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Anubis (Guardian Security Shadow World Book 1) by Kris Michaels (11)

Chapter Eleven

Sky paced the small waiting area. The nurse had explained the television monitor had a number-coded system that told Sky each time Kadey was moved from one area to the next. According to the number they assigned her, Kadey was still in the operating theater. Sky paced the fourteen steps to the window, turned, glanced at the computer screen and walked the same fourteen steps back. Kaeden leaned motionless against the doorframe. She could feel his eyes track her, but there was no way she could stop pacing. If she stopped, she'd start chewing her fingernails again. She'd already bloodied her fingers, and Kaeden had literally pulled her thumb from her mouth and forced her to notice what she was doing. Sky glanced at the clock and then at the screen. Three hours. Her baby had been out of her sight for three hours.

"Sky, come sit down, just for a little bit." Kaeden's voice broke into her mental hysteria.

She shook her head and walked to the window, glanced at the screen and turned around to collide with Kaeden's chest.

His hands cupped her upper arms. "Please, you're exhausting me. Come over here and sit down, just for a minute.

Kaeden guided her to the bank of plastic chairs that were connected to each other by chrome tubing. He sat down and pulled her into his lap. Sky tucked into his chest and hid her face in the curve of his neck. He didn't wear cologne, but he didn't need it because the man's scent was simultaneously arousing and a balm that soothed her frayed nerves. He rubbed her back and lifted away to kiss the top of her head.

"She'll be okay. We'll get you both out to the ranch in South Dakota where you can relax, and she can recover."

"You're sure they will be able to take care of us?" She repeated the questions that they had gone over yesterday. They'd replayed this exact conversation many times since he told her the plan. Guardian had the facilities to take care of Kadey, and the care would be free. Kaeden had paid all her bills in California. She didn't have to worry about the bank repossessing her car or her house or about suffocating under a mountain of medical bills.

Kaeden needed to go back overseas to wrap up some loose ends. He never waivered on the fact that he wouldn't stay. Sky sighed, resigned to never having the closeness she needed from the man. She closed her eyes and melted into his warm strength for just a moment. She had him for now.

"Mr. and Mrs. Long?" Sky spun around at a man's voice and then sent a wild glance back at the monitor. Kadey was still in the operating room.

"What is it?" Sky shouted the question. Kaeden grabbed her arm steadying her when she jumped up, and thank God he did. She didn't know if she could keep herself upright. The man wore scrubs and an eye patch. He removed his surgical cap exposing a wave of blonde hair.

"Kadey is fine. I'm Doctor Adam Cassidy. I'm sorry we didn't meet sooner, but Guardian sent me to monitor Kadey's case and to ensure she gets the best care possible. I arrived this morning and have been with her team. I'll also be the one who will take care of her follow-up when we get back to South Dakota. The repair of the defect and the valve went straight along textbook lines. Kadey is strong, and her heart is now working the way the doctors were anticipating."

Sky clasped her hand over her heart and closed her eyes saying an immediate prayer of thanks. She popped her eyes open and asked, "When can I see her?"

"She'll be out of the operating suite soon, then in post-op until she comes out of anesthesia before we take her to ICU."

"ICU?" Sky gasped.

"Standard procedure for a surgery of this nature. They can monitor her better there. I anticipate she'll be in a normal room by this time tomorrow. I'm sure we will take you back as soon as possible, so she doesn't get scared when she starts to wake up. I'll come get you as soon as the staff here authorizes it."

"Thank you." Sky whispered and collapsed into Kaeden's hold. She swiped at the tears that trailed down her cheek.

"Hey, that was good news. No tears are authorized." Kaeden pulled her into his chest.

She nodded but cried all the harder. "I'm just so relieved." Sky wrapped her arms around Kaeden's waist.

"I know." Kaeden held her until the tall blonde pirate-slash doctor came back for them. Sky clung tightly to Kaeden's arm until she saw her baby. The nurse standing beside her bed smiled at Sky. "She's waking up. She'll be groggy and sleepy, but she did very well."

Sky smiled and wiped at her wet cheeks again. She picked up Kadey's small hand careful not to touch the IV or any of the cords that attached her daughter to the machines monitoring her. "Oh, my God! Kaeden, her hand is warm." Sky reached down and touched Kadey's feet. They were pink and toasty. "Her feet are warm, too!"

She smiled back at Kaeden and the pirate doctor. She'd have to ask the man's name again, but later. She was so happy to touch her baby right now that nothing else really mattered. Sky leaned down and spoke to Kadey, "Hey baby. You did it. The doctors fixed you all up. Pretty soon you're going be able to run as much as you want."

Kadey's eyes blinked open, and she smiled. Just a small smile, but Sky felt her eyes well up with tears again. Kaeden brought a chair up, and she sat down, still holding Kadey's hand. He leaned over and kissed Kadey on the forehead. "You did good, sweetheart." Kadey mumbled something that made Kaeden smile.

"What did she say?"

Kaeden stood up and blinked back what seemed suspiciously close to tears. "She said she wants her treat."

Sky laughed and kissed Kadey's hand. "As soon as the doctor says it's okay, we will get you all the ice cream you can eat."

Kaeden squeezed Sky's shoulder and backed away giving mother and daughter a few moments. He saw Doctor Cassidy out of his peripheral vision and spoke to him. "Thank you for being here." He was able to breathe, finally. He'd masked his emotion all day to remain strong for Sky, but the thought of his little girl under the knife eviscerated him. The inside of his cheek was bloody because he'd stopped himself from asking all the questions Sky had already asked. He was walking a tightrope without a net. He wanted to know the answers, but to let Sky know he was so emotionally invested… fuck, that wouldn't be fair to her.

"I've got a little girl. Elizabeth. We call her Lizzy. She's four. If anything ever happened to her, I'd want to make sure she had the best care possible. You never have to thank me for taking care of anyone in the Guardian family."

Anubis nodded. He'd spent so much time on the fringes of the organization, the outpouring of help was overwhelming. "Thank you for taking care of my…" Kaeden swallowed hard and cleared his throat, "…my daughter." The words were no more than a whisper. Sky couldn't have heard him.

"Oh, and I have a message for you. Fury says your family will be safe with him. Take care of your business. I'm going to add my two cents. Whatever it takes, brother."

Anubis turned his head to look at the doctor. The man concentrated on the tablet he held. Thank God, because the tightrope just got a fuck-ton thinner. Anubis nodded and cleared his throat again before he spoke, "For as long as it takes, brother." Anubis extended his palm and shook the hand of a fellow warrior.

Damn near twenty-four hours later, Anubis finally convinced Sky to go to the cafeteria to get something to eat. Kadey had been placed in a private room, and Doctor Cassidy had assured him Kadey was doing well. He sat down in one of the oversized chairs that came with the private room. He saw the door open and watched as a woman slipped in. She wore scrubs and had a tablet in her hand, but she didn't move toward Kadey. Instead, she leaned against the wall. She was average height and average build and of oriental descent. She'd pulled her thick black hair back into a ponytail. The assassin he knew as Moriah jacked up her foot and propped it against the wall as she fished out something from her pocket. "Your woman met up with Cassidy. She's in good hands." She tossed the object at Anubis.

He caught it as it flew toward him, and lowered his gaze to it before lifting his eyes and raising his eyebrows. Moriah shrugged. "Asp told me to give that to you as soon as I could. This is the first time I've had the opportunity to make contact."

Anubis lowered his chin once in acknowledgement. "Thank you." He examined the tin of peanut butter crackers as he spoke. "Are you following us back to the complex?"

Moriah nodded. "I have orders to make sure your woman and child remain safe. I'll travel as a nurse. Cassidy knows. I would appreciate it if you didn't tell your woman."

"She knows nothing about us." Anubis opened the tin and devoured the first cracker sandwich in one bite.

Moriah scratched her arm in a lazy fashion as they watched each other. "She will find out eventually. When she does, wouldn't you rather that you were the one to control the information?"

Anubis shrugged and popped another sandwich. Asp sending him food was a new trend, but one he would not object to. "The only thing she needs to know now is that her daughter is safe and receiving the care she needs."

Moriah swung her steady gaze from Anubis to Kadey. "Children deserve to be healthy and happy."

"They do." Anubis's mind flitted back to his sister and the horror of her death.

"Do you believe we will ever be happy?" The question drew his eyes from his daughter.

"Bengal is happy." He knew Fury was happy too, but that was one secret he'd take to his grave. Bengal was open about walking into the light. Fury had "died" in order to escape the Shadows. Each had a different path and different circumstances. Anubis wondered if they would be the only two who would escape.

Moriah nodded. "I heard. I'll keep the three of you safe tonight. Get some sleep. I have a feeling you're going to need it."

Anubis inclined his chin in acknowledgement as she slipped from the room. He closed his eyes momentarily, committing the woman's facial features to memory. She'd given him her trust. The gift was rare, and he understood how much it took to lift the veil they lived behind. He'd revealed himself to Bengal, Thanatos, Asp, Lycos and now Moriah-five of the deadliest people in the world with whom he shared an alliance only they could understand. Moriah's revelation of her appearance was a binding gesture not easily given, and it was coupled with respect that came from an acknowledgement of his years of succeeding where others had failed. Their Shadow World lives were interwoven and yet solitary. He opened his eyes and stood up; stretching before walking the few steps required to stand at the bedside of his baby girl.

Anubis pushed her dark brown curls off her forehead and leaned down to kiss her mop of brown hair. Somehow, he had to find a way to merge his world and Sky's. He needed a way forward, a way he could walk toward the light, but not be exposed by it. He needed a path where Sky and Kadey could walk near the shadow but not be consumed by it. Anubis took his little girl's hand in his, careful not to move any of the tubes or wires that ran to the machines. "I'll figure it out, princess. I promise. Somehow."