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Crybaby by K. Webster (6)


“I need more,” I mutter to Brody as Coach Long scribbles formulas on the board with his back to us.

Brody tips his head at me. “Come over after school.”

Irritation bubbles up inside of me. I hadn’t noticed until I got to school today that my oxy wasn’t in my purse. I know Drew took them. Something about the hardness in his eyes this morning and the way his jaw would clench should have tipped me off, especially after our conversation last night.

I pretend to take notes while I dissect last night. We had sex in the pool. It was amazing but then I was in so much pain. I’m mortified even today that he had to carry me upstairs and practically bathe me. And then we had the argument over my pills in the middle of the night. What a mess. My phone buzzes and I discreetly peek at it.

Ass: I know you don’t have appointments with me on Thursdays but you should come see me anyway.

I glance over at Brody who stares at me. We sort of made out once at his house but then he made out with my friend the next day. The next time he tried to kiss me, I laughed him off and bought drugs from him instead.

Me: Appointment with Dr. White after school and then I have to do something. Maybe later?

The three dots move as he types out his response.

“Something a little more interesting than Calculus, Miss Rowe?” Coach Long deadpans.

“Ugh, no. Just my doctor,” I utter out. Not a lie.

His hard features soften. “Take care of it and then put it away.” When he goes back to writing on the board, I jerk my attention to my phone.

Ass: I’ll take off work early and help you.

I tense and shake my head.

Me: I need to do this myself. I’ll call you after.

He doesn’t respond back.

“Brody,” I grumble. “The oxy. I have the money.”

He and his friend Curtis both take another shot. That’ll make six since I’ve been here. The downfall of being friends with stoners. They’re always shitfaced or high.

Brody leans back on the pillows beside me on his bed and lights up a blunt. I’ve gotten high with them a few times but today I just want my pills and I want to go. The Tramadol isn’t cutting it today and is requiring double the normal amount to take the edge off. I don’t know who Drew thinks he is stealing the oxy from me. I’d fight him on it but something makes me fear he’ll tell my dad. Or worse yet, spank me like he keeps threatening.

My hip is a dull, achy throb today, even with the pills I’ve taken. The sex was fun but really wreaked havoc on my joint. If I could just get my—

“Try this,” Brody says and passes me the blunt.

I wrinkle my nose at it. “Not really in the mood.” And it’s the truth. After spending way too much time with Dr. White as he ran tests, I’m tired and hungry and sore.

“Come on,” Curtis teases. “Don’t be a pussy, Rowe. It’s a new strain.”

I take it and sniff it. “What’s so good about it?”


With an eye roll, I take the hit and pass it to Curtis who’s now moved to the bed by my feet. The weed hits my system quick—like something slithering just under my skin caressing each of my nerve endings.

I’m still blinking trying to figure out what the hell is happening when they pass it to me again. I take another hit and I’m flying. Totally relaxed and carefree. Brody and Curtis laugh. I close my eyes and smile because the pain is hardly noticeable.

“Here’s your precious oxy,” Brody teases.

I crack an eye open at him. A pill sits on the end of his tongue. I’m grumbling at him, my eyes falling back shut when he kisses me. The acrid pill gets pushed into my mouth and I swallow it down. I can’t keep my eyes open and everything spins in a delightful way. Darkness steals me but I’m awake. I can’t see but I can feel. In color. The colors swirling are blues. The brightest of blues that darken to navy. It sets my soul on fire. Reminds me of him.

“Laced with PCP,” Curtis tells me, his hands massaging my foot. His words feel important but all I can comprehend is how it tickles and skitters up my leg like an army of grasshoppers.

“I feel weird,” I whisper, my voice high like an angel.

“Weird is good,” Brody murmurs, his words close to my face. It’s as if the words want to caress my flesh.

Brody’s mouth is on mine and he’s sloppily kissing me. I’m dazed but I know I’m disappointed. His kiss isn’t like Drew’s domineering one.


A moment of clarity has me turning my head from Brody and fumbling blindly for my phone. Brody takes the moment to suck on my neck. With one eye cracked open, I dial Drew.

“Hello?” His deep, husky voice is enough to make me feel as though I could come just from the sound of it.

“Heyyyy,” I drawl out. “I w-was thinkinnnng you kisssssss me better than…” I scrunch my nose in confusion. “What’s your name again?”

“Brody,” he laughs. “That’s Curtis. Man, you’re fucked up.”

A bellowing on the phone steals my attention. “Sophia, goddammit, where are you?”

“Brody, where am I?” I question. My voice sounds like music.

“At my house.”

“Brody who?” Drew snaps.

“Norisssssss,” I say with a laugh.

“Stay on the line,” Drew barks. “I’m coming for you.”

“Will you make me come too?” I ask.

He growls. Like a dog. My phone slips from my grip and hits the carpeted floor with a thud that echoes inside me. Brody laughs and his hands are all over me. He slips his palm under my shirt and it tickles.

“Show us your tits, Rowe,” Curtis teases, his laughter infectious.

I groan and shake my head. “No.”

Brody nips at my breast through my shirt. “Ahh, come on, Soph. We’re your friends. Let us see.” And then he’s pushing my shirt up my body. I whine when he peels it off me and then starts for my bra. “A little help, lazy ass,” he says to Curtis.

Curtis calls him an idiot but then he’s squeezing into the bed beside me and rolling me to face Brody. Their hands all over me feel good but beneath the haze, I feel confused and apprehensive. It feels wrong. My bra gets tugged away and then Brody’s mouth is on my nipple. Curtis kisses my neck while he works the button on my jeans. He’s hard as he presses up against my ass. Brody bites my nipple and I moan.

“Ohhhh….” Pleasure zings through me. “Stop…” Another moan.

Brody laughs against my nipple. “People who want to stop don’t moan like that, Rowe. I bet your panties are wet as fuck.”

“Let’s see,” Curtis says.

His hand has managed to get the zipper down and then he slides his palm into my underwear. I choke on the sensations surging through me. It feels good but something feels wrong. He pushes his finger inside me and I cry out. A burn ripples through me but then I get distracted when Brody sucks on me again.

“Take your pants off, Soph,” Brody says playfully, his teeth teasing my nipple. “Don’t you want to share what you’re hiding in there?”

When I don’t make any moves to help, Brody begins inching my pants down. Curtis keeps fingerfucking me. And then I’m naked. Completely naked.

“Feel how wet she is,” Curtis says to his friend.

Brody reaches between my thighs and adds his finger in beside Curtis’s. It stretches me and hurts, enough so that I find some sense among the cloudy haze.


“Your body says go,” Brody teases, his laughter light and boyish. He slides his hand back out and then hikes my thigh over his hip. My own hip screams in pain despite the drug fog.


“Shhh,” Curtis murmurs, his mouth suckling on my throat. “Let us make you feel good.”

“Can you reach the condoms?” Brody asks, his voice breathless.

Curtis rolls to reach them and falls off the bed. He laughs from the floor and Brody snorts on the bed. I start to giggle too.

Why am I laughing?

“Come here, little Soph,” Brody murmurs as he rolls onto his back, dragging me on top of him. He’s hard through his jeans.

“I…” I squint and frown. “I want to go home.”

“Stay,” he begs. “I thought you wanted oxy.”

“Uh…I need to call someone…”

“Found them,” Curtis says as he nearly knocks off everything on the bedside table in the process. I hear a tear of foil and then Curtis is behind me. His mediocre cock rubs against my spine. “Want my cock, Soph?”

“Fucker,” Brody complains. “You were supposed to get me the condom. She’s my friend.”

“Since when do you not share?” Curtis challenges, his palms cupping my breasts from behind. “Oh, fuck, I could come just like this.” His cock rubs up and down my spine.

Brody fumbles with his jeans and pulls out his own dick. His eyes are bloodshot and half lidded. “Sit on it, Soph. I’ll play with your clit and make you come.”

“I don’t want to—”

A loud splintering sound jerks at my consciousness. Begs me to recognize reality and not this fog I’m in. Brody rubs his long finger against my clit distracting me. Pleasure pulsates through me. I’m so lost in the way it feels that I bend to Curtis’s urging. His palms are on my bare ass and the tip of his sheathed cock slides against my opening.

“I think we should stop—”


I hear a slap and then a grunt.

And someone strong jerks me into their arms. The scent is one I recognize. Masculine. Expensive. Delicious. Drew.

“Oh, fuck, baby,” he hisses. “What the hell did you do?”

I sag against his chest. “I don’t know.”

I wake with a killer headache and no recollection of where I’m at or how I got there. It’s dark outside though. A groan escapes me.

“About time you woke up,” Drew snaps from somewhere in the dark bedroom.

I try to roll toward the sound of his voice but my hip sears with pain. I cry out instead. The bed sinks from a heavy body and then his massive, warm one curls around mine.

“I should call my dad and check in.”

“Already taken care of.”

“You called my dad?”

“I called Miles and Olivia told your dad you were spending the weekend with her.”

My mind is blank as I try to recall what happened before I woke up. Everything is fuzzy but I do recall some naked memories of Brody and Curtis. I tense and let out a howl.


Drew grips me tight and kisses my shoulder. “You hadn’t fucked them yet.”


I shiver uncontrollably. Drew pulls the covers tighter around us.

“Oh my God.”

“They fucked up. They know this.”

“What happened?” I breathe.

He strokes the hair away from my face. “They got you high and took advantage of you. Sheriff found enough drugs to send Brody to prison. He’s eighteen now. And Curtis, while still seventeen, is glad I was more concerned about you. He only got a punch to the goddamned eye. Rape is rape.”

I choke on my words. “W-What? They didn’t have sex with me.”

“Had Sheriff and I not shown up, you’d probably have had both their dicks inside every one of your little holes. The only reason the eighteen-year-old is sitting in jail right now for just drugs and not attempted rape is because I asked Sheriff not to do anything until your mind was right again. I wanted you to make the decision on how you wanted to proceed.” A growl rumbles through his chest vibrating against me. “What the fuck were you thinking, Sophia?”

“I wasn’t,” I whisper. Anger surges through me. “Maybe had you not taken my pills, I wouldn’t have had to go ask for more!”

His fingers dig into my jaw and he forces my face to his. Hot breath tickles my lips. “You have a fucking problem, babe. A big fucking problem. And starting tonight, I’m taking care of the problem.”

He releases me and then he turns on the lamp. I frown to see him so disheveled looking. As if he hasn’t slept in days. His shirt is wrinkly and untucked. Shoes are gone from his feet. Scruff is growing on his handsome face. But it’s the wild scowl on his face that has my heart tripping. He was afraid. I scared him.

Guilt surges through me. If Dad knew what I did, he’d lock me in the house forever. Man, I really did fuck up. I’m still deep in thought when he scoops me in his arms despite the searing pain in my hip. He must have dressed me in one of his T-shirts because that’s all I have on. I have no idea where my clothes are.

“Time to take a piss,” he grunts as he sets me on the toilet.

Irritation claws its way up inside me but I swallow it down. My gaze scans the bathroom for my purse. “I need my purse, Drew.”

His jaw clenches. “You’re going to piss first.”

“With you staring?”

“Someone has to make sure you don’t do anything stupid,” he snaps. “Now use the goddamned toilet.”

My bladder aches. It’s gross that he wants to watch me pee. I give him the finger as I relieve myself. If he gets off on watching me go to the bathroom, then he’s getting quite the show right now. His narrowed eyes never leave mine as I finish up. He makes no moves to help me stand. I flush and hobble over to the sink. One look in the mirror and I gasp. My dark hair is tangled and a hot mess. Mascara runs down my cheeks and is smeared. And dark circles ring my eyes. I look like death.

“That weed Brody gave me this afternoon was fucked up,” I grumble as I wash my hands.

Drew comes to stand behind me, glaring. “Yesterday. We’re no longer in Thursday, Dorothy. It’s Friday night. You slept off and on for over twenty-four hours.”


“Are you hungry?” he asks, changing the subject.

My hands start shaking and my hip throbs. I shut off the water before turning to him. “I missed school?”

He nods, his nostrils flaring. “And food. And showers. And fucking life, goddammit.”

I swallow and drop my gaze to the bathroom floor. I can’t believe I messed up so badly. “I’m sorry,” I croak out.

Instead of answering, he scoops me in his arms again. He carries me over to the bed and lies me down. Then, he disappears. My gaze scans the room but my purse is nowhere to be found. When he comes sauntering back in with a pair of handcuffs, I frown.

“What’s that for?”

“Something I borrowed from Sheriff.”

“No shit,” I snap. “What’s it for?”

He snags my wrist and cuffs it. “This.” I screech at him and struggle but he easily drags my wrist to the headboard and cuffs the other side to the bed between the wood and the mattress. I’m not going anywhere.

“Let me go, ass!” I scream at him, fighting against the restraint.

His face is murderous. “Not until I’ve sobered your ass up. I’m sorry, Soph, but you have an addiction. And I’m about to fucking take care of it.”

He sheds his shirt and slacks. After turning off all the lights, he settles into bed next to me. “Now, maybe I can get some damn sleep.”

“What the fuck?” I snarl.

He turns his back to me and within seconds, he’s passed out. And that’s that.

With a loud, ugly sob, I cry until I fall asleep too.




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