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Acquisition (Takeover Duet Book 1) by Chelle Bliss (9)

Chapter Eight

I dreaded coming into work. The first thing on my agenda is meeting with Trent. After what happened last night, I don’t want to see his face. I’d fire him if he weren’t so valuable. But make no mistake about it, once the engine is out in the world, I’ll have no problem giving him the ax.

“I’m here,” Cassie exclaims when she crashes through the doors of my office with a coffee in her hand and a stack of folders tucked underneath her arm. “Sorry if I’m late.”

“You’re fine.” I glance down at my watch before I continue typing out the rest of my email. “Trent will be here in five minutes.”

She sets her coffee on the corner of my desk before placing the files on a side table near the back wall. “Why do you want me here for this meeting? You normally don’t need a third person when meeting with Trent, Lauren.”

I stop typing and give her my full attention. “I can’t go into it, but it’s best if I’m not alone with him anymore. Okay?” She nods and doesn’t ask anymore.

Moments later, and earlier than scheduled, Trent strides in without a care in the world. His chest stuck out, hair perfectly placed, and a big shit-eating grin on his face. He glances to the side and jumps. “Oh. Cassie, I wasn’t expecting you here.”

She sits down in one of the empty chairs in front of my desk. “Ms. Bradley wanted me here to take notes.” Her eyes flicker to mine with a small smile on her face.

“Please sit, Trent. Tell me what was so important that you had to barge into my office last night.”

Cassie’s eyebrows draw together, but I ignore her. She knows what happened between Trent and me when we broke up. She is an extension of me and knows everything that has gone on in my life.

“I thought…” He clears his throat and takes the seat next to Cassie, looking uncomfortable by her company. “I thought we could schedule the test flight with the new engine two days from now and invite the media.”

I rub my chin and debate his suggestion. The media attention would boost our stock prices tremendously, but that could bite us in the ass. If the stock rises quickly to an unprecedented level, stockholders may be looking to sell and cash out, or they could see the potential wealth if they were patient enough to wait. If the test fails, it could cause our stock to drop dramatically and make Interstellar a bargain. “I’ll talk to the PR department and get their input. If they allow it, we’ll ask a few influential reporters to attend the final test before we unleash the engine and put it into our fleet.”

“Yes!” His fists pump the air, and he has an enormous smile on his face. “I just want everyone to know about my creation.”

“Our creation,” I remind him. Even though he perfected it, I had helped. I came across an idea that was being tested in secret during World War II and thought the idea was feasible, even though they didn’t have the technological ability to do it in the past. Interstellar had the means and money, and Trent had the brains and drive to pull it off.

His eyes shift. “Of course.”

I clasp my hands together and rest them on the desk, trying to remain calm. “Is that all, Trent?”

He glares at me, his eyes narrowing before he glances in Cassie’s direction. “I think that’s it. I just want to make a splash.”

“Just make sure it works flawlessly. If it doesn’t, we’re ruined, and your career will be as over as mine, Trent.”

He pushes himself up and rests his knuckles against my desk. “Can I speak to you in private for a moment?”

“No. You can show yourself out.” I peer around him and motion toward the door with my chin. “I’ll email you when I have the details back from Trish in PR.”

Leaning farther into my personal space, he speaks quietly. “Lulu, we have to talk about what happened.”

There’s nothing to discuss. Trent stepped over the line, basically attacking me in my office. If he’d done that to anyone else, I would’ve fired him immediately. Hell, I should fire him anyway, but I can’t bring myself to do it just yet.

I’ve never had a man so unwilling to let me go. I feel nothing for him except contempt, and no matter what I say, he can’t seem to understand there will never be an us again.

“Trent,” I say, pushing my chair back and rising to my feet just to get away from him and to stand my ground. “You have five seconds to get out of my office before I do something we’ll both regret much like you did last night. Get out of my office, and don’t come back unless I invite you back.”

“Fuck,” he hisses. There’s a slight snarl on his lips when his nostrils begin to flare. “We’re not done.”

“Yes.” I smile sweetly, tilting my head and squaring my shoulders. “We are.”

“Goddamn it, Lulu.” His arms flail a bit, and he lifts his hands from my desk and makes tight fists at his sides. “Just let me explain.”


“Shit,” he groans, turning on his heel and heading toward the door too slowly.

“Two.” I glance at Cassie, and her eyes are as big as saucers with her lips pursed.

“I’m gone,” he calls out over his shoulder as he steps into the hallway.

Cassie stares at me, waiting for me to explain as I watch him walk away. “You don’t want to know,” I tell her, collapsing into my chair and pulling myself back in front of my desk. “He’s lucky to have a job.” Moving the mouse on my desk, I turn the screen back on to check my email to avoid having to answer any more questions about him.

“Do you need anything else, Lauren?”

I sigh, feeling a little bit of the weight that had been on my shoulders vanish. Kicking Trent out and standing my ground felt good. Better than that. It felt amazing, and I relished the look of defeat in his eyes. Maybe he finally realized we were over. There’s no way in hell that anything will happen after the events of last night. “No, Cas, but if Trent ever needs to meet with me, I’ll require you to be in the office with us.”

Her eyes move around the room, and I can almost see the crazy, random thoughts in her eyes. “Yes, ma’am. You got it.” She stands, clutching the pad of paper to her chest. “I’ll contact PR about the test and get their feedback and have them contact you as soon as possible.”

“Thanks.” I genuinely smile at her because my heart has started to beat normally instead of the rapid pace from Trent being in the room.

“Anytime. Would you like some coffee?” she asks, moving toward the door.

“Vodka would be better.” I laugh and wave her off.

When she walks out and closes the door, I put my head on my desk. A week ago, everything seemed possible, and I thought I had the world by the balls. How quickly shit can change. Life went from fab to crap in a hot minute, and I had no one to blame except myself.

“Ms. Bradley,” Cassie says through the intercom, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Yes?” I ask, my voice muffled by the wood of my desk.

“Tara is on the phone for you.”

“Thank you.” I shoot straight up and reach for the phone.

Tara is my best friend, been that way since we were little kids catching fireflies in the backyard. She’s been with me through thick and thin, good and bad, and every point in between. I have to share the chaos that has become my life with someone, and she is just the person I need. She is far enough removed from Interstellar that I can be completely honest with her. She’d never betray my trust. I have too much dirt on her for her to ever open her mouth.

“Oh my God, T,” I say after I press line one. “I need you.”

“I’ve been calling for days, and you’ve ignored me. You do know how to pick up a phone and dial out without your secretary doing it for you, don’t you?”

I grimace. She’d called me three times, and I hadn’t picked up the phone to tell her I was still alive after she left me a profanity-laced voicemail days ago. “I’m sorry. Will you forgive me?”

“Don’t I always?” she groans.

I laugh. “And Cassie is my assistant, not my secretary.”

“She answers your phones-.”

“Meet me for dinner tonight,” I say quickly, interrupting her before checking my computer calendar. I’ll cancel plans if I have them because tonight I need some girl time.

“Are you sure you have time for me? I mean, I know you’re busy up there on your high horse.”

“Shut up. Dino’s at seven, or we’re over.”

“Dino’s. Yum. Are you paying?” I owe her for canceling on her weeks ago, plus Dino’s is pricey and I know she can’t afford it on her artist income.

“Don’t I always?”

“When you show up,” she teases. “You’d better be there this time, or I’m ordering the most expensive bottle of wine on the menu and sending you the bill.”

“I will be there. I need to talk with you. There’s so much craziness going on right now. I can’t get into it over the phone, but I need you to help me figure shit out.”

“Sounds like a vodka kind of night.”

“By the bottle, not glass. See you at seven. I have to run,” I tell her, realizing I have a meeting in ten minutes.


“Bye.” I can’t wipe the smile off my face as I hang up the phone. No matter what happens today, I know I will have Tara by my side tonight. Nothing makes me happier than my best friend and a bottle of vodka.

Some people go to church to confess their sins, but Tara is the only person who knows every part of my life. Tonight, I’ll come clean, and with her help, figure a way out of the mess my life has turned into. With any luck, I’ll escape without a hangover.

* * *

I walk into Dino’s five minutes late, frantically power-walking through the door and colliding with a very tall man in a business suit. Trying to catch myself before my ass meets the floor, I reach out and grab the back of his arm. “Shit,” I mutter, falling backward until strong arms grab me around the waist and steady me.

“Be careful there, Ms. Bradley.”

My eyes widen at the sound of the voice. There’s no way he could be at the same restaurant as me. No way in hell.

“Thanks,” I say after regaining my footing, and I turn to stare into his beautiful eyes. “Antonio.”

“Crazy running into you here.” His eyes roam my body in the most sinful way. “Can I buy you a drink?” He grins.

“Are you following me?” I ask, peering up at him without a smile.

“No. I asked the concierge for a great Italian restaurant, and he recommended this place. It’s pure coincidence. So, that drink?” He motions toward the bar.

I shake my head before peering over my shoulder and spotting Tara with a martini waiting for me at her side. “I’m meeting a friend.” I turn back around to face him. “Sorry. I only drink with friends.”

Being this close to him, no matter how much I want to hate him, I can’t. I won’t let my body betray me, though. I swallow down my nerves and ignore my heart beating against my ribs like it’s ready to explode at any moment. “Another time maybe. Like when you lose and rot in hell.” I smile, and before he can say another word, I walk away and head straight toward Tara.

“Who’s that sexy as hell guy?” She watches Antonio from across the bar without even glancing in my direction.

“No one.” I wave him off, but I don’t look back. I can’t.

“He’s watching you,” she says with the biggest smile on her face. “Oh, now he’s waving.”

“Fucker,” I whisper. “Ignore him.”

“Why?” She finally looks at me. “The man is sexy as fuck.”

“He’s no good, T. No good at all.”

Her smile spreads across her face when she glances back in his direction. “He’s waving at me.” She waves back.

I grab her hand, pulling it down quickly and glaring at her. “Do not invite him over.”

“Dude, you have a lot of explaining to do.”

“Let’s go. I can’t eat here with him.”

“Who said we’re eating? I remember something about a bottle of vodka,” she replies, pushing my martini in front of me.

“Can we just go? I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.”

“Fuck no. We’re staying right here.” She smiles, biting the corner of her lip. “Sit your ass down and drink with me. You have some things to tell me.” She pats the stool next to her.

Before I can sit, Antonio makes his way to the bar and sits directly across from us with only the bartender’s area between us. I close my eyes and try to calm myself before I blow a gasket. What was supposed to be a night to unwind has quickly become a mess.

I toss my purse on the bar. “I need this vodka.” I grab the drink and down half of it before coming up for air. Tara gawks at me. “What?” I ask when I place the glass back on the bar.

“I haven’t seen you this unraveled since…” Her voice trails off.

“Don’t say it,” I warn her as I sit down and try to act casual.

“Did you fuck him?” Her mouth drops open, and her eyes dart between Antonio and me.

Resting my elbow on the bar, I hold my head in my hand. “It’s so much worse than that.”

“You didn’t let him do that, girl. I know you, and you don’t get down like that.”

I laugh softly. “Tara, be serious here for a minute.”

“I am. I mean, I know I like to get freaky like that, but you usually don’t unless you’re really into the guy. If you gave him

“Stop,” I groan, cutting her off from finishing the sentence.

“You better start talking, or I’m going to invite Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome over for a little drink and fun.”

I lift the glass to my lips and stare at her as I let the cool, salty liquid slide down my throat. Even though I love her to death, I want to choke the funny right out of her. Her cute curly brown hair bounces as she fidgets on the stool. Her hazel eyes twinkle in the bar light every time she glances over at Antonio.

“Okay.” I place the now empty martini glass down on the bar. “I don’t even know where to start.”

She rubs her hands together and smiles. “I want every juicy detail.” She shrugs off her cardigan. “Wait, let me get comfier. I have a feeling your story is going to make me a little hot.” She laughs and places the sweater across her lap.

I roll my eyes and motion to the bartender for a refill. “So, there’s a company trying to take over Interstellar.”

“Lauren, seriously. I want to know about him.” She points at him and winks.

I cover my eyes, leaning against the bar for support. “Put your fucking hand down.”

“I want the dirt, or I’ll ask him.” She motions with her head this time. “I’m sure he’ll be more than willing to spill the dirt.”


“Yep. Talk.”

“Shut up for a minute, and let me tell you the story.” She nods and makes a motion like she’s zipping her lips shut, and I inhale before diving into my speech. “Well, there’s a company trying to take us over. I was so upset that I ended up at the bar and had a little too much to drink, and well…” I wince at the memory. “I ended up in his hotel room for the night.”

“Oh my God! Was it amazing?”

“Tara, it’s his company trying to take Interstellar from me.”

“Let’s plot his death.” She stares at him as she takes a drink of her martini.

I stare at her, completely in shock. “Be serious.”

“I am,” she mutters against the rim of her glass. “If someone is trying to hurt you, I’d cut off his balls and shove them down his throat.”

“Cool your jets, Scarface. I have this handled,” I lie and try not to grind my teeth in aggravation.

Her face drops, and she looks over at me with sadness in her eyes. “That’s such a shame. I thought we could have some fun.”

“Tara.” I grab her arm. “He’s trying to steal my company, but not my life.”

“Same thing, babe. You work nonstop. Enemies need to be taken out. Drink.” She pushes the fresh martini in my direction. I was so wrapped up in being annoyed that I didn’t realize the bartender had placed it down in front of us. “So, he probably has a tiny pecker, and he’s trying to ruin your career?” she asks, scrunching up her face when she finally understands the issue.

“Never mind about his pecker.” The mere thought of it has my body craving the feel of him inside of me again. “If he has his way, I’ll be without a job very soon.”

“Maybe he wants you to work.” She coughs and laughs slightly. “Under him.”

“Did you start drinking before I got here?”

She shrugs with a devious little grin. “You were late. I couldn’t wait any longer.”

My phone chirps in my purse, but I ignore it. “He won’t leave me alone. He’s pursuing me. If word gets out that I slept with him, my career and reputation will be in the toilet.” My phone goes off again, and I reach in my purse to turn off the ringer and catch a glimpse of the messages.

Antonio: Meet me tonight

Antonio: You know the room… I’ll wait for you.

Who the hell does he think he is? I made it quite clear that nothing more would happen.

“Is that him?” she asks, leaning forward and trying to peek into my purse as I close it.


“Don’t lie to me, Lauren. He’s staring at you with hungry eyes.”

“He can keep looking, Tee.” I grab my glass off the bar and steal a glance in his direction. She describes his look perfectly. His eyes are piercing, longing, and full of need. Slowly he strokes his lower lip and stares at me. As the vodka slides down my throat, he licks his lips and I falter. Choking on the martini, I feel my eyes water and block out the view of him.

“Jesus.” Tara starts to pound on my back. “Get your shit together, woman. I’ve never seen you like this.”

After I cough enough to finally gasp for air, I wipe my eyes and blink away the tears. “I’m a wreck.”

“Shit is the truth. So, tell me more. You slept with him. Did you know who he was?”

Patting my chest, I try to push down the cough that is sitting deep in my throat. “No. He lied about his name. I didn’t know or else I never would’ve slept with him.”

“He lied?” she asks with big eyes, clutching her chest. “Why?”

“He said it’s just something he does.” I sigh and slump over the bar, rubbing my finger against the rim of the glass.

“Did he know who you were?”

I peek in his direction and feel my cheeks heat when I catch his eye. “I lied about my name too, but I keep wondering if he did it on purpose.”

“You lied, too?” She gawks at me and smacks herself in the face lightly. “I thought we stopped doing that shit in college.”

I hadn’t lied about my name in years, but that night it felt right. “I know.” I shake my head, laughing slowly, a little ashamed to admit I reverted back to our college behavior.

“So…” She brings the glass to her lips and gulps it down before wiping her mouth. “I assume this could get messy?”

“Ugh,” I groan. “So much worse than messy.”

“I know I’m not a business gal, but explain it to me. How can a romp in the sack lead to such catastrophe?”

“Gal?” I ask, gaping at her. “What decade are we in?”

“Just answer and stop being Ms. Know-it-all.”

“There’s a clause in my contract that if Interstellar is purchased by another company, I’ll receive a big pay day. It’s called a golden parachute.”

“Better than a golden shower.” She giggles, and clearly, the alcohol has clouded her filter. “Sorry. It’s not funny.”

“Jesus.” I scrub my hand down my face. I need serious Tara. But instead, I have shit-faced and playful Tee.

“Okay.” She straightens and pulls her lips into her mouth, wiping her smile away. “You’re going to be rich, but your career will be ruined?”

I don’t have to look to know he’s still staring at me. I can feel it. I can’t let him know how he affects me. I’m sure from where he sits, I’m showing just how much agony he’s putting me through. I need to pull up my big-girl panties and throw on my Wonder Woman cape and brush him off. Him and his beautiful “pecker,” as Tara would call it. “It’s built into my contract to make Interstellar less desirable. The cost to buy out my contract is so large that it should make Cozza run away, but with the new invention about to become public, they’re chomping at the bit to take us over.”

Her eyebrows draw together, and her lips scrunch. “I don’t see the problem here.”

“If word got out that I slept with Cozza’s CEO and made twenty million off the deal, how would that look?” I ask, quirking one eyebrow and crossing my arms in front of my chest.

She gasps loud enough that half the bar looks in our direction. “Oh, shit!”


She scoots her stool closer, leans in, and her eyes darting around the bar. “I’ll really kill him for you. I don’t see any other way out of it.”

I cover my mouth to hide my smile. “Thanks for the offer, but I think that would just draw more attention.”

“Offer is always there. I’d go to prison and go lesbian for you.” She smiles, glancing toward Antonio before looking back at me. “He really is an asshole if he did this shit on purpose.”

“I know. I want to believe it was innocent.” I fist my hands tightly in my lap. “But I feel like someone is trying to ruin me, and Antonio is just one step on the ladder to my demise.”

“Who else is messing with you? One more of these bad boys—” she lifts her martini in the air “—and I’ll become a serial killer for you.”

“Down girl.” I laugh. Tara always brings me back to earth and helps make light of every situation. “I’ll handle them all.”

“Is Trent being an asshole too?”

“He’s being the number one asshole. I don’t want to talk about him, though.”

She hops off the barstool and holds up her finger. “Hold that thought. I have to visit the ladies’ room.”

My belly flips because I’ll be alone with him so close. Maybe he won’t take the opportunity to talk to me. A girl can hope, right? “Hurry, Tara. Don’t leave me here with him over there.”

“Just glare at him,” she says, rubbing my back. “Drink and glare. Show him you’re mad, and he’ll stay put.”

“Yeah,” I say sarcastically. “I’m sure he’ll stay over there.”

She walks away, keeping her eyes glued to Antonio as she strolls toward the bathroom. I glance in his direction, glaring at him as I take a sip of my drink, but I don’t let my eyes linger. I sit up a little straighter as I down my martini and stare at the television screen to the right that’s showing mindless chatter from CNN and the next overhyped news story.

I won’t allow myself to look in his direction. Looking means interest, and I most certainly am not into him. Sleeping with the enemy is not me. I won’t be the victim, and I won’t let Antonio be the predator, slowly stalking me to ruin my life for a small piece of ass.

“Lauren,” he says in a low, sultry voice from behind me…that accent doing wicked things to my insides.

I don’t turn around, just toss back the last bit of liquid courage left in the glass. My face tingles and my legs feel like jelly, and I’m thankful that the stool’s underneath me so I don’t collapse.

My heart pounds in my chest so wildly I’d be worried he’d hear it if it were any quieter in here. “I’m busy.” I keep my eyes forward and don’t dare turn around. He sits down, uninvited, and I curse Tara for leaving me alone. “That seat’s taken.”

“Not at the moment.” He sets his drink on the bar and faces me, his legs caging me in. “We need to talk.”

I motion to the bartender, and I point to my drink and pray it comes quickly. “No, we don’t.”

“Listen…” He touches my hand, and although I want to pull away, I close my eyes instead and relish his touch. “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but you need to know that I had no idea who you were. I didn’t set you up. If anything, the entire thing could blow back in my face too.” His fingers sweep across the top of my hand, sending tiny shock waves through my system.

“How?” I turn toward him. “How exactly could you come out looking bad in this entire situation, Antonio? I’ve never heard a male CEO being accused of fucking their way to the top and earning millions. It happens every day to women in business, but never to men. So, explain to me exactly how you’re going to be ruined?”

He continues to rub my hand. “I’ll agree there’s a double standard, but in no way will I let this ruin you.”

“Are you going to drop the bid for Interstellar?” I feel a moment of hopefulness that maybe he has had a change of heart.

“Will you spend another night with me?” He grins, bringing his eyes to mine.

I snatch my hand away. “Absolutely not. Go back to your seat before my friend comes back.” I scan the room but don’t see Tara anywhere.

Antonio invades my personal space and brings his face close to mine. “It’s not over between us, Lauren. I’ll let sleeping dogs lie, but one way or another, I’ll have you and your company.”

“You’re a dreamer.”

He leans forward, his chest nearly flush against mine and whispers in my ear, “The only thing I dream about is hearing you moan my name again.”

I squeeze my eyes shut and try to ignore the ache between my legs. “Just go,” I say in a defeated voice because no matter how hard I want to deny it, he affects me.

He brushes the hair off my shoulder and touches his lips to my neck. “Nothing tastes sweeter against my lips than you,” he murmurs against my skin.

“Not even owning Interstellar would taste as good?” I squeak and curse myself silently for the girlish sound to my voice.


I can feel his smile against my flesh. “Please leave me alone, Antonio.”

“For now,” he says, backing away and straightening. “I’ll let you get back to your friend.”

“Excuse me,” Tara says, sliding back onto her stool. “We’re kind of in the middle of something.” She looks at me and smiles.

“I’ll let you ladies get back to your night,” Antonio says, grazing my back with his palm as he starts to walk away. “We’ll talk soon, Lauren.”

“Is he gone?” I ask, frozen in place and staring at Tara.

She looks over my shoulder. “Yes. He’s walking out the door.”

I gasp for air because I’d been trying to control my breathing with him so close. “Fucker,” I hiss.

“That looked so damn sexy across the room.” She smirks and picks up her martini. “Sexy as hell, in fact. It’s too bad he’s our enemy.”

My eyes widen. “Were you watching us?”

She licks her lips and wipes the corner of her mouth with her finger. “I walked out, and he was just getting up, so I thought I’d give you a minute to tell him off.”

“Thanks,” I say in a snarky tone.

“When he bent down and kissed your neck… Girl, I had to fan myself, but I marched right over to rescue you.”

I drag my hand down my face to stop myself from reaching out and smacking her for putting me through that. “I needed it,” I say into my hands.

“You looked pretty fine to me. Your face was all red, your eyes were closed, and your lips were parted. I thought you might spontaneously combust right there in your seat.”

“Shut up.” I laugh and smack her arm playfully.

“Right. Right. Figured as much.” She laughs. “He’s hot though, Lauren. Like seriously off the charts, ripping my panties off, drop-dead gorgeous.”

“Let’s change the subject…please,” I beg.

“Not a chance, my friend.” She winks. “Drink up because we have some plans to make.”

That’s code for trouble. Tara already has the wheels spinning, and I figure by the time I crawl out of here, she’ll have a way for me to make them all pay. I’m game for anything, especially saving my company and my name.