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A Perfect Storm by Lori Foster (25)

SPENCER SAT IN A PLASTIC CHAIR, coffee cooling in front of him, Jackson pacing back and forth around him.

Dare and Trace were busy wrapping up everything with Quin and Joel—because they insisted on it, and even the official in charge of the elite task force didn’t try to dissuade them.

They would, supposedly, keep a low profile—if you could call maiming guards and shooting a thug in the chest a low profile. But they would also ensure that it was handled to their satisfaction.


They had such power—and Arizona was now a part of that.

They wanted him to be a part of it, too. It’d mean relocating for the sake of anonymity. It’d mean starting over, burying the past for good.

Moving on with his life.

Moving on with Arizona…if she’d have him.

Spencer rubbed his face. Arizona had only been away from them for an hour or so—long enough for the docs to examine her and run some tests—but it still worried him.

Knowing her, she could sneak out. Again.

She could refuse medical attention. She wasn’t dumb, but she did seem to think herself invincible.

Or disposable.

She could—

“Stop it, damn it.” Harried, his blond hair standing on end, Jackson snarled, “You’re stressing me out.”

Slowly lifting his brows, Spencer looked up at Jackson. “I haven’t done a thing.”

“You’re brooding.” Jackson dropped down beside him, his mood black, his expression fierce. “Jesus, what is taking so long?”

Spencer eyed him with disgust. “You’re going to be miserable when Alani gives birth. You know that, right?”

“Just…shut up.” He got up to pace again.

Spencer joined him.

“If she was a guy…” Jackson said.

That deserved a short laugh. “Then I probably wouldn’t be here.”

“Well…yeah.” He suddenly grinned. “She really proved herself, didn’t she?”

“I’m thinking that was the point.”

“I hate it when Chris is right.” Jackson jammed his hands, palms out, into his back pockets. “He’s never going to let us live it down.”

Spencer rolled his shoulders. He still wanted to take Joel apart, but more than that, he wanted to show Arizona how important she was to him.

“What are we going to do?” Jackson asked.

We? “I want her back,” Spencer said, distracted with his thoughts.

“Oh, really?”

That got him focused real quick. “I’m getting her back,” he amended, challenging Jackson with a look. “And I’m keeping her.” God, he made her sound like a pet. He manned up, stared at Jackson, and said, “I love her.”

“Is that supposed to be news to me?”

Nonplussed, Spencer shrugged. Hell, it was sort of news to him. “I’m just saying.”

“Yeah, so why tell me?”

“Hell if I know,” he muttered and rubbed his face again. “The best we can hope for is to know where she’s at and what she’s doing. If we try to shut her down—”

“She’ll just move on to another cluster-fuck.” Jackson went to look out the window at the boring parking lot. “Alone.”

Spencer couldn’t bear that thought. “At least if she’s working with you—and I don’t mean computer work—I can partner with her. That’s what she wants anyway.” Partners, in more ways than one—though Arizona might not know that yet.

Jackson lifted a brow. “She said that?”

“Yes.” Back when he’d been too arrogant to listen. Back when he thought he’d somehow help her along…and out of his life. “We can keep tabs on her. We’ll know who’s involved.”

Nodding, Jackson said low, “She won’t fall off the radar again.”

Knowing he had no choice, Spencer drew in a deep breath. “It’s the only solution, because I don’t think Arizona is capable of taking a passive role.”

“She can’t, any more than I can,” Jackson said, and then he added, “Any more than any of us can.”

“That’s about it.”

“Hell…I guess she’s in.”

His quick agreement surprised Spencer. “You don’t need to discuss it with Dare and Trace?”

Jackson turned to laugh at him. “No. They’ve just been waiting for us to get resigned to it. They figured it the same way you did—keep her close, work with her…”

“Accept her and love her.” Spencer smiled. “I intend to do just that.”

The doctor came out to greet them, and he was smiling but frazzled. Yup, Arizona could do that to you.

She was an exciting, unpredictable, sexy and precious woman.

And whether she knew it yet or not, she was his.

* * *

SHE HAD HER JEANS back on but unfastened, when Spencer came around the curtain. She wrinkled her nose at him. “Stupid bandages on my hands. I told the doc I didn’t need to be all trussed up, but he wouldn’t listen.”

Without a word Spencer brushed her hands away and fastened her jeans for her. After brushing the backs of his fingers over her belly, he smoothed down her T-shirt. “You’ll be healed up in time for Jackson’s wedding.”

“Yeah, sure. Told you it’s just superficial.” She rolled a shoulder in dismissal of the little cuts. “No biggie.”

Framing her face in his hands, Spencer bent to kiss her.



Mega nice. But the second he lifted his mouth, she asked, “So what’s going on? What have I missed?” She expected him to protest, and she had her arguments all lined up.

This was her rodeo, so she had a right to know the deets. She’d missed enough already, playing the patient.

Instead, he said, “Jackson is waiting to talk with you, but I wanted to go first. He’s been downright neurotic, waiting to know that you’re okay.”

“Pffft.” Somehow she couldn’t imagine badass Jackson worrying. “Of course I’m fine.”

“Dare and Trace are doing what they do best.”

“Excelling?” she asked with a grin.

He nodded. “Taking charge. Making certain that Joel doesn’t slip through the legal cracks to wreak anymore havoc. They already freed the women from his house, and they’re reuniting Quinto with his sister.”

“Ahhh…man, I wish I could see that.”

“I hear tell Quinto is doing much better, now that he knows his sister is okay. He’s in better shape than you, for sure.” He bent his knees to look her in the eye. “How do you feel?”

He was being reserved and so incredibly cautious. “No worries. I’ll survive.”

Far too somber, his hand smoothed over her head, cupped her cheek again. “You are a survivor, aren’t you?” He brushed her skin with his thumb. “But how do you feel? Head hurting still?”

“It’s bearable.” Man, she felt so tongue-tied. She had no clue where this was going, if anywhere. Sounding like an uncertain sap, she asked, “You hung around to drive me home?”

“If by home, you mean my house, yes. You will come with me, won’t you?”

He still held her face, still stared into her eyes, so serious and so attentive. “I, uh—”

“The doctor said someone will need to watch over you for a while, in case you get dizzy or start throwing up.” He kissed her again. “You need someone to care for you, Arizona, so you don’t overdo it. Let me be the man who does that.”

With him being so tender, her knees felt like noodles. “Yeah, okay, knock yourself out. If you want to play nursemaid, it’s no skin off my—”

A longer, softer kiss quieted her defensive chatter.

When he lifted his head, she felt herself swaying. Get a grip, Arizona. She cleared her throat, more baffled and flustered by the moment. “I—”

“I’m selling my house.”

“You’re what?

Instead of explaining, he pulled her in closer again, tucking her against his chest. “I accepted the job offer. Are you okay with that?”

Joy exploded, making her flinch. “Ow, damn.” A hand to her head, she pushed away from him. “Yeah, I’m okay with it. Shoot, I’m thrilled.” She rubbed her temples.

Spencer caught her wrist and led her to sit on the edge of the hospital bed. “Will you partner with me?”

Agog, she stared at him. Good thing he’d gotten her to sit down before dropping that bomb. “Come again?”

“I’m taking the job with a caveat that you work with me. And I’m selling my house because, as of right now, I’m too well-known in it. Too many trails that lead to too many details.”

“Oh…well, yeah. Maybe.” But his house? He loved that house. Shoot, she loved that house. “All of your wife’s things, I mean, it was your house with her—”

“Shh.” He kissed her forehead, the bridge of her nose. “I figured we could buy new things and put them in a new house. Our house.”

Her stomach bottomed out. “Our…?” She wagged a finger from him to her and back again. “Meaning us?”

He gave a firm nod. “Us. You and me. Partners.” He stepped between her legs and pulled her in against his chest.

He did seem to have a thing about keeping her close. “I love all the stuff your wife put in the house to make it a home.”

“I love you, Arizona.”

Whoa. She struggled out of his tight embrace to look up at him. “Did you get hit in the head, too?”

“No. I woke up and you were gone and I knew I’d been an idiot. But actually, even before that, I knew it. I realized that I’d been trying to…” Self-disgust tightened his mouth. “I wanted to help you get beyond the past.”

“Yeah, and you did. I’ve been making all kinds of progress—shoot, except for getting slugged in the head, I’d be about ready to leap tall buildings in a single bound.”

He didn’t laugh. “If you decided to, I’ve no doubt you could figure out how.”

“Eh…it was a joke, Spence.”

He smiled. “You must be feeling friskier if you’re back to butchering my name.”

“Friskier?” She narrowed her eyes, but not much because that hurt.

The smile widened into a grin. “You are so beautiful.”

“And you’re acting really weird.” Had he really said he loved her? Like, maybe he loved her the same way Jackson did? Only, Jackson hadn’t slept with her. Jackson hadn’t made her melt with wild pleasure. Jackson hadn’t—

“I love you, Arizona. I want to be with you.”

“You mean as…partners, right?” Because really, none of this was making much sense. But she really wanted to work with the guys. It’d be like a dream come true.

“And lovers.”

If he hadn’t been holding her, she might have slid right off the side of the bed. “Seriously?” She had no problem with that. “That’d be awesome! I was sort of hoping, but I didn’t want to push…and then I had to do this thing with Quinto, and I sort of figured that’d queer the deal, ya know? But if you—”

His hand covered her mouth.

“Whether we work with the dynamic trio or not, I want to partner with you.”

“And have sex with me,” she reminded him.

He nodded but added, “In sickness and in health.”

Her eyes flared. No way. That sounded like some sort of…proposal. Not that she knew jackola about proposals. She gave a nervous snicker. “Does that mean…?”

Spencer lifted her chin, bent and kissed her once more. “I thought you were too young for me.”

She snorted. “That is so dumb.”

Another kiss, this one ticklish because he laughed. “God, I need you, Arizona. No, you’re not too young. You’re perfect. For me. And I love you.”

There it was again! Flat-out. And Spencer said it as if he meant it and not in the same way that Jackson said it. “I wasn’t sure—”

“I am. Very sure.” He wrapped her close so that her nose was against his chest, and she breathed in his wonderful scent. “I thought I wanted to help you get beyond a past so tragic, it shredded my heart.”

“You did! I am past it. Mostly anyway.” Spencer deserved full disclosure. “I still have nightmares, probably always will.”

“But from now on, you won’t be alone when you do, because you’ll be with me.”

“Oh. Okay.” Yes, she was forever changed by the past, but she no longer felt wounded, not if… She peeked up at him. “You accept me as I am?”

“I love you as you are. I hope you’ll show more caution, but—”

“I’m always cautious!”

He gave her a stern frown. “No more leaving me notes. No more sneaking off without me.”

“Well, as to that, I had to. I needed you to see that I could handle myself.”

“I figured that out. You’re a woman meant to champion others. And you were pretty amazing.”

No way could she bite back her grin, and she didn’t give a damn if it made her head hurt more. The compliment left her beaming. “Yeah?”

Spencer sighed with fond exasperation. “What I’m trying to say here is that I thought I’d help you, and instead you helped me. You brought me out of the past. Now all I can see is the future.”

Her toes curled, and she squeaked, “With me?”

“Today, tomorrow and for the rest of our lives.”

“That would be…awesome.

His grin came slowly. “You think so?”

Before Spencer, she couldn’t imagine saying the words, but with him, it was pretty damn easy. “Yeah, since, you know, I really love you, too.”

Spencer’s grin widened. She smiled, too, because now that the words were said, she felt totally…free.

Gently, he cupped the back of her neck and kissed her. “Come on, honey. Let’s go home.”

* * *

PROPPED AGAINST A WALL with Dare at his side, Spencer watched as Arizona held the tiny newborn. She looked in awe, and she looked incredibly soft. Like a woman.

His woman.

She would be the most amazing aunt ever.

“Man, Jackson, she’s beautiful.”

Jackson sat beside Arizona, his free arm around her shoulders while his baby girl held on to his pinkie with her tiny hand. “She smells awful good, too, don’t you think?”

Arizona put her nose to the mop of downy soft blond hair and inhaled. “Mmm. Yeah, she does.” She cuddled the baby closer. “We could bottle you up, little girl, and make a fortune.”

Jackson grinned. “She looks like Alani.”

Trace stood behind the couch, leaning down to do his own marveling at the new addition to the family. Alani, who’d only recently finished feeding the baby, was in the other room with Molly and Priss, going through yet more gifts.

Chris came in, fresh from a shower. He pulled on a clean T-shirt and crowded in close to Arizona’s other side. “You have all the right instincts, Arizona.”

Arizona smiled, but when she turned her attention to Chris, it was to say, “You did the background check on the owner of the massage parlor?”

“Yeah. Dare says it’s worth investigating.” He touched the baby’s toes. “Forced labor at the very least, but probably trafficking, too, given the owner’s connections.”

“I’ll go by and check it out,” Trace added. “Do a visual. Get some firsthand evidence if I can.”

“How do you plan to get evidence at a massage parlor?” Jackson asked. “You going to pay for a ‘happy ending’?”

“I already have my happy ending, you ass.”

“Oh, real nice. You don’t want me to curse in front of Alani, but you can do it in front of my daughter?”

“She’s too young to understand.”

The baby stretched, and Arizona said, “Ahhhhh…” in a meltingly sweet voice before looking back at Trace. “You’ll let me know what you find?”

Trace flicked the end of her nose. “You’ll be the first I tell.”


Dare nudged Spencer, disturbing his silent reverie. “Giving you any baby ideas?”

He was so content, so happy, it almost scared him. He and Arizona would move into their newly built home later in the week. She had stacks of family photos ready to decorate the walls.

So far their working arrangement was perfect. It worried him every time she went after a scumbag—but it made her happy, and she was good at it. Really good.

Now that she’d been accepted, she coordinated with the others, which cut down greatly on the risks. And she’d had only a few nightmares; each had quickly faded once they made love.

So with great sincerity, he said, “Whatever Arizona wants.”

Dare smiled. “An attitude like that is liable to get you into trouble.”

That attitude had gotten him everything he never knew he wanted, because as it turned out, all he ever really wanted was Arizona.

* * * * *




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