,” I replied. Her sexy sighs and breathy descriptions were horning me up. I opened my pants and took my manhood into my hand. “I move lower, kissing down your body. You taste so good,” I continued as I unbuttoned my shirt. “You

“I roll to my side,” she interrupted, “taking your cock into my mouth. You

“I taste you,” I said, cutting off her thought. “You taste so good. I hold you to my mouth as I lick, nibbling you. I press

“Fuck,” she breathed as I heard movement. “I take you deep, all

“I groan as you swallow me, but I begin kissing you harder, my tongue probing into all your secret places. You begin moving, unable to be still. You grab my head and hold me to your pussy as I lick and kiss.”

“I can tell you’re close to coming,” she breathed.

I stroked my cock, spreading my slickness with my slow strokes. “And so are you.”

“I tell you not to stop.”

“I don’t. I moan. I don’t want to come, but your mouth feels so fucking good. Your moans

“Tell you I’m about to come—” she finished for me.

“You cry out.”

“I’m coming,” she breathed.

“You cry out that you’re coming, but I don’t stop. I want you to come. I want to make you scream in pleasure” I paused, expecting her to say something, but when she was silent I continued. “You moan as I taste you, flicking your clit with my tongue. I love making you come. You moan again, long and loud as you start coming.”

She sighed. “Already did. Did you?”

“Wait, what?” I asked with a brief chuckle. “You came? Really?”

“Yeah,” she said softly. “You didn’t?”


She sighed again. “Don’t talk. Just listen. I want you to come.” She paused. “You made me come so fucking hard, but I need to feel you inside me. You always fuck me so good. You roll me over and stab your big fat cock into me. It feels so fucking good that I can’t be quiet and scream as you fuck me hard. You feel so good. I beg you to fuck me harder, and you do. Can you feel your big cock in my tight little pussy?”

“Yes,” I murmured, my hand slowly stroking my cock as I slumped lower into the chair.

“You’re fucking me so good, like I’ve never been fucked before. I scream again as I thrash around on the bed. You’re making me come again. My pussy squeezes your cock hard as I come. You kiss me as you fuck me.”

I closed my eyes and allowed her voice to wash over me, watching us in my mind’s eye as I took her, pounding into her, her arms wrapped tightly around my back as I plunged into her. My orgasm began to overtake me as my breathing became harder.

“You come,” she continued, her voice low and sexy, “filling me, but I won’t let you stop fucking me. I come again, hard, and I scream as I hold you to me. ‘Don’t stop! Don’t stop fucking me!’ You feel so fucking good I

I gasped as I ejaculated onto my stomach, straining back into the chair and groaning softly as the phone fell from between my shoulder and cheek.

“Fuck,” I sighed, wiping my hand on my shirt and searching for my phone.

“Thom?” she was saying as I put the phone back to my ear.

I blew out a cleansing breath. “Well, that was a new experience.”

“Did you come?”

“Yeah. Made me drop the phone.”

“Good boy,” she purred, like she was talking to that bear of a dog she was walking when I first met her.

“I really miss you now. I need a cuddle.”

“I know the feeling, but at least I’ll be able to sleep tonight.”

“Yeah, same here. You’ve done this before?” I asked.

“Never. Why?”

I shook my head even though she couldn’t see it. “You’re good at it.”

“Just putting into words what I wanted you to do to me. Besides, you’re pretty good at it yourself.”

I smiled. “Just putting into words what I want to do to you.”

“You’ll be home tomorrow?” she asked, her voice softer.

“That’s the plan.”

“Think we can find some time to do in person what we just talked about?”

“I was thinking that Bláithín will have to give up either a Friday or Saturday night. Do you have preference?”


I sniffed out a chuckle. “That wouldn’t be fair.”

“Ask me if I care.” She sighed. “No, either is fine with me.”

“Saturday then. We’ll spend the day together.”

“And the night too, I hope.”

“Most of it.”

“Okay. I guess I’ll take what I can get.”

We talked for a while longer until my phone beeped. “I have to go. My phone is about to die.”

“I guess when that happens, we’ll consider that goodbye. I’m getting sleepy anyway.”

“What about your laundry?” I teased.

“Fuck it. It’s towels and underwear. I’ll fold it tomorrow.”

“What kind of underwear,” I rumbled, putting as much suggestion into my voice as possible.

“Why don’t you come over here and find out?” she cooed.

I sighed dramatically. “If only I could.”

“I’ll show you Saturday.”

“I’ll hold you to it.”

“Saturday I’ll give you something a lot better to hold than that.”

I chuckled, but before I could answer, my phone died. “Dammit,” I muttered.

I considered plugging the phone in and calling her again but decided not to. I was getting drowsy myself, and I could spend all night talking to her. I groaned as I got to my feet and buttoned my pants before I moved to the other bed to dig the charger out of my suitcase.


“Dad!” Bailey cried as I opened the door and stepped out of my car. “I’m glad you’re home!”

“Me too.”

“Bláithín made cottage pie. It smells so good. She said it should be ready at six.”

“Good, because I didn’t have lunch, and I’m hungry.”

“Me too.”

“You’re always hungry,” I teased as he followed me into my bedroom.

“Bláithín’s boyfriend has a really cool motorcycle.”

I looked at him. “How do you know that?”

“He came by yesterday after you called.”

“He did?” Bláithín and I were going to have a talk as soon as I unpacked.

“Don’t be mad. She didn’t know he was coming.”

“Did he come inside?”

“No. He wanted to, but she wouldn’t let him and told him he had to leave. She’s afraid you’re going to be mad.”

“She knows the rules.”

“I know. That’s why she’s afraid you’ll be mad. But it wasn’t her fault. l like Bláithín and I don’t want her to get into trouble.”

“How do you know she didn’t know he was coming over?”

“Because she’s scared you’ll be mad, and when she answered the door, she asked him what he was doing here. He asked to come in, but she told him no and that he had to leave. He didn’t want to, so she told me to stay inside, lock the door, and she went out and talked to him. A couple of minutes later, he left.”

“Okay.” I still wasn’t pleased, but it sounded like maybe it wasn’t as bad as it first seemed.

“Don’t be mad at her. It wasn’t her fault. She cried. I felt really bad for her.”

“Did she ask you not to tell me?” I asked as I put my suitcase away.

“No. She’s going to tell you, but I wanted to tell you first so you wouldn’t be mad.”

I ruffled his hair. “Okay. Thanks for telling me first. Let me go talk to her.” He started to follow, perhaps in support, or maybe just to be nosey, but this conversation wasn’t for him to hear. “I need to talk to her in private. Wait in the living room or your room until I’m done, okay?”

“Okay,” he said. I had to force myself to not smile. He really looked worried on Bláithín’s behalf.

I crossed the house and rapped lightly on her door. “Bláithín? We need to talk about what happened.”

She opened the door, and looked miserable, her gaze lowered. “I’m sorry, Mr. Gregg. I know I’m not supposed to have boyfriends over. I don’t know how he knew where I lived. I didn’t tell him.” She paused, staring at her feet, and forced her eyes up. “Am I in trouble?”

Bailey had already convinced me not to lower the boom on her. “No. Did you make it clear he’s not welcome here?”

“Yes, sir.”

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Okay. I’m going to let it slide this time. I know you’re an adult, and while I don’t feel like I can tell you who you can and cannot date,” I lowered my voice, “or sleep with, I do have the right to control who visits my home. Are we clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

“If something like this happens again, I expect you to cut him loose, understand?”

“Yes, sir. I told him he was going to get me in trouble. He apologized and said it wouldn’t happen again.” She looked down. “He said he couldn’t stop thinking about me,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

“That’s his problem, not mine.”

“Yes, sir,” she said, lowering her gaze again.

“Bláithín, look at me.” I waited until she looked up. “I’m telling you this as someone concerned for your wellbeing. Be careful with this guy. Having a man just show up on your doorstep after only one date, especially if you didn’t tell him where you lived, isn’t a good sign.”

“Yes, sir.”

I smiled at her. “Okay. Enough about that. Your cottage pie smells good and I’m starving.”

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For understanding. I really like it here and I wouldn’t do anything to…”

“Make sure he understands the rules, and everything will be fine.”

“Yes, sir.”