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His to Claim by Lillian Cole (2)



“Fuck me, Colter,” Stacy pants next to my ear.

She reaches down between us, wrapping her hand around my hard length. I’m desperate to be inside of something wet and warm, but it’s not Stacy’s pussy I’m thinking about.

I’m thinking about someone much younger and sweeter and sassier than the woman beneath me.

My body tenses and I push up from the bed, dragging a frustrated hand through my hair.

“What?” Stacy asks. “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing,” I grunt, getting up and walking into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.


What the hell is wrong with me?

I have a gorgeous woman lying in my bed, willing to spread her legs for me, but all I keep thinking about is Kaylee and how hot she looked in that dress. The sight of her in it was enough to drive me mad with lust. Short and tight in all the right places, it left very little to the imagination and my blood pumped with the thoughts of stripping it off her.

I brace my hands on the sink, trying to shake the dirty thoughts of pushing into her over and over again from my brain. I’d be lying if I said I never noticed how much she’s grown over the last couple of years. Any man with a pulse would be blind not to notice, but she’s untouchable. Off limits. She’s Tim and Evelyn’s daughter for Christ’s sake so why the fuck am I having these thoughts? Where the hell has this intense need come from?

My phone vibrates from my pocket and I quickly fish it out to see Kaylee’s number lighting up my screen.

I swipe to answer, holding it to my ear. The sound of loud music fills the line along with Kaylee’s giggle.

Then she hiccups.

“Hello, Colter, are you there?”

“I’m here,” I finally reply, my cock hardening all over again at the sound of her sweet voice.

“Oh thank God. I’m so glad you answered. I figured you’d be with your girlfriend, Stacy.”

The way she says ‘girlfriend,’ with a good amount of disdain and longing has me curling my fist next to my thigh. “She’s not my girlfriend.”

“Could have fooled me,” she smarts back, her words slurring just a little.

My body tenses. “Have you been drinking?”


“Kaylee,” I growl in warning.

“Okay, I have a little, but it was only two shots and it gave me the courage to make this call. There’s something I need to tell you and I can’t do it face-to-face because I’ll chicken out.”

An uneasy feeling settles in my gut.

“What is it you need to tell me?”

“I’m in love with you.”

My heart plummets to my stomach with her confession.

“I have been for a really long time.”

“Kaylee, listen.”

“No, don’t. I know what you’re going to say.”

“What is it you think I’m going to say?”

“That I’m too young. Too inexperienced. Too...innocent. But let me tell you something, Colter Steele. I’m bad. I can be very bad, and I want to be very bad for you.”


This is so bad.

Bad. Bad. Bad.

The music fades a little more and she lowers her voice. “I fantasize about you. About all the dirty things I want you to do to me.” Her words flow over her lips so seductively it makes my cock twitch. “About taking me.”

I reach down to squeeze my raging dick, secretly wishing I could make her mine.

If only for one night.

“Are you still at the Tunnel?” I ask.


“I’ll be there in half an hour. Don’t fucking move from that spot, understand me?”

“Yes, sir.”

I end the call and take a deep breath, trying to rein in my emotions and my self-control because both are going fucking haywire right now.


I open the door and find Stacy still propped up on her elbows in my bed and if the thought of fucking her before was unappealing, getting near her now makes me damn near nauseous.

“Date’s over. Let’s go.”


“I have to go somewhere. I’ll drop you off on the way.”

Anger pits in her dark brown eyes. “Fine.”

Scooting off the bed, she follows me downstairs, huffing the entire time.

“Who were you talking to in the bathroom?” she asks once we get inside the truck.

“No one.”

I can tell by the look on her face that she doesn’t believe me, but I don’t give a shit. I don’t owe her any explanations. We’re not together in any sense except the physical kind and she damn well knows it.

I made that clear from the beginning.

I grip the steering wheel tight, returning my attention to the road.

When I turn down Stacy’s street, she reaches over, rubbing her manicured fingers up and down my bicep. “Will you call me when you’re finished with whatever it is you have to do?”

“Sure,” I say, anything to get her on her way.

Reluctantly, she exits the passenger side, and I don’t even wait for her to walk inside before I’m peeling out of her driveway and aiming my truck downtown to find Kaylee and get her home safely.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that, asshole.