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A Vampire’s Thirst: Quinn by A K Michaels (4)

Chapter 4

Thorne snorted, shaking his head at Jana who’d perched on the end of one of the sofas while he’d thrown himself into the corner of another. “Dramatic much? I thought you were all cool, calm and collected?”

Quinn joined him, stretching out his legs and resting an arm on the edge of the cream leather. He remained silent, waiting to see what she would say at the same time as trying to ignore the gnawing hunger in his belly that had started again. It sliced through him like a knife sawing painfully from the inside out, but he refused to allow it to show in any way whatsoever, forcing his eyes to focus on Jana as she speared Thorne with a withering glare that had his guard squirming in his seat.

Seconds ticked by while she tormented Thorne with nothing more than her steely eyes until Quinn could stand it no longer . . . or was it the longing for blood that caused him to intervene? He wasn’t quite sure. “Why have you sought me out, Jana? And just what did you mean by your extraordinary statement? I have to agree with Thorne, it sounded a tad melodramatic.”

“Maybe . . . or maybe not.” Jana’s head spun to him, her dark blue eyes boring into his before raking down over his body and back again. “I’m here with a special team, helping them with an assignment, and when I heard you were going to be here . . . the damn penny dropped and I knew you were the one.”

His stomach clenched, agony searing through his entire body, his fangs burning against his gums and threatening to tear free in search of food. Shit. He couldn’t lose control in front of the damn Directive’s Second in Command. That was not happening. She’d have him locked up tight before he could snap his fingers . . . or maybe not. Could he take her? Maybe. She was only a Wolf. He was an ancient. With Thorne there . . . they could take her together, surely?

Quinn snapped his head to the side, shaking it clear of such wild thoughts. What the fuck was he thinking? Treachery. He couldn’t believe the thought had even crossed his damn mind!

“Quinn? Are you all right?” Jana asked, her voice sounded soft, far away . . . had she left the room?

“Q? Shit, Q! Hold on, just hold on!” Thorne’s voice was clearer but not by much . . . had he gone somewhere too?

What was going on?

Pain shot through his head, red hot poker pain. Like lava had been poured inside his skull, the pain was like nothing he’d encountered before. White hot agony shot through him from the head down, down, down . . . all the way until his entire body was encompassed and then it hit; hunger. A thirst so great his fangs erupted, his mouth tore wide open and he searched for the only beating heart nearby. It called to him like a beacon and once he was done with that he could sense so many others below that he was going to feast on. He was going to drink and drink and . . . his body was thrown back violently. Thorne screaming in his face and shoving something into his mouth: food.

The heady aroma of A Positive rammed into his senses, his fangs tearing into the cold plastic and gulping the blood down his throat so fast he barely tasted it before hurling the empty bag away, a roar of frustration breaking free as he demanded. “More! I need more!”

Thorne, or at least he thought it was his friend, placed another, in his hands and that went the way of the previous . . . gone in seconds. His vision a blood-red haze as he sought to sate the raging thirst that burned his insides with a ferocity that appeared to have no end in sight. Another bag was plunged into his hands, and when that was done he demanded another, and another . . . on and on he feasted, until finally, slowly, he began to regain control and he no longer felt like ripping out Jana’s beating heart . . . wait. What the fuck? Did he really just think that?

Was he on the verge of attacking Jana Noskova? He, Quinn Alexander, the master of control and etiquette and a gentleman to boot had seriously thought of draining dry the Second in Command of the Directive?

Quinn shook his head, looked down at the many discarded donor bags, and then rose to pace the room. His mind a jumbled mess of thoughts, mainly how he was going to explain the meltdown he’d just had in full view of Jana. Fuck up didn’t even begin to cover it.

Was she even aware of how close he was to attacking her? He fucking hoped not.

“Q?” Thorne’s hand on his shoulder stopped him, “Are you feeling . . . better?”

How was he supposed to answer that? Especially with her still in the room with them. He could feel her eyes on him. Scrutinizing. Watching. Waiting. Shit!

“Yes,” was all he said. What else was there to say?

“Good,” Jana broke in. “Come and sit down, Quinn. You look like shit.”

What? That was her response to his atrocious behavior? His complete and utter meltdown? His total loss of control? What the hell was going on here?

He turned, keeping his face as cool as he possibly could in the circumstances, straightening his tux he motioned to the mess on the floor. “Could you clean that up for me, please, Thorne?”

Thorne looked at the litter of donor bags, his eyes widening slightly before he rushed to clear them away without a word. Quinn retrieved a handkerchief, wiping around his mouth before he sat down, crossing his ankles. “My apologies . . . I’m not quite sure what came over me. I’ve been a little under the weather today.”

He was surprised that she hadn’t appeared to have moved. Not an inch from where he’d last seen her perched on the table where she’d gone to when he’d gotten up to pace, and she didn’t look as if she were in the least bit startled by his outrageous behavior either. She looked cool as a cucumber as her inscrutable eyes locked with his, one eyebrow arching. “Looks like I found you just in time, Quinn. You need to listen to me and, believe me when I tell you what I have to say could not only change your life forever, but save it.”

Thorne strode over and Quinn could feel his anger and frustration pouring from him as he stopped before Jana, his jaw clenched, nostrils flaring while he growled. “There you go again with the dramatics. Can’t you just get to the damn point and tell us why you’re here and stop with all the theatrics?”

Jana slowly slid off the desk, unfurling her sleek body to stand tall, and with the stiletto heels she wore she was almost eye to eye with Thorne. Her raw power filling the area around them while her lips drew back in a vicious snarl, her beast was right there, eager to spring free and show Thorne who was boss. Her eyes darkened, her skin shimmered, and her voice was cold as ice as she leaned forward so her nose literally touched his. “I’ve given you latitude today because your boss, your obvious friend, is in trouble . . . but no more. You talk to me like that again, boy, and I’ll rip your fucking heart out. Now back the fuck up, shut up, and listen and maybe, just maybe, I can help.”

If there had been any doubt who was in charge in the room before there sure as hell wasn’t any longer. Jana Noskova, the feared and deadly Second in Command of The Directive was up front and present in her full and fiery glory, baring her teeth and displaying her power for both to witness. Quinn guessed she rarely put on such a demonstration, probably didn’t need to, but damn she was glorious to watch as she firmly put Thorne in his place. His friend fought his instinct to push back. It wasn’t in his nature to back down to anyone, but he wasn’t that dumb. Was he?

Thorne stayed in place, his body taut, muscles rippling beneath his hand-made suit, and for a split-second Quinn thought he wasn’t going to step away . . . then he did. Thank fuck. Because if he hadn’t he would’ve had to step in and haul his ass out of that situation, and quickly. Jana wasn’t playing around and Quinn could feel her power filling the room, cloying the back of his throat it was so dang thick, shit, Thorne would be in deep shit if she’d taken this further, even with him being a powerful day-walker now. Quinn was certain she would’ve taken him down, and damn fast too.

Today was not the day he was going to lose the one man he trusted on this godforsaken earth. No. Not happening, not here, not in this shithole of a place and certainly not by The Directive.

“I think we should sit down and resume our discussion,” Quinn cut in, hoping to speed things along before another bout of whatever ailed him struck.

That last episode had been the worst yet and it had scared him more than he was prepared to admit. Even to himself. If he’d lost control here, in a club full of weak and vulnerable humans then the only outcome would’ve been total and complete carnage and after that? His demise at the hands of The Directive. Neither prospect appealed to him. The thought of killing and draining so many innocents caused his stomach to clench painfully but he covered it well, his face a mask of indifference as Thorne strode to the corner of the room, crossed his arms and glared at Jana.

Good. At least there was space between them now.

Jana came over and sat at the opposite end of the sofa, apparently completely non-plussed. “I’ve come here to join a new top-secret team that’s on a mission to find someone, Quinn, and I’m betting that person is going to be very important to you. In fact, you are the reason that I’m here.”

“What?” Quinn couldn’t understand what she was talking about. A secret team? A mission to find someone? It all sounded far-fetched to him, even for The Directive. “Forgive me, Jana, but you’re not making sense and I’ve got to get back home. I’m afraid I don’t have time for this nonsense.”

He was about to leave when she scooted closer, her hand clamping on his knee like a vise to hold him in place. “Hear me out, Quinn. I know you’re aware of the influx of Bloodmates that have been found over the last couple of years. You’re friends with Victor Strong and we fought together to protect Flint’s own Bloodmate, Kenzie, but there have been others, and I’m certain you’re aware of those too. Am I right?”

He thought back to the battle on his land and how the blood ran over the lush green grass. It had been a ferocious fight that they’d won and one that had taken out a bevy of evil that had been a scourge in his homeland. He’d been happy to help Flint and heard recently that he was going to become a father. That had been a bittersweet moment. He’d obviously been pleased for them but it had also brought a sweeping sadness through him at the thought of his own life of being alone. When he’d heard of others finding their Bloodmates too, from all over the globe . . . America, Italy, hell, even London, it had been like a punch in the gut each and every time.

“Of course, I’m aware. I’ve heard of several, even one in London.”

“Yes, indeed.” Jana nodded. “But what you might not be aware of is that there’s a danger to these Bloodmates.”

“What?” Quinn’s brow furrowed, not quite following.

“The Directive is aware of how important Bloodmates are to a Vampire. For starters, when the Thirst strikes, a Vampire loses all sense of control and can go into a frenzy and that’s a very dangerous condition to be in. Not just for the Vampire but for anyone around them. We’re not unsympathetic to the condition, of course we’re not, but we obviously cannot have a powerful Vampire let loose on a rampage because they cannot be united with their Bloodmate.

“Now, this is where things get tricky, because, others have realized this too and are using this trend to suit their own ends. Some are attempting to intercept Bloodmates and kidnap them, we’re not entirely sure as to why. It could be for many reasons, but our best guess is it’s for money, or they could simply wish to have the Vampire concerned go insane with the Thirst and be taken out by us and then take over their businesses. To be honest, the list is endless as to their reasons, but the fact is that this is happening, so Magno has a team in place trying to locate them before this happens. He’s trying to find them and keep them safe.”

Thorne had slowly made his way over, his face a mask of concern . . . and dawning realization. “Fuck. You think?”

“I do.” Jana nodded up at him.

“You think what?” Quinn looked at her then Thorne. “What?”

Thorne shook his head at him. His friend’s eyes wide as he stepped back. “Uh uh, I’m saying nothing. Over to you, Jana.”

“So, the team is here because the Witch, Henry, has tracked a Bloodmate to this location. He’s certain there’s one in the area, so they’ve been here for two days and they’re close and then I got news of this big shindig and that you were going to be here . . . and bam! I just knew I had to fly in and see you. See you with my own two eyes and gauge how you were and, shit, Quinn, come on, you’re not that dumb. Are you? Put two and two together for me here.”

Quinn’s heart thundered in his chest. His head pounded. His skin felt as if it were on fire. No! Yes! No! Yes!

The damn Thirst! He’d been experiencing the fucking Thirst. How stupid was he? The answer had been right under his damn nose and he didn’t see it. No. He couldn’t dare believe it. He couldn’t possibly believe it. Because if he did and it wasn’t true . . . it would crush his very soul.

“What if it’s not true?” he gasped. The words torn from him, his heart beating wildly as he waited on her answer.

Jana leaned in toward him, her dark blue eyes locking with his. “You’ve got all the signs, Quinn, and there’s only one way to find out for certain . . . come with me now. Come to where the team is and if she’s near then you’ll know it for damn sure! Take my hand . . . take the chance, Quinn Alexander, don’t get on that plane and fly away, don’t do it. Come with me and we’ll go do our damnedest to find your Bloodmate.”