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A Good Man (Handymen Series Book 1) by Rosanna Leo (15)











“‘Thak you.’” Emily’s face scrunched up from cuteness overload. “Oh my God, that’s adorable. Michael, you have to frame this.”

“I just might.” In fact, he’d already considered it on the drive home. He’d thought that hearing from the daycare families might just send him over the edge, but he’d been grinning since first seeing the picture. “I might even run out and buy a red cape to match it.”

“I hate to break it to you, but the cape is purple.”

“It’s red, thank you very much. Anyone can see that.” He yanked a laughing Emily away from the stove where she’d been helping him with dinner. “Get over here, woman. I need to check your eyes. You clearly can’t tell the difference between one color and another.”

When he kissed her, she squealed. “Hey, those are my lips, not my eyes.”

“True.” He teased the corner of her mouth with his tongue and cupped her breast. “And these are your breasts.” His hands slid downward. “And these are your hips. Shall we continue your anatomy lesson?”

“You’re an animal.”

His hand strayed between her legs. “And this is your tasty little…”

The timer buzzer went off on the stove.

“My lasagna!” She extricated herself and went over to the stove, throwing on some oven mitts. She opened the oven and pulled out a lasagna so fragrant and juicy Michael almost forgot how much he wanted to taste her body.

As she checked the internal temperature, he scooted behind her and rested his hand on her hip. “Ready for tomorrow?”

“For the reveal? Yeah. I’m nervous too. Having an actual storefront means there’s no going back. I need to do this.”

“Hey.” He turned her around to face him. “Are you having second thoughts? Because it’ll be a while before the show airs, so you’ll have time to get your bearings.”

“I know, I’m just overwhelmed. For so long, From Scratch has been a dream, something I wasn’t sure I could achieve. Now it’s happening and I can’t stop thinking of everything that needs to be done. Sourcing suppliers. Hiring staff. Preparing the product.”

“You can do it, Em. I have faith in you. And I’ll be with you every step of the way. I want to help you make your dreams come true.”

“I’d like that.” She chuckled. “I mean the part about being with me every step of the way. I’d like that a lot, Michael.”

Sweet vulnerability shone in her eyes. He saw so much more than beauty in her face. He saw trust and honesty and devotion. Damn, he swore his heart beat faster every time she looked at him like that. He slid his hands under her shirt hem, unable to resist the allure of her skin, and breathed through the adrenalin rush. “Em, I love you.”

Her lips fell open. “You love me?”

“Hell, yeah. You’re my angel. I don’t ever want a day in my life to pass if you’re not in it.”

“I love you too.” She molded her body against his. “I love you so much.”

His heart really was beating out of his chest, but for the first time, Michael didn’t dread its wild gallop. This was a good solid beat, one that held excitement and hope. He didn’t fear the future any more. He craved it and wanted to experience all life had to offer with Emily.

He knew in that moment he would spend the rest of his life finding ways to make her smile.

She seemed to feel the same way. Kissing him hard, she backed him into the living room, toward the couch. They tumbled there, ripping at each other’s clothes.

“But,” he managed to rasp between kisses, “your lasagna.”

“Screw the lasagna, Michael.” She straddled him on the couch and whipped her blouse over her head. “Just screw the lasagna.”

As she ground down over him, he stopped arguing.




“Emily, are you ready to see your finished store for the first time?”

As the cameras rolled, Michael helped Emily out of the limousine. She took his hand. “God, yes.”

Everyone she knew was gathered and they all clapped wildly as she and her handsome host headed up the walkway. Chris was there with Priya. Her mom and dad were right next to them. A few of her girlfriends and former co-workers stood clustered with members of the Handymen crew.

“As you know, Eli’s been working hard on creating some major curb appeal. Eli, tell Emily what you’ve done.”

Eli stepped forward and spoke into the camera. “Emily’s store is part of a busy retail area. We wanted to make it pop. In retail, customers make impressions based on what they see. With From Scratch, we needed to convey a feeling of warmth and nostalgia, much like Emily’s soups. We paved over the old front lawn and gave it a clean, classic look with grey tumble stone. It’s fresh and easy to maintain. Most of all, it’s accessible.” He grinned at Emily. “Of course no store is complete without proper signage. Take it away, Michael.”

Emily’s throat constricted with excitement. The men had draped a cloth over the store sign.

“Check out your sign.” He grabbed a cord and the drapery fell to the ground.

Her hand flew to her mouth. Although she knew the sign had been professionally printed, it looked hand-written with its scrolling font. From Scratch stood out on a red and green background, a clear nod to her Italian heritage. A smaller, second sign hung directly below it, advertising Organic soups, spices and more. “I love it.”

“There’s more, but before we take you inside the store, we’re going to show you the deck and party area in back.”

“I have a party area?”

Michael grabbed her hand and led the group to the backyard by the side gate. When he opened the gate, her jaw dropped.

Nick stood there, beaming. “Get over here, Emily.”

She raced up the wooden steps and stood next to him, unable to close her gaping mouth. Not only had he given her the deck of her dreams with a built-in fire pit and planters, he’d added a pergola. Overhead lights were hidden in the pergola and were sunken in the stair treads.

He grabbed her hand. “Just because this is a small space doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun with it. Now, not only do you have a place to relax on your off-time, you have an attractive spot to entertain customers for events…or to offer a drink to your favorite deck contractor.”

“You are all getting drinks and soup. For life.”

“Before the party starts,” said Michael. “Let’s go inside.” He led her back to the front of the store. “Close your eyes, Em.”

There was shuffling as he took her inside and as the camera crew readjusted their vantage points. Emily was just about to peek from between her fingers when Michael whispered in her ears. “Don’t you dare.”

“Okay, okay.”

Lacey readied the crew and gave him his cue.

“Em.” Michael’s voice boomed with pride. “You can open your eyes now.”

Seeing it all come together brought tears to her eyes. The store area was even better than she’d imagined after meeting Michael the first time. Built-in pantry shelving held containers of her colorful soup mixes. Each shelf had its own label, echoing her various flavors such as Spicy Thai and Nonna’s Minestrone. Open-concept, the room was inviting and looked larger than it ever had in Nonna’s time. Emily couldn’t even remember where the old wall used to be. Bistro-style seating was available to those who wished to eat in or grab a coffee while they waited for an order. She could see right through to the spacious kitchen. Although the kitchen was meant for preparing her recipes and doing her work, Michael had taken care to make it as nice a kitchen as any homeowner would want. With a neutral backsplash and calming shades of dove grey and white, it gleamed. They had furnished her with new stainless steel appliances but next to the vintage fittings and bronze taps, they had a retro appeal. It was a kitchen to make an Italian nonna proud.

On the wall hung the ladder Michael had salvaged for her family photos. Nonna Olivia smiled in approval.

“Michael,” Emily said through her tears. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

He gave her a hug and lifted her off the floor. “Welcome home, Em.”

Everyone applauded and Emily ran around hugging and kissing members of the crew. Even Lacey patted her on the back.

When the cameras stopped rolling, Michael pulled her into his arms. “Are you happy?”

“Yes,” she almost shouted. “Are you crazy? My store rocks! I love it. Thank you so much.”

He stroked a finger along her chin, tipping up her head. “I have one more surprise for you.” He retrieved a paper from his pocket.

Emily recognized it immediately from the tear and the crumpled texture. It was the invitation to the reception at Toronto Police Services. “Michael, you didn’t…”

“I did. I called and accepted the invitation.” He breathed in and out. “How would you feel about attending this shindig with me on September 18? It looks pretty fancy. There might even be a shrimp ring.”

She burst into laughter. “For you, I’d go even if there wasn’t a shrimp ring.”

“I’ll have to wear a suit. I can’t remember the last time I wore one of those.”

“It’s a date. There’s no way I’m missing you in a nice suit. That’ll fuel my fantasies for the next ten years.”

“Oh, yeah? There’s an old tux at the back of my closet. I may just dust that off tonight.”

Someone from the crew handed them both glasses of champagne.

“It’s official.” She clinked her glass against his. “This day just gets better and better.”




September 18


“In my role, I often hear stories of incredible heroism and dedication.” Toronto Police Chief Ed Witherspoon nodded toward each of the evening’s honorees. “Some of my favorite moments have involved hearing stories of community engagement, of civilians helping those in need. My colleagues on the force understand what it means to lay one’s life on the line. We do it every day. When civilians put themselves at risk in order to assist others, the community stands up and takes notice and so do we.”

Emily squeezed Michael’s hand. He squeezed hers in return but his gaze was glued to the podium. His nostrils flared as he breathed in and out. She knew this entire event was a trigger for him, but he was managing it well. He’d already shaken hands with attendees who’d spotted him as they waited for the presentation to start. Now he’d have to stand in front of them all, including the various reporters, and receive his award.

He certainly looked the part of an award winner. She’d never seen Michael quite so smooth and slick. Wearing a dark grey suit and a black shirt, he looked more like a bank executive than a contractor. He’d shaved, so close she couldn’t see a hint of shadow, and she’d had fun on the car drive over, caressing his chin.

She glimpsed dark circles under his eyes but no one else would see them. He’d had a bad time the previous evening and had had his worst nightmare in months. However, she’d been there for him and they’d gotten through it.

They hadn’t spent a night apart in months and she didn’t care to ever spend another away from him. She’d long since sold her condo and had moved into the Kingsway house, although Michael constantly teased her about “using him for his bathroom.”

Chief Witherspoon began to call names and welcomed honorees to the stage one by one, saying a few words about each. With every award, Michael’s grip on her hand tightened. It didn’t hurt, so she didn’t mind.

He looked down at one point. “Ah, shit,” he whispered. “I’m crushing your hand. I’m sorry, Em.”

“It’s okay. I don’t need that one.”

“And now,” the Chief continued, “a man whose heroism and selflessness has made him a hero in his community. I hear he can build a pretty good house too.”

When everyone laughed, Emily was relieved to see Michael did too.

“Michael Zorn faced grave danger, subduing a man who was armed, one who had already taken a life. Forsaking his own safety, he rescued a group of children when they were trapped inside their daycare with the assailant. I know a dozen families who are very thankful for this hero. Please welcome Michael Zorn to the stage.”

Emily gave him a quick hug. He stood, calm and noble, and walked toward the podium. He took his spot next to Chief Witherspoon, who shook his hand heartily and said something away from the microphone. Michael smiled as the Chief presented him with a plaque and he stood next to the other honorees so the reporters could take pictures.

Emily met his gaze. He smiled and nodded.

A lady sitting next to her leaned over and whispered. “Your husband is so handsome, dear.”

“Oh, he’s not my—” She cut herself off. What did it matter if the woman thought they were married? “Thank you. He is handsome, isn’t he?”

“And such a hero.”

Emily smiled at Michael. “He’s definitely my hero.”




“You were awesome today.”

“Thank you. You were pretty awesome yourself.” Michael twirled Emily around the dance floor. “Did I tell you how incredible you look in that dress?”

“You did, about seven times.” She winked. “But keep it coming.”

Because they were already dressed up, he’d suggested they take a spin at a nearby supper club. Emily had quirked her head in surprise. He had never struck her as a supper club kind of guy. However, he’d expressed an interest and she figured they could use a release after the fraught emotions of the day. The place had a retro vibe, with a jazz band and waiters and waitresses in 1940’s-style costumes. It made for a nice change.

The last couple of months had been a whirlwind of activity with Michael doing more shows and Emily’s business taking off. From Scratch was a hit in the Little Italy community and she had people placing soup orders from all around the city. She’d been featured on a local morning news show and since then, it seemed the bell at her front door was always tinkling. She’d hired some great people and had even started teaching one of them her recipes.

As the band transitioned into a ballad, she rested her head on Michael’s shoulder. They swayed, caught up in the moment and in each other. His hand was firm at her back and he guided her across the floor as if he’d been born to it.

“I never knew you were such a good dancer. You’re full of surprises.”

“Oh yeah?” Michael’s lips traced the shell of her ear. “You like my moves?”

“I do.”

“There’s one I’ve been practicing.”

When he stepped back and reached into his jacket pocket, her pulse began to race. She couldn’t help it. He looked so devastating in that suit and his face was love of love and hope.

He went down on bended knee, right in the middle of the dance floor. The band conductor put a stop to the music and turned to Michael, grinning, his baton lowered. Michael produced a velvet box and opened it. Inside was the loveliest ring she’d ever seen. Diamonds sparkled from the vintage band.

“Oh, my God…”

“Emily.” He took her hand. “You know I love you. You have been my strength and my happiness. When I look at you, I see everything that’s good in the world. With you, I find my peace. I won’t be happy unless I can spend the rest of my life making you happy. Please say you’ll marry me.”

“Yes.” She didn’t stop to consider a single thing. She didn’t need to take a closer look at the ring. She knew. “Yes, yes, yes.”

“I’m sorry,” he deadpanned as he stood, his hand at his ear. “I couldn’t quite hear you. Was that a yes?”

“It’s a yes, you bum. Now get over here and kiss me!”

Michael drew her into his embrace and kissed her hard, so hard her lipstick would be smudged for days to come. The band started to play “The Wedding March” and everyone in the club cheered. They were still kissing minutes later when other couples began to dance around them and the band had resumed its normal play list.

“Now,” he said, gazing at her through hooded eyes. “Can you please stop groping me long enough for me to get this ring on you?”

She extended her hand. “Put it on.”

He slid it onto her finger. “I hope you like it. It took me a month to find the right one.”

“It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”

“I’m not perfect, Em.”

“You are for me and I love you.”

“I love you too, Dimples. You’ve made me so happy.” He cast a glance around the dance floor. “Now I think if we play our cards right, we can probably milk this thing and get free drinks from these people all night long. Or, if you prefer, we can go home now and I can spend the rest of the night worshipping your sexy body. What do you say?”

“Um, Monty, I’d like to pick curtain number two, please.”

“I knew I liked you. Let’s go home.”

Emily couldn’t stop smiling as he grabbed her hand, led her back to their table, and retrieved their things. She didn’t stop smiling when he led her out of the club and toward the parking lot.

Michael might not realize it, but she’d found her home the moment they met at Nonna’s place.








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