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A DADDY FOR CHRISTMAS by Maren Smith, Sue Lyndon, Katherine Deane, Maggie Ryan, Kara Kelley, Adaline Raine (29)


Chapter Four


The doctor confirmed the pregnancy, finding the heartbeat himself after Annie told him she’d heard it and that she thought Avery was close to three months along. They left the office with stacks of information pamphlets, samples, prenatal vitamins and an appointment scheduled for an ultrasound right after Christmas. Avery, flushed with excitement, felt euphoric, and hungry.

They quickly picked out some decorations, a bunch of cute dad onesies to hang up with the pink and blue decorations, a mug that said #1 Dad, and a book on what to expect with pregnancy. She sighed contentedly as they headed out of the store with their bags.

“Everything’s going to be perfect,” Avery said dreamily, ignoring the blowing wind and flakes of snow.

“Maybe not so perfect,” Annie said, grabbing the bags from Avery’s hands. “We’ve been caught.”

Avery followed Annie’s s sightline to see her husband leaning against Hal’s truck. His arms were crossed and he resembled an active volcano.

Annie swallowed audibly, and so did Avery.

“Hal didn’t let you take his truck, did he?”

“Not in so many words, no.”

“Oh, Annie.” Avery buried her face in her mittened hands a moment.

“Never you mind. We did what we had to.” Annie grabbed her hands away from her face and Avery groaned, feeling her backside clench involuntarily at the scowl on Mike’s face becoming clearer the closer they got.

“Tell that to my butt,” Avery murmured.

“I’m too busy telling mine.”

Avery’s eyes widened.

“Ladies,” Mike said, holding out his flattened hand. “Keys.” Annie pulled them out of her coat pocket and dropped them into his hand. He shook his head and opened the passenger side door of the Yaris parked beside the truck. “In you go, Annie.” He grabbed her bags and shoved them in the back.

“How’d you find us?” Annie asked, making Mike’s right brow arc.

“I’ll be asking the questions here. Starting with, does Hal know you’re driving his truck without a license?”

“I’m not sure. I didn’t ask him.”

Avery’s mouth dropped open. “You stole the truck?”

“Bah, borrowed without asking.”

Mike hooked an arm around Avery’s waist and pointed a finger at Annie while spearing her with a hard look. “You and I will talk later.” His words were colder than the wind whipping around them. He shut Annie’s door and led Avery around the other side of the car. “And you and I will talk sooner than later and, by talk, I think you know what I mean.”

His blue eyes sent an electric current straight through her. “I didn’t know she stole the truck or that she didn’t have a license, but it wasn’t her fault. I asked her to take me to town. This is my fault.”

“Oh, I’m sure you’re not innocent, but I’m not quite sure that’s the truth either. You know you weren’t allowed to go anywhere alone, and don’t worry, I fully intend to get the truth out of you.”

“I wasn’t alone!” She slammed her mouth shut at his clenched jaw and crossed her arms.

“An old woman does not count as protective detail. Now let’s go, little girl.” He wrapped a big hand around her upper arm and guided her toward the back seat. “You’re getting yourself in more trouble by the second.”

“Who you callin’ old, Yukon Jack!” Annie shot him a look fit for murderous intent, but Mike only snorted.

“I love you like a mother, Annie, but the two of you against a criminal out for revenge would be like newborn deer being hunted by wolves.”

“First you call me old and now you’re calling me a newborn. Make up your damn mind,” she grumbled under her breath. “And no one is after Avery. You’re just paranoid.”

“Paranoid? Don’t you remember what happened two and a half years ago?” He gathered a breath and Avery’s lip trembled at the reminder. When his eyes found hers through the mirror, his look softened a moment before he looked away.

“Paranoid!” Annie huffed.

They pulled into Annie’s driveway and Hal was waiting, looking just as unhappy as Mike. Annie unbuckled and started to open her door, but Mike growled.

“Don’t even think about it. We’re driving Hal to his truck, and I’m sure as hell not leaving you or the two of you here alone together, so get your seatbelt back on.”

Hal climbed in, looking sternly at both Avery and Annie, but didn’t speak. He opened his mouth to talk several times, but it smacked shut no sooner than it opened. His grey tufted hair was even more spiked on the sides as if he’d been tugging on it. He looked almost like a cartoon character. The only thing that was missing was the steam that should be streaming out of his ears.

“I’m sorry, Hal,” Avery said in a small contrite voice.

Hal’s mouth opened again and this time he spoke. His eyes focused on hers and the sadness in them made her gut tighten.

“I never figured you for a thief, Avery Hunter.” Disappointment laced his words and Avery’s heart hurt at the sound.

“She didn’t know. I told her you let us use the truck,” Annie spoke up unapologetically. “And it was for a good cause, so don’t get your undies in a twist.”

Hal gathered a huge breath and Avery could imagine a whistle with the steam she’d already pictured coming out of his ears.

Her husband’s eyes found hers in the rear-view mirror. She read the command in them. She wasn’t to get in between Hal and Annie. They bickered the whole ride there and home (because Annie burned the clutch out in Hal’s truck), but as they pulled into Annie’s, things got extremely tense.

“You could have hurt yourself or Avery driving for the first time in God knows how long and in a town you haven’t been to in years. And you can’t drive stick worth a damn on top of that! What the hell were you thinking?”

“Halbert Anderson! Don’t you talk to me like that – I know what I’m doing, damn you! I’m not some feeble-minded old woman!”

“You’re right, young lady! You’re a childish brat who needs a damn good old-fashioned spanking!”

Annie jumped out of the car as if she were no more than twenty and stormed to the house.

Hal swore, then apologized to Avery and thanked Mike. “Unless I straighten this out now, I’m pretty sure I’ll never set foot on her property without a shotgun pointed at my nose. You two go on and sort yourselves out. I hope to see you at Christmas dinner, if I’m still invited after I set that woman straight.”

“I’d be more concerned about being alive than invited to dinner.” Mike chuckled.

Hal rubbed the fuzz above his ears and nodded with a sparkle in his eye. “We’ll see about that.”

Hal left the car and Avery got out to join her husband in the front seat. She could hear Annie cursing and hollering as Hal walked in her door. Avery winced at the trouble she’d caused. When they started driving, Avery gathered her courage.

“I know I disobeyed you, but it really was for a good reason.” Avery put her hand on his knee needing to feel him. He looked at her a moment before looking back at the road, then his hand circled her wrist like a handcuff. It made her stomach twitch nervously, but it also brought her comfort. She was his.

“Avery Hunter, there isn’t a single reason in the universe I can think of that you should have put your life or Annie’s on the line. Not when we don’t know why Rocky is protecting you.”

Avery swallowed hard, looking at her lap. She’d probably be able to get out of trouble if she told him the reason, but that would ruin her surprise. And this had to be special. It had to be. Her eyes welled and she looked at him. She loved him so much, and she needed to tell him about their baby with positivity. This was going to be both a happy occasion but also one filled with worry and anxiety.

“I’m sorry, Daddy. So, so, very sorry I upset you.”

He nodded once, and took her wrist to his mouth and kissed it gently. “Are you sorry for what you did or just sorry you got caught and upset me?”

There was no good way to answer that, so she bit her lip and let her vulnerability speak for her.

He shook his head. “Either way, little girl, you’re about to be sorrier.” His firm look made her gut dip and her heart flutter with nerves.

“I know.” Part of her hoped Rocky was at the cabin waiting to protect her, but the bigger part of her knew she wouldn’t feel better until they’d solved things in their way.

The walk up the mountain from the car was chilly, but with her nerves on full alert, she didn’t feel it. What she did feel was like a woman on the way to the gallows. She was also starving and tired. It had been a long day already and it was only early afternoon.

Rocky wasn’t at the cabin and her gut dipped again, knowing there was no saving her butt now. Mike held the door for her and she looked up at him as she passed under his arm. His expression was still firm and she blinked the sting behind her eyes away. Her damn emotions were high again.


“Hmm?” He was distracted undressing her, placing her mitts, hat, and scarf in the bin by the door and unzipping her coat.

“Are you really mad?”

He stopped when the zipper released and looked at her. “I’m disappointed, and you scared me. How can I keep you safe if you don’t listen to me, Avery?” He pulled her coat off her shoulders. “I wouldn’t have even known where to look for you. It was just a coincidence I saw you.”

“Would it be too much to ask if we could have some lunch first?”

“First?” His eyes narrowed.

She knew he wanted her to say it. She looked and her feet still in her boots. “B…before you spank me,” she answered quietly.

“Is that what you’re expecting? A spanking?”

Her eyes shot to his and he crouched to untie her boots.

“Well isn’t that what you’re going to do?” she asked, her voice pitched a little higher than usual.

“I haven’t decided.”

Instead of relief, Avery felt a crushing disappointment and then her mind settled on another thought. A tear dripped down her face and she clutched his strong shoulders.

“You wouldn’t make me stay home from Annie’s Christmas dinner as punishment, would you?” She started breathing faster and panic burrowed in her chest. “I love Christmas and I don’t want to miss it.”

“Honey, I wouldn’t take that away from you. Calm down.” He stood, his face drawn in concern and pulled her trembling body against his, soothing her with a rubbing palm. “I wasn’t thinking that at all.”

“Well there are always consequences when I disobey you, so if not a spanking…” she hiccupped and sobbed, diving her face into his chest.

“Yes, but I was thinking of a way that might show you how you make me feel when you worry me—show you how I feel when I can’t trust you’ll do what I ask, what I know is best, and what you agree to doing.” He pulled her back and tipped her chin up. “I guess I accomplished that at least a little even if it was unintentional since you expected a spanking and then had to worry I was going to steal Christmas from you.”

She nodded, knocking more tears from her lids and down her cheeks.

He swiped them away. “I’m not the Grinch, honey.”

She sniffed. “You do look good in green.” She smiled through her tears. “I’m sorry for worrying you, but I have a surprise and I didn’t want to ruin it.”

“No surprise is worth your life. What if that was the only surprise I got?”

She completely understood how he felt then because he didn’t have all the information she did. It made so much sense. He didn’t know why Rocky was being so protective. Of course he’d worry.

“I understand.” She sniffed and wiped her face with the back of her hand. “Are you going to spank me now?”

“What do you think?” he said sternly.

She nodded.

“Uh huh. And, young lady, it’s not going to be pleasant. In fact, we’re using the paddle today.”

Her shoulders shook with a fresh wave of sobs. She hated that damn paddle. Stupid, evil, wood thing.


“You go lie on the bed and I’ll make you a sandwich. We’ll deal with the rest after.”

She shook her head then. As hungry as she was, she wanted it over with. She wanted to snuggle in his arms and close her eyes. She wanted the disappointment in his face to vanish and be replaced by his usual amusement and adoration. She wanted to imagine his face when he found out her secret.

“No?” he questioned with a wrinkled brow.

She shook her head again.

“Are you disobeying me or do you want this over with?”

“Over with,” she choked.

“Off you go then. I want that paddle out and you waiting, bottom bared, for me. Understand?”

“Yes sir.” He gave her a swat when she turned to do as she was told. His knowing chuckle when she gasped made her heart lighten. He wouldn’t stay mad at her. Once she was spanked, this would be over.

She removed her bottoms and folded them on the chair. Her panties were next. The cool air and her nerves made her bum break out in gooseflesh and tingles. She leaned forward to open his side drawer. The paddle looked glossy and menacing even nestled among his funny cartoon undergarments. She shivered, closed her eyes and reached for it. It was hard and smooth in her hands. She held it in one hand and shut the drawer with the other and then, knowing it would show her contrition, she stood in the corner. Hands behind her back, clutching the paddle, she waited.

She heard his footsteps a few minutes later, and her heart started to beat faster. Her belly fluttered and when his deep growly voice spoke, her knees went weak.

“That’s my good girl waiting in the corner for her punishment.”

She didn’t say anything, just awaited instruction.

The bed creaked as he sat on it. “Look at that white bottom. Not a mark on it from your last spanking.”

Another creak sounded and she imagined he’d leaned forward.

“Alright, little girl, come here.”

She walked to him, feeling her middle turn liquid despite it being for punishment. He was leaning with his elbows on his knees as she’d pictured. He leaned back as she came to stand in front of him.

“Daddy’s pretty upset with you, you know that right?”

She swallowed hard and nodded. “Yes, sir.” She bit her lip. “I deserve to be punished.”

“That’s right.” He patted his strong jean-clad thigh. “Over my knee, young lady. Daddy’s going to show you exactly how disappointed he is.”

A gush of warmth slickened her core, but she felt no shame. His dominance and control would always arouse her, whether that was the purpose or not. It was who she was.

She pulled her shirt up and leaned over his left thigh. A whimper escaped as he adjusted her. Anxiety made bite her lip as she pressed her upper body into the bed.

“Now, you fuss all you want, little girl. This is a spanking and it’s going to hurt, a lot. I expect some tears and squirming, but no reaching back. No blocking. If you do that, I’ll have to strap you after. Understand?”

She pulled in a breath, trying hard to ignore the pulsing of her clit. “Yes, sir.”

“You do not want to be sitting on a paddled and strapped bottom when you go for Annie’s Christmas dinner, do you?”

“No, Daddy.” She started to cry again, knowing her spanking was about to start, all thoughts of her arousal evaporating.

“Let’s get this done then before Rocky comes back from his hunting trip and breaks down the door over the sounds of your wailing.”

His words made nervous heat pulse through her, but before she could prepare herself for the pain about to come, his hand branded her right cheek and continued branding her with meaty swats until she was holding her breath. He wasn’t starting slow. He never did when it was punishment. He always started with his hand though, not wanting to inflict damage, just make her lesson one to remember. The burning sting on her bottom had her gasping and calling out, and she fought to keep her hands forward, knowing the consequences would be too much to bear. His hand moved to her thighs and warmed them up too. That made her squeal and squirm. He didn’t scold her for that though. He knew it hurt more there. And that was the intention. After her gasping, squeezing her eyes so tight she saw stars, and clutching the blanket so hard she thought her fingers would poke through, he stopped. She released a huge shuddering breath.

“Hand me the paddle, Avery.” His voice rumbled sternly. She was still recovering from the speed and strength of his hand spanking, so she hesitated, taking advantage of the break. He swatted her thighs twice each, this time with blistering strength, and she reached back with a holler, handing him the paddle.

“Sorry, sorry, sorry!” She choked on her voice.

“Mmhm.” He rubbed her cheeks and gathered a breath. “I don’t like having to punish your pretty little backside, little girl. But punishment is what you need. This paddle ought to leave an impression on how I feel about what happened today. You ready?”

He tapped her bottom lightly forcing her to answer in words. “Yes, Daddy.”

And in the next second she howled. The paddle was horrifying and the swats were fast as if he didn’t want to waste a second getting his point across. She squirmed, kicked her feet and screeched, but he kept paddling with the same speed. She was wailing uncontrollably after less than a minute. Had he ever spanked her so fast before? She clutched his leg and begged through her bawling for it to end. Finally, he stopped and she slumped across his thigh.

“You’re doing well, little one, but I’m driving this lesson home.” With that, he landed four, heavy-handed swats on each of her thighs before tossing the paddle on the bed and pulling her into his arms.

Pin pricks of stinging, searing pain sank into her thighs, and burning heat blasted from her bottom cheeks. She continued crying softly for a long time, letting the buzzy sting pulsate and ease slowly, but his loving arms held her tight the whole time.

He kissed her tears and stroked her hair, whispering, “I love you, baby, and I want you safe always. Please don’t worry me like that again.”

“I’m sorry, Daddy. I won’t. I promise. I love you!” Her words came out in in wet strangled sobs mixed with hiccups.

He laid her down on her tummy and rubbed her back, bottom and thighs, soothing her scorched skin until her mewling sounds turned to deep breathing and she was asleep.


* * *


“Sweetheart, I never want to lose you, ever,” he whispered, kissing Avery gently on the temple so he didn’t wake her before he slid out of the bed. In the kitchen, he began cleaning up the crumbs from the sandwiches he’d made and thought about the ten convicts that had been released in the last few months that might want revenge. He’d spoken with both the chief of police in Bathurst and his RCMP contact, and they’d agreed to contact their parole officers and check on them. He was probably being paranoid just like Annie had suggested, but when it came to Avery and their life, he’d continue to be paranoid.

By the time he’d finished making sandwiches and setting out bowls of canned peaches they’d made in the summer, Avery was awake. She rubbed her eyes as she walked out of the bedroom. Her face was flushed, and her eyes puffy, but he’d never seen a more beautiful woman in his life. She still wore nothing but her shirt, and when he made a spinning motion with his finger, she smiled shyly and turned so he could look at her bottom. It was still quite pink but there was no bruising.

“You look pretty as a picture, little girl. I’m the luckiest man alive.”

She smiled as he held his arms open for her. She cuddled in and he breathed in the smell of her. God, he loved to see her smile. He couldn’t wait to see her face on Christmas morning. He’d do anything for this woman.

“Daddy, can I go to Annie’s tomorrow morning to help her cook dinner? She has a lot of people coming, and I don’t want her to do it all alone.”

He kissed the top of her head and smoothed both palms from the top of her head, down to cup her cheeks. He placed a small gentle kiss on her cushiony lips, and he felt her relax further against him.

“I think that’s very thoughtful, honey. But I’m not sure I want to leave you and Annie alone again.”

She shoved back from him. Anger flushing her cheeks further.

“That’s not fair! I’ve been punished. Do you think I’d disobey you again after that spanking?” She spun and showed him his handiwork again. “That was the worst spanking you’ve ever given me! You’ve never used that paddle so fast before. And once I’ve been punished, I thought I was forgiven! This is like doing your time and then being thrown back in jail right after just in case you might rob a bank again.” She stamped her little foot and crossed her arms putting a perfectly adorable, but equally infuriating pout on her face.

“First of all, you say it was the worst ever every time I spank you, and second, watch your tone, little girl.” He crossed his own arms. “I’m waiting for a phone call updating me on the whereabouts of several ex-cons who might be wandering our mountain looking for revenge, and I don’t think it’s unreasonable to want to keep my wife safe until I get that answer.” He put his hand up when she opened her mouth to argue. When she spoke anyway he grabbed her arm firmly, yanked her closer and landed a hard swat across her bare bottom. “Shush! I wasn’t finished,” he growled.

“Ow!” She reached her free hand behind her to rub away the string, her face paling. “That hurt.”

“Want more?”

“No,” she said, sounding petulant.

“Then stop your tantrum. I was going to say that I could do some things around the property for Annie while you help her get dinner ready. And once Annie’s daughter and son-in-law arrive, I’ll go do some hunting and pick you up later.”


He shook his head. “I should put you over my knee again. Maybe take that strap to you.” His jaw loosened and he ran a hand over his beard, sighing.

Her eyes went wide, and she shook her head swiftly. “No, please.” Both her hands went behind her and clasped her nether cheeks.

His low chuckle at her lovability made her smile cheekily.

“You’re a mean one, Mr. Hunter!”

“I can’t help it. You’re so adorable clutching your freshly-spanked bottom and squirming under my glare.” He leaned down and kissed her lips, nudging them open with his and slipping his tongue inside. He moaned and she whimpered when he replaced her hands with his and squeezed her bum.

“Let’s get you fed and then, since we’re not leaving for the rest of the day, I think I’ll take care of the leak I caused when I spanked your naughty bottom.” His hand roamed from her cheek down to slide between her cleft to find her still slick with hot juices.

“Take off your shirt and turn around, little girl.”

His gruff command made Avery shiver a moment before she did as he asked, tossing her shirt on the floor.

“Hands on the chair and stick that pink bottom out for me.” He rubbed her still warm flesh and she arched.

“Gahh, I’m still sore, Daddy,” she said, looking over her shoulder with her bottom lip puckering out. But as he lowered his hand between her legs, she moaned, dragging her lip through her teeth.

“Open your legs for me.” He dipped a finger inside her and used the moisture to slide his finger up her slit to her clit. He circled and flicked his middle finger against the swollen nub making her gasp and her knuckles whiten against the chair.

“That’s right, baby. I’m going to take really good care of you. Now close your eyes.”

“All closed,” she whispered, anticipation coating her words.

He moved to check, watching her lick her lips. He scooped one of the peach halves from the bowl on the table and went to stand behind her again. The heat from her soaked through the material of his pants, making his cock thicken. He ran his tongue up her spine, letting the syrup drip down his arm. She trembled and a mewl fell from her mouth.

Reaching around her front with the peach, he whispered hotly against the shell of her ear. “Open your mouth.” She opened and he put the peach to her lips. “Bite.”

When she obeyed, juices ran down her chin and his hand. “Good girl. Does that taste sweet, baby?” She nodded and he put the peach back for her to have another bite. More juice flowed. He took the peach away and held it over her back, taking a bite himself and letting the sticky liquid drip down her spine to settle in the dimples above the cleft of her bottom. “Mmm.”

He lowered his head and licked the peach juice from her dimples and up her spine. “You taste good.”

She trembled and he brought the peach back to her mouth. He held it for her to bite as his other hand grazed down her sticky neck to her breasts where moisture had dripped. He rubbed it in, spending a few moments torturing her nipples, before his hand lowered to cup her mound. “I bet this peach is sweeter and juicier.” When his finger entered her folds, she called out. “Take your peach, baby,” he said handing her another peach, this time on the tines of a fork. “Turn around.” He lowered to grab the back of her thighs and lifted, to set her on the table.

“Eat,” he demanded and separated her legs, watching the juice from her fruit drip onto her breasts. He licked her lip and then sunk to his knees. “Are you eating?” His hot breath against her mound make her suck in air swiftly.

“Yes, sir,” she said breathily.

He dipped his tongue between her folds and saw her toes curl. “You’d better be eating all your peaches,” he growled before diving back in between her thighs, licking, flicking and sucking until she dropped her fork and leaned back onto her hands, mumbling nonsensical words.

When she cried out and her legs shook with tremors of pleasure, he paused to watch her. The glow on her face and swollen well-nibbled lips intoxicated him. He couldn’t help it, he had to kiss those engorged lips. He rose, cradled her face in his big hands and took her mouth. She moaned against his mouth and he let go with one hand to unbuckle his belt and unzip his jeans. He couldn’t wait, he needed to be buried inside her.

He released her face and swiftly grabbed her ass, making her hiss, and set her on the edge of the table. His cock, full length and hard as marble, pushed against her entrance. He drove in hard to the hilt making her gasp and call out in pleasure.

“Oh God! Gawd, gawd, gawd!” she called out as he pumped in her, slow at first but then quickly. She clutched his shoulders, digging her nails in, and he swore, diving for her neck and biting gently. He reached up and pulled her head back by the hair at her nape.

“Who owns you, Mountain Woman? Who?”

“You do.” Her voice was laced with both passion and a strangled cry of pleasure. He pumped inside her faster, finding her special spot. Her wet heat increased and their bodies became slicker with her fluid. She released the cry fully as he bit her jawline enough to hurt but not leave a mark.

“Who do you obey?” His words sounded rough, barely civilized.

“You! God, you, Mountain Man Daddy!” She grunted as he pumped harder, knocking his bowl of fruit onto the floor with the shaking table. “May I? God, I must! P… please!

“Come, babe. Come now!”

They exploded together calling out like wild animals, his a deep guttural roar and hers a higher pitched holler. He took her mouth before she was even finished, and swallowed her cry in a possessive kiss.

When he finally pulled from her, Mike leaned his arms against the table and set his head against her abdomen. Her breath, harsh quick pants, made her belly shake beneath him.

“You… are… a very… good girl, Avery… Hunter,” he panted and she laughed.

“I love you.”

“I love you more every damn second, little one.” He looked up at her and plucked her bottom lip with his thumb. “Now I need you to actually eat before you starve.”

Claws scratching against the door, made them look at each other and laugh.

“Rocky has amazing timing. Remind me to give him the best steak of the next moose I get.” Mike picked up her shirt and helped her into it before opening the door for their new roommate. He came in with a gust of frigid air, his claws clacking against the wood floor.

“You’re a good boy!” Avery announced, jumping down from the table as he went straight for her. She shot Mike a flirty look before looking back at the bear. “I can’t even complain now that you weren’t around to protect my butt earlier.” She gave his ears a scratch as he licked the sugary peach syrup from her hand. “Because then I’d never have had the most amazing sex ever.”




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