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A Fake: A Pretend Girlfriend Billionaire Romance by Charlotte Byrd (28)


When you meet a brooding stranger…

This time the living room is filled with people. Really attractive people. Men in their twenties and early thirties are crowding around the bar. Others are sitting in leather chairs and on the couch. Beautiful women walk around with cocktails in their hands as if they own the place. Many are already coupled up – sitting close to each other with their legs pointing toward their partners.  

Caroline heads straight to the bar and orders us two martinis. I’m happy to have a drink to relax me. Liquid courage, so to speak.  

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot one man sitting all by himself. He’s one of the most attractive guys here. But it’s the serious, brooding look on his face that really makes him stand out. I wonder if maybe one of his friends dragged him here as well. I take two big sips of my martini.  

Following Caroline’s lead, I take a seat at one of the bar stools. She has a way of positioning herself in such a way that she’s half facing the room. This way, she can talk to me and still let any any interested parties out there know that it’s okay to approach. Two guys quickly take the bait.  

No cheesy pickup lines here. Just straight out introductions. Ben is the taller one with honey blonde hair and grey eyes. He’s the one who seems more interested in me. Alex’s deep blue eyes are glued to Caroline.  

Within a few minutes, we find out that they are both finance bros – investment bankers who work on Wall Street. Ben went to Brown and Alex to Dartmouth. They found out about the party pretty much the same way that Caroline did. Someone in a secret society talked who shouldn’t have. I don’t know whether the person was from the Cicada 17 or not

“At first, we didn’t know if this was a girl-only party,” Alex says. “But as we found out more and more about it, we realized that it was just an awesome party.” 

“Our boss, Logan, has been to one of these events, but no matter how much we pushed, he would not tell us a thing about it,” Ben boasted. “Except that there’s a masquerade ball.”  

“Masquerade ball?” I ask.  

“Yes, apparently only some of us from today will be invited to stay for the main attraction. But, honestly, I heard so many rumors about this place, who the hell knows which ones are true, right?” Ben says and we all laugh.  

Caroline laughs the loudest, tossing her hair from one side to the other. Neither Ben nor Alex can seem to pull their eyes off her.  

And then, the hair on the back of my neck stands up. I’m facing the bar, away from the rest of the room. But I can’t help but feel someone look at me. From behind. Slowly, I turn on the barstool and look around.  

His dark piercing eyes stare at me from across the room. He’s dressed in an elegant expensive suit. It’s exquisitely tailored for his long lean body. His hair is thick, the color of dark chocolate.  

The man sits back in his plush chair at the far end of the room. He’s the only one not mingling or laughing. Not even smiling.  

His eyes meet mine and don’t let go. After a few moments, I get so uncomfortable, I can’t bear to hold his gaze anymore. And yet, he maintains his with grace and ease.  

“Who’s that?” I ask, turning away from him. “Don’t look now,” I add, but it’s too late.  

Ben, Alex, and Caroline all look over at the stranger at the same time. My cheeks flush in embarrassment.  

“I don’ know,” they all shrug and say almost simultaneously.  

The three of them don’t seem to be very concerned with the serious look on the stranger’s face and quickly go back to chatting among themselves. But I can’t look away. There’s something that’s pulling me toward him.  

His eyes – are brilliant and deep – the color of the ocean – and they mesmerize me. I look over again, watch him watching me, and then look away. His gaze is disarming, it makes me feel naked and exposed, and I cannot hold it for long. And yet, I yearn to look at him again.  

“If you’re so interested in that guy, why don’t you just go over and talk to him,” Caroline says, finishing her drink.  

The thought of that sends shivers down my body.  

“I can’t just go over there…And say what?” 

“Tell him your name and ask him how he got here,” she says with a casual shrug. “This isn’t like in a bar. You have the perfect pickup line all ready and set to go.” 

“No, I can’t,” I shake my head and order another martini. More liquid courage is in order.  

“Hi there,” a deep voice startles me.  

Before I have the chance to turn around, I see a big wide smile sweep over Caroline’s face.  

“Well, hello there, stranger. I’m Caroline,” she says extending her hand. “This is Ben, Alex, and Ellie.” 

How can she do that? Be so casual and confident. Does nothing faze her? I take a deep breath and look up. It’s him. The guy from the plush chair. The lonely stranger. I know that it’s him before even turning around.  

When I finally do turn, my gaze lands on his broad shoulders and the thick weave of his pristine suit. My eyes slowly pan up to his face.  

Strong square jaw.  

Confident nose.  

Tan skin.  

Hair so thick and gorgeous that it’s begging to be stroked.  

And those eyes….ahhh!  

“I’m Blake Garrison,” he says quietly. My heart skips a beat. The top of his lips curl up into half a smile. They are lush and shiny. When he licks his lips, my heart skips another beat.  

“So, what brings you to the party Blake?” Ben asks.  

“Same as you, I gather,” Blake says and turns his eyes toward me.  

“I was wondering if I could have a word with you,” he says. “In private.” 

Caroline’s eyes get wide

Aren’t we a little unacquainted for private words? I wonder.  

“Um, sure,” I shrug and follow him to the other end of the bar. It’s not exactly private, but we are outside of earshot from the rest of the guests.  

“You shouldn’t be here,” Blake says.  



Each word comes out with great difficulty.  


“You shouldn’t be here,” he repeats himself. This time, the words come out almost robotically.  

“I don’t understand. Why?” 

My eyes search his face for an answer. What could he possibly mean? Suddenly, I notice that his eyes are inspecting my face just as feverishly.  

“I didn’t mean to scare you,” he says quietly. “You just shouldn’t be here.” 

“Why?” I ask. And suddenly, my moment of fear morphs into anger. Who the hell does he think he is telling me where I should and shouldn’t be?  

“Because you don’t belong here,” he says. His eyes suddenly become overcome with sadness.  

But I’ve had enough of his cryptic games.  

“And you would know that, how exactly?” I ask. The question is rhetorical. I don’t wait for an answer. Instead, I walk away.  

“Ellie!” he hisses. But I don’t turn around. Instead, I walk over to Caroline and take her arm.  

“Are you okay?” she asks.  

I nod.  

“Let’s have another round of drinks,” I announce. “They’re on me.” 

“The drinks are free, miss,” the bartender reminds me.  

Another version of me would feel bad over the social faux pas, but I just let it go. The martini that I did have is already having an effect and I feel braver and stronger than I had before. Plus, walking away from that rude asshole was a statement. A moment of empowerment.  

“Are you okay?” Caroline asks again. I can tell that she’s sensing that something’s wrong.  

“What did he say to you?” 

“He’s a weirdo,” I announce. “He said that I shouldn’t be here.” 

Caroline shakes her head.  

“Yeah, he just came out and said that out loud. I mean, is it just me, or is that a really rude thing to say?” I add. Caroline shrugs.