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A Cowboy's Luck (The McGavin Brothers Book 8) by Vicki Lewis Thompson (10)

Chapter Ten

Michael didn’t let Roxanne take his full weight, but he loved feeling the steady rhythm of her heart as he pressed closer. When his heartbeat slowed to a more normal tempo, so did hers.

He put his lips next to her ear. “Our hearts are beating in time with each other.”

“I know.”

“I don’t want to move.”

“Then don’t.” Her arms tightened around him.

“I mean, like, ever.”

“But if we stay like this forever, then we can’t ever have sex again.” There was a smile in her voice.

“Excellent logic.” He lifted his head to look at her. What a treat. “Your face is all rosy and happy.”

“So is yours.”

“That’s because I enjoyed the heck out of what we just did.” His reaction went deeper than that, but she was skittish and he didn’t want to scare her.

She smiled. “I did, too.”

“I thought so from what I was feeling and hearing. There’s something to be said for the full experience. I’m glad you suggested it.”

Her smile widened. “Thank you for being so willing to go along with the idea.”

“It was a tough call, but as it turns out, the right one.”

“I have my moments.”

“Definitely.” He looked forward to sharing as many of them as she’d allow.

“But I have to ask how you came up with that condom. Where are you hiding them?”

“Under the bed.”

“On the floor?”

“In a drawer. The foundation has drawers. Luckily. I’m a little short on storage space for things like that. Could have tucked them in the bathroom, but that wouldn’t have been as smooth.”

“This was certainly smooth.”

“Thanks. There are more where that one came from. And as you so brilliantly pointed out, if I don’t get my ass out of this bed and freshen up, as the euphemism goes, we won’t be able to use any more.”

“Very true.”

“You did agree to more than once, right?”

“I don’t remember setting a limit at all.”

“Hot damn. I’ll be right back.”

“I expect you will. You don’t have far to go.”

That made him laugh. “Tiny apartments have their advantages.” He left the bed, took two steps and opened the bathroom door. “Need anything while I’m up?”

“Would you please bring me my drink?”

“Be glad to.” He disposed of the condom and washed up. When he came out, Roxanne was sitting with a couple of pillows propped behind her. She’d drawn the covers as far as her waist.

But she hadn’t felt the need to pull them over her breasts. She didn’t glance away from his full-frontal nudity, either. Instead she gave him an appreciative once-over and smiled. “You’re gorgeous.”

“Thanks. So are you.”

“I took a nude drawing class in college. If the model had looked like you, I might have earned a higher grade.”

Although he wasn’t vain about his body, he didn’t mind hearing that. “Do you still draw?”

“Not often. You might inspire me to start.”

“I’d be glad to get naked for you anytime. For any reason.” He liked the uninhibited direction this night was taking. “I’ll get your drink. Think I’ll join you with a beer.” He walked toward the kitchen. “You hungry?”

“Now that you mention it. What’ve you got?”

“I’ll look.” He opened the refrigerator and peered inside. Other than her drink and three bottles of beer, not much there. “Some cheddar cheese. Green olives. I’ll check the cupboards. I might have

“I’ll help.”

He turned and she was right there, in all her glory. Closing the refrigerator door, he pulled her into his arms. “Well, hello, fantasy.”

“What fantasy is that?”

“A beautiful naked woman in my kitchen.” He cupped her warm bottom and drew her closer to his increasingly excited bad boy. “The possibilities are endless.”

She laughed. “Endless might be stretching it. This isn’t a very big kitchen.”

“Big enough.” Tightening his hold, he lifted her to the only counter space he had.

“Hey. I thought we were getting snacks.”

“We are.” Since he hardly ever used the kitchen, the counter was conveniently empty. “Oh, look. I just found a couple right here, staring me in the face.” He cradled one of her breasts in each hand.

Her breathing quickened. “You’re insane.”

“And you like it. I can tell.”

“Heaven help me, I do.” She gasped as he leaned down and drew one tight nipple into his mouth.

He licked, nibbled and sucked until she began to whimper and shift restlessly on the counter. The sensual pleasure of playing with her breasts exacted a toll on his privates. No matter. He’d take care of that problem soon. But first

Parting her thighs, he scooted her to the edge of the counter before kneeling and savoring an even more delicious delicacy. She came undone fast, which was a good thing. He was on the brink, too.

She clutched his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his hips as he carried her back to the bed and tumbled with her to the wide mattress. Bless this small apartment where the bed was always just steps away.

Condom located. Condom on. With a groan, he buried his aching cock in her heat and began to pump. She dug her fingers into his backside and lifted to meet him, making each connection sing.

He gulped for air. “Can you come again?”

Yes.” She sounded happy, so happy.

He bore down, and she launched that rocket, taking him with her in a shout of pure joy.

When she could breathe again, she looked at him and started giggling. “That was so much fun!”

He grinned. “Glad you liked it.” That sparkle in her eyes was great to see. If she still thought she could dial it back after spending a carefree, sensual night together, she had another think coming. “Still want that drink and some snacks?”

“Now more than ever. I’ve worked up an appetite.”

“Then let’s do it. You’re welcome to go ahead and rummage in the kitchen while I take care of the condom. I think I have some chips in the cupboard.”

“I can wait for you. I mean, it’s your kitchen. Your stuff.”

“What’s mine is yours.” He gave her a quick kiss and eased away from her. “And yes, that was a sexual reference, but it can apply to the stuff in the apartment, too.”

“Then I’ll go rummage.”

“Good.” He went into the bathroom. The click of cupboard doors opening and the crackle of a chips bag were cozy sounds. He didn’t mind living alone, but having someone share the space with him was nice, too. Especially a woman with long black hair and big brown eyes.

It was way too soon to predict they’d end up together, but every minute spent with her made it seem like a real possibility. He’d never had that sense of inevitability with anyone before. Being with her just worked.

This time when he walked into the kitchen he couldn’t resist stroking her back and kissing her cheek, but he reined in the impulse to take it beyond that. If they ever moved in together, he’d have to control those urges or they’d never get anything done.

Clothes would help, but he loved, purely loved, the concept of ditching them when they were alone. They’d live as if they were on a desert island where no modesty rules applied. Considering how easily she’d adapted tonight, she might be fine with that.

She’d located the chips and a bag of mixed nuts. He sliced some cheese on a small plate and put the olives in a bowl.

“I think that’s about all that’s available.” He took a beer out of the fridge and handed her the Butterscotch Mocha. “We could sit at the table, but that’s boring.”

“You don’t mind if we eat chips in your bed?”

“I do it all the time. I just brush out the crumbs later.”

“Then we have a plan. I’ll take the chips, nuts and my drink if you’ll bring the rest.”

He twisted the cap off his beer and put it in the trash. “After you.”

She started back toward the bed. “There’s a certain elegance about living in such a small space.”

“Dominated by a big mattress.”

“But what more do you need? I noticed your TV is positioned so you can watch it from there.” She tossed the unopened bag of chips and the can of nuts to the far side of the bed before climbing in carefully with her drink.

“That was the idea. I hardly ever turn it on. Did you want to see something?”

“I’d rather look at you.”

“I’d be a fool to argue with that statement. Thank you kindly.”

Thank you kindly. Bet you picked that up since you’ve been here.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“That, too.”

“I like the way people talk in this part of the country. There’s a friendliness to it.” He handed her the bowl of olives. “If you could please hold these, I’ll climb in and join you.”

“I will, but it’ll be a miracle if we don’t spill something.”

“Now that’s where you’re wrong. I may have been a little sloppy last night when you came by the bar, but this job has improved my coordination considerably. I’ve become a ninja at handling food and drink under challenging circumstances.”

“You probably have. It’s me I’m worried about. I’m not used to having a picnic in bed.”

“Stick with me, kid.” He maneuvered onto the mattress while holding the beer and the plate of sliced cheese. He set the plate down. “You’ll get the hang of it. I’ll take the olives, now.” He put the bowl next to the cheese. “See? Everything’s under control.”

“What about after I drink this Butterscotch Mocha that you warned me about?”

“I’ll monitor that situation. Like I said, I’m a professional. I have experience with that sort of thing. You couldn’t be any safer than with me in this bed.”

She gave him a smile. “I believe you on that score. But now I’m really curious to see how it will affect me on top of the first one.” She knocked it back.

“Ah, a daredevil.”

“Not really.” She handed him the empty glass and opened the chip bag. “Just the opposite. I’m usually very cautious.” She set the chips between them.

“I’m getting that. Why do you think that is?”

“My dad. I take after him. He’s very cautious. Thinks things through before he makes a move.”

“What about your mom? Are you at all like her?”

“Dad says I’m the spitting image of her. He has some old pictures and I can see it. I don’t remember much about her, though. I was only three when she died.”

“Tough situation.”

“For my dad, yes. For Pete, too. He was eight and old for his age. Gage was five and I think he was affected quite a bit, too. He won’t talk about it, so that tells me something.”

“What does he do, again?”

“This and that. Rodeo, dude ranches, always on the move. He hasn’t found his place.”

“That can’t feel good.” He treasured every scrap of information because it helped him understand her.

“I’m sure it doesn’t feel good.” She munched on some of the mixed nuts. “Of the four kids, Wes and I suffered the least. Somehow he got it into his head that he should look out for me. My theory is that it helped him cope.”


“That reminds me. I keep forgetting to text him.”

“About what?”

“Nothing earth-shattering. We just keep in touch, usually on a daily basis. I’m falling behind.”

“Want to do it now?”

“No. Now’s not a good time. What I’d really like, if you’d be willing, but no obligation whatsoever…”


“To put the food on the floor and make love to me.”

He gazed into her eyes, which were slightly unfocused. “You’re toasted.”

“I do believe I am, a little bit. You were right about the Butterscotch Mocha. It has a kick to it.”

“Sorry you drank it?”

“Not at all. I’m mellow and loose. I feel like having happy sex again.”

“Then we’ll do that.” He began moving everything to the floor.

“Only one other man has ever seen me toasted.”


“My brother Wes, because I trust him completely.”

His throat tightened. “You can trust me, too.” He gathered her close. “I promise you can trust me, Roxanne.”