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Stroked by my Dad's Best Friend: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance by Natasha Spencer (48)

Chapter One

Eric Jamison stood with his back to the other board members. He heard their arguments and understood it was a huge risk, but it was worth it. He listened without judgment and carried himself with distinction. There wasn’t much that he had to say. He was the boss. They could make their opinions known, but, ultimately, it was his decision.

“I can’t stress this enough, Mr. Jamison. We do this and there’s no coming back,” Barbara Coleman said. “The public will vilify you and make you the scapegoat. They won’t understand the bigger picture and I vehemently oppose anything that is going to give our public image a black eye.” She was the company’s last line of defense when it came to keeping the press from attacking like vultures.

“I appreciate the feedback, but I really didn’t come in here to have you change my mind,” Eric said. “The fiscal year has been dismal and we need to make some changes. It’s not going to be an easy transition, but it’s necessary to continue forward. This merger makes sense on paper.” He didn’t bother to turn to face the accusing eyes of those he had handpicked to become the inner circle.

“I would like to make one suggestion,” Barbara said. “Keep this information to the close knit group sitting around this table. If something were to get out, then you’ll know it’s time to clean house. I hate to say this, but if this is going to work then we can’t have the possibility of loose lips sinking ships.” Barbara was frazzled and looked around to find no one coming to her aid. She wasn’t expecting them to rally around her, but a few comments of encouragement would have gone a long way.

The rectangular oak table was surrounded by ten black high-backed chairs. Those in attendance were quite nervous. They already knew Eric was reckless, but more often than not the risk always paid off a bigger reward.

The windows overlooked the city of Los Angeles. The smog was commonplace and shrouded the city as if to prevent anyone from seeing their dirty little secrets.

“I know this isn’t a favorable decision and I understand your trepidation,” Eric said, standing straight. “This is a business decision and I can imagine the backlash from the rest of the company when they find out. There might be a few die hard liberals and Catholics which won’t be able to stay in my employment.” His 6’2, 195-pound body overlooked those he considered to be the little people.

“I don’t know why all of you are cowards to speak up. I was hired specifically to make sure that we weren’t going to be crossing any lines. I’ve done my best over the years that I’ve been here to keep this company from imploding.” Barbara’s hair had a tinge of gray and no amount of hair color had been able to keep them from returning. She’d never felt so stressed in her life, even with the last 10 years being so challenging.

The company had caused her several sleepless nights and being irritable had become more prevalent by the day. She loved her job and putting out fires was a dangerous game not many could play.

“I can assure you my people know when to come to me with their concerns. My door is always open, but don’t expect a change of heart,” Eric said. “This is going to happen and the money from this merger will become something that we can laugh over during expensive lobster dinners.” He knew they didn’t see his vision and he couldn’t have cared less.

The one thing he had learned from his father before his passing was that there was no point in playing it safe. Life was made to feel the adrenaline running through the veins. His father was not a saint and several dirty dealings were made under the cover of darkness.

Eric felt like he had taken a little bit of his father, but he was doing it his way.

“Sex will always sell and the Internet has proven that time and time again. We get into bed with these people and where does it end? It’s a very slippery slope and ripe with far-reaching consequences.” She got up in her tasteful black pantsuit with pinstripes and ran her hands through her salt and pepper locks.

“As always, I appreciate your counsel and you were chosen precisely for this reason. I do agree with your assessment that this needs to be handled with kid gloves. Anyone caught giving out secrets will be summarily dismissed from their employment without recourse. I will make sure those responsible will never find employment in this city again.” It was a bold claim to make, but Eric knew he had the resources to blackball anybody. It was a matter of cultivating those resources by indulging in one of his favorite pastimes.

Cigars were a guilty pleasure, but it was also a means to an end. He could sit with the movers and shakers with a cigar in hand and a snifter of cognac in the other. There were many deals made with a handshake.

There were grumbles of dissension amongst the ranks, but nobody was in any mood to challenge his authority at this meeting. He had taken a company failing miserably and made it a multimillion dollar enterprise. Taking risks had paid off in big dividends, including raises and bonuses for jobs well done.

“I didn’t want to say this in front of the others, but I think that Barbara might be underplaying this. Of course, I know there’s always a method to your madness, but this time you might have bitten off more than you can chew,” Jack Arnold, his second in command, said. “This company deals with diamonds and has taken an interesting turn from time to time. This latest adventure into the adult arena of movies is going to cause some skepticism.”

“Jack, when have I ever cared about others perceptions? I’ve always gone by the beat of my own drum,” He turned to Jack and put his two hands on his shoulders like they were sharing something quite momentous. “There’s always going to be somebody that’s not going to like what I do. I’ve had some interesting debates with my wife, Michelle. She’s been quite vocal on this subject, but knows when to cut her losses when it comes to arguing with me.”

“I wouldn’t be a good friend if I didn’t tell you what I thought. You probably know what you’re doing and there’s no point in second guessing you.” Jack felt like he was castrated and finding his voice was the only way that he was going to be heard.

“I’ve been carving my existence in my image for as long as I can remember. This company wouldn’t be where it is today without my influx of cash,” Eric said. “I know most of you thought that I was a rich and over indulged rich kid playing business. I’ve always had a knack and a sort of gift for seeing things differently when it comes to business practices.” This was an emergency Sunday meeting and he was missing out on the market a few blocks away.

“I have seen the numbers and they are quite impressive. Diamonds might be a girl’s best friend, but porn will always be a lonely man’s best friend. It’s also the dirty secret of a married man who feels stagnant in his relationship. Marrying the two is a bold move. I look forward to seeing your vision come to life.” Jack had the broad shoulders of a football player and could sing the song of seduction like no other.

“We can’t take anything for granted until the paper is signed on the dotted line. It’s a matter of great importance this merger is never made public. Hiding it in plain sight under a lot of red tape will help us to avoid public scrutiny.” Eric felt this heavy feeling on his chest and he ignored it like always. He believed it was his conscience trying in vain to get his attention.

“I don’t know how you’re going to keep this quiet for long. Pillow talk and drinking excessively has become the bane of any company’s existence.” Jack turned to leave and he was responsible for the red tape. It was going to be interesting to keep the jackals from their front door.

“I depend on you more than I should, but you always find a way to make it work. This merger will help us to fly higher than we’ve ever flown before. I would hang on tight for the bumpy ride, but I wouldn’t want to have it any other way.” Eric surveyed the landscape below on the street and placed each person between his two fingers. He could easily crush them without having a second thought.

His black, knee-length leather jacket was behind the door and he snatched it from the hook on his way out. The Sunday market was calling his name. The art of the deal was what he lived for. He was able to fine tune his negotiating tactics with those peddling their wares.