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Adelaide's Fate (Her Fate Series Book 1) by G. Bailey (19)

“Popcorn, chocolate, friends, wine and my choice of movie. This is a perfect reward for my first week at work,” I say to Nath who grins as I take the bowl of popcorn off him and put my wine on the side table next to my chocolate. Josh and Rick are sat on the floor, resting their backs on the sofa. I look over at Mich on the other sofa, laying down with his legs crossed, and Tay who is sitting on the coffee table with her own collection of food. Pack is family. I don’t know who suggested movie night, but somehow, we all ended up here, and they let me choose a movie. I chose the latest Marvel film because you can never go wrong with one of their movies. They are amazing. Mich presses play with the remote, and I rest my head on Nath’s shoulder as I watch the film. His hand somehow gets to resting on my knee, and Rick moves closer, until his shoulder is pressed against my leg. I’m so comfy that the next thing I’m aware of is someone’s light snoring. I blink my eyes open to see I’m lying on top of Rick in his bed, and when I glance to my side, Mich is lying right next to me on the bed too. I move myself slowly until I’m lying right in the middle of them both and freeze as Rick mutters something in his sleep. Then his arm wraps around my waist, and I can feel his heavy breathing near the top of my head. I rest my hand over Rick’s arm, surprising myself with how comfy it is to be in the middle of them both. Mich’s eyes slowly open as I look back at him, and he sees me staring.

“We can leave if you want,” Mich whispers.

“No, don’t,” I say, and he nods, closing his eyes, and I do the same, happily falling straight back to sleep.

* * *

I stretch my arms out the next morning, surprised when I open my eyes and see Rick’s bed is empty. I sit up, pushing the blanket off me and feeling that I’m still dressed in the clothes from last night which are now crumpled up. At least it is Thursday and no work today. I nearly jump out of my skin when Tay, in owl form, flies through the window, landing on the bed before turning back into her pixie self.

“You are still here…why?” she asks, and I scoot back on the bed.

“Because I’m their friend and live next door,” I drawl. “I don’t plan on going anywhere even if you want me to.”

“Back to Frayan soon?” she asks, sounding hopeful.

“Nope. I was told not to go back to Frayan. Are you from there?” I ask her, and she nods.

“I am the last pixie of fate,” she tells me, her voice small and quiet like she doesn’t want to tell me that.

“Pixie of fate? Is that what your race is called?” I ask her.

“Yes. Your race made us to protect you, but you left, and we were killed over time for our magic,” she says, and I feel so sorry for her. She is all alone. I wonder what she means by my race making hers. Maybe she means the Fray made her or something, as I doubt my shifter side did.

“Do you want to go back to Frayan?” I ask her, and she shakes her head.

“Earth is safer for me. I find family,” she tells me, looking at the door. “Like you found family here too.”

“I did,” I whisper, and she actually smiles at me. I go to ask her why she wants me to go back to Frayan when the door opens and Rick walks in, naked with only a small blue towel wrapped around his waist. I cough on thin air as I gape at him, and he seems amused.

“I forgot to take clothes into the shower,” he tells me and looks at Tay. “Is everything okay?”

“Yep,” I answer, and Rick looks surprised for a second.

“Alright then. Anyway, Nath was making breakfast for you. You might want to go down before he goes to work and it gets cold,” he tells me.

“Food?” Tay asks, and Rick only nods once before she quickly flies out of the room. That damn pixie is going to eat my food. I know it. Rick goes to his dresser, putting his back to me as he opens the drawer. I slide to sit on the end of the bed, looking at the tense muscles on his back, making myself be brave and blurt out the question I’ve wanted to ask for the last two weeks.

“Was I that bad of a kisser that you are avoiding me now?” I ask, and he turns, holding some clothes as he gives me a confused look.

“That kiss was fucking amazing, don’t say that again,” he tells me and sighs at whatever he sees on my face. Rick walks over and sits next to me on the bed, putting his clothes to the side as I look up at him.

“Then why are you avoiding me?” I whisper the question.

“You are going out on a date with Nath…Mich looks at you like he wants more than a friend, and Josh…well I don’t get Josh, but I wanted to give you space to decide what you want. I wasn’t ignoring or avoiding you,” he admits quietly, but I don’t sense any lie in his words.

“It felt like you were,” I confess.

“Adelaide, you are beautiful, smart and brave…I think you might be my mate,” he blurts out to me, and I stare at him in shock.

“What?” I whisper.

“My wolf is very protective of you, and seeing you around the others isn’t easy when we aren’t mated. I didn’t want to tell you what my wolf is thinking when all this is going on. I planned to see what happened when you are back at the castle and we could have more time together,” he tells me, again all true.

“My wolf likes you too, but I don’t know if we are mates,” I tell him. I’ve heard that wolves can find their mates, but mum and dad never told me much about it.

“We need to shift together to find out, and I know you aren’t ready for that. When you want to find out, I’m here,” he tells me.

“And the date with Nath?” I lightly ask.

“Go. It will be fun, and I want the next date,” he says. “I know there is some kind of bond between you two, and sharing lovers isn’t something rare in the supernatural world. Hell, my stepmum has four mates.”

“That must be hard work, four mates,” I muse.

“It might be fun. Now, I need to get dressed and work out before going into work. You are more than welcome to stay and watch, but I think you might want to get downstairs before Tay eats all your pancakes,” he says, and I quickly jump off the bed when he starts to undo his towel. I tell myself not to look back as I’m pulling the door shut behind me, but I can’t help it when I do and see Rick naked from behind. Oh my god, he has a nice ass.

“Shut the door, Adelaide,” Rick suggests, and I giggle as I finish pulling the door shut. I walk to the stairs just as Nath runs up them, grinning when he sees me.

“Your cheeks are very red. They almost match your hair,” he tells me. “Are you free Saturday?”

“Why?” I ask.

“Our date. I want to take you out at seven on Saturday. Unless you’ve changed your mind?” he asks me, looking a little worried.

“Erm, nope. A date sounds perfect,” I reply, and he pulls me into a tight hug before putting me down.

“Food is on the table downstairs,” he tells me, and I lean up, kissing his cheek.

“Thank you!” I say before sliding around him and running down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen, surprised to see my pancakes all in one piece and Tay eating off her own plate. Maybe Tay and I will get along after all.