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Daddy's Bestfriend (My Dad's Bestfriend Secret Baby Romance) by J.L. Beck, Kylie Carter (2)




My hands were clammy and my stomach was in knots. Why the hell did I sign up to babysit the temptress known as Bridget yet again? Oh yes, because her daddy begged me to. Pulling a beer from the fridge, I settled down onto the leather wraparound couch. This shouldn’t be happening, hell, maybe I can still call him and let him know I can’t do it, that something came up.

Yeah, your cock, dumbass.

“Fuck.” I sighed to no one but myself. There was no one here with me. No wife. No kids. Nothing holding me to this space. I guess I made things that way for myself, focusing only on my career as a Marine for the last twenty years. Then there’s the fact that I haven’t been with a woman in God knows how long, and even a man as disciplined as me would have a hard time keeping their hands away from a little goddess like Bridget.

She was going to kill me, literally.

My gaze darted to the clock on the wall. Parker had called a little over an hour ago letting me know they were half way here, which only left about an hour’s drive left, which meant they should be here… well any second now.

I took another pull from my beer, reminding myself of my rules that I had to follow.

No looking, no staring, no lusting.

No inappropriate thoughts, eighteen didn’t mean I could have her

No matter how much teasing she does, don’t kiss her, touch her, and whatever I do... don’t fuck her.

The sound of a car pulling into the driveway got my attention, and I stood from the couch, going to the big window that overlooked the countryside. I recognized Parker’s Tahoe at that moment and I rushed to the door to greet them and help her the brown haired temptress with her baggage.

But before pulling the door open, I inhaled deeply praying to God for the strength I was bound to need to keep myself away from her. I peeked out the window in the front door and as soon as I saw Bridget step out of the Tahoe, my heart lurched and my cock perched.

Fuck me.

There was no way she could stay here. No way.

I hadn’t been this tense and worked up over something since my early days in the Marines. Back when I’d wine, dine, and fuck any woman I wanted.

My eyes skimmed over her body once more, she was tone, but still had curves, curves I could grip onto while I pounded into her from the ba…

“Stop.” I muttered out loud, trying to gather my wits even as I continued to stare at her, telling my body one thing while doing another.

Bridget was beautiful with creamy white skin and dark brown hair. She reminded me of a porcelain doll, fragile, so fucking fragile. Parker finally came into view, setting everything back into perspective. I twisted the heavy door knob in my hand before pulling open the door.

It was now or never, I suppose.

“Parker…” I smirked at my best friend, not even acknowledging the beauty that was standing in front of her father. If I gave her the cold shoulder, maybe she wouldn’t seem so appetizing. Maybe that would make her hate me and make keeping distance between us easier.

“Reid, what’s it been a year?” Parker raised a dark brow. He didn’t understand my need to stay away, but he respected it, never questioning when I couldn’t make it to something.

“It’s been awhile.” I countered, finally dropping my gaze to Bridget. She was average height for a woman, but she seemed short with her father’s and my large statures looming above her. She smiled up at me. Perfectly straight white teeth showed behind her iridescent pink lips. Lips that I had envisioned for the last year sucking me off.

I clenched my fist, this wasn’t going to work out.

“Come in, make yourselves at home. I did some grocery shopping and bought new sheets for Bridget’s bed since I couldn’t remember the last time I had changed the sheets.” I laughed, moving out of the way so that they could enter the house.

Bridget’s eyes moved over every single item before her while Parker merely crossed the threshold and went straight for a beer from the fridge.

“Your house is beautiful.” Her voice was like satin against my skin, causing my cock to perk up at the noise.

You cannot fuck your best friend’s daughter. I reminded myself, even though my body had a mind of its own.

I turned on my heels, ignoring her comment, even if it was a dick thing to do. Instead I directed my attention to Parker. “I hope there wasn’t too much traffic I know how much you hate it.” I laughed, thinking back to the tour we did together in China where the roads were more than crowded. If you wanted to see a man lose his shit, then that would’ve been a good time to be a fly on the wall.

“It wasn’t too bad. We stopped to get a bite to eat, and I picked Bridget up some essentials from the Walgreens in town.” I tipped my chin and took another pull from my beer emptying the contents into my throat. Don’t think about it. Don’t think about her having a period or being mature enough to take your cock.

“I’m so excited to spend the summer with you!” Bridget expelled, walking over to where her father and I stood. The excitement she had bubbled right out of her and something inside me warmed at her smile. I had been cold for so long and lonely for even longer.

“It’ll be loads of fun.” I grinned, grabbing another beer from the fridge. No amount of alcohol was going to remove the desire I had for her from my veins. Every bone in my body was trying to pull me toward her. Two months was a long fucking time to be around her day in and day out without touching her. I wonder if she’s been fucked before? Though I would assume by the way she carries herself, she’s still a virgin. A sweet pure succulent virgin, the forbidden fruit I couldn’t wait to take a bite of.

“I hope it’s okay if I stay tonight, I’ll be gone before sunrise, but I need to get some rest before making the drive back.” Parker questioned. I could tell where Bridget had gotten the majority of her looks.

Parker had always been the better looking one out of the two of us, though now I was certain I was, since I was able to work out every day, eat three healthy meals a day, and didn’t have a teenage daughter reeking havoc on my nerves.

“You know that’s fine with me, that’s what friends are for. I’ll make you a bed in the second guest room, so you don’t have to sleep on the couch.” I licked my lips, moving my gaze from Parker and back to Bridget. She was giving me the same lustful stare that I was giving her, those brown eyes of hers sparkling with excitement.

“Alright, perfect. Well, let’s get you settled in.” Parker smiled at his daughter. I didn’t think the man would ever have a child, but when he found out that one of the girls back home was knocked up, he did the manly thing and stepped up. It was too bad that later she decided he wasn’t what she needed or wanted. I still couldn’t believe she walked out on the two of them.

“This way.” I announced as I placed the beer on the marble counter before walking in the direction of the hall. Bridget pulled her suitcase behind her, following me. I stopped quickly, pushing the second door to the left open, though she must’ve been distracted because a shriek slipped past her lips as her face slammed into my back.

I could feel the heat of her skin against mine.

“Oh, God. I’m sorry.” She apologized, her cheeks heating. I wanted to trace a finger against her face just to see if it was as soft as I imagined. I imagined her skin being as soft as cashmere.

“Everything alright?” Parker questioned as he slipped his phone into the front pocket of his dress slacks. I blinked clearing the lustful haze from my eyes.

“Yeah, everything's fine. I'm just not paying attention to where I'm going that's all.” Bridget answered, clearing anything up before Parker could connect the dots.

I watched from the doorway as Bridget entered the bedroom, her gaze swinging over the simple wooden dresser and bed. It wasn't anything special, but it was better than nothing.

I’m sure this room reminded her of a prison cell compared to her bedroom at home though, I’d helped Parker with the renovations on it last summer.

“It’s perfect.” She expelled and I let the stale air I had apparently been holding, out.

“I hope so, since it’s all I got.” I let the words pass my lips without thought, only noticing the frown that marred Bridgets exquisite features after I had spoken. “I mean….” I tried to continue, but Parker intervened before I could finish.

“It’s fine. There’s no need for anything but the necessities.” Parker slipped his hands into his front pockets giving Bridget a hard look. She dropped her eyes to the floor and pulled her suitcase to the bed that I had made up for her. Fuck. I realized then that I didn’t like it when she frowned and that I would do anything to keep that amazing smile on her face.

“Okay, so the bathroom’s across the hall.” I pointed to the wooden door directly across from her door. “And my room’s at the end of the hall if you ever need anything.” I hooked a thumb in the direction of my room, bringing my eyes back to hers.

“Great, thank you. For all of it.” She released her grip on her suitcase and crossed the small space, wrapping her arms around my center. Warmth engulfed me, and my body begged me to wrap her up in my arms.

“Yup, no thanks needed.” I quipped, and Parker smirked, knowing how much I hated hugs. Bridget released me a second later, taking a step back before gazing up at me. There was too much in those brown depths, and I needed to get some air.

“Alright then, that’s everything.” I took a step back, and then another. “I’m going to get the spare room ready for ya, Park.” I shot over my shoulder.

“Great. I’m going to have a word with Bridget and then get ready for bed.” I clenched, and unclenched my fist ignoring the possessive nature coursing through me. Her hands were so soft, her fingers small, she smelled like vanilla and blueberries, like a fucking muffin, a muffin I wanted to sink my teeth into.

I made quick work of the sheets on the spare bed and replaced them with another set. I needed to keep my hands to myself. I could do this. No, I had to do this because if I touched Bridget, if I let her under my skin, I wouldn’t let her go.

I’d taste her, caress her, possess her like a real man never has before…

No. Think about what Parker would say, what he would do.

No matter how much I wanted the barely legal temptress, I had to deny myself.

It wasn’t worth it.