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Abe (Savage Kings MC Book 2) by Lane Hart, D.B. West (5)

Chapter Five




Holy fuck!” I groan when Mercy’s hot little pussy starts clenching around my cock. Nothing has ever felt so tight and wet and fucking amazing as this.

My entire body seizes up like I’m having one massive muscle cramp, and then it happens — I bust a load inside of her that’s no smaller than that of a small lake. But her pussy doesn’t let me go until I give up every last drop of cum I have in my reserves, making sure I’m too empty to ever fuck anyone else again. I’ll gladly give up every ounce of liquid in my body for her if it makes her happy.

“So good,” I hear Mercy murmuring over and over again from above me as she keeps riding my now withering cock like she has no clue he’s called it quits for the rest of my life.

I’m too exhausted to even tell her I’ve already finished…

Oh fuck. That realization makes my after-fuck high fizzle right out.

I came inside of her like a fucking idiot.

Oh, shit. Oh, shit!

“Birth control?” I blurt out, but Mercy just looks at me with a content grin on her face, her eyelids losing the fight to stay open before she collapses onto my chest and makes happy “mmm” sounds while I’m freaking the fuck out.

Needing to know the answer to this question now, I peel the sexy, sweaty woman off of me and lay her gently on the hard floor so that I can get to my feet. My first stop is to retrieve her purse that she dropped around the door when she came in and undressed for me. Normally I wouldn’t go digging through a woman’s shit, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I zip it open and dig around but don’t see one of those fucking plastic pill containers. Fuck!

Where else could it be? Bathroom maybe?

I wander around the house bouncing off walls in the hallway while I look for the bathroom since my blood is still working its way back up into my brain.

When I find it, I open the cabinet doors but don’t find any pills in there either.

Okay, so kitchen? Some people have meds in there since they need a drink of water to wash them down.

It’s my next stop. I flip open all the top cabinets and bottom ones but it’s just pots, pans, plates and bowls.

“Motherfucker,” I mutter aloud.

“What are you lookin’ for, big guy?” Mercy asks, words slurring as she calls out to me from the living room. When I come out of the kitchen and see her lying naked on her stomach on the living room floor with the side of her face resting happily on her crossed arms, red hair puddling around her like a goddess who fell from the sky, I almost decide it would be worth it to knock her up and make her mine.

Shaking that idiotic thought from my head, I answer her. “Your birth control pills.”

“Mmm,” she replies, then, “You won’t find any.”

Oh fuck. The blood that was once returning to my head suddenly drains again.

Mercy tilts her head to look over at me and then giggles. “Don’t worry. I’m on the shot.”

When I just blink at her in confusion as to what that means, she finally says, “The birth control shot. Kids would ruin my career.”

“Oh, thank god,” I gasp before my legs give out with relief and I take a seat right against the living room wall. “I never want kids. That’s why I always use condoms and never come inside bitches,” I grumble in agreement as I rub my palm down my face to wipe away the sweat. 

“Excuse me?” Mercy asks, the indignation in her voice obvious.

Rethinking my words, I say, “I never come inside of…beautiful women. You’re the first.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet and a little sad for you,” she replies. “Condoms suck. But how do you find any big enough to cover King Kong?”

“King Kong?” I repeat, followed by a chuckle at her naming my cock. “I have to use rubber gloves,” I joke.

“I don’t doubt it,” Mercy says. Rolling to her back, she lifts her knees and stretches her arms over her head. Releasing a breathy, “Wow,” she goes on to say, “That was even better than I expected. Sasha is the best friend in the world. I’m gonna send her flowers tomorrow to thank her for introducing us.”

Tipping her head back to see me, she says, “I definitely got my money’s worth out of that dime.”

Reaching inside my pants, I find the dime that I put away before I came inside and know it’s one I won’t ever spend.

Fucking Mercy was so damn amazing. I just hope I can trust her, because I don’t want any kids or an old lady. That’s a whole lot of responsibility that could land in my lap all because I was too damn caught up in the moment, in the feel of her tight, wet pussy to stop and put on a rubber.

Finally, Mercy sits up and starts gathering her clothes and shoes while I watch, enjoying the sight of her naked body bending over. I thought my cock was done for the day, or hell, the rest of my life after the amazing way she used it, but he gives an appreciative twitch like he could probably make it happen again. I haven’t even zipped my pants yet but was apparently running around Mercy’s house with my dick flopping around as I looked for pills that don’t exist. While I’m still pissed at myself for my momentary lapse in judgment, I don’t put King Kong away just yet either…

“So, um, thanks for…that,” Mercy says. “I hope it was okay for you…”

“Yeah, ah, no problem,” I tell her, not used to having women thank me for fucking them like it was a chore or some shit.

She has all of her clothing clutched to the front of her body, hiding her tits and gorgeous, red pussy from me. I didn’t really get a chance to bury my face in those titties or suck on them like I would like to, and she’s dismissing me. What else did I expect? I’m one lucky son of a bitch because the classy woman let me touch her in the first place. I never expected her to let me eat her out or fuck her, but I know it was a one-time thing. Done and over. Too damn bad.

 “I need to, um, go clean up in the bathroom,” she informs me with red coloring her cheeks, and I nearly groan thinking about my cum running down her thighs. Fuck, I wish I could see that.

When Mercy continues to stand stock-still, I eventually realize that she wants me to get the hell out of her house.

“Oh, right, I’ll get going,” I agree as I get to my feet and reluctantly tuck my semi-hard cock back into my jeans to zip up. “I’ll just lock the door on the way out,” I tell her.

“Okay, thanks, Abe,” Mercy says before she scurries off down the hall and I hear a door shut, signaling the end of my time in the gorgeous woman’s presence.

Am I disappointed that it’s over? Hell yes, because I would’ve loved to come inside of her a few more times even if it’s incredibly stupid. But I didn’t expect anything more. Fuck, I was lucky just to be able to get inside of her once. And usually, I prefer when the club sluts get dressed and leave my room right after we finish fucking. I mean, I’ll keep my mouth shut if they decide to stick around, but only because I don’t want to be an asshole. Getting off is all I really care about though with any woman.

So then why does it feel like my boots are filled with cement when I try to make my feet leave Mercy’s house? And why the fuck does it feel like I’m leaving something behind when I finally make myself lock her front door and pull it closed behind me?