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A Cowboy's Heart (The McGavin Brothers Book 4) by Vicki Lewis Thompson (21)

Chapter Twenty-One

For the next two nights, Nicole was an audience of one while Bryce practiced Whenever I Waltz with You and then he’d listen while she performed Annie’s Song. By the wedding rehearsal on Friday afternoon, she was solid on her number and Bryce appeared confident about his.

The venue was courtesy of Jo. The condo she’d bought last spring had several amenities, including a spacious garden specifically designed for weddings and other celebratory events, and a lovely indoor space for the reception. Kendra had considered hosting everything at the ranch, but half the town was coming and she wasn’t set up for that many people.

Bryce’s relaxed behavior during the run-through warmed Nicole’s heart. When he walked her to her truck afterward, she told him so.

He smiled. “I wondered if any of it would bother me, but it didn’t.” He let out a breath. “What a relief that was. The way I’m feeling now, I probably could have played at the wedding.”

“Do you want to do Annie’s Song instead of me? I’m sure that would

“No, let’s not screw around with the plan at this stage. That’s not fair to Zane and Mandy. Besides, I love your version. And this was only the rehearsal. Maybe my old demons will pop up when it’s the real deal and I’m not taking that chance. The reception is the right place for me.”

“It’ll be awesome. I can’t wait. I wish it was tomorrow already.”

He laughed. “Not me. I have a party to go to at the GG and a terrific dance partner.”

“You’ll have time to dance with me?”

“You bet.” He opened her door. “In case you couldn’t tell, I’m having the time of my life.”

Happiness flooded through her. “Me, too.” She slid behind the wheel.

Leaning in through the open door, he gave her a quick kiss. “See you over there.”

The rehearsal dinner was about as crazy as Nicole had expected. Deidre talked the country band into playing Thriller, which turned into a funky mashup that everyone loved, especially Faith. Faith was turning into a dance-floor diva and Cody spent most of the night with his mouth hanging open in amazement.

As the manager of the establishment, Bryce had plenty to do, but he’d enlisted his troops—Mike, Jenny and Ellen. That left him time to dance—with her, his mother and his Aunt Jo. He wasn’t the only one who partnered with Kendra and Jo, either. All five McGavin brothers made sure those two spent plenty of time on the floor.

The evening went by quickly and before Nicole knew it, nearly everyone had said their goodbyes and headed out the door.

Bryce came over, truck keys in hand. “I’ve asked Mike to lock up, so whenever you’re ready, we can go.”

“You know what?” She stood and picked up her purse. “Let’s not take two vehicles. I’ll drive us over and bring you back here in the morning on my way to the condo complex. Would that work?”

“Sure.” He pocketed his keys.

Moments later they were on the road. “I have this idea,” she said. “I’ve been thinking about it all night.”

“I hope it’s the same idea I’ve been thinking about all night.” He reached over and squeezed her thigh.

She grinned. “I’ve been thinking about that all night, too, but this is about the Fender Strat.”


“How would you like a chance to play it now that your fingers are in better shape?”

“I’d love it, but first we’d have to buy amps, good ones, too. And even then, your house might not have the acoustics to do it justice.”

“No, but the GG does. And the band leaves its amps on stage, so if we took the Fender to the GG, we could hook it up to

“I thought you didn’t want to take it out of the house?”

“I’d take it out if that meant I could hear you play it.”


“Absolutely. It would be a thrill.”

“Wow. It would be way more than a thrill for me. To have the privilege of playing that instrument…what an incredible opportunity. I won’t sound like Hendrix, but I’d have a hell of time trying.”

“Excellent! Then we’ll do it. And afterward we could have rock star sex.”

He laughed as he opened his door. “We already have that. And I don’t know about you, but I’m in the mood for more of it.”

Suddenly, she was, too. Dropping the subject of the Fender, she hurried with him into the house, quickly fed Jimi and abandoned herself to lovemaking, Bryce McGavin style. Rock star sex couldn’t possibly be any better.

The next morning, they shared a light breakfast and he helped her load all her hairdressing supplies, a change of clothes and her guitar. She’d frozen a portion of Jimi’s food in one of his bowls and she took it out before they left.

Bryce glanced at the bowl. “Ingenious. I hadn’t thought about how you’d get him fed since we won’t be back until late.”

She liked the way he said we. “It’s a tip I found online. And it’s not like I could get anyone to just pop in and feed him.”

“True. Are we ready to go?”

“Almost.” She’d left off her lipstick on purpose. Cupping the back of his head, she pulled him down for a long, soulful kiss. She filled it with all the things left unsaid. Maybe, once the wedding was behind them, she’d tell him what was in her heart. Now was not the time.

Slowly she drew back.

His eyes were still closed. “Mm.” When he opened them his gaze held heat but something more, something deeper. “What was that for?”

“For luck.”

“I don’t need luck. I have you.” He gave her a soft smile. “Let’s go.”

Once they were on their way, she glanced over at him. “What are you and your brothers doing to get ready today? I mean, besides putting on your outfits.”

“Ryker and Zane are meeting with the photographer to finalize the timing of the group shots. While they’re doing that, the rest of us will inspect the venue and make sure everything’s set up and working.”

“Will you be the one checking the sound system?”

“Yes, ma’am. It’ll be perfect when you get up there. Everything will be. Ryker’s on top of the details, so for the most part we’ll spend the day keeping Zane calm.”

She laughed. “How will you do that?

“Oh, we’ll play some poker and tell some jokes. Really it’s just all being together that’ll do the trick.”

“Sounds nice.” She turned into the parking lot of the Guzzling Grizzly. It was empty except for Bryce’s truck and another one she didn’t recognize parked nearby. Why would someone be here? The GG was closed until tomorrow.

“It is nice. The older we get the more we appreciate—hang on. No, it can’t be.” There was a note of panic in his voice.

“What? What’s wrong?”

“That truck. Damned if it doesn’t look like…” He sucked in a breath. “It is. Shit.”


“Charity’s truck.”

Her heart slammed against her ribs. “Are you sure? Maybe it only looks

“That’s hers.” He swallowed. “Bumper sticker and all.”

Nicole glanced at the faded sticker. Save a horse. Ride a cowboy. Her stomach rolled. “What are you going to do?”

“Deal with it.” His chest heaved.

“Do you want me to…” She trailed off, not sure what to offer.

“No. My circus. My monkeys.”


He opened his door. “You need to get going.”

“I won’t just leave you.”

He glanced at her. He looked dazed, as if someone had flashed a bright light in his face. “Go.” He climbed out.


Go.” And he closed the door.

A woman emerged from the truck. Shorter than Nicole. Boots, jeans, t-shirt. Good figure. Straight brown hair that hung to the middle of her back. Straw cowboy hat.

Bryce walked toward Charity, his body taut, as if braced for a blow. Nicole gripped the door handle. She couldn’t just leave. He needed backup.

If she stepped in, she’d be late. She’d cause stress for Mandy, who’d trusted her to be there.

Bryce stopped a few feet from Charity. She said something to him. He hesitated, and then with a stiff nod, he gestured toward the entrance to the GG.

Stomach tight, Nicole stayed in the truck as he unlocked the door and held it for Charity. So wrong. Like he’d invited a rattlesnake inside. On the worst of all possible days.

Charity couldn’t have known. Or maybe she did. She must have had some inside info or she wouldn’t have parked her truck at the GG. Bryce hadn’t lived there a year ago.

Nicole gulped down panic. She wasn’t the right person to be his backup, but there was someone who would know what to do. She stepped on the gas.

Jo’s condo was a chaotic whirl of laughter and pop music. Dresses hung from the tops of open doors and bowls of snacks and cans of soda sat on every surface. Members of the bridal party were dressed in bathrobes, while the three Whine and Cheese ladies who weren’t in the ceremony bustled about with fresh drinks and makeup suggestions. Everyone greeted Nicole with enthusiasm and offers of food.

Where the hell was Kendra? Nicole managed a cheerful response as she scanned the room. “So Kendra’s not around?” She parked her small roller bag next to the couch.

“She’ll be here any minute,” Jo said. “She wanted to spend a little mother-son time with Zane. She just texted that she’s on her way.”

“Ah. Hey, I left something in my car. Be right back.” Jogging to the parking lot, she paced the area.

Charity had ambushed Bryce. There was no other word for it. And he’d looked like a deer in the headlights.

Did Charity still have power over him? Would he consider going back to her? Surely not. And yet…he’d loved Charity. Had planned to marry her. What if her reappearance brought those feelings back to the surface? Would he give her a second chance?

And what about his music? He’d worked so hard to rebuild his confidence, to reconnect with the joy of creating. Would Charity’s presence open the old wounds and destroy all that he’d accomplished?

When Kendra pulled in, Nicole hurried over to meet her.

“Hey, Nicole!” Kendra was all smiles as she climbed out of her truck. Then her expression changed. “What’s wrong?”

“Charity’s back.”


She sucked in a breath. “When I dropped Bryce off at the GG, she was there.”

“What the hell?”

“I thought you should know.”

“Thank God you saw her there or neither of us would know!”

“He told me to leave. I didn’t want to, but he was insistent. I stayed long enough to see him invite her inside.”

“Of course he did. He’s not one to back away from a confrontation. And that woman is an expert at manipulating him. Damn. I hate this.” She gazed at Nicole. “He needs support. And I know the best person to give it.” She pulled out her phone.

“Bryce said he’d handle it, but

“Maybe.” She typed quickly. “But just in case, I’ve put Trevor on it.”

Nicole exhaled. At least he wouldn’t face this alone. “Do you think…this might shake him up enough that he’ll stop playing?”

Kendra held her gaze. “I hope not. I’d hate to think that worthless woman could make such an awful thing happen twice.”

* * *

Charity looked the same. He’d forgotten that little mole on her cheek. And the faded scar on her chin where she’d fallen on the playground as a kid. The past eleven months collapsed, as if he could pull her into his arms and pick up where they’d left off.

The empty room was silent except for the steady drip of the bar faucet he kept meaning to fix. Then the motor on the industrial sized refrigerator in the kitchen clicked on.

Charity moved toward him and slid a hand up his chest. “Miss me?”

Same pale pink lipstick. He swallowed and stepped back. “Not anymore.” Gotta get ready. Zane’s wedding.

“Then you did miss me.”

His ears buzzed. “Listen, I

“I missed you, Bryce, baby.” She moved closer. “Like crazy.”

He retreated. “Don’t.”

“Don’t what?”

“Keep coming at me. I have to…I’m going upstairs.”


“Zane’s wedding. I need a shower.” Handle this, McGavin. Give it to her straight. “Then we’ll talk.”

“We can talk upstairs.” Her brown eyes darkened. “Or have fun in the shower.”

“No.” A wave of nausea hit him.

“Then we’ll just talk.”

“Yeah, okay.” Jaw tight, he headed for the stairs.

“I made a mistake, leaving you.”

Words he used to long for. He started up.

She followed. “But I’ve realized we belong together.”

“We don’t.”

“Of course we do.”

Broken dreams. His chest hurt as if he’d taken a beating. He reached the landing.

“You gave up your music when I left.”

He stiffened. “You knew?”

“I heard.”


“A couple of weeks after I left.”

He shuddered as his last illusion exploded.

“If you gave up your music, that proves that I’m

He spun to face her. “Uncaring?”

“I cared! I just

“I lost my music and you didn’t come running?”

“I went a little crazy, okay? But I cared! I still

“Bullshit!” Breathing hard, he turned away. Get a grip. This only makes it harder. He walked into his bathroom and pulled out a can of shaving cream. “You’d better…wait downstairs.”

“I’d rather stay here.” She leaned in the doorway watching him the way she had so many times when they’d lived together.

He lathered up and grabbed his razor. Hell, he was shaking like a damned leaf.

“Give me a chance, baby. I’ll make it up to you.”

“You can’t.” He nicked his chin, snatched a hand towel and wiped away the blood. More blood. Damn it.

“You cut yourself.”

“Never mind.”

She moved into the bathroom. “Let me

“Never mind!” He whirled on her. “Get out!”

“Okay, okay.” She backed out of the bathroom.

He shut the door. After finishing his shave without slicing himself again, he showered and dried off. It was quiet in the apartment. Had she left? Might be too much to hope for.

He hadn’t brought any clean clothes in with him so he secured a towel around his hips and stepped out of the bathroom.

“My favorite outfit.” She lay on his bed without a stitch on. “Come on over here, cowboy. Let’s kiss and make up.”

At the sight of her lying on the same bed where he’d made glorious love to Nicole, something snapped. “Get up.”

“Why?” She stretched. “I’m so

“Put your clothes on, Charity. Now.”

She sat up. “You’re upset.”

“Oh, I’m way past upset. I want you gone.”

Her eyes glistened with tears. “You’re right to be angry, but

“Get dressed.” He gathered her clothes off the floor and tossed them on the bed.


“I said, get dressed.”

She stood and began putting on her clothes. “Okay, so maybe you’re not ready for sex, yet. But we can work this out.”

Arms crossed, he regarded her silently. What had he ever seen in her?

“Bryce, please.” She finished buttoning her blouse and turned to him, crocodile tears streaming down her cheeks. “We’re so right for each other. I love you.”

Quite a performance. He didn’t believe a word of it. “We were never right for each other.”

“Of course we are!”

“No, we’re not. But I’ve found someone who is right for me. Someone I—” He caught himself before he told Charity something he’d never told Nicole.

“The woman who dropped you off?”

“Yes. She’s amazing. All I could ever want or need.”

“Ha! I doubt that. Who is she? Never mind. I’ll find out. I’ll have a little talk with her and let her know who’s back in town.”

An icy calm settled over him. “I wouldn’t advise it.”

She blinked.

“I mean it. Leave. Her. Alone.”

She retreated a step. “I’ve…never heard you talk like that.”

“Maybe that’s how I talk now. And I need you to leave. It’s time for me to get ready for a wedding.”

She backed toward the door. “You’ve changed. You used to be a lot nicer.”

He pinned her with a look that could cut glass. “So did you.”

The look did the trick. She turned and hurried down the stairs.

He waited until she’d started her truck’s engine before he took off the towel and quickly dressed. As he headed downstairs, a garment bag over his shoulder, the sound of an engine indicated a truck had pulled into the lot. Damn it! Surely she wouldn’t come back after

“Hey, bro!” Trevor walked through the door. “Was that Charity’s truck I saw speeding through town?”

“Yeah.” Bryce grinned with relief.

“She’ll be lucky if she doesn’t get a ticket. She was driving like her tail was on fire.”

“Good. Why’re you here?”

“Mom texted me. Thought you might need backup. But clearly that’s unnecessary.”

“Clearly.” Bryce clapped him on the shoulder. “Come on. Let’s go to a wedding.”