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Aiding the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 9) by Jessie Donovan (6)

Chapter Six

Aaron watched Teagan from the corner of his eye as she conferred with one of her clan members. The older male had gray hair and smile lines around his mouth. His instinct sensed the male was more like a grandfather to Teagan than anything else. It gave Aaron the opportunity to merely watch her as she worked.

In contrast to Stonefire’s leader, who used humor to comfort and calm, Teagan often touched a bicep, forearm, or shoulder as she talked. It was a much more female way to handle the situation, but that didn’t make it wrong, just different.

His beast spoke up. You’re being too serious. This is a celebration. We should have some fun.

There’s nothing wrong with observing others, especially if we’re to work closely with Glenlough in the future.

I think it’s more a case of you wanting to defeat her tomorrow morning.

That, too. Knowing your opponent is never a bad thing.

Teagan caught his gaze and she tilted her head at him. Aaron didn’t back down. He merely smiled.

She rolled her eyes and focused back on her clan member. Still, Teagan couldn’t hide the faint blush on her cheeks that he bet wasn’t because of the wine she’d drunk.

His beast spoke up again. She finds us attractive. Take advantage of it. I bet she’s a tiger between the sheets.

Aaron shouldn’t encourage his beast, but he couldn’t help but reply, I think you mean she’s a dragon.

That, too.

His gaze moved to the curve of her neck to where it met her shoulder. Some females were ticklish at that spot, and he wondered if running his bearded jaw against her skin would make her moan or giggle.

If only she weren’t clan leader, Aaron would tumble her and leave the next morning without any regrets.

But Teagan was clan leader, and he wasn’t about to fuck up his assignment to please his cock or his dragon.

His beast huffed. I’ll think of a way we can have it all.

Not dignifying his dragon with a reply, Aaron watched her a little longer. When she finally leaned to stand and a tendril brushed her chest, he wished he could be the one not only touching but also cupping her soft breast.

Teagan met his gaze, and he refused to back down as she made her way back to him. Once she sat next to him again, she murmured, “Enjoying the view? You’re supposed to win over the clan, not stare at me.”

He turned a little toward her. “And exactly how am I supposed to win them over? You gave your rah-rah speech, but then quickly left.”

The corner of her mouth ticked up. “Did someone miss me?”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” he answered. “Without you here, people were able to stare at me freely. You should be proud that I didn’t start waving to everyone who caught my eye.”

“Am I supposed to give you a cookie for not flipping them off instead?”

“Teagan,” he growled.

She snorted. “You’re so easy to provoke.” She waved toward the floor below. “You can wander around the hall freely. Although, I warn you, a few of the younger clan members may accost you. If so, you’re on your own.”

“So you have rules about where guests need to sit, but you ignore the old tradition of clan leaders leading visitors out to greet the clan?”

She leaned toward him and Aaron resisted the wild, earthy smell that was Teagan to focus on her whispered words. “If you want me to lead you out, you must be asking me to dance.”

His beast hummed. Yes, then we can touch her skin and see how soft it is.

He cleared his throat. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m merely trying to be polite.”

“Oh, I think not.” She stood again and offered her arm. “Come, Caruso. You can’t refuse the invitation of a clan leader, now, can you?”

“I could, but who says I want to.” Aaron stood and threaded his arm through hers. At the contact of her warm skin against his, his heart skipped a beat. He had no idea why the blasted female kept affecting him so, especially knowing she wasn’t his true mate.

Pushing aside those thoughts, he was careful to keep his voice even as he added, “Whatever plan you have, I will one-up you on it. You’ve been warned.”

Teagan blinked but quickly regained her composure. “We shall see. I look forward to you failing. It’ll be a preview of what’s going to happen tomorrow morning.”

She moved, and Aaron had no choice but to follow. As he matched her strides, he noticed the people of Glenlough pointing and talking. 

The whispers didn’t faze Teagan. She kept her head high and her shoulders back as she made a beeline to a table at one side of the large room, where a variety of audio equipment sat. A male stood behind the table with a smile. Once they reached him, he asked, “You’re that anxious for my skills, are you, Teagan?”

She laughed. “I just want to show our guest what he’s missing. Start with my favorite. But first, I need the microphone.”

As the unknown male picked one up, Aaron wondered what was Teagan’s favorite.

Her voice blasted into the room. “I know some of you just started eating, but our guest from Stonefire is impatient to dance. So, he and I will kick things off, and then others can join when they’re ready.”

She handed the microphone back to the male and tugged Aaron toward the cleared area in the center. He frowned. “We’re the only ones dancing to this song?”

Amusement danced in her eyes. “Is that a problem? I thought it was difficult to embarrass you.”

“Oh, I’m not embarrassed, but if I don’t know the dance, I don’t want to look the fool so soon.”

She grinned. “So you admit to looking the fool sometimes?”

He growled. “I didn’t say that.”

“I think you did.” They reached the cleared area and she released his arm. Once she was a few steps across from him, she put her arms at her side. “And if you don’t know this dance, then it’s because you skipped class that day and it’s your own fault.”

Aaron opened his mouth, but the beginning notes of one of the oldest dragon-shifter dances filled the hall. He did know the dance and not just because of class. It was his mother’s favorite, and Aaron had had to step up more than once to dance with her after his father’s abandonment.

As he bowed, he whispered, “Let’s see if you can keep up with me.”

The music cut off Teagan’s reply and Aaron took the first step.


Teagan’s heart thumped inside her chest. Not because of all the eyes on her. She was used to that.

No, it was because of the devilish look in Aaron’s eyes. She had a feeling he’d make her forget about everything but keeping up with him.

Her dragon spoke up. That’s a good thing. Once he knows our touch, he’ll be begging to kiss us in a dark corner somewhere.

Before she could state again that she wasn’t going to kiss Aaron that evening, the music began. She and Aaron bowed to one another before circling each other left and then right. 

His dark brown eyes were intense, but it was foolish to think he was focusing on her. The male was competitive and out to win. He was probably looking for any fault to take advantage of.

Too bad Teagan was determined to outshine him first. Just because she could take down a male who weighed several stone more than her didn’t mean she couldn’t be dainty and graceful in order to outdo a male on the dance floor, too.

She put out her right hand and Aaron his left. The instant their palms touched, a shot of electricity raced through her body. But she didn’t have time to study Aaron and see if he felt the same pull of attraction as she.

True mate or not, she would admit he was a handsome male. And with his eyes and smiles, he’d probably danced with many females. Teagan wouldn’t read into anything.

They twirled with their hands clasped and released at the right moment to spin around and face each other once more. Aaron reached out and placed a hand on her waist to pull her close. She sucked in a breath at the heat of his skin through the thin material of her dress. 

Aaron’s pupils flashed to slits and back before he took her hand and led her in the pattern of the dance. As their bodies moved in time to the music, she was content to allow him to lead. 

Her dragon chuckled. It’s the first step to my grand plan. I look forward to him leading in other ways, such as when we’re naked.

Teagan concentrated on the steps of the dance before replying, You’re not helping. I don’t want to stumble.

Aaron increased his movements as the tempo picked up. She murmured, “You’re better at this than I thought.”

He tilted his head. “So are you ready to wax on about my dancing skills?”

She rolled her eyes. “One dance proves nothing. All I have to do is request an Irish one, and you’d be on the sidelines within seconds, nursing a twisted ankle or worse.”

“Then it’s a good thing I don’t own a pair of the special shoes you need to make the tapping sounds. I can sit out from the beginning and merely watch your legs as they flail about.”

As Aaron spun her, he pulled her tighter against his body. Only because the dance was ingrained into her being did she not miss a step. Aaron radiated an unimaginable amount of heat. A faint sheen of sweat probably covered her face from both dancing and being in Aaron’s proximity.

Her beast spoke up. We’d never be cold in bed again.

Focusing on the male, she kept up with him. “We have plenty of those types of shoes to share. I’m sure one of my Protectors would lend you theirs.”

“I might twist my ankle, and then I wouldn’t be able to face you in the morning. Which would you rather have—me stumbling to prove you’re a better dancer or having me available to brush up your skills to prepare for the upcoming challenge?” he asked.

“You’re right. I think I’d rather pin you to the ground and have you cede to me. That’ll be more satisfying.”

Aaron put extra energy into his turn as he murmured, “I was just thinking the same thing.”

As the song wound down, Aaron slowed his steps. When they stepped apart to face each other and bow at the final notes, Teagan resisted the urge to take his hand and perform another dance so that their bodies would touch again. 

Her dragon huffed. Invite him to the hallway and we can sneak away.

As much as I’d love to act like a teenager with her first beau, the clan will have questions about my announcement. I need to make my rounds.

The clan is enjoying dinner and music. They can survive an hour without you.

An hour is being generous. Most males barely last five minutes.

Her dragon grunted. I have plans. It’s fun to tease and prolong the event. There’s much we could do before sleeping with him.

Aware that the music had stopped, Teagan put out her arm and Aaron threaded it through hers again. She quickly said to her beast, Not tonight.

Then you didn’t say never.

Aaron’s husky whispered filled her ear. “Is your dragon impressed with my dancing?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know? If you win tomorrow, I’ll tell you.”

“That just gave me extra incentive. But if I get a boon, then you should have one, too. That will make the competition far more interesting.”

You know what we want, her dragon answered.

Teagan knew she was on dangerous ground. Aaron was her link to Stonefire. She should keep her distance and merely use him as a tool to better help Glenlough.

However, before she could stop herself, she blurted, “You come to my cottage and make dinner for me.”

He raised his brows a fraction. “How do you even know I can cook?”

“I did my research. I know you can.”

He snorted. “That’s not much of an ask.”

“Ah, but I didn’t finish. I want you to make dinners for as long as you’re here. I hate cooking, and it’ll free up so much time to do other things. Think of it as Stonefire assisting Glenlough. That’s quite the important task.”

Shaking his head, he replied, “Putting aside your ridiculous excuses, if I’m to agree, then I should get more than your dragon’s answer about my dancing. You have to tell me what your dragon is thinking anytime I ask, provided it won’t violate security protocols or risk someone’s safety.”

Her dragon’s amused voice filled her head. That could be fun.

Teagan could make up excuses and bow out. She outranked Aaron. Soldier that he was, he’d have to accept that if he wished to complete his assignment on Glenlough.

Of course, that would put distance between them. And no matter how much she shouldn’t want it, she already craved the ease of being herself in Aaron’s presence.

For the first time in a long time, she didn’t have to be a leader with someone. She could just be Teagan O’Shea. True, it was in small increments, but it was more than she’d had in years.

She stood a little taller. “Okay, but I’m not worried. I look forward to having a cook for a few weeks.”

Aaron leaned over to her ear and murmured, “Since I understand how dragons think, I look forward to hearing what yours has to say. I’m sure your cheeks will go pink several times an hour.”

Her dragon cackled, but Teagan ignored her. Since Teagan would win, she didn’t worry about her dragon teaming up with Aaron to make her blush.

Her beast chimed in. You’ve just issued a challenge to me as well. Maybe I should try to sabotage you and make you lose.

They approached the table where her mother and grandmother sat. Behave, or Gran will interrogate us to find out what’s going on. Wine can only explain already flushed cheeks and not a sudden burst of pink.

Fine, I’ll save it for later. But just know that I’m not done thinking about him naked. And I really am going to have a think if it’ll be more fun to help Aaron win or help you win.

Teagan wanted to shake her head, but she merely whispered to Aaron, “With our deal sealed and out of the way, you need to act like a representative again. My grandmother was once clan leader, and if you’re not careful, she’ll start thinking that there is something between us. Or worse, she’ll play matchmaker, and she’s one tenacious dragonwoman.”

Aaron’s muscles tensed under her fingers. “Can’t have that, now, can we?”

His words were practical, but they stung. She only hoped Aaron didn’t morph back into a formal, cold Protector. She’d lose her rare chances to be herself again for who knew how long, especially if she never took a mate.

Thankfully Teagan was good at keeping a smile pasted on her face and doing what was necessary in the moment.

Her dragon spoke up. You could always go to another table first, to better prepare for a meeting with Gran.

That will only make Gran suspicious. You know that.

Aaron’s words prevented her from replying. “That must be her. Let’s get this party started. I have a way with charming older females, especially when it comes to strangers.”

Teagan barely resisted rolling her eyes. Only because her grandmother had spotted her heading in her direction did Teagan keep her face neutral. While her gran would never berate or question her publicly, she wasn’t shy about doing so in private. And she certainly didn’t want an interrogation to add to her plate.

Teagan smiled wider and stopped in front of her mother. “Grandmother, Mam, I’d like to introduce Aaron Caruso, from Clan Stonefire. Aaron, this is my grandmother, Orla Kelly, and my mother, Caitlin O’Shea.”

Her mum smiled, her blue eyes crinkling at the corners. “It’s good to see more Stonefire members on our land. First Bennett Moore-Llewellyn coming with his mate to look after his mother-in-law, then Brenna Rossi, and now you. Before long, it may be like my childhood when we went back and forth without blinking an eye.”

Her grandmother frowned. “It wasn’t exactly like that, Caitlin. I’m the old biddy who’s supposed to romanticize the past.” Orla turned her gaze to Aaron and studied him a second. “You’re a bit young, son.”

Teagan bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. Her grandmother wouldn’t be easy to charm, and she looked forward to seeing Aaron try to do so.


Aaron knew the older, silver-haired dragonwoman was trying to bait him, but she wasn’t the first gray-haired dragon to do so. He smiled. “We’re all young at heart, which is all that matters.”

Orla waved a hand. “I do know a few males in their sixties who act like children. Or even worse, those in their forties who rely on their females to function because they’re simply lazy. Irresponsibility is one of the worst faults. There’s such a thing as being too young at heart.”

“There’s also the right amount,” Aaron replied. “I’m sure over time I can convince you that I have that balance.”

“You’re a bit cocky,” Orla stated.

“There’s cocky and then there’s knowing yourself. False modesty tends to delay everything in my opinion. I like optimizing my time. I think you like efficiency, aye?”

The older female studied him before she replied, “That was the right answer. Always be direct with me, Aaron Caruso. I’m too old to beat around the bush.”

Teagan’s mother, Caitlin, frowned. “Mam, be nice. He’s our guest after all.”

“If he was a male who required fancy words, I wouldn’t still be talking to him. He can handle it, can’t you, lad?” Orla asked.

Aaron felt Teagan’s eyes on him, but he kept his focus on Orla. “I wouldn’t be a Protector if I couldn’t.”

Orla chuckled. “Honesty as well.” She raised her cane to point it at him. “Still, I’ll be watching you. I didn’t keep this clan together during my time to see things fall apart now. Undermine my granddaughter and I won’t hold back.”

Teagan spoke up. “Gran, I can take care of myself.”

“Of course you can. But you’re still my granddaughter. If I don’t look out for you, then who will?”

“Mother, I’m sitting right here,” Caitlin answered.

“You’re too kindhearted,” Orla said with a sigh. “Gracious knows you take after your father’s side of the family in that regard.”

Sensing a reoccurring argument, Aaron spoke up. “If either one of you cares to dance later, I’d love to claim one. We can get to know each other better.”

“Why? Are you planning to court me? I’m not sure you can handle me,” Orla stated.

Aaron grinned. “Dancing is all about handling your partner, but I’ll be a gentleman and resist your flirtation to do so.”

Teagan choked next to him, but Aaron kept his focus on Orla. He sensed he was passing a test and damned if he’d fail.

Amusement danced in Orla’s eyes. “I rarely dance these days, but if I can lean on you, then I just might. I’ll signal you when I’m ready.”

Teagan cleared her throat and Aaron looked over at her. Only because he was standing next to her did he notice the tightness in her jaw. 

His dragon laughed. It seems even clan leaders have to deal with eccentric family members.

Aaron turned to Teagan’s mother. “My offer extends to you as well.”

Caitlin smiled warmly. “No, thank you. My son usually wears me out after a few dances.”

Orla shook her head. “That boy is too protective of you.”

When all three females remained quiet, he sensed there was more to the story.

However, he wasn’t going to prod and ruin the mood. Family secrets sometimes needed to be kept that way. “We should be going since Teagan mentioned that I have a lot of people to meet. Until later, Mrs. Kelly. I’ll be waiting for our dance.”

Orla looked to Teagan. “Just don’t wear him ragged before I claim that dance. It’s been a long time since a handsome fellow unrelated to me has asked to twirl these old bones around the great hall.”

“He’ll be more than ready for you, Gran,” Teagan answered flatly.

“Good.” Orla moved her gaze back to Aaron. “Then I’ll see you soon, Mr. Caruso.”

After Aaron murmured his goodbyes, they walked toward another table. Once out of earshot of her relatives, Teagan let out a long sigh. Aaron squeezed her arm in his. “I think I managed that well.”

“We can discuss you flirting with my grandmother later. For now, I need to ferry you around the room before my gran wants to dance. Keep her waiting and you’ll never hear the end of it.”

“So, she’s a normal grandparent, then?”

Teagan smiled. “Yes, but don’t tell anyone else that. She’s a former leader first and foremost. She doesn’t want to appear soft.”

“Well, I like her. She has fire.”

Teagan glanced at him for a few seconds before steering him toward a specific table. “Just don’t try to poach her for your own clan. Orla Kelly lives and breathes Glenlough.”

“I didn’t say anything about stealing her. Bram would kill me for bringing a strong-willed, older female for one. But it’s nice to have allies whilst living on foreign soil.”

“Why do you need her as an ally? So that you can gang up on me?”

“Well, if by some small chance I lose tomorrow morning, then I’ll make sure to invite her to dinner most nights. That way it’ll be two against one.”

He winked and Teagan’s pupils flashed. Not for the first time Aaron wondered if her dragon was on his side or against him.

His beast spoke up. I think she’s on our side. Teagan usually blushes when her eyes flash. I may use that later to coax a kiss or more.

Are you still harping on about sleeping with her?

Why not? She obviously wants us, too.

Before he could think of yet another excuse of why that was a bad idea, Teagan stopped at one of the tables and introduced him to more clan members. His exchange with Orla had lightened his mood, so it was easy to wink and charm. 

It also helped distract him from thinking about his challenge with Teagan the next morning.