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Boss Me Dirty (Billionaire Boss Romance Book 2) by R.R. Banks (4)

Chapter 4

“Oh wow,” Camille said with awe as she walked into Robert’s flat, walking straight through the small foyer and to the large windows across from the entranceway. “The moon is hung perfectly tonight,” she continued, pushing some of the curtains back as she enjoyed the view from Robert’s living room. She stood with her hands placed on the glass, leaving a small smudge where they rested as she gazed out at the serene, moonlit waters. “This has to be one of the best views in Monaco.”

Robert smiled as he walked up to the window to stand beside Camille as she stared into the blue waters. “It was one of the things that convinced me to purchase this place,” he explained softly as he stepped away from the window and toward the other side of his great room where he kept the alcohol. “The overall space is incredible, but to wake up every day to that view was the selling point.”

Camille turned around and looked for Robert, noticing how he was on the other side of the pool table at a small counter. She stepped away from the window and looked out at the entire flat, noticing the modern kitchen on the far end, tucked away a bit, and the vast great room in front of her. She walked around and looked in his kitchen while Robert stood at his bar, pouring a single drink from a bottle. “If you would like a beer, I have a few in the kitchen,” he announced as she walked toward the large, stainless steel refrigerator. She opened it up to find it nearly empty except for the beers he referenced as well as a few other quick things to prepare for him to eat.

“Well I don’t have to look hard for the beer,” she stated loudly, reaching in and grabbing a green bottle before reaching for her purse and pulling out a bottle opener. “You must not eat here very often.”

Robert chuckled as he stepped away from the small bar and walked through the great room toward her. “You’d be correct,” he replied. “Unfortunately, I have to travel a lot because of my career. If I actually have an opportunity to cook and prepare something in the kitchen, I’m better off purchasing what I need prior to preparing them.”

Camille nodded as she started sipping her beer. “How often do you actually get to sleep here?”

“Twice a week if I’m lucky,” he answered bluntly, almost appearing to be a bit perturbed by his inability to sleep in his own bed. “I keep two suit cases packed at all times with seven days’ worth of clothes in each. Fortunately, I’m able to get home at least once a week to change suitcases, where I have all of the clothes in the one I brought home cleaned, pressed, and the suitcase repacked for me. It makes my life a lot simpler, though I still miss being able to walk into my closet and pick out my wardrobe with my view of the Mediterranean on my back.”

“Do you make it a point to get home at least once a week or does it just happen like that?” she asked, prodding into his life a bit while trying her best to really get to know him. “I don’t mean to pry, but I’m trying to get to know you a little better before my dress ends up in the corner with the rest of my ensemble elsewhere.”

Robert laughed. “You’re quite forward,” he laughed.

“It’s one of my biggest flaws,” she stated plainly, smirking and shrugging her shoulders.

“I think it’s one of your best features,” replied Robert. “And to answer your question, I plan on being home at least once a week.”

“When my father decides to retire, if that day ever comes, I will sell off every company that I have a stake in and run the winery full time, possibly even moving to Athens to make it happen.”

“Do your parents not live in Athens?”

“No,” replied Robert with a smile. “The business is run out of England, which is what my father prefers, and I handle all of the distribution, which I can honestly do from my phone. The winery and the warehouses are in Athens, which from what my grandparents told my father and I, must always stay there.” Robert turned and walked away from the pool table, holding his glass in front of him and talking with his arms in a very animated state. “I remember my grandmother telling the two of us in a very stern, matter of fact tone, that too many wineries are making products dedicated to regions of the world without actually being in that region, and it’s a blasphemy to the product, the customers, and the grapes.”

Camille laughed. “The grapes?”

“Yes, the grapes,” replied Robert, still talking with his arms. “While my grandfather handled the bulk of the production, my grandmother had an eye for the grapes and the yeast that was unmatched. Even with her frail eyes as she aged, she could still spot a bad batch of grapes just from the smell and could tell when a batch was going bad because the yeast was not cooperating. It was my grandmother who told me that my first batch was ruined because of the yeast, though she waited until it was done because she didn’t want to hurt my feelings.”

“That was sweet of her,” Camille remarked as she continued to sip on her wine, finishing half of the glass while Robert was pacing. “Was she always that kind?”

“Of course not,” replied Robert, sloshing his wine about his glass though not spilling a drop. “She was Greek! Blunt is what they specialize in, and believe me, she was good at it. However, I could not have asked for a better person to be my grandmother, and the things I learned from both she and my grandfather have molded me into the person that I am today.”

Camille was positioned behind the pool table, leaning forward with one hand on it and the other holding the green bottle of beer that she was sipping on, as Robert poured himself a glass of wine.

He sipped on his wine, noticing that Camille had just finished her beer. “Would you like another beer?” he asked as he turned up his glass, downing it quickly in an attempt to keep up with Camille.

“No, that’ll be alright,” she said. “I have to be at the stadium tomorrow morning for an executive meeting. If I drink anymore, it might make for a much longer night than it already will be.” With another innuendo, this time a bit subtler, Robert stepped away from the pool table and made his way to the couch, sitting on one end and placing his empty glass on the end table beside him.

“So, Camille, you have yet to tell me about your family and your upbringing,” said Robert, taking the moment to pry into Camille’s life.

“Well, there really isn’t a lot to tell,” she said, walking over to the couch and sitting on the other end, away from Robert. “I was born and raised in Portsmouth. My family had lived there for several generations and all worked in the harbor. My father was a Boatwright, building ships and vessels for merchants and sailors that were of immaculate quality. He preferred making small sail boats over the much larger commercial vessels. My mother was a nurse in the local hospital, taking care of the sick sailors and tourists. Her life was much more uneventful, but she and my father were both happy with it and did very well for themselves, making enough to send me off to college in Oxford where I started learning about my craft.”

She paused while she adjusted herself, placing her left leg under her right thigh and turning her body to face Robert. “I have a family who loved me so much that they allowed me to leave Portsmouth and follow my dreams. I make it a point to call them every day to chat about life back home, check on my grandparents, and just see how they’re doing. Even though I’m a country and small body of water away from them, my heart is still there, but I do not want to go back.”

“Why not?” asked Robert.

“Because the only reason I hold onto Portsmouth is that there are four people there that love me dearly and made sacrifices so that I could be here today,” she explained. “I am where I am because of them, and I will always love them for it.”

Robert nodded. “Doesn’t Portsmouth have a football team though?”

“Yes, but they’re not very large, and the opportunities are not very lucrative,” she continued. “Besides, after working in Munich and Monaco, I don’t think I can live in a small port city in England ever again.” She paused as she looked across at Robert who was genuinely listening to her, causing her to smile earnestly. “I don’t know where I will end up after Monaco, because unfortunately, in this business, it is difficult to stay somewhere for longer than three to four years at a time, but if I do end up back in England, it will have to be one of the teams from Manchester or London that employ me, because I have to have a large city to live in.”

“Have you ever thought about getting out of football?” asked Robert, still looking on with a curious intent but completely focused on Camille. “I mean, I know it pays well and you love it, but have you ever considered leaving sports all together to try your hand at something else?”

Camille paused briefly as she thought to herself about Robert’s question, trying her best to formulate the best possible answer without sounding scripted or insincere. “I love football,” she responded slowly. “I would try other sports before I opted to leave this industry because of how much I enjoy going to work every day, which is something that I value a lot more than money or possessions. I enjoy my career and yearn for nothing else professionally, with the exception of maybe one day becoming an owner myself.”

Robert laughed. “You want to own a sports team?”

“I do,” she replied defensively. “I understand how the business aspects of owning a team work, and I feel that I would make an incredible owner one day.”

Robert continued to chuckle. “That is one area of investment I have made it a point to keep myself out of,” stated Robert with a smile. “There are too many things that I do not know about and too many people passionate enough to tell me how much I don’t know enough about it.”

Camille smiled. “Do the fans scare you?”

“I was frightened by all of the cheering going on today during the game when I walked into the stadium,” he replied.

“Well, you can’t always make them happy, and you definitely cannot read the tabloids,” she stated bluntly. “Sometimes, you have to do what’s best for the team, even if it’s not good for those who support it, but I also suppose it’s that way in what you do.”

Robert grinned and nodded. “Every few months I’m forced to make difficult decisions that involve the livelihood of the people who are working for a company that I own. I do not know any of them personally, but the fact that they exist is always in the back of my mind when I have to alter policies to save money. I don’t enjoy hurting people or causing them pain and discomfort financially, but unfortunately, I always have to look out for the company, even if it’s at the cost of those who help maintain it.”

“So, you have to terminate people?”

“I try my best not to,” he replied solemnly. “But unfortunately, I have to do what’s best for the company. When that happens, I always make sure that we offer a severance package to them that involves a few months compensation as well as hiring a company that specifically handles helping displaced workers find new employment quickly. We try our best to not let them be unemployed for long.”

Camille nodded. “That’s noble of you.”

“It’s the least I can do,” he stated. “When I purchase a company, typically, it has been mismanaged for a long while and I have to go in and immediately stop the bleeding. As much as I dislike it, the first thing that I do is trim the fat and remove the employees that aren’t required from the payroll.”

“But you at least help them get back on their feet,” inserted Camille. “I’m sure many companies have just sent them on their way instead of assisting them in the future. At least you can say you didn’t throw them out into the street and offer them the best of luck.”

Robert laughed. “That’s very true,” he replied. “I know that I come off as aggressive, callous, and arrogant, but in all honesty, I do try and look out for those who help me. My hope is that one day, if I am ever in need of assistance, someone will be there to help me.”

Camille smiled as she leaned forward and stood up, placing her arms over her head and stretching before stepping over toward Robert and placing her hands on his shoulders. “I think tonight we can actually help each other,” she stated seductively, implying what her intentions were. She leaned forward, pulling her tightly fitting dress up a bit to give her some flexibility before placing her knees on the outside of Robert’s legs . Placing her chest against his, she kissed him gently on the lips. He rested his hands on her knees while their lips were locked, moving them up slowly to find her not waring any panties. Robert let out a slow moan as she pulled her head back, staying an inch away from his face while he massaged her ass. “I took them off before we left the casino, in case you were curious,” she said before leaning in to kiss him again.

Camille wrapped her arms around his neck, rubbing the top half of his back while he began to  suck on her ear, moving his lips down a bit and finding her neck. He kissed it gently, running his tongue lightly around the curve of her elegant neck. Camille was softly moaning from the sensations he was causing. Her hot little pussy was throbbing causing her to move her hips and grind against his hard crotch. Robert moved his hands from her ass and up her back to find the zipper to Camille’s dress. With a slow, steady motion, he lowered it to reveal her beautiful skin. Pushing her forward a bit, pulled her dress up and off of her, leaving her in only a beige bra. Camille reached behind her back and unhooked it, pulling it off to expose her large, yet perky breasts. “Those look amazing,” announced Robert as a naked Camille straddled him. “Your tits are perfect.”

“Why don’t you tell me that again after we’re done,” she said confidently. “I have a few more tricks to pull out before the night is over.”

“Like what?” asked Robert as Camille leaned forward and kissed him again.

“Just tell me if I go too far,” she replied.

Robert looked confused as Camille grabbed both sides of his head, kissing him passionately. He reached forward to caress her firm breasts, holding them while he rubbed his thumbs against her nipples. She pulled away from the kiss while he continued to fondle her chest. With a sly grin, she raised up slightly so that her breasts were more accessible. “You want to play with these luscious tits?” she asked playfully, as she offered him her bounty with both hands. “Then why don’t you really get in there.” His mouth immediately opened up and latched onto her nipple, sucking on it while his tongue aggressively flicked her nipple, causing her to moan loudly. “Yes, just like that. Don’t you dare stop. Finger-fuck my wet pussy while you suck my tits.” she commanded. Robert happily obeyed. Placing his right hand on her stomach, he slowly moved it down to her aching core.  He ran his fingers through her slick juices, then thrust two fingers deep inside her tight, little cunt, which drew an immediate squeal of delight for Camille.

“There you go, that’s it! Oh fuck yes!” she cried. With each passing moment, she moaned louder, gripping his head as he continued to forcefully flick his tongue. He placed another finger inside of her, stretching her even more and pulling a loud moan from her. She slightly pulled his hair as she tightened her grip in ecstasy, not meaning to hurt him but not apologizing either.

She pulled her sensitive breasts away from his mouth and reached down to remove his hand from her dripping center. She stood up on the couch and walked down to the far end of it. Camille fixed him with a firm stare, “Your clothes are still on,” she said sternly. “I’m going to need you to fix that, please.” Robert grinned as he kicked off his shoes and stood up on the floor, looking up to Camille as she stood on the couch, giving her several inches on him. He pulled off his grey jacket, tossing it onto the pool table while quickly unbuttoning his shirt and dropping his pants. He slowly dropped a pair of blue silk boxers from his hips and stepped out of them while sporting a rock hard cock. “Impressive,” she said as she analyzed his naked physique. He stood proud, displaying his thick, long member that went with his height. With a seductive grin, Camille sat on the back of the couch with her feet on the cushions and her legs spread tantalizingly in front of him. “I think it’s time you lay down for a bit.”

“On my back?” asked Robert, prompting a quick nod from Camille. He sat down in the center of the couch before turning, to fall backwards onto his back, placing his arms at his side and keeping his legs straight. “And now what? Do I go to sleep?”

Camille laughed as she sat up on the couch and stepped over his head to place both of her feet on the floor. “Oh no, you’re not going to sleep for a while.” She moved to straddle his face, making sure her pussy was perfectly lined up with his talented tongue. “Get to work,” she said in her thick accent, reaching down and placing her hands on his chest while looking down at his throbbing cock. She closed her eyes as she felt the lips of her pussy open and Robert’s tongue slowly start to move over her clit with the same force he used on her nipples. With a soft moan as he worked on her, she started grinding her hips on his face as her vagina started to flow with nectar. She held her hands firmly on his pecs as she started to rub his little, hard nipples, flicking them with her fingers and gently twisting them while she moaned as he continued his work.

Camille watched as his cock danced in front of her with each flick on his sensitive nips. “Oh, did I find something you enjoy?” she asked rhetorically, continuing to watch his cock move and throb with each passing rub of his chest. She adjusted her hips a bit, leaning down with her face toward his cock while placing her clit directly on his mouth. “There you go,” she said as she fought back a moan. “I’ll make it easier on you.” Camille’s hands were firmly resting on Robert’s thighs, placing all of her weight on them while Robert continued to satisfy her. She looked down at his cock as it still danced in front of her. “Are you trying to give me a hint?” she asked playfully, sliding her right hand up and placing it on his cock, wrapping it around his shaft and stroking it gently.

He moaned while underneath her, though it was barely audible. “Oh, he does like it,” she continued, leaning down, placing her body on top of his with her face directly beside his cock. She started rubbing the head of his cock with her left hand while her right continued to stroke up and down. She pushed her lips together and gently blew across it. She could feel it throb even more as she alternated between lightly circling the tip and blowing across it. She never allowed him to get acclimated with any particular sensation.

She moaned louder as she edged closer to climaxing on top of his face while a bit of pre-cum emerged from the tip of his cock. Camille rubbed it with her index finger before licking her finger to taste him. She flexed as she leaned up, placing her left hand to his side while leaving her right hand on his aching cock as the buildup commenced. With a keening cry, the muscles of her pussy contracted sending her into an staggering climax. The release was so strong that Camille continued to moan for several seconds after the orgasm. Robert stopped licking her pussy as she continued to grind her hips against his face. “You’re not done yet. I don’t cum just once,” she announced in an exasperated tone as she started stroking his cock a bit more aggressively, leaning back down and placing her body against his and her head back beside his cock.

Camille looked at his cock with hungry eyes as he got back to licking her sensitive clit. “This is something I usually reserve for special occasions, but after that orgasm, you’ve earned it,” she announced as she slowly licked around the head of his dick. More pre-cum emerged the moment her tongue touched the tip of his cock, and she started working it with precision, moving in a perfect rhythm and going down a few inches before coming up and stopping at the base of the head. She continued to stroke his cock with her right hand as she pulled her head up, placing her lips on the side of his shaft and licking from the top of his balls to the tip of his shaft. Robert continued to lick her clit as she kept working on his cock, each taking immense care of one another to satisfy their pleasures.

As her climax built again, she removed her mouth from his cock and swung around to remove herself from his face. “You alright?” she asked. “Need some fresh air?”

“I could stay between your thighs for days,” Robert quickly retorted.

“Oh, well that can be arranged,” she replied with a smile as Robert started to sit up. “Oh no, stay on your back,” she commanded as he fell back down. “There is only one position you’re allowed to be in during sex.”

Robert looked confused, trying to understand what she meant. “What?”

“You’re only allowed to be in the position I tell you to,” she said aggressively, her face scowling as she placed her right leg over his hips and brought her left leg up and set it on the other side. She reached back and grabbed his cock, placing the head against her saturated pussy, rubbing the tip against her lips just to tease him. After a few seconds of teasing, with a wicked smile across her face, she placed the head of his cock in her pussy and slowly backed down on it, placing every inch inside of her before adjusting her knees so she could rest on the balls of her feet. She placed her right foot on the other side of the couch cushion and her left foot on the wooden base near the floor, both allowing her to have plenty of leverage as she started sliding the cock inside of her with Robert laying still.

“Put your hands on my tits!” she commanded, screaming in pleasure as the thick cock moved inside of her without much effort. Robert quickly obliged, placing both hands on her breasts, and he immediately went back to flicking her nipples as he did earlier. “No, pinch them,” she commanded, prompting Robert to place both nipples between his thumb and index fingers and start squeezing them. Camille released a scream as Robert felt her hips immediately tighten and his cock become almost still inside of her vagina, unable to move with how tight it suddenly became. He continued to squeeze as she screamed in ecstasy, waiting a few seconds before feeling her vagina loosen and his cock being able to move inside of her again.

“Are you alright?” asked Robert as she slowly worked his cock in her pussy again. “I’ve never seen someone cum as aggressively as you just did.”

Camille grinned as she picked herself up off his cock and stood above him. “Oh, that was nothing,” she said as she turned around, preparing to lower herself down on him again. “Just wait for the third one.”

“Third one?” asked Robert, who had yet to have one. “You can have three?”

“Honey, I’ve had seven in one night,” she replied as she grabbed his cock and placed it in her pussy, leaning back a bit and placing her head right next to his with her right hand firmly grabbing the top of the couch and her left grabbing the base. Robert brought his hands up behind her back to support her as his cock was halfway inside of her. “This is the part where you get to show me what you can do,” said Camille as she leaned over and kissed Robert on the cheek. Without much coaxing, Robert got to work, thrusting his hips up into her vagina repeatedly, causing Camille to moan uncontrollably. “More!” she moaned, urging Robert to go faster and harder as she pushed closer to climaxing again. She gripped the wooden rails in the front and back of the couch tightly, feeling Robert’s cock starting to pulse as she got closer and closer to climaxing again.

Camille moaned loudly as she climaxed again with her cunt tightening as Robert continued to thrust upwards, climaxing with her shortly thereafter. With a soft moan, his rock-hard cock released inside Camille’s battered pussy while she screamed in ecstasy. He leaned back and placed his hands on the side, allowing Camille to fall down onto his chest and lay on him as they breathed heavily and smiled. “I guess I’ll ask you again. Are you ok?” asked Robert with Camille lying with her back on his chest.

She smiled from ear to ear as she leaned her head back over his shoulder, turning it slightly to kiss him on the cheek. “I’m perfect,” she replied. “I’m absolutely perfect.”






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