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Addicted (Addicted Trilogy Book 1) by S. Nelson (5)



 “Wasn’t that the guy from earlier this week? How did he know you would be here? Do you know him?” Matt was shooting off questions at me quicker than I could even think of the answers.

“Yes, it is and no, I don’t know him. I don’t know what he’s doing here. He saw me at the bar and offered to help me bring the drinks back over.” That was a true account of what happened, leaving out the part of how my body reacted to him. Even after he was gone.

“There’s something about him I don’t trust. Be careful if you meet up with him again, Sara.” Matt was concerned for me; I could see it written all over his face. But it’s not like I keep running into the man. He knows where I work and now he has seen me at the club. Does that mean I should stay away from this place now? I knew it was my first time there, but I was kind of planning on coming quite often in the future, especially since Matt had someone on the inside who could give us some VIP treatment, so to speak.

“You never mentioned anything about a God-like creature coming into the shop this week. Seriously, Sara, how could you forget to mention that man?” Alexa was still trying to scope out the crowd to see if she could catch another glimpse of him. She was so obvious.

What I couldn’t understand was why her interest in him was suddenly bothering me. I hardly knew him, yet I had an unexplainable jealousy emanating from not that deep down. I’d never had this feeling about anyone before, especially someone I’d just met. I secretly mocked women who were jealous of others around their men; too much emotional energy.

Or so I always thought.

“I didn’t mention it because he’s not worth mentioning. I don’t know him. He came into the shop to buy flowers for a friend,” I said, using air quotes, “who had surgery recently, and he thought it would be a nice gesture. I told him it was misleading to her but…whatever.”

They both stared at me with a puzzled look in their eyes. “Who are you trying to kid, girly girl? You like him; otherwise, why the hell would you remember your conversation with him? You can’t fool us, Sara.” Alexa laughed. “Plus, you’re a terrible liar.” I fumbled with a comeback to her absurd observation, but I had nothing.

I couldn’t really think of anything to say which would convince them—or maybe myself—I wasn’t interested so I simply responded with, “I don’t know what to tell you. Can we please talk about something else?”

Since Alexa knew she wasn’t getting any more out of me about him, she decided to move on to other topics. Shopping, food and men were at the top of her list, which I was completely fine with.

After about another hour or so, we were all due for another refill or two. It was Alexa’s turn to secure our drinks, so Matt and I sat back and got comfortable. She gave a little pout but headed off toward the bar. It was nearing 11:30 and the place was pretty much at full capacity.

Alexa was back in no time thankfully, due to Colin still working the bar and not being on break. As soon as she took her seat, I decided to make my way to the ladies room, if I could only find it first. She said she saw one to the left of the bar, underneath the stairwell.

“I’ll be right back, guys. Watch my drink.” I hastily made my way through the throngs of people and ended up behind six women waiting in line for the same purpose. Needless to say, after a few drinks, I really had to use the facilities and the longer I waited, the more I realized it. Thankfully, everyone was relatively quick so I was in and out in less than ten minutes.

Just as I was rounding the corner, someone grabbed my hand and pulled me into a dark section of the hallway. I instantly panicked, having flashbacks, until I smelled him. His scent was positively intoxicating, and I was instantly put at ease.

Emotionally, not sexually.

As with our last close encounter, a dull ache between my legs, made me slip deeper and deeper into some sort of daze. His hand was still covering mine, and I grew warmer by the second.

“I’m glad I had the chance to run into you again before I left,” he mumbled as he stepped closer.

“How did you know where I was? Did you follow me to the ladies room?” Why was I secretly hoping he would say yes?

“Not at all. I saw you walk by and reacted. Hope you don’t mind?” His smugness was almost off-putting.


 I yanked my hand from his warm grip and said the first thought which came to mind.

“I really don’t have anything to talk to you about, so if you’ll excuse me, I have to be getting back to my friends now.”

He leaned down closer to my face, so close I thought he was going to kiss me. “I don’t think you want to go anywhere. In fact, I think you want to stay right here.  With me.  Tell me I’m wrong.”

“You’re wrong,” I said with mock defiance.

Why are you lying?” His tone indicated he was a little irritated, but I wasn’t sure why exactly. “You can’t deny there’s an attraction between us. Why don’t you just go with it and see what happens?” His warm breath fanned my face, tickling my mouth in the most delicious way. Leaning closer, he asked, “Can I kiss you?” His question certainly surprised me. I doubted he was a man who asked permission for anything and the fact he sought my consent told me he didn’t want to overstep any boundaries.

It was sweet.

It was torture.

Resting my hands on his chest, my initial reaction was to push him away. My God, his chest is as hard as steel. I can feel every muscle definition perfectly.

But he was right; there was an undeniable attraction between us, something I couldn’t explain.

So I gave in.

“Yes,” I whispered, my hands gripping the material of his shirt and pulling him into me. The S hadn’t left my mouth before he was on me, devouring my breath as if he needed it to survive.

His kiss undid me. It was everything I’d read about in romance novels. It was everything I’d seen in those mushy, lovey-dovey movies. It was real. And it was happening to me. The first time his tongue softly stroked mine, I almost came on the spot. He was perfectly skilled, and artisan mastering his craft of seduction.

I’d completely lost myself, holding onto him and praying our moment would last forever.

He broke our connection, a move which left me wanting him even more. “I’ve been craving this for so long,” he whispered before he was instantly back to consuming me with his perfect mouth. His statement flitted through my mind but quickly disappeared the more he teased me.

He tasted slightly of scotch, and mixed with all his other scents, it was quite overwhelming, but in a good way. I slowly inched my hands toward the back of his head. Snaking my fingers into his hair, I gripped him closer to my mouth. He groaned at my small display of enrapture, letting me know how aroused he was. Pushing me against the wall, he covered my body with his, pressing his lower half into my own. I could feel him straining against his jeans, something which made me even more excited. I didn’t know what got into me, but I reached down and ran my palm over his erection.

His body twitched.

“Don’t start something you won’t be able to finish, woman,” he growled into my mouth.

 “Whatever do you mean?” I batted my eyelashes at him, toying with him a bit. I was playing innocent—well, not completely playing. Although I knew I wasn’t going to really do anything, I wasn’t completely sure why I was going to such lengths to tease him.

Maybe I wanted to make sure he was just as affected by me as I was by him.

“If you tease me too much, I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself,” he panted.

“Then maybe we should stop.” Please, don’t listen to me.

“Is that what you really want?” He intently searched my face, trying to read my reaction to him and the current position in which we found ourselves. What he discovered was my need for him. I wanted him to start kissing me again, and I said as much by leaning back into him, enticing him to continue.

That time, he was a little more audacious. While his beautiful mouth stole the distance between us, one hand gingerly caressed my neck, slowly slipping down near my throat, then onto the top of my nearly exposed breasts. “You really shouldn’t wear things like this. Every man in here has been staring at you, and it’s driving me insane.” He was saying all of this as his hand was massaging my breast, pulling gently at the top of my shirt.

“I think you’re exaggerating a bit by every man, and what do you care what I wear?”

“I don’t like how exposed you are.” He snapped his lips closed, clearly aware he was stepping over some invisible boundary.

“You don’t?” I found it funny he ‘didn’t like how exposed I was,’ yet he was pulling at my tank top, revealing even more of me. But then again, we were in a dark corner of a hallway where we were fortunate to remain alone, away from everyone else.

 When his eyes connected with mine again, they took on a darker hue, his pupils dilating in arousal. “This is only for me. Tell me,” he moaned, flicking his tongue along the side of my throat. “Tell me this is only for me.” He was still groping my breast, his lips teasing my skin, his other hand circling around to my backside. Grabbing me firmly, he pushed himself closer, almost crushing me under his own body.

I loved it.

I wanted it to be just for him.

No one else.

Just him.

“Tell me,” he demanded again, my silence torturing him.

“Yes,” I whispered. “Yes, it is all for you.”

“Only me?”

“Only you,” I responded, my breath barely escaping my mouth.

It was obvious the alcohol coursing through my veins was catching up with me, causing me to throw caution to the wind and engage in risky behavior with the man standing before me. “What do you want to do to me?” I couldn’t believe I was behaving that way with a virtual stranger, albeit the sexiest, most intriguing man I’d ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on. But he was still a man I didn’t really know.

His lips made their way toward the sensitive spot underneath my earlobe. When he spoke in his seductive low timbre, I thought I would combust right then and there. “If we were alone, I would rip your clothes off and feast on your body. I would lick and suck you everywhere, especially here.” His hand instantly went to the heat between my thighs. I groaned and slumped forward. Thankfully, he was there to make sure I wouldn’t fall over. “Is that what you want? Is that what you would like me to do to you?”


I couldn’t concentrate on what he was asking me because his hand danced over my core, rubbing me in ways which should have been illegal. “Don’t stop,” I pleaded, snagging his lower lip and returning my own brand of sweet agony.

“You’re going to undo me,” he proclaimed. His words were confusing, their meaning completely lost on me. But I didn’t care. All I wanted was for him to devour me, to crush my soul with his passion and need.

After a few minutes, he pulled away, air imminent for the both of us. “Do you even realize how fucked I am because of you?” What an odd question; although it did spark intrigue.

Before I could answer, he withdrew from me completely. His lips left mine wanting more of his taste. His fingers had offered a trail of heat my body was instantly missing. The look in his eyes even changed, reverting back to a man seemingly unaffected.

I couldn’t help but wonder if I had done or said something wrong. Trying to think back over the past few minutes did nothing but prove frustrating. Entirely caught up in the way he made me feel left no room for reason. Failing to even comprehend what it could’ve been I’d said or done, his new demeanor was entirely lost on me.

So I gave up.

Not wanting our tryst to end, I started dreaming up ways to remain in his presence, something which was so unlike me. I would love for you to be my first, I thought.

“First what? What are you talking about?” he asked as he tipped his head to the side.

Shit, shit, shit! I thought that was in my head. Fuck!

“Nothing, forget about it,” I responded quietly, desperately hoping he would heed my words and just move on.

“Tell me what you meant.” He scrutinized me with his piercing green eyes, doing his best to figure out what my outburst could’ve been about.

“I said nothing. I mean…I…I don’t know what I’m saying. I’m a little out of sorts right now.” I’d attempted to straighten my clothes as he continued to peer down at me. Even with my wedge sandals on, I was still significantly shorter than him. I had to change the subject and do it quickly before he probed me any further. “I have to return to my friends now before they send out an APB on my ass. I’ve been gone forever.”

“It’s really only been a half hour; you’ll be fine.” Is he irritated with me? Smoothing down my skirt even more, I proceeded to walk around him, trying my best to put distance between us. As I hurried away, I heard him say, “I meant it about your clothes before. You shouldn’t choose something so revealing next time.”

I stopped short and wheeled around so I was facing him again, almost tripping over my own feet in the process. “I’ll continue to wear whatever I want. You can’t dictate my wardrobe, not that you’ll ever see me again anyway.” His rudeness instantly put my guard back up, which was a good thing because I found myself being very careless around him.

“We’ll see about that, sweetheart,” he said as he brushed past me on his way to the bar.

Yeah, we will see about that. I mumbled to myself all the way back to join my friends. When I finally reached them, I saw three guys crowding around my dear roommate and a couple girls trying to swoop in on Matt.

Alexa was in her glory, as usual, but I felt bad for Matt because he looked a little uncomfortable. He was trying to be polite, but the girls weren’t picking up on the hints he wasn’t interested. How dense can they be? He was trying to avoid all physical contact with them, even going so far as shrugging away from them as they tried to possessively grab his upper arm.

 I knew what I had to do to save my friend. “Honey, there you are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Making my way past the pushy women, I sat right down on Matt’s lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. He was trying to contain his laughter as I leaned in to whisper in his ear. “I thought you could use the help.”

“Thanks.” It was all he needed to say. Even though I was in the moment, trying to help a friend, I couldn’t help but search the crowd around me, hoping to catch a glimpse of the sexy stranger I was entangled with not five minutes before.

My eyes locked with his almost instantly, the snarl on his face suddenly confusing me. What the hell is his problem? It was then I caught him glancing from me to Matt then back again. Oh, okay. Now I understand why he’s mad. Or did I? He didn’t even know me well enough to appear to be that pissed off. Yeah, we were pretty intimate a few moments ago, but he couldn’t lay claim to me.

I grabbed my watered-down drink from the table and tried to ignore him, brooding glances and all.

I wonder how well the rest of the night will go.