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Make It to the Altar by Fiona Cole (8)



After we filled out the marriage license, the judge led us through the door, and we stood in front of the dark wood bench. He picked up his book and began the ceremony. Ana’s hands trembled in my sweaty palms, and I squeezed to hold her steady.

I stared at her glossy blue eyes, barely hearing the judge, getting lost in her beauty. Remembering the first time I saw her running out of her front door. Seeing how much she had changed since then. Happier, more confident, her face more defined. And as impossible as it sounded, more beautiful than ever before.

I love you, I mouthed the words to her and my chest filled to bursting as she mouthed them back.

“Do you have any vows you want to say?”

“Ye—” I choked on the lump in my throat and cleared it before starting again. “Yeah.”

“Whenever you’re ready, son.”

“Anabelle Montgomery, you are the love of my life, my best friend, the only person I could ever imagine myself with. I can’t believe after everything, we made it. We made it here and as hard as it was, I wouldn’t change a damn thing if it meant I still stood here with you. I’ll walk to the ends of the Earth, take on all your monsters and defeat them for you.” Dropping my head, I tried to control the burning in my eyes. A laugh escaped, and I licked my lips before looking back up at her just as a tear fell down her cheek. “I could spend years telling you all the things I love about you and how much you mean to me. But really it just boils down to I love you. I love you, and I will never stop.”

The judge cleared his throat. “Miss Montgomery?”

Her chest expanded on a deep breath before her soft, beautiful words reached between us and squeezed my heart. “Kevin Harding, how did I get so lucky to find you? Moving to Ohio felt like a death sentence, but then I saw you. Standing there with your awkward wave, and the pain that had followed me across the states eased for the first time. That’s what you do. You ease my pain. You make my life better. You make me better.” She stopped to lick her lips, catching a tear that rested on the bow of her top lip. “You understand me in ways I never thought anyone would. And I could spend years telling you all the things I love about you, but frankly, I just want to be Mrs. Harding. So, I’ll leave it at the most important part. I love you, and I will never stop.”

She wiped her eyes and the rest of the ceremony flew by. Rings were exchanged and the words “you may kiss the bride” had barely left his lips before my mouth was on hers. I held her to me fiercely and tasted my wife for the first time. I tasted her tears and love, and only when the judge cleared his throat did I pull back.

“Well Mr. and Mrs. Harding, congratulations.”

“Thank you so much for doing this,” Ana said.

“I saw you needed this. Who was I to hold you back from your future?”

We left the courthouse and rushed back to the apartment to pack for our honeymoon. I unlocked the door, and when Ana turned the knob to walk in, I stopped her.

“I need to carry my wife over the threshold.”

She let out a squeal when I picked her up fireman style.

“Kevin, I don’t think this is how it’s supposed to be done.”

I landed a firm smack to her ass, loving her yelp. “This is how we’re doing it.”

Once we walked through the door, I slid her down and had her wrap her legs around my waist. Her arms coiled around my neck as she gazed into my eyes, brushing her nose to mine.

“We did it,” she whispered. “You’re my husband.”

“Wife,” I growled the word and attacked her mouth, walking into the apartment to the kitchen island where I sat her down and quickly began working my hand under her dress.

“Kevin,” Ana gasped as she pulled her lips from mine. “We can’t. We’re going to be late for our flight.

I trailed kisses down her neck into her cleavage, getting my hand closer to her heat. “Fuck it. I want you.”

Her hands gripped my wrists and halted their progress. “No, not fuck it. This is our honeymoon.”

Resting my forehead on her collarbone, I considered the time, knowing we didn’t have time to make love like I wanted to. With a frustrated groan, I bit down on her nipple over the dress, loving the way she arched into me.

“Fine. But you’re not getting off this counter until I get at least one orgasm.”

“Kevin,” she protested as I dragged a stool over with my foot and plopped down.

“Nope. No arguments. Now spread your legs, wife.”

She did as I commanded and rested her hands behind her as I exposed her core.

“I can’t believe you got married with no panties on. You’re a dirty girl.”

She opened her mouth to respond, but it disappeared on a moan when I swiped my tongue along her wet slit. I wanted to play, to take my time, to drag it out and torture her, but we had a plane to catch. I dug my thumbs into the soft tissue of her groin, giving her the bite of pain she needed, letting her whimper sink into me and making my erection throb behind my zipper, while I ate her like a starving man.

I only took breaks to bite the soft tendons of her thigh before returning to quickly flick across her clit with small nips to the tender bud. Her hips thrust against my mouth and within minutes she was coming, coating my chin with her cum. I placed soft, gentle kisses all over her as she came down from her orgasm.

Pulling back, I wiped my chin with a smile, loving to see her chest flushed and bite marks surrounding her wet, swollen cunt.

“Good girl. Now hop down and let’s pack. It should be easy since you won’t be needing many clothes.”

“God, Kevin. I can barely walk.” But she stood and followed me to the bedroom.

I grabbed our lone suitcase from the closet. It was small, but we’d make it work. We stuffed it full of the things we needed.

“No,” I said when Ana began removing her dress.

“I was going to change into something more comfortable to fly in,” she defended, her straps falling down her shoulders.

“And I said no. I want to cum on that dress again tonight when I fuck you for the first time as my wife.” I watched her swallow hard as she pulled the thin straps back in place. “Think of being uncomfortable as foreplay,” I said with a wink.

“Fucking sadist.”

Chuckling, I turned to close the suitcase, so we could get going. Just as I was about to pull it closed along the final side, the zipper broke open on the other sides. I unzipped it and tried doing it back up again, but it kept coming undone.

“Fuck. Fuck.”

“What?” Ana asked, taking in the broken suitcase.

“The fucking zipper is broken.”

She moved to the closet. “Well, let me grab another one.”

“We don’t have another one,” I reminded her.

She turned to me with wide eyes. “How the hell do we only have one suitcase?”

I pretended to think on it, bringing my hand to my chin. “Hmmmm.” Then I snapped my fingers. “You threw out yours claiming you would buy another one the following week because it was stained.”

She sputtered across her response because she was remembering how I called it silly and told her to just hang on to it until she finally bought another one. “Shit,” she finally said.

I thought about our options. Ana only had a small gym bag and didn’t carry any large purses. How the hell did we get here in life with one small, shitty suitcase? We needed to travel more.

“Let’s go,” I ordered, grabbing the suitcase and walking out. “We’ll get another one on the way to the airport.”