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A SEAL's Christmas Surprise (A SEAL Team Alpha Novella) by Jennifer Lowery (8)

Chapter 8

Lizzie worked with renewed energy that day. She made extra batches of chocolates, in flavors special to the holiday season like dark chocolate peppermint and eggnog rum spice. The wonderful night she’d had with Michael pasted a permanent smile on her face. Even Gina noticed her light mood, but Lizzie didn’t share the details of the sweet things Michael had done for her. They were hers to keep close to her heart forever.

With only seven days till Christmas the shop was busier than ever. By time Lizzie closed that day she’d sold out of nearly everything in her display case.

Exhausted, she locked up, too tired and achy to do the nightly deposit and shuffled up the stairs to her apartment. Warm Christmas lights and the scent of pine welcomed her. She loved this time of the year. Despite what a wreck her personal life was, she still embraced the holidays.

After a quick bite to eat and a shower, she curled up in her favorite chair with a cup of cocoa and turned on the television. One of her favorite Christmas movies was playing so she pulled the quilt around her and snuggled in to let the aches in her body relax until she had to do it all over again tomorrow.

The sound of glass breaking brought her awake with a start. Momentarily confused she looked around. A new movie was playing on the television and her full cup of cocoa had cooled. She must have fallen asleep.

What had broken? She thought maybe she’d knocked her mug off the table, but it still sat where she’d left it. Picking up the remote, she turned the television off and sat up straight, a frown on her face.

She looked around the apartment looking for the source of the sound and found none.

Something banged below her and she jumped. A chill ran down her spine when she heard more noises come from downstairs. Her shop. It sounded like someone was tearing it apart.

Fear rushed through her. Would they come upstairs next?

Fumbling for her cell phone, she punched in Michael’s number with a shaking hand as the sound of glass breaking made her heart pound. She put her other hand on her belly, as if to shield her baby from harm.

Michael answered on the first ring. “What’s wrong? Is it the baby?”

Just the sound of his voice made her feel less alone and afraid. In a quiet voice, as if they could hear her downstairs, she said, “Michael? Someone is in my shop. I can hear them breaking stuff.”

“I’m on my way. Go into the bathroom and lock the door. Do not open it for anyone except me.”

“Okay,” she whispered, her voice wavering. She’d never been so scared in her life.

“Go. Now. I’m calling the police.”

Lizzie gripped the phone in her hand as she rocked to her feet and hurried for the bathroom. It was the only room in the apartment with a lock on the door.

She did as Michael instructed and perched on the edge of the toilet, trying not to tremble. Her baby didn’t need the stress or anxiety from her fear so she did some relaxation breathing.

Didn’t help.

“It’s going to be all right,” she said quietly to her stomach, rubbing it with both hands. “Michael is on the way. He’ll know what to do.”

For what seemed an eternity she sat there, staring at the door, breathing slowly in and out, waiting for the police and Michael to arrive.

A bang in her living room startled a scream out of her. She clamped a hand over her mouth. Oh, God, they were in her apartment.

Footsteps outside the door.

A loud knock. “Lizzie? It’s me. Open up.”

She let out the breath she’d been holding. Thank God. Michael. Not burglars.

She pushed to her feet and unlocked the door. It flew open and she was in Michael’s arms, shaking like a leaf, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Michael held her, rocked her, stroked her hair. “It’s all right now. You’re safe,” he murmured against her hair. “The police are downstairs. They caught the perps.”

“I was so scared,” she whispered into his chest.

Michael cursed. “I should have been here. I never should have let you stay here alone.”

Lizzie lifted her head, her tears subsiding. “This isn’t your fault.”

Anger clouded his face. “I’m supposed to protect you and our baby.”

Our baby. She wasn’t sure he even realized he’d said it. And she certainly didn’t point it out. “You called the police. You came over when I called. What else could you do?”

His eyes met hers, churning with fury. “You’re moving in with me. My place is bigger. Safer. And, there’s a spare room for the nursery.”

Lizzie’s eyes widened, her tears dried up. She wanted to do it so badly. Just pack up her stuff and move in with him. But, common sense won out. Michael was angry, reacting to the situation, not because he was ready to be a father. Or be in a serious relationship. Did he really think he could live his nonchalant lifestyle with a baby and another woman in the house? It was laughable. And heartbreaking.

A knock on the front door saved her from responding.

“That’s the police,” Michael said. “Come on, you need to sit down. I’ll handle them.”

Take charge Michael was definitely a turn on. He made her feel safe and taken care of. Less worried about things. Which was good for the baby. Not good for her. She couldn’t start relying on him. As easy as it would be, she couldn’t let it happen. He’d made it clear he didn’t want to be part of her or their baby’s life and she needed to accept that. The sooner the better.

He led her into the living room with an arm around her waist. Helped her lower herself into her favorite chair and even tucked her quilt around her. Then he went to answer the door.

Head spinning, Lizzie watched a tall, slender, young officer come in to ask her questions. Michael stood by her side the entire time, a hand on her shoulder. It comforted her more than she dared admit.

After she told the officer what she’d heard and seen he nodded and put his little black notepad away.

“I won’t keep you any longer,” he said. “The good news is you’ve caught a ring of thieves we’ve been chasing for months. They’ve been breaking into businesses to steal cash and anything they can pawn. I’m sorry about the damage to your shop. The perps liked to vandalize the businesses after they rob them. Unfortunate for them, but fortunate for us, that gave them a calling card. Now, we know every crime they committed and can convict on that evidence. You won’t need to testify.”

Lizzie sighed in relief. “So it’s over? I don’t have to worry about it anymore?”

Michael squeezed her shoulder in reassurance.

“No, ma’am. Nothing to worry about. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.”

Michael walked him to the door where they spoke quietly for a moment before the officer left.

“I need to go look at my shop,” she said. “Assess the damage.”

Michael knelt in front of her and took her hand in his. “Babe, it’s trashed. I’ll call the insurance company in the morning and they’ll take care of it. For now, you need to rest. This stress isn’t good for the baby.”

Her temper rose. Who was he to tell her what was good for her baby? He didn’t want to be part of their life. He didn’t care enough.

“Get out of my way, Michael,” she said, pulling her hand away. “You did your civic duty, now go home and leave us alone. We don’t need you.”

He jerked back as if she’d slapped him. Immediately, she regretted the words. Her stupid temper always managed to get her in trouble.


He rose abruptly to his feet, a mask slamming down over his face, hiding his expression. Blocking her out.

“Goodbye, Lizzie,” he said and stormed out of the apartment.

What had she done?

New pain and fear washed through her and Lizzie hung her head and cried.