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Cash: CAOS MC by KB Winters (6)

Chapter Five


Another week off from the clubhouse made me glad that I own my little business or else I’d be in serious financial trouble. With Magnus gone there was a consensus that I didn’t get paid unless I worked, which I respected, but now that work hadn’t been as steady as it was, I knew I needed to step up my plans. I spent the first two days off finishing Talon’s dress along with two retro style rompers. Over the next day and a half, I cut new patterns and made two new dresses with different cuts and put them up online. I offered nearly a dozen colors and sizes so all I needed to do was wait. And advertise.

Today, though, I planned to rest, maybe do a little grocery shopping and clean my house. A nice boring day that most people took for granted but always managed to make me feel a little giddy. Packing up three boxes, I stopped at the post office where I ran into Trudy. “Hey, babe. How are things?”

Her smile looked haunted, but it was real. “Good. Really good now that Dagger’s fully healed.” Her shoulders had finally gotten rid of the stress they’d carried around for months now.

“I’m glad to hear that.” The guys had fucked him up pretty bad, leaving him with busted ribs and broken fingers, never mind all the bruises and cuts everywhere.

“Do you think Talon would mind if I stopped by? I have some things for her, but I don’t want to intrude.”

“Are you kidding? She’s bored when she’s not at the restaurant because Mick won’t let her do anything but sit around wrapped in cotton. I’m headed there now, why don’t we go together?”

“Oh no, that’s all right. I just wanted to thank her for saving Dagger’s life. He finally told me he went over there and she helped him without question.” Tears pooled in her eyes. “I owe her so much. I just…” She turned her head, looking around as if someone could hear us. “I just don’t like all the bad things that happen around the club,” she said, practically in a whisper.

“Come with me.”

“No, that’s all right. But you can take it to her. I’ll wait for you in the parking lot.”

I frowned but agreed. I guessed I shouldn’t judge her too harshly because I might not act all that different if my man had nearly died. I shipped my packages and grabbed the cooler from Trudy before I got in the van and headed to the fabric store for some new fabric for a few patterns I had in mind. I put everything else out of my head—or at least tried to. Cash, my secret wish for my own little boutique. Cash. My future in Brently. Cash.

Dammit. Cash.

After I left the fabric store, I drove over to Talon and Mick’s. I pulled up in the drive and kicked up dust with my cowgirl boots before I climbed the wooden steps and knocked.

Talon pulled the door open with a wide happy grin. “Oh perfect, you’re here!” She pulled me inside and pushed me toward the kitchen. “I thought we could have lunch and look for dresses in San Diego today.” She rushed around and laid out muffins, fruit, and coffee. “If I ever find a thing to wear!”

I pushed her into a chair. “Sit down somewhere, woman, before that baby falls right out of you.” I dropped the bag with her new dress in it on the table and unpacked the cooler. “Wear that, I just finished it a few days ago. And this is a thank you from Trudy for saving her man’s life.”

Tears pooled in her eyes and I glared at her, completely uncomfortable with her hair trigger emotions. “Sorry, but you both are so sweet.”

“Yeah, I’m a real lollipop,” I told her. “If you stop crying, we can go shopping,” I bargained with her.

“And you’ll drive because I can’t fit behind the wheel?”

“Of course, I will. But shouldn’t we wait to look for dresses until you have less belly?”

She grinned. “No. Mick wants to get married sooner rather than later, and I’m going to surprise him with it.”

Fuck, they were so sweet it made my chest ache. I shoved that shit deep down and helped my friend into the passenger seat. It took about an hour to get to the bridal store, but when we arrived, there was air conditioning and champagne we couldn’t drink since Talon was pregnant and I was the designated driver.

“This is a lot more than I was thinking it would be,” she whispered to me as the shop chick went to get a few dresses.

“It doesn’t have to be. What kind of dress do you want?”

She shrugged. “Something simple. Off white or maybe a very light blue.”

I hopped up and began rifling through wedding gowns and bridesmaid dresses until I found a few dresses that met her criteria. “Here we are. Let’s get you a dressing room.”

“Excuse me,” the tiny blonde crept up with a frown. “You’re not supposed to do that.”

“Yeah, well, you’re not supposed to just pick out dresses without asking the bride what she wants. We need a room. Can you help with that?”

“Yes,” she huffed and rolled her eyes, but did as I asked.

I pushed Talon inside. “Holler if you need help, and don’t think you’re not coming out to show me every dress.”

She sighed heavily, but she tried on four dresses before finding one she loved. “What do you think?”

“Beautiful.” She had on a silk empire waist with a jeweled bodice. “Like a princess. A light blue princess, but still.”

She laughed and pulled me in for a hug. “Thanks, Minx. You really are the best.”

I turned away from her compliment because I didn’t like to hear it. Probably because I wasn’t used to them, but they just made me uncomfortable. “How about this for me,” I asked when I spotted a strapless blue dress that was a distant cousin to her gown.

“Perfect!” She clapped happily. “Thank you for making this so easy.”

“Happy to help,” I told her, feeling a rush of relief when we left the den of happily ever after. We hopped back in the van, and Talon’s groan told me she’d been on her feet for far too long. “All right, let’s get you two home. Do you know what you’re having?”

She grinned and rubbed her belly. “No, but we find out at our next appointment. I hope for a girl because I have no real experience with boys or men for that matter.”

“No kidding.” I had even less experience than Talon, so I understood her reservations.

“As long as he or she is healthy, I’m happy.” She grinned. “Mick wants a boy because he’s terrified of having a little girl.”

“Considering what happened to me, I can’t blame him.”

“Shit, Minx, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. It’s just I get why he’d be scared. You know Magnus used to say when you have a boy you just have to worry about one dick, but when you have a girl you have to worry about all the dicks.”

Talon’s body shook with laughter. “I hadn’t thought of it like that, but now I don’t think I’ll be able to think about it any other way.” She wiped tears and continued to laugh. “He was a great guy, wasn’t he?”

“Oh yeah. He knew a lot about life. And he’d passed plenty of lessons on to me.”

Talon’s stomach growled and she picked up her phone, placing an order for us at Jade Dragon. “It’ll be ready for us when we get back to town.” She grinned.

“You have a serious food problem,” I told her, and she just laughed. The woman thought about food all day, and that’s when she wasn’t eating it.

“It’s true, and this pregnancy has given me the perfect excuse. I’ll probably be in hell when I can’t pig out anymore.”

“You’ve still got time. I hear breastfeeding burns tons of calories.”

“Score!” She raised her fist in the air and then screamed, “What the—”

“Fuck,” I finished when I felt the van jerk forward as we were bumped from behind. A quick glance in the mirror and I saw an old sky blue pickup truck throttling toward us at a rapid speed. It looked like Rocky, his greasy brown hair hung around his face like a crackhead. “Hang on, Talon. I need to get away from these assholes, ‘kay?” She nodded, but I could see the fear written on her face, and I knew then and there I wouldn’t let them harm her or that baby.

“Who is it?” She tried to look over her shoulder, but he hit us again. “Ow!”

“Don’t look back, T! Just hang on and protect that baby.” I punched the gas pedal to speed away, the van jerking and groaning as it slowly climbed in speed. “FUCK!” I clutched the steering wheel tighter and glanced in the rearview mirror quickly before checking on Talon. “Call Mick and tell him where we are and to get here quick! We need CAOS to shake these fuckers off our asses!”

Fear laced Talon’s words as she gave Mick the details of Rocky’s threat. “He said they’re on their way and to just stay on the path to Brently.”

“Okay.” I tried to stay calm, stay brave for my friend and her baby, but this latest shit with CAOS was pushing all of my buttons. Between the club mess, the music Talon had blaring on the stereo, and the angry driver catching up to us, I felt nothing but rage. And anxiety. It bubbled deep inside of me, and I knew it would come out. Soon. And it was going to be fuckin’ ugly.

I drove about twenty miles over the speed limit, but it did nothing to deter Rocky. He toyed with us, letting us get away before catching up and rear ending us again.

“Minx!” Talon cried out when he hit us again, only this time it was much harder.

The fucker just wanted to prove he could get to me—to us—any goddamn time he wanted. “Motherfucker!” I screamed at the top of my lungs when the next hit almost caused me to lose control of the van and we skidded toward the shoulder of the road. “Sorry, T.”

“No worries,” she said, white knuckling the grab handle as I gained control of the van.

We’d just crossed into the Brently city limits, and Rocky showed no signs of slowing down. I heard the telltale sound of a gang of motorcycles, and soon I saw the CAOS cuts in my mirror, gaining momentum behind Rocky. Rocky quickly cut down a side street, his tires squealing against the pavement. He obviously didn’t expect CAOS to come to our rescue. The bikes flanked us on all sides, taking us off the highway and escorting us all the way to Talon and Mick’s house. “Safe and sound, chica.”

“Thank you, Minx.” She reached across the gear shift and hugged me tight. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” I sighed and tried to keep a smile on my face, but it felt like a grimace even to me. “I won’t be getting your Jade Dragon, but I’m sure Mick or one of the prospects can pick it up for you.”

Her violet eyes frowned in confusion. “You’re not coming in?”

“Nah. I need some time alone. I’ll call you soon. Promise.”

“You sure?”

I nodded. “Yep.” I wasn’t okay, but Talon didn’t the stress of my shit weighing on her pregnant body. “Spend the rest of the day with your feet up. Please.”

She smiled. “Okay, Minx. Thanks again. Love you.”

“Love you, too,” I bit out as Mick pulled her from the car and wrapped her in his arms. I pulled away from the crowd and made my way home in a daze. I hadn’t seen or recognized anything but somehow, I arrived safely at home. I climbed the steps and flipped all three locks behind me, keeping the lights off as I made my way to a nice hot bath.

I took a bath hoping a long, hot soak would calm me, but it wasn’t working. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw memories that wouldn’t quit. No matter how much time had passed, I could still hear the screeching tires of the van as it peeled out with me inside. The pounding club music of the ‘parties’ I was forced to work. The grunts and groans of those crotchety old bastards thrusting on top of me. The sounds of fists and open hands smacking skin. It was too fucking much and it was ruining my bath.

I climbed out and wrapped a big comfy robe around me. It was the kind you get from fancy hotels only I bought this one just for me. I padded to the living room and sat in the dark, firing up a joint in hopes that it would quiet the roaring noise in my head.

A furious pounding started at my front door, and I already knew it would be the green-eyed devil haunting my dreams. Another long pull until I felt the sweet satisfaction of oblivion and I stood, checking the peephole before pulling the door open and shoving down my body’s response to his innate masculinity. His overwhelming presence and brooding sensuality. I gave him a quick once-over and returned to my seat on the sofa.

“Are you all right?” He was breathless and angry looking, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. Not now.

I couldn’t see him in the dark, but stared at his silhouette as I took another hit, the cherry tip was the only thing lighting up the room. “I’m great,” I answered, sounding distinctly solemn, even to my own ears.

“Why didn’t you wait for me to get to Talon’s place?” Thick arms crossed over his broad chest, and I could feel the weight of his stare even though I couldn’t see it.

“Didn’t know you were coming,” I answered honestly, too. Not after all the years I’d been missing. Kidnapped. And no one ever came for me. And, I wasn’t about to be waiting for help that would never come. Never again.

Finally, he moved and set his big body beside me as close as he could get. He wrapped his strong arms around me and buried his face in my hair. “I was so fucking worried, Minx.”


“God,” he kissed my hair and held me tighter in relief. It was nice to have someone who gave a damn. “How are you, really?”

I didn’t want to talk, but I also didn’t want to be alone. If I didn’t give him an answer, he’d probably leave, and I didn’t want to be a bitch to Cash. He was the nicest man I knew, with the exception of Magnus who’d saved me. I answered him as honestly as I could. “I’m fine, Cash. I’m always fine.”

“Well, I’m not,” he said in a rough and gravelly voice thick with concern. Cash pulled my chin toward him until our eyes clashed in the darkness and claimed my mouth in a gut-wrenching kiss that stole my breath, my resolve, and my ability to think straight. He kissed me so long and hard I knew he was assuring himself that I was all right as he worked out his own demons on my mouth.

I was more than happy to let him work out his shit on me because I was determined to use his body to work out a few of my own problems. But I needed more than his hands and his mouth. I needed every inch of that big body to make me forget that once again my life wasn’t my own. Pulling back from him, I stood and flicked on a light. If we were about to get naked, I needed at least some light to stare at the magnificence that was Cash’s body. Then I untied my robe and let it fall to the floor.

“Minx,” he groaned and pulled me back to him until I straddled his lap, resting right on his jean-covered erection. “You’re so soft.” He kissed my neck on both sides before sliding his tongue across my collarbone. “So fuckin’ sweet.”

His softly spoken words were too much. I covered his mouth with mine, deepening the kiss until he was so hungry for me he didn’t need words. Big, strong hands kneaded my ass and pressed us closer together until his hard cock rubbed against me, and I gasped and whimpered. “Yes, Cash.” My voice was just barely a whisper as he pulled a nipple in his mouth, first nipping it with his teeth and then sucking until my hips took on an urgent circular motion.

“I wanna fuck you so bad, baby,” he groaned and moved to the other nipple.

It thrilled me that I could enjoy being with a man this way, letting him bring me pleasure. Cash always made sure I was satisfied. He never just thrust into me until he got his and left. Like now, he kissed his way down my body until I leaned back over his legs to give him full access. Then one thick finger slid into my pussy and I cried out, letting the first flutters of pleasure grip me and pull me under. It was fast and out of control, the orgasm jolted me out of my own head. “Cash,” I whispered over and over.

“This time we’re using the damn bed,” he growled and stood, leaving me to wrap my legs around him though I knew he wouldn’t let me fall. Unless he was tossing me on the bed, that is. I sat up on my elbows so I could watch him undress, watch the way the muscles in his chest and abs played against the dim lamp of my bedroom. The tattoos all over his body were like small works of art that I would love to explore, but now I was too wet and swollen for more of him.

“You really are gorgeous.”

His gaze darkened as he kicked free of his pants and socks, and those gray boxer briefs that hugged strong thighs and cupped his cock so tempting that my mouth watered. “I’m just a man, Minx, you,” he leaned over me and swiped his tongue through my pussy, making my hips buck up, “you are a fucking goddess.”

I didn’t believe him, but the way he dotted my body with soft kisses rendered me speechless. Never had a man touched me with so much tenderness. So gentle and caring. Not that Cash ever hurt me, but things were explosive, combustible between us. Fast and hard and furious. This was something else. When he finally reached my mouth, he devoured it in a slow, deeply sensual kiss that brought tears to my eyes. “God yes,” I moaned when his cock slowly sank into my pussy until he was buried to the hilt. He stayed that way for too long as though he didn’t need more, just to be there, inside me. “Please, baby.”

My words set him moving, but again, this was no fast and hard coming together. Tonight, his strokes were slow and deep, almost drugged in the way he built me up. He kissed the same way, his tongue moved as slow and languid as the rest of him, but I was a slave to his unspoken commands. Forehead to forehead, we stared as he went deeper and deeper, our bodies slicked with sweat and each other as we climbed that mountain together. “Minx,” he growled and hooked his arms under my legs, pumping faster but still so deep I thought we were becoming one.

“Cash, please. I need you.” He switched positions again at my words, grabbing my ass with one hand and spearing his fingers in my hair with the other. His kiss took me up and his body drove so deep I knew I was powerless against the onslaught of sensations and emotions swamping me. Then I fell apart, shaking and shuddering and quivering my way through my orgasm while he pumped faster and faster until his own orgasm roared through him—and me—for long tense moments.

“Damn, Minx. You slay me.”

“Ditto.” I turned my head because I couldn’t let him see the tears leaking from my eyes. I didn’t understand it, but I knew those tears meant something. In my experience, there was only one reason a woman cried during or after sex, and what happened between us just now, wasn’t it. That meant it was something big and I didn’t think I was strong enough to deal with yet.

If ever.