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All I Want is You: A Second Chance Romance by Carter Blake, Aiden Forbes (234)


The metal bars open, and I’m finally free…

Katy and I were sure to make jail a sexy time, but I still don't like to be restrained.

That's her job.

Luckily, my lawyer was able to get Katy out as well so she didn't have to turn any tricks to escape once again. It's the least I could do for the girl I'm starting to fall for.

I still have a persona to maintain. I have to keep up appearances with Katy. She still doesn’t know I'm a billionaire and that I own one of the largest and most successful banks in the country.

I know I'll have to tell her the truth at some point—and I'm not sure it will go over very well.

She was honest with me. The least I can do is be honest with her.

She doesn’t even know it was my bank she was planning on robbing.

I want to see if Katy has changed. Maybe this incident with the bomb and being jailed has turned her opinion around. Maybe she'll finally stop stealing from the rich.

One thing’s for sure. When Katy finds out the truth, she will be fucking pissed. And that's a day I'm not looking forward to.

"Baby, are you okay?" I ask her when we meet in front of the police station.

We're both dressed in yesterday's clothes and we're both famished.

"I'm good,” she says. “That female cop just wanted to make sure that I had all my belongings."

"Well, let's go eat at this local diner I know. It's the perfect after-jail meal," I say, hoping to tempt her to spend more time with me.

"How would you know?" she asks me in a teasing tone. "Something tells me you had never seen the inside of a cell until last night."

I shrug. "That’s true. But you can't hold that against me," I say, taking the opportunity to grab her ass.

I can't keep my hands off her.

We get to the parking lot and spot my Mercedes.

"I had my car brought over here so I can drive," I say.

"Sounds good," she says.

Even freshly out of jail, she looks beautiful. Her hair is unkempt because of all the fucking, but she still looks perfect.

I’m already thinking about our next. But first, we have to eat.

We drive downtown, and I'm happy to show Katy my favorite little haunt. It's a diner that's been around forever. They have the best breakfast food, but more importantly, they're open all day and all night.

I've been here many a morning to nurse my hangovers.

We walk in and the first thing Katy orders is black coffee. I should've guessed.

Now that I have her back in the light of day, I think she has some explaining to do.

"So, Katy," I begin, "I think it's time you tell me the truth."

A worried expression flashes across her face. "Truth about what?"

"I think you should tell me exactly why we got arrested."

She laughs. She thought I was going to ask her a deeper question.

Lucky for me, she’s already revealed the fact that she's a hacker. Unfortunately for her, she doesn’t know that I own the bank she intends to hack.

She sets her eyes on me and says in an unapologetic tone, "Well, since I'm alone now, hacking on my own, I need new equipment that can infiltrate the more sophisticated systems that I target.” She sighs.

“Unfortunately, you can only buy that kind of thing on the black market because most of it is illegal. That's where I was going the day you followed me. That's why we got arrested."

I think back to the jealous rage I had felt when I followed her. I thought maybe she was going to see another man.

It’s at that moment I realize I desire Katy for more than just her body. I'm starting to feel possessive of her. I want her to see me—only me.

This sense of jealousy landed me in jail. But I can't say I regret a second of it. Jail was one of the more intriguing spots I've had sex with Katy in.

"So," I say over eggs and toast, "you're planning on going at it alone as a hacker, huh? Somehow, I thought this experience would teach you that you need to legitimize your job."

She looks up at me through her long eyelashes. "Why would you think that? I'm a hacker. I'm a very good hacker. I do what I do for reason, and I'm not gonna stop because I accidentally got involved with some disreputable people."

I recall the fact that she was talking about infiltrating more sophisticated systems. This leads me to surmise that she’s talking about my own business. What an uncomfortable position to be in.

She’s buying equipment so that she can hijack my company's finances, and here I am paying for her breakfast.

A man approaches us in the diner. I know him. He's a fellow businessman. I can't have him revealing who I really am. Now is not the time for Katy to learn the truth about me.

I stand up to meet him halfway, but he beats me to the punch. He walks over to our table, then looks at Katy and me.

"Hi, Marcus," he says. "How have you been?"

"Jeff," I say, "nice to see you. It's been too long. Things are going really well, thanks."

I'm hoping he just takes this greeting for what it is and leaves...but he doesn't.

"Who is this beautiful young lady?" he asks, extending his hand to Katy. "I'm Jeff, Jeff McDonald. Marcus and I have done some business together."

I cut into the conversation before he can spill my secret. "She's just an acquaintance. We thought we'd have a little bit of lunch at this exclusive diner."

The man eyes Katy and then looks up at me. He's obviously wondering if we're sleeping together and what our relationship is.

Well, I'm not going to stand here and tell him anything about my sex life. I don't have anything to prove. I barely even know the guy...

It's such a close call that I'm afraid Katy will find out that I'm more than what I seem. Why would I, a so-called activist, have business relations in the city? It's a question I hope she isn't tempted to ask.

I look down at her. She looks annoyed and sullen. I've never seen her look so downcast.

"Well, Jeff, it was great to see you."

"You too, Marcus. We should have lunch sometime."

"Definitely," I say.

And then he says, "I'll have my secretary call yours."

His statement makes me pause, worried that this will make Katy ask about my true identity. Thank fuck he didn't mention our recent contract together.

I sit back down across from Katy, but she barely meets my eyes. Does she suspect anything? Does she sense that something's off?

Before I have a second to find out my answer, she abruptly says she has to go.

"Where do you have to be?" I ask her. "We just got out of jail. You can't have a pressing engagement right now, can you?"

I know she's upset, and I have to figure out why.

"I just need to go," she says, but I know it’s an excuse. "Like I said, I have equipment to buy and things to do."

She's trying to brush me off, and I know she's lying.

I probe her for the truth. "Katy, what's wrong? Tell me."

She looks up at me. "You want the truth? The truth is that I don't really know what our relationship is. And obviously you don't either, if you can introduce me as simply an ‘acquaintance’. I thought I was more than that to you by now. I guess I was wrong. And now I have to go."

I grab her arm from across the table. Now it all makes sense.

"Katy, we're together now...exclusively. At least that's how I see it. I just didn't think the whole world needed to know, especially some businessman I barely even know."

Her face brightens up when I tell her that I want to be exclusive. That’s how I’ve been feeling for a while now, and I really couldn't imagine any other way for us to be.

I want Katy to be mine. I don't care what her lifestyle is—I need to have her in my life forever.

After our little talk, she agrees to let me take her home. I think that we're a far cry from that first moment I met her—when she stole my wallet and ran from me.

Well, I won’t let her go this time.